After a lunch, Li Yalin and the three girls came to Zuellni’s Central Park. This is a gathering place for couples. It’s just that if Li Yalin brings the three girls here alone, it will cause some weirdness. Look at it.

“Yalin-senpai, please try it if you don’t mind.” Sitting on a bench, Mayshen opened his bento box and saw that it was filled with chocolate cookies .

“Yalin-senpai said last time that he likes chocolate chip cookies, so I made some of them this time.” Although Mayshen has become more active today, his original nature cannot be changed. After taking the initiative for a noon, Mayshen became shy again.

“Oh! Then I’m welcome, Mayshen’s chocolate chip cookies are very delicious!” Li Yalin is also not polite. Besides, Mayshen’s cookies are really good, Li Yalin I like to eat very much.

“Very good, as long as you like Senpai.” See Li Yalin likes it very much, Mayshen also let out a long relaxed breath, but Mifi and Naruki look at Mayshen’s expressions. A trace of banter.

“I said Mayshen…huh?” Just when Mifi wanted to say something, Zuellni suddenly shook violently. This not only interrupted Mifi’s words, but also compared his body. The weak Mayshen almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Li Yalin was supporting Mayshen, otherwise Mayshen would definitely fall badly.

“What’s the matter?” Naruki, a martial artist, is naturally not as flustered as Mayshen and Mifi. After stabilizing her figure, she immediately looked around all around and found nothing It was sighed in relief only after a serious illness, but before the breath was over, another violent shaking came.

“Filth Monster, did it appear.” Li Yalin knew very well. Although it has long been known that Zuellni would meet Filth Monster, Li Yalin could not change this reality. After all, mobile city was created by Zuellni In controlling instead of Li Yalin, Li Yalin didn’t think about changing Filth Monster’s offense. First, he needs to kill Filth Monster to complete the Quest. Second, Nina and the others also need to see the real battle. This time Filth Monster The offense is the best experience for them.

“What? Filth Monster? Impossible?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, the three girls were shocked, and Filth Monster attacked? What a horrible fact this is!

“There is no time to explain, I will take you to evacuation right now, and then I estimate that each squad will leave.” Li Yalin frowned, after sending the three girls to a safe place, Li Yalin immediately turned around I went to find Nina and the others.

At this time, the broadcast calling all squad players has sounded. All elite squad players must now gather in the Student President’s office. At this critical juncture, the entire Zuellni has taken action, ordinary students In the asylum, the students of the Martial Arts Department are responsible for maintaining order.

“Thirty percent of Zuellni’s movement has fallen into the cracks in the ground. Simply can’t move freely. If it is normal, we still have the ability to escape independently, but now…” Open Student in Li Yalin After the door of the President’s office, it was discovered that the office was full of elite squad players. At this time, the Student President was describing the current situation. From his expression, we can know that the incident was very serious.

“Is it surrounded by Filth Monster’s juvenile body now?” Li Yalin’s voice sounded untimely, which made everyone in the room turn their eyes to Li Yalin, and Nina ran right away. Li Yalin’s side, a little anxiously asked: “Where have you been? Why did you come here now?”

“Didn’t I say that I have an appointment today.” Li Yalin answered Nina’s question with a smile After that, he turned his attention to President Karian.

“You should be grateful that these are just some larvae of Filth Monster. If Larva reappears in the current situation, then Zuellni will be ready for extinction.” Li Yalin smiled President Karian said.

“Even the larval Filth Monster is not so easy to deal with. This is Zuellni, not Grendan, Schoolmate Li Yalin.” For Li Yalin’s slightly mocking tone, President Karian had an expression on his face. It hasn’t changed, but the tone is still a bit blunt, but at this moment, Nina on the side raises her own question.

“City should avoid the movement of Filth Monster. This kind of thing shouldn’t happen!” Nina is still a little skeptical about being surrounded by Filth Monster.

“The only thing that city can avoid is the Filth Monster on the ground. This time I’m afraid it’s stepping through the maternal nest that is dormant underground due to laying eggs.” President Karian answered this.

“The new-born Filth Monster is extremely hungry. The mothers who have just laid eggs will personally become fodder to provide nutrition for the larvae. But if there are other sources of supply in the vicinity, what will they do? Do?” Vanze said with a serious face at this time.

“Do you all understand the meaning of this?” And just after his tone barely fell, President Karian also began to cooperate.

Afterwards, Vanze started another pre-war mobilization, but after Vanze finished speaking, Li Yalin was already laughing.

“Schoolmate Li Yalin, do you have any disagreement?” After seeing this scene, President Karian’s brows immediately frowned. When the whole city is in a state of life and death, Li Yalin is still alive and dead. Can you laugh?

“Sorry, although Vanze’s words are very contagious and enthusiastic after hearing them, do you think you can deal with Filth Monster just by having the courage? All the players present are elite squad players. , So I just said it bluntly. With the current tactics, I want to fight against Filth Monster. It’s a pure act of sending death. Of course, if sending death is valuable, it’s all, but this kind of meaningless sending death Do you think the act of President Karian is worth it?” After Li Yalin retracted his smile, he asked President Karian with a serious face.

“You guy! What right does you guy have to say?” At this moment, a kid with red hair suddenly rushed to Li Yalin’s. This should be 5th Platoon’s Vice- Captain, it’s just a little female monkey, Li Yalin simply didn’t take seriously.

“I’m just asking a question, kid! This is not where you should be, let’s go home and play!” After all, Li Yalin picked up the collar of the little female monkey and directly Dumped her to Captain of 5th Platoon.

“Look at your little ghost!” Looking at the 5th Platoon Captain with short white hair, Li Yalin said disdainfully, although in memory he did have a grudge with the Senior Brother in front of him. , But this grievance is completely different from the original plot. Even Li Yalin left Grendan for a completely different reason. Simply was not exiled by the queen like the original plot, but Li Yalin abandoned the identity of Heaven’s Blade. , Left Grendan with his own will.

Looking at Li Yalin in front of me, Captain of 5th Platoon, which is the younger brother of Savaris Qaulafin Luckens of one of the Twelve Heaven’s Blade Wielder -Gorneo Luckens, after he stopped talking a few more times, Finally chose silence. Although the kid in Gorneo’s arms is constantly struggling, Gorneo understands that it is not time to care about these things, and what Li Yalin said is completely correct, which he cannot deny.

“So what does Schoolmate Li Yalin think should be done? Under this situation?” After the farce is over, President Karian asked Li Yalin with great interest, maybe in Karian In my heart, I hope Li Yalin can have an answer, at least if there is no other plan, the frontal combat can only be now Zuellni can choose.

“What should I do? As the Student President, you came to ask me what to do? But your choice is indeed correct, at least based on Zuellni’s current strength, there is really nothing other than frontal combat. The way, but this one began to charge after the first round of shelling. After all, this combat plan was written by the idiot. I really admire him. Is his head on his ass?” At this time, Li Yalin had already taken his hands. Karian’s combat plan was photographed in front of Karian. This plan is only available for each squad’s Captain, and the one in Li Yalin’s hands is naturally Nina’s.

“Is there any problem with this?” President Karian’s face was a little red, and it was obvious that he must also be involved in this plan.

“The problem is big. Have you ever thought about how many students will be left after the first round charge? It’s not an exaggeration. If you are facing a face-to-face battle, these ordinary players will be one-to-three. The body is struggling, even more how do you actually let ordinary Martial Arts Department students charge? How many people do you want to send to death?” Li Yalin pulled President Karian by the collar and said loudly. After seeing this plan, Li Yalin’s was suffocating in his heart, and it happened to be all out now.

“If it is not a head-on fight, it is difficult to defeat these Filth Monsters with guns and shells alone.” After Li Yalin pulled on President Karian’s collar, the students on the side wanted Coming to help, several of President Karian’s beautiful secretaries even fled their arms and aimed at Li Yalin, but President Karian waved his hand very calmly, and then explained to Li Yalin with a serious face.

“Don’t you know how to increase the power of firearms and shells?” Li Yalin asked immediately, but what Karian said just now is true. After all, the lack of power of firearms is also a big problem, especially launching. It’s still an energy cannonball. For the Filth Monster whose skin is rough and flesh is thick, the power is indeed not enough.

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