One hour later, all members of the 17th Platoon are ready. The location of Filth Monster has already been verified by an unmanned detection machine, and it has also been entered into the computer of the combat motorcycle, but time is running out and the others , Li Yalin entire group quickly moved towards Filth Monster’s gathering place and rushed over.

After nearly five hours of long-distance travel again, Li Yalin and the others finally came to the gathering place of Filth Monster. Although it is the gathering place of Filth Monster, they can stay here in Filth Monster. But there are only twelve in total, but these twelve Filth Monsters are quite difficult to deal with, because they have all evolved to the Larva third stage. If Zuellni faced the twelve Larva directly, they would be almost completely gone. Not far away.

“This is Filth Monster? Unbelievable!” Dalshena, who saw Larva for the first time, said with a face of disbelief.

It’s no wonder that although Dalshena has experienced the battle of the larvae, Dalshena’s knowledge of Filth Monster is limited to the larvae. Simply I have never seen higher-level Filth Monster, Nina and others. It’s the same. Except for Felli who has seen the Mature Filth Monster relying on Nen-I Terminal, everyone has only seen some Larva Phase I or the remains of the maternal body.

“This is the Filth Monster of Larva’s third stage, and it is also considered powerful among Filth Monster, and for Filth Monster, the third stage is a dividing line, because at this time Larva will choose to enter The breeding period evolves into Queen or gives up breeding and continues to mature mature, but everyone does not need to care about them. Everyone’s strength is improving very quickly. Although it is still difficult now, everyone can fight together and kill these guys together in the future.” After Li Yalin introduced Filth Monster a little, he smiled and encouraged everyone.

“Then, I’ll go up first.” After Li Yalin directed everyone nodded, he restored his DITE and rushed towards the Filth Monster group. At this time, the Filth Monsters were still asleep. Although the skin of the sleeping Filth Monster will be much harder than usual, it is only the third stage of the male Filth Monster, which is simply not a threat to Li Yalin.

These Larva third-stage Filth Monsters are about 30 meters tall alone, and a head is as tall as a Li Yalin on June 5th. In terms of size, these guys are better than those Awakened. Beings are much stronger, but this is only on the surface. If you want to say that the real fight, these male third-stage Filth Monsters can’t beat Awakened Beings at all, because Awakened Beings have two more things than Filth Monsters. , One is wisdom, and the other is Yoki.

Even if the body is huge, the skin is hard, and the power is full, apart from this Filth Monster, which has no other abilities, has no effect, so Li Yalin would say that Nina and the others can kill these Larva is only a matter of time, because He believes that even without their own help, Nina and the others will grow to this height very quickly.

To deal with these Filth Monsters, there is no need to spend too much effort on Li Yalin. It is just a wave of the long sword DITE in the hand. These Filth Monsters are divided into two like cut tofu, which is nothing at all. There was a slight obstacle, but this scene stunned everyone watching from a distance. Everyone has seen the strength of the juvenile body. You don’t think that the Larva that has evolved to the third stage will be weaker than the juvenile body. Then The only explanation is that Li Yalin’s strength has become so powerful that no one can even recognize it.

“I can too, I don’t want to be a burden to Yalin’s!” After seeing this scene, Nina muttered to herself, and after speaking, Nina also looked at her Fingers. Although she is wearing protective clothing gloves on her hands at the moment, Strength Ring and Concentration Ring are always worn on her fingers.

At this moment, Nina is looking at her fingers wearing the Concentration Ring. Unconsciously, Nina’s whole body of Kei has been concentrated in her hands. This makes everyone look at her very surprised because of Nina’s palm. A dazzling blue light has burst out.

After the energy in Nina’s hands burst to a limit, Nina moved towards Filth Monster group sent out an energy bomb with a diameter of more than one meter. Although this blow seemed ordinary and uncommon, and Nina also didn’t control well, but the energy bomb still hit a Filth Monster. Although it didn’t hit the Filth Monster head-on, it blasted off one of the front legs of the Filth Monster. This surprised everyone again. stand up.

Nina’s attack, Li Yalin, was naturally seen. Didn’t expect Nina to be so aggressive. He directly used the Concentration Ring to attack Filth Monster. In anxious Li Yalin instantly killed the rest. After Filth Monster, then teleport appeared in front of Nina’s.

At this time, Nina’s combat suit gloves had all been broken due to the huge power of the energy bomb, and Nina’s arms had been exposed outside. After seeing this, Li Yalin immediately took out spare gloves for Nina to wear On the other hand, if the skin is exposed to the outside for a long time, it will be corroded by external pollution sources.

“Let me say what is good about you? You are too aggressive, right? I don’t remember teaching you this!” Looking at Nina who has fallen to the ground from exhaustion, Li Yalin was kind and angry Said funny.

“Sorry Yalin, I didn’t expect, but I don’t want to be a burden to you, so I just didn’t know it…” Nina, who was already lying on the motorcycle, looked very weak at this time, but She also knew it was her own fault this time, so she looked very sorry when facing Li Yalin’s.

“Forget it, I only give you the ring to protect yourself, not to make you brave. If there is another time, then I will take the ring back!” Li Yalin half Said jokingly.

“No! There won’t be another next time!” didn’t expect Nina actually took Li Yalin’s joke seriously, at this time she was holding her finger with the ring, panic on her face The guarantee road.

Nina’s appearance made Li Yalin stunned. What he didn’t expect was that Nina’s thirst for power had reached a limit. After seeing that Concentration Ring could make herself emit such a powerful one. After the strike, how could she be willing to return the ring to Li Yalin?

“No next time, let’s finish this Quest, let’s go back to Zuellni.” After looking at Nina a little funny, like a child protecting her lollipop, Li Yalin then instructed everyone.

“This time, I’m in a car with Lili, Harley, take Captain back.” Just when everyone was about to get in the car and retreat, Felli suddenly said to Harley.

Li Yalin was carrying Nina when he came, and Harley was carrying Felli’s, but I didn’t know what Felli was going to do, so I had to change the car temporarily.

“Okay, it’s nothing.” This is actually not a major event, so Harley rides on a motorcycle with Nina’s, and Felli winks at Li Yalin directly, telling him to hurry up come.

I don’t know what medicine is sold in the Felli bottle gourd. Li Yalin was a little puzzled and rode the original Harley motorcycle. These things are all mass-produced equipment, and there is no applicability to say. There is no discomfort when changing cars.

“Lili, what ring did you give Captain?” On the way home, Felli suddenly asked Li Yalin, and Felli hadn’t spoken directly yet, and even used Nen-I Terminal to talk directly. In this way, others simply cannot hear the conversation between Li Yalin and Felli.

“Why do you ask that all of a sudden?” Li Yalin asked a little surprised. Didn’t expect Felli to ask this question unexpectedly.

“Please answer my answer and don’t change the subject.” Felli’s is very firm. She just wants to know what ring Li Yalin gave to Nina’s.

“In fact, what Nina used just now is just a ring with amplification ability, which can concentrate energy to the first point, but you can also see that the repercussions of this thing are very large. Deli, originally only intended for Nina to use when she was in the most critical situation, didn’t expect her to be so really strong.” Li Yalin explained helplessly.

“Do you like Captain?” After getting Li Yalin’s answer, Felli was silent for a while, but then what she said was that Li Yalin almost didn’t drive the motorcycle out.

“I said you speak well, okay? Why do you like whether I like Nina’s question?” Li Yalin said embarrassingly, although I really like Nina’s strong and hearty, it can be What Felli said, Li Yalin is really sorry.

“Your reaction just now told me the result.” Felli only said this sentence, but it made Li Yalin very speechless.

“Forget it, just think what you like, I didn’t explain it.” Li Yalin curled his lips and said nothing.

“Can your girlfriends accept Captain? And Dalshena, Naruki, Mayshen, Mifi or Leerin of your childhood friends?” At this time, Felli asked again, but this question makes How did Li Yalin answer?

“I said Felli, how did you become so gossip now? I don’t have to worry about this question. Why do you worry about it?” Li Yalin is completely speechless. How did Sanwuyou become a gossip girl?

“Do you still have such a ring?” After Li Yalin finished speaking, there was another silence, but after the silence, Felli seemed to have thought of something and suddenly asked Li Yalin. Tao.

“The Concentration Ring is gone, I’ll just have one, but there are still other rings.” Li Yalin didn’t think about anything else, and directly spoke Frankly.

“Give me one.” Felli said very indifferently, as if she was not asking for something from Li Yalin.

“What did you say? I didn’t hear it clearly?” Li Yalin asked in surprise, did he hear it right? Felli actually asked him for a ring?

“I said give me a ring, any ring is fine!” Although Li Yalin was wearing a protective helmet so that Li Yalin could not see Felli’s face, Felli knew that her face must have already been Full of blush. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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