“Okay.” Although I don’t know what Felli was thinking, Li Yalin still agreed to Felli’s request. It was just a Magic Ring. Li Yalin can redeem it at any time here, but Li Yalin does whatever he wants. I thought of it, I don’t seem to have a ring that can increase Spiritual Power, but there are other items that increase Spiritual Power, but there are no rings.

“The Felli, why don’t we change something, such as a bow or ribbon?” Li Yalin asked cautiously.

“No! You have promised to give me a ring, I don’t want other things!” She was a little happy when Li Yalin promised Felli’s just now, but after Li Yalin said this, Felli’s His face sank immediately.

“But I didn’t increase the Spiritual Power ring.” Li Yalin said with a bitter smile.

“I said, no matter what the ring is, I just want the ring!” Felli said this and stopped talking. Li Yalin has nothing to do about it. It’s hard to guess if it’s a beautiful woman. Ah, the mind of an expressionless young girl is even harder to guess.

After returning to Zuellni again, the 17th Platoon successfully submitted this Quest. Seeing Li Yalin, they completed this Quest very easily. President Karian also showed a very happy smile.

After leaving the Student President’s office, Felli pulled Li Yalin away, and Nina was sent home by everyone. Now Nina is just a little weak. Normally Just a few days of recuperation, and before leaving, Li Yalin also asked Nina to drink a bottle of potion, so that Nina only needs a sleep to recover completely.

Felli’s intention to pull Li Yalin’s away is very obvious here. Li Yalin can only sighed and handed a Luck Ring to Felli. There is no suitable ring, so add some Felli’s luck. By the way, this thing seems pretty good, at least Li Yalin’s still wears a Luck Ring in his hand.

“You are…” After seeing the ring in Li Yalin’s hand, a blush appeared on Felli’s face. Felli has seen the style of this ring and touched the one in Li Yalin’s hand. The same, and if you take a closer look, Li Yalin’s own ring can still be worn on his finger. What does this show? All of a sudden Felli’s brain was a little confused.

“Felli? What’s wrong with you?” Li Yalin asked Felli in surprise, but after seeing Felli’s blushing face and staring at the Luck Ring on his finger, Li Yalin understood this. The misunderstanding is really big, he really hasn’t thought about this problem.

“That…Felli, don’t get me wrong. There is no other meaning in giving you this ring, but this ring can increase luck. Of course, luck is something illusory. , But it’s really useful, Aiya, what am I talking about, I’ll change it for you.” Li Yalin explained somewhat at a loss, but he found that the more he explained, the more trouble he got, so Li Yalin decided to change it. The ring is good.

“No need to change it, I want this ring!” Felli’s face sank immediately when Li Yalin was about to change a ring. Before Li Yalin could say anything, Felli stepped forward. He grabbed the Luck Ring from Li Yalin’s hand and put it directly on his middle finger.

“I didn’t tell you not to give it to you, don’t you need to grab it?” Although the ring in his hand was robbed, Li Yalin didn’t pay much attention to it, but after a bitter smile, he paid A golden-yellow ribbon came out. Before Felli could react, Li Yalin straightened out Felli’s silver long hair and tied the ribbon up.

“What are you?” Felli was flushed with Li Yalin’s action. At this time, Felli is not like the original expressionless young girl at all, but rather like being in love. The little girl is average.

“Use your Spiritual Power to see if there is any change?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, long silver hair and fair skin, matched with golden ribbons really complement each other, this way Felli is much cuter than before.

“Spiritual Power…increased?” At first Felli still didn’t react, but after using Psychokinetic, she found that her Spiritual Power had increased by at least 20%, which was very important for Felli. That is a considerable improvement.

“Although the effect of Luck Ring is not obvious, the effect of this ribbon is still very good, treasure it well.” Li Yalin smiled and touched Felli’s hair. If it is usual Li Yalin If you dare to do this, Felli’s Flying Kick has already kicked Li Yalin’s body, but Felli’s heart has already been filled with happiness at this moment, and there is no need to take this into consideration.

Although the Quest of the 17th Platoon was completed by Perfection this time, the Salinvan Mercenary Group did nothing. It has been three days since Zuellni’s disappearance, but whether it’s Fallen One or Zuellni, it seems to be Evaporated in this city. For this reason, Felli and Salinvan’s Nen-I User Fermouth didn’t have much rest the past few days. They have been exploring desperately, but in the end there was still no gain.

After losing Zuellni, the city started moving towards destruction. Just now Li Yalin received a call from Karian, and another group of Filth Monsters appeared. Although it was only a larva, The number is huge, at least more than 10,000.

Although President Karian is very sad about this, Li Yalin doesn’t think so. Now is a good opportunity to brush Quest. Usually Zuellni avoids Filth Monster and runs straight like now. The opportunity of Filth Monster may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

“Yalin, I finally prepared your Adamant DITE for you. Although it took so long, I can guarantee that this is definitely Zuellni’s strongest DITE, Heaven’s Blade. I haven’t seen it. Pass it, but I believe this DITE will never lose to Heaven’s Blade!” Just as Li Yalin was preparing to attack Filth Monster, Harley ran over with a white DITE. Recently the past few days Li Yalin doesn’t see Harley’s shadow every day. Li Yalin thought he was doing what he was doing. He didn’t expect that he has been busy making DITE.

“Has it been completed? That’s really good.” Li Yalin was very pleasantly surprised. For Harley, the creation of DITE may only be a breakthrough for Harley, but for Li Yalin, it is No less than the gospel from heaven, since these three long swords can be combined into a DITE, what about other weapons? Can Li Yalin’s long spear and bows and arrows be combined? So the joy of Li Yalin at this time is definitely beyond Harley’s imagination.

“Silver Restoration!” After shouting the recovery password, the DITE in Li Yalin’s hand immediately became a Sword of Silver, but this Sword of Silver was much stronger than the previous one. The quality is even close to the Legendary Low-Level, while the long sword of the Sword of Cavalry mode has reached the Legendary High-Level, and the Holy Cross Sword mode is the quality of the Epic Low-Level.

But this is not over yet. What surprised Li Yalin most was that after the ultimate integration mode was turned on, Li Yalin’s suddenly appeared in a gorgeous abnormal platinum long sword with a golden pattern, this long The quality of sword has reached Epic High-Level, and it was almost able to break through to Divine Artifact.

“This isn’t this too ridiculous? I don’t think my three long swords alone can make this DITE reach this level. Harley, did you add any metal to it?” Look Looking at the long sword in his hand, Li Yalin turned his puzzled gaze to Harley.

“Let you see? Actually, it is difficult to complete this Quest in such a short period of time based on my words, and even if I complete this DITE, it cannot reach its current strength. , So I asked my friend to help. He is an alchemy genius. Although this guy has a weird temper, he is very enthusiastic. After hearing that Yalin you want to protect Zuellni, he was very enthusiastic about this DITE. For this reason, he also added the special ore from his own collection to it, which gave this DITE its current power.” After hearing Li Yalin’s question, Harley touched his head and explained something sorry.

“Sure enough, other special metals have been added! Now I can announce that you really have created a miracle. This DITE is completely comparable to Heaven’s Blade.” Li Yalin smiled and patted Harley. Li Yalin’s shoulder said that this weapon Li Yalin, which is only inferior to Divine Artifact, is not a lot. After Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword was exchanged to Teresa, this DITE in Li Yalin’s hands can be said to be the best single in Li Yalin’s hands. Hand sword weapon.

“Really? Is this DITE really comparable to Heaven’s Blade?” Hearing what Li Yalin, Heaven Blade’s Wielder said, Harley’s expression immediately became agitated. Heaven’s Blade, the twelve strongest weapons in the world, Harley at this moment seems to be in a dream.

“It’s true, but don’t get too excited. In the future, I will have more weapons for you to help synthesize. This is just the beginning. In the future, your goal is to surpass Heaven’s Blade. , I will give you the best ore, the strongest equipment, and you must also create the strongest weapon for me.” Li Yalin said to Harley with a smile.

“It’s okay. It’s on my body. After I have one experience, it will be much faster to do it.” Harley said confidently.

“Then it’s set, it’s time, we have to attack Filth Monster too!” At this time Felli’s Nen-I Terminal has conveyed the movement of Filth Monster. If we don’t attack again, These larvae are about to invade Zuellni’s realm.

Although this time we are fighting over the number of Filth Monsters, except for Felli and Harley on the 17th Platoon, everyone has been dispatched. Anyway, Filth Monster is a very good one. The actual combat goal. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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