“You are my younger sister, you silly girl!” Li Yalin touched Ye Ling’s hair affectionately, and said softly.

“I’m not just your younger sister!” Ye Ling’s small mouth pouted panting with rage said, but she understands Li Yalin’s personality. If you argue about this issue now, it turns out to be right for Ye. Ling is very unfavorable. This topic can only be carried out between half-serious and half-cracking a joke, so after Ye Ling finished speaking, he looked curiously about the decoration of the villa.

After a while, there was a sound of opening the door. Rei and Saeko had gone home. After seeing Rei and Saeko, Ye Ling was at first stunned. Such a beautiful girl is really Elder. Brother Yalin’s girlfriend? Although I have heard Li Yalin talk about the reason, Ye Ling still feels weird.

“This younger sister is Yalin Ye Ling you often mention? My name is Miyamoto Rei, Yalin’s friend.” As soon as we met, Rei stepped forward and said to Ye Ling kindly.

“Elder Sister Rei, you are Elder Brother Yalin’s girlfriend, right? You are so beautiful.” Ye Ling said with some envy. After so many experiences, Rei is completely different from what he was a year ago. High school girls, especially under the influence of Yuriko, Saber and Teresa, Rei’s temperament has undergone a change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down, which of course will make young girls like Ye Ling envy.

“I am Busujima Saeko, and also a friend of Yalin’s.” At this time, Saeko also stepped forward and said.

“Hello Elder Sister Saeko, are you also Elder Brother Yalin’s girlfriend? You are so beautiful too.” Ye Ling’s words made Saeko’s face blush. She is not as close to Li as Rei and Saya. Yalin confirmed the relationship. Although everyone was tacit about this matter, after Ye Ling said so, Saeko still felt a little sorry.

“I haven’t yet…we are just friends.” Saeko said not knowing what to do, but this kind of Saeko is rarely seen, it feels very cute.

“It’s only time, Saeko-senpai, don’t be shy.” Rei on the side is very generous, maybe this is the difference between a woman who has experienced it and a girl who hasn’t.

“Yes, anyway, I won’t let Saeko go.” Li Yalin also stepped forward to say with a smile, which made Saeko’s face even more blush, which made Ye Ling looked very envious.

Ye Ling now fully understands that she wants to monopolize Li Yalin’s probability is almost zero, which makes her very confused. Ye Ling, who grew up in a harmonious society, will certainly not agree with polygamy. The system, but looking at the harmonious appearance of Rei and Saeko, this tells Ye Ling the probability of this kind of thing, and listening to Li Yalin’s idea, there seem to be many girls around him, which makes Ye Ling even more so. A strong sense of crisis.

It’s already noon. Li Yalin and Rei cook together and cook a sumptuous lunch for everyone. During the period, Ye Ling and Saeko had a very happy conversation. You should know that only when facing Li Yalin’s, Only then will Saeko become the image of a gentle and shy little woman. At this moment, the mature and steady Onee-san image of Saeko has returned to normal, but it has brought a full sense of shock to Ye Ling.

Especially after learning that Saeko can also martial arts and being pointed out by her, Ye Ling admires Saeko even more. Such a perfect woman puts her whole body into Elder Brother Yalin’s body. , Elder Brother Yalin’s Yanfu is really not shallow.

“What? Elder Brother Yalin is the chairman of Gods Corporation? Impossible?” While chatting at the dinner table, Rei and Saeko also talked about the development of the group, but after hearing this, Ye Ling’s mouth was open, with an incredible expression on her face.

“It’s just a short-term chairman. I haven’t been to Gods Corporation. I didn’t get my consent to be the chairman.” Li Yalin is a bit sorry, now Gods Corporation like the sun at high noon In addition to the water purification device, the development of other fields is also included in the plan.

In addition to the headquarters, several other branch companies are also actively preparing. When the water purification device is officially launched, other development plans will be officially launched. Gods Corporation’s legend has now begun. .

“The elder sisters are really amazing, and I will be like you in the future.” Ye Ling looked at Rei and Saeko with envy. This kind of admiration made the two women feel sorry.

At this moment, Li Yalin’s mobile phone rang suddenly. After checking the caller ID, Li Yalin was slightly taken aback. It turned out to be the call from Mother.

If you think about it now, even if you don’t count the time after the crossing, Mother hasn’t called herself for nearly two months, and the time after crossing is even longer. Now Li Yalin My mother already had a very unfamiliar feeling, which made Li Yalin a little bit at a loss, and she didn’t even answer the phone for a while.

“What’s the matter with Elder Brother Yalin? Why don’t you answer the phone?” Seeing Li Yalin staring at the phone in a daze, Ye Ling asked with some doubts, even Rei and Saeko were very concerned. Looking at Li Yalin.

“Oh, nothing, it’s my mother.” After speaking, Li Yalin pressed the answer button on the phone.

“smelly brat! It took such a long time to answer, what are you doing?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Mother on the other end of the phone roared, which made Li Yalin couldn’t help showing a wry smile .

“I’m having dinner, what do you want, Mother?” Li Yalin asked rhetorically.

“I can’t call you if I’m okay?” Li Yalin’s mother asked a little angrily when Li Yalin asked, but when he thought that he did neglect his son, Li Yalin’s mother’s voice It was also softened.

“Sorry, my son. Recently, my mother has been busy, so I haven’t called you all the time. Are you doing well now? Is the money in the card enough to spend?” Li Yalin’s mother is concerned Asked.

“It’s okay, Mother, I’m pretty good, but how are you and father? Is the work going well?” Although it feels a bit strange, the family relationship between mother and child cannot be erased by time Yes, after hearing the words of mother’s concern, a hint of mist appeared on the corner of Li Yalin’s eyes, but Li Yalin soon recovered, and then asked mother with concern.

“I’m fine with your father, but I’ve been too busy and don’t have time to take care of you. You have to take good care of yourself. When there is a chance, I will go back with your father to see you. “Yes.” Li Yalin’s mother said lovingly, and at the end of the talk, Li Yalin’s mother was a little choked, which made Li Yalin also very uncomfortable.

“Mom, what are you doing with father? Why can’t you go home for so long? I’m so old and I have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Can’t you tell us now?” thought Thinking that a family would gather little and leave more when they were young, Li Yalin was already a little angry. He didn’t understand what was going on. Why didn’t his parents tell himself what their job was? Or is there something hidden in this?

“Son, it’s not that my mother doesn’t tell you, but our work involves too much. I really can’t tell you. Mom promises you that only a few years later, father mother can complete all the work. Now, when the time comes, our family can be together forever.” When Li Yalin asked, Li Yalin’s mother’s tone was stagnant, and then replied very vaguely. This answer Li Yalin has heard countless times, simply I don’t want to listen anymore.

“Well, Mother, I won’t ask you anymore, but you and father should take care of your health, and I’ll wait for you to come back.” Li Yalin did not continue to inquire, but was chatting with mother. After some routines, he hung up the phone, but after hung up the phone, Li Yalin’s face was terrifying gloomy.

“Nymph, you go home right now, I need your help.” Before Rei and the others asked what was going on, Li Yalin had taken out the internal dedicated communicator and directly transferred Nymph Summon came back.

“What the hell happened to Yalin? What happened?” Seeing this situation, everyone was very worried. Rei also stepped forward and grabbed Li Yalin’s arm, and asked very caringly.

“This matter has puzzled me for many years. I have to find out what exactly my father and mother are doing? Why are they so mysterious? I didn’t have the ability to investigate, but now I With this ability, I have to check it out!” Li Yalin said in a deep voice. Although he did not show it in front of the mother, Li Yalin’s had already made a decision in his heart. Must find out the secret!

After receiving Li Yalin’s order, Nymph returned home soon after learning about the entire process of development. Nymph took out his dedicated computer.

“What is this? It looks like a computer.” Ye Ling had already met Nymph just now. Ye Ling was also surprised for a long time at Nymph, who spread his wings just when he went home. Only recovered, but the two little girls quickly became acquainted with each other. At this time, Nymph took out his special computer, and Ye Ling naturally asked very curiously.

Speaking of Nymph’s personal computer, although it looks very much like a toy, the function of this computer is very powerful. Although there is no intelligence at all, under the control of Nymph’s, even Super Military Factory’s AI can’t compete with it.

“This is indeed a computer.” Nymph smiled and replied. After the computer was fully unfolded, the other side was also connected to the Internet. After a beat of the Nymph crackle, the personal files of Li Yalin’s parents Soon it appeared on the computer screen.

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