“No! This information is fake and has special confidentiality measures! The National Security Agency S-Rank file?” After calling up the files of Li Yalin’s parents, Nymph was quite sure that the information was fake and it was After a while, Nymph was taken aback by the words of the National Security Agency displayed on the computer screen.

“Go on! I want to see what is going on!” Li Yalin said in a deep voice, National Security Agency? Sure enough, it was very involved. Didn’t expect that his parents had hooked up with the National Security Bureau.

“Don’t worry, Master, this little thing doesn’t bother me!” Nymph said confidently. There is no place in the world where she can’t get in, and the time has passed about 3 minutes. , Nymph invaded the National Security Bureau archives very smoothly, and soon the files of Li Yalin’s parents were investigated.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, after seeing the files of his parents, Li Yalin still froze for a long time before reacting. Li Yalin’s father Li Zhicheng, leader of the Eighteenth Agency 19th Group of the National Security Agency, A-Rank Esper. Li Yalin’s mother Wang Ya, National Security Agency Eighteenth Agency 19th Group Vice-Leader, First-Tier Martial Artist.

After seeing these two materials, Li Yalin felt that he really didn’t know what to say, National Security Bureau? Eighteenth Agency 19th Group? A-Rank Esper? First-Tier Martial Artist? This is my father and mother?

“Yalin, are you okay?” Seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, the women wanted to be comforted but didn’t know how to comfort them, so they could only be anxious on the sidelines.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, I just can’t accept it for a while, I just don’t know, is this still the world I’m familiar with? Let’s forget that Ling girl is a Martial Artist, my father mother is also Dark People of World, if I hadn’t been selected, I guess I would have been concealed to death. It’s really ironic.” Li Yalin waved his hand, then said with a mockery of himself, and lived in this World for nearly 20 years. , Until this moment, Li Yalin can be considered to understand some of this World.

“I’m sorry Elder Brother Yalin, I shouldn’t keep it from you.” Seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, Ye Ling apologized for not knowing what to do. She knew that she didn’t know what to do. Li Yalin should be kept secret, but when Li Yalin was just an ordinary person, was it really right to let him know everything so early? Ye Ling is also very confused now. She doesn’t know if what she is doing is right, but looking at what Li Yalin looks like now, she thinks it’s better to apologize first.

“Forget it, I didn’t blame you, it’s not too late to know, but even if my father Mother is from the National Security Bureau, what can I hide? Why do they keep hiding Me? What’s the reason for this?” sighed, and then Li Yalin muttered to himself with some confusion.

“Will it be because of this reason? Master’s mother is Wang Family’s sole daughter of one of the Four Great Families of Capital. According to the information, Master’s mother Wang Ya had a relationship with Beijing 19 years ago. Yang Family’s young master made a marriage appointment, but on the night of the marriage appointment, the female protagonist was disappeared. When Wang Ya appeared in front of everyone again, she had joined the National Security Bureau and had an relationship with C-Rank Esper Li Zhicheng of the National Security Bureau at the time. For the husband and wife. Due to the intervention of the National Security Bureau, the marriage between Wang Family and Yang Family was not successful, but Wang Ya and Li Zhicheng seem to have reached an agreement with the National Security Bureau. They have been working at the National Security Bureau until now, but what is this? The agreement data does not show that it should be an oral or written agreement.” After continuing to check some information, Nymph gave such an answer.

“Beijing Wang Family? Is my mother from Wang Family? I really come from a famous family.” Li Yalin shook his head and laughed bitterly. Didn’t expect the story here is quite tortuous,


“Yes, Uncle Aunt is also a member of the National Security Agency, which is really unexpected, but if you have any questions, Elder Brother Yalin, you can call your School Flower Class Leader, know that she is also People from the National Security Bureau, maybe she will know something.” Ye Ling gave a good suggestion at this time.

“Yes, you said before that Chu Zixin is also from the National Security Bureau! I’ll call her now!” Li Yalin divine light flashed, yes, I get along with Master Class Leader It’s not bad, if she straight to the point, she might not hide it from herself. For this, Li Yalin still has this confidence.

“Is it Little Lin’zi? What kind of wind is blowing today? You would actually call me.” After the call was dialed, a very gentle voice came from the microphone. Female voice, but the other party’s words mixed with a trace of sadness, people can’t help but get excited after listening.

“I said, Master Class Leader, can’t you stop calling me Little Lin’zi? I’m not a product of feudalism. How weird it sounds.” Li Yalin laughed bitterly, this school Flower Class Leader is good at everything. Rei has a beautiful appearance and a gentle personality. He is almost the dream lover of all boys in the school.

But all of this is just appearance. Only Li Yalin knows that what lies inside this gentle School Flower is a heart of Demoness. When only two people get along, this School Flower Class Leader But I have teased myself more than once, and I often call myself Little Lin’zi. Li Yalin often protests, but the School Flower Class Leader enjoys it and simply ignores it.

“Snort! You still call me Class Leader! Unless you change your mouth, otherwise I won’t change your mouth!” The other party’s angry voice came from the microphone, which seems to be resentment. .

“Did I say that we are so familiar? Why should I call you Xinxin?” After saying this, Li Yalin regretted it, because he could already feel the heat of the girls at home Looking away, Li Yalin hated him for being so owed with his mouth, why did he say that!

“Forget it, then I will always call you Little Lin’zi, and it will not be too late for me to change my tongue when you change your tongue.” Chu Zixin’s is very firm. She has already decided whether something is wrong. Will change.

“Forget it, I want to tell you something business, do you know Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya?” After sighed, Li Yalin did not continue to chat, but straight to the point. The other party asked.

“Ah…that…I don’t know, why do you suddenly ask me that?” I was taken aback by Li Yalin’s question. After a few sentences, Chu Zixin quickly denied. .

“You shouldn’t, aren’t you from the National Security Bureau? Don’t you know the positive Vice-Leader of the National Security Eighteenth Agency 19th Group?” Li Yalin said playfully, but this made the call different. Chu Zixin on one side was stunned.

“How did you know?” Chu Zixin’s voice gradually became serious, and the voice in the words didn’t want to be as casual as usual.

“Of course I will know. Haven’t I heard an old saying that there is no impermeable wall in the world, and any secret cannot be kept forever. Of course, I am not to blame you You are hiding something from me, I just have a question to ask you.” Li Yalin said very relaxedly, and the computer screen in front of him displayed Chu Zixin’s information.

Chu Zixin, female, 18 years old, the eldest daughter of Chu Family, one of the Four Great Families in Beijing. Although she was born in the Martial World Aristocratic Family, she awakened her talent at the age of eight and joined the National Security Eighteenth Agency. 19th Group, now B-Rank Esper.

There is not a lot of information on the file, but Li Yalin has already learned a lot about it. The Chu Family in Beijing is also from a wealthy family. From Ye Ling’s mouth, Li Yalin has a rough understanding of the four strongest families in Beijing, namely Wang Family, Chu Family, Yang Family and Zhong Family. These four families are also known as the Four Great Masters in Beijing. It is the highest family in China.

“If you have any questions, just ask, if I understand, I will tell you.” After sighed, Chu Zixin said slowly, Li Yalin actually knew all about it. What’s the matter?

“Since you are also a member of the National Security Eighteenth Agency 19th Group, you must know my father Li Zhicheng and Mother Wang Ya.”

“This is natural, from me After joining the 19th Group, I worked under Uncle Li and Aunt Ya. Of course we knew each other.”

“Wait, if you have known my father Mother a long time ago, did you come close on purpose? The me?” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly remembered that Chu Zixin had approached him first. Otherwise, how could Li Yalin become friends with such a beautiful woman? If you think about it now, Chu Zixin must have some purpose. .

“Of course, I have heard of you from Aunt Ya a long time ago. She often said sorry to your son, so I was very curious, so I transferred to our school. I know you.” Chu Zixin replied very naturally.

“As for whether you said it was intentional, it’s up to you to think about it. We have known each other for so long, and you know best what kind of person I am.” At the end, Chu Zixin is still snorted lightly.

“Well, let’s get to the point. Do you know why my parents stay with the National Security Bureau? The information says that they signed an agreement with the National Security Bureau. This agreement What the hell is it?” A drop of sweat dripped from Li Yalin’s forehead, and the more he talked, the more ambiguous he was. Looking at the playful eyes of the women, Li Yalin quickly changed the subject.

“Agreement? What is the agreement? I am not very clear about this. In fact, I am also a little puzzled. Although the National Security Bureau is very busy, there are still some rest periods for generally speaking every month, but Aunt Ya and the others rarely reunite with you, but when I asked Aunt Ya, she just wiped her tears and said nothing.” After hearing Li Yalin’s question, Chu Zixin on the other end of the phone also frowned. The incident has puzzled her for a long time, and she has never gotten an answer.

“Forget it, but is the National Security Bureau so busy? Why can you go to school if you are busy? Although you occasionally see you ask for leave, you never imagined the number of times you asked for leave. So frequent.” At this time Li Yalin continued to ask.

“That’s because I’m still young. Do you think that if you join the National Security Bureau, you don’t have human rights? Everyone will consider me. I will be assigned to Quest only when I really need manpower. , Normally I am the same as an ordinary person.” Chu Zixin said angrily. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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