“Then I know, let’s do this for the first time. I will talk to my parents directly, thanks.” Since I didn’t get any useful information, Li Yalin didn’t want to go on chatting anymore. , But when he was about to hang up after he finished speaking, Chu Zixin on the other side of the phone called out first.

“Wait for me! It’s so simple to hang up on my phone, is it possible? Speak frankly quickly, how do you know these details? This matter is very involved, Little Lin’ zi, you must tell me the truth.” Chu Zixin said very worried.

“One thing is very simple. You can check it by hacking into the National Security Bureau’s internal database, but your internal information is too small, and a lot of actual information is not on it.” Li Yalin’s tone was very relaxed, and Li Yalin’s tone was even slightly dissatisfied when it came to information issues.

“Invasion of the database? Why don’t I know you have this ability? If this is the case, you should never do this again. If you don’t want to be invited by the National Security Bureau to drink tea, what happened today It must be treated as if it had never happened.” Chu Zixin was taken aback at first when Li Yalin said, then he said very seriously.

“Well, even if the National Security Bureau comes, I am not afraid of them. Don’t think that they are members of Dark World.” Li Yalin said confidently, but Li Yalin thought about Chu Zixin’s. But I feel very happy.

“You are also from Dark World? Why did I never find out? No! Now I have to see you, where are you? I will come to you now!” Chu Zixin said anxiously, this What the hell is going on, today’s Li Yalin is so strange.

“Didn’t you already return to the capital? Why are you going back to City C to find me now?” Li Yalin said a little funny.

Chu Zixin lives in the capital Li Yalin still knows. Li Yalin has also asked Chu Zixin more than once, why she has good grades, a wealthy family, and a special appearance. How could she think of leaving the capital? Come to C city to go to school? City C can only be regarded as a medium-sized city, which is incomparable to Beijing, and Li Yalin’s school is not a key high school. Could it be that Young Lady comes to experience life?

As for Li Yalin’s question, Chu Zixin has never answered it, just a gentle smile and it was over. Since Chu Zixin does not want to say more, then Li Yalin will not force it, so until now, Li Yalin It is understood that all this happened.

“I almost forgot! You wait for me! I’ll call you when I get to C city!” After saying this, Chu Zixin hung up the phone, and Li Yalin Only a wry smile, after looking at Ye Ling and Rei, Li Yalin made a helpless expression.

“You Class Leader is really energetic and bustling.” Saeko said to Li Yalin with a smile.

“It’s only for me. She is the perfect Goddess forever in front of others.” Li Yalin curled his lips. The title of Chu Zixin perfect Goddess was also recognized by the school at that time, even though Chu Zixin was right. This is dismissive.

“If this is the case, he must be interesting to Yalin.” Rei on the side laughed pffft, and said to Li Yalin with a joke in his eyes.

“It’s just a friend, a pure friendship, a very pure kind.” Li Yalin didn’t think about that many. He felt that Chu Zixin was just associating with his normal friends, and he didn’t have any special feelings. .

“snort! Elder Brother Yalin is the dullest in this respect!” Ye Ling pouted her mouth when she heard Li Yalin’s words. She had already seen Chu Zixin was interested in Li Yalin. It’s just that Chu Zixin’s behaves very vaguely. At the beginning, Li Yalin, a guy with an ultra-low EQ, simply couldn’t detect it, but for various reasons, Ye Ling didn’t tell the matter.

In just one and a half hours, the doorbell of Li Yalin’s house was rang. When Li Yalin opened the door, he was completely stunned. Except for Chu Zixin cheerful standing at the door, his own Mother unexpectedly returned to City C with Chu Zixin.

“Mother? Why are you back? And how do you know here?” Li Yalin asked in surprise.

“I’ll be messing up if I don’t come back again! Why didn’t I make it clear on the phone just now? When do you still have this ability? You can live in this kind of mansion! As for how do I know you are here, yours The phone has long been located by satellites, but I can find your whereabouts anytime and anywhere!” Li Yalin’s Mother Wang Ya said very proudly.

“Smelly son! I want to kill me!” Before Li Yalin could speak, Wang Ya stepped forward and hugged Li Yalin, and tears appeared under his eyes, although Mother and son don’t see each other often, but Wang Ya’s concern for Li Yalin’s has not diminished at all. Instead, it has grown stronger because of the distance.

“Okay, Mother, there are so many people, I am not a child anymore, it makes people look at a lot of jokes.” Li Yalin said embarrassingly, Rei and the others are still watching Now.

“No matter how old you are, you are a child in my eyes!” Wang Ya said very unreasonably, but she still let go of Li Yalin’s hands, but then she saw Li Several girls behind Yalin.

“Isn’t this Ye Ling girl? They are all so beautiful! What do these beautiful little girls have to do with you?” Wang Ya stepped forward and grabbed Ye Ling’s little hand, although they met Not many times, but Wang Ya recognized Ye Ling immediately, but when he saw Rei and Saeko on the side, Wang Ya was a little confused.

“Why did you bring my Mother?” Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yalin quickly moved towards Chu Zixin and asked.

“You thought I wanted to. After I hung up the phone, I realized that Aunt Ya was standing behind me all the time, and it scared me. Aunt Ya is First-Tier’s Expert, as long as she I don’t want me to find out, then I will never find her. You can definitely think of her next time. After listening to our conversation, Aunt Ya flew over on a special plane with me.” Chu Zixin said playfully. Few people can see this expression, but Li Yalin is one of them.

“Foreign girls? Rei and Saeko should be from Japan, Nymph, which country are you from?” After Rei and the others introduced themselves, Wang Ya was slightly taken aback. He didn’t expect his own son. I have made foreign friends, but this little girl with blue twintails seems to be 40-50 years old, right? Did you come to China at such a young age?

“Elder Sister Rei is Elder Brother Yalin’s girlfriend!” Ye Ling on the side interrupted and said, but after Ye Ling finished speaking, Chu Zixin was completely stunned.

“What the hell is going on with the dead boy? I have a girlfriend and I didn’t tell you Mother! Really hard wings!” At this time, Wang Ya grabbed Li Yalin’s ears, aggressive Questioning, but Li Yalin knew that his Mother simply didn’t exert any effort, but in order to cooperate with Mother, Li Yalin still yelled from Aiya Aiya.

Of course, Wang Ya is reluctant to really pull his son’s ears. This is for Chu Zixin. Chu Zixin likes Li Yalin and Wang Ya has known it for a long time. I don’t agree very much, but Wang Ya didn’t stop it. Younger generations will do all right on their own. Who knows what’s going on in the future.

After so many years of getting along with each other, now Wang Ya also likes Chu Zixin, a little girl very much. Although he doesn’t say anything, he still regards Chu Zixin as his daughter-in-law a long time ago. The sudden emergence of Rei made Wang Ya somewhat completely unprepared. Seeing Chu Zixin’s distressed look, Wang Ya could only act and vent his anger to Chu Zixin.

“Okay, Aunt Ya, Yalin is a good thing for him to have a girlfriend. He has graduated from high school, and it is normal to have a girlfriend.” Chu Zixin endured the grief in his heart and pulled Wang Ya. Persuaded repeatedly.

“I will forgive you for Xinxin’s sake, and see if you dare to make a good argument!” With Chu Zixin’s persuasion, Wang Ya naturally borrowed the donkey from the slope and stared at Li viciously. After Yalin glanced at it, panting with rage said.

“Aunt, don’t blame Yalin, we are together for many reasons…” At this time, Rei also wanted to explain, but at this time she didn’t know how to explain it. Rei wanted to say : I grew up with my two childhood friends, Li Yalin, and it was not normal to be together. But there is too much involved, so Rei can’t continue talking.

“Okay, Mother, I will explain this to you in the future, but should you give me an explanation now! I have been kept in the dark for so many years, so I am the only one People are fools!” Li Yalin didn’t care about this, but said to Wang Ya full of resentment.

“We are also doing this for your own good. Whether it is me or your father, I want you to live an ordinary life as an ordinary person. We don’t want you to live a life of killing or intrigue. , And there are many reasons. It’s really impossible to explain to you so early.” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Wang Ya’s face showed a trace of sadness, but after listening to Wang Ya’s explanation, Li Yalin smiled helplessly.

“I don’t want me to spend my entire life in the killing, but now my hands are covered with blood!” Li Yalin said with a bit of self-deprecating while looking at his hands.

“It doesn’t matter Yalin, we will be with you forever.” Rei hugged Li Yalin very tenderly and said softly.

“Yes, whether it is heaven or hell, we will accompany you through it.” At this time, Saeko also embraced Wang Ya and Chu Zixin’s stunned eyes. Li Yalin, but then Nymph’s words are even more startled by the two.

“We will follow the Master forever!”

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