“smelly brat! What do you mean by that? And what did this girl call you just now? Master? When did you have such a heavy taste?” Wang Ya mouth opened wide looked at his son in disbelief , I seem to have never really understood my son. Is it true that I have been wrong for so many years? But she didn’t want to be like this either.

“It’s the question I asked first, Mother, can you answer my question first?” Li Yalin is not in the mood to explain his question now. What he cares most about is what happened to his parents that year. thing.

“Forget it, since you want to know, then I will tell you. Anyway, you are so old, and you should know some of the original things.” Seeing Li Yalin’s eyes With a shaken expression, Wang Ya sighed, then said slowly.

“During your phone call with Xinxin, I also heard that you have already learned some things. Back then, my father, your grandfather, wanted me to marry Yang Family’s Second Young Master. That’s because Wang Family lacks males. When I reach this generation, I will have only one daughter. So my father meant that after I got married with Yang Family Second Young Master, I would let Yang Family Second Young Master join the Wang Family. In the future, Wang Family will cut off the incense.” At this point, Wang Ya couldn’t help but chuckled lightly.

“Yang Family Second Young Master is not a good thing at first, and I already knew your father before again. Your father is an orphan. Because of his extraordinary talents, he has been cultivated by the national system since he was a child. , When we met, your father was already a B-Rank Esper.”

“Wait! My father was a B-Rank Esper back then, and now it’s nearly nineteen. It’s been years, why did he reach A-Rank? It’s too slow, right?” Li Yalin asked strangely.

“Esper’s level is as simple as you think. There is a huge gap between A-Rank and B-Rank, and there is a huge gap between S-Rank and A-Rank. At present, there are very few S-Rank Esper on the entire world. Except for some Super Influences, even the National Security Bureau on the surface does not have S-Rank Esper.” Wang Ya said with a blank look.

“No on the surface, then there is still a breakthrough, so Mother, you are already facing a breakthrough, right? You have now reached the Peak status of First-Tier, should you be about to break through to Innate?” Li Yalin laughed at hee hee and said, now that Wang Ya’s strength is at the Sixth Rank High-Level Peak status, there is only one step away from the Seventh Rank, and the Seventh Rank should be what Martial Artist calls Innate Realm. Without the help of external forces, it is estimated that Mother can complete the breakthrough in only two or three years.

“How did you know?” Wang Ya started up, he was indeed about to break through, but it still takes time to stabilize the realm, so I can’t rush it, but now he is seen through by his son. It makes Wang Ya feel quite incredible.

“Don’t mention this, Mother, continue to say, what happened after you met my father.” Just after Wang Ya asked, Li Yalin made a vague cover, and then went on Asked.

“It’s not that you interrupted my topic! I just said that I met your father, and then it’s very simple. We are in love. Then your grandfather is naturally obstructed, but that At that time, your father and I were already in the National Security Bureau. Even if your grandfather is strong, he cannot interfere with the internal staff of the special department of the National Security Bureau, so this matter is all over. But in the end your grandfather also expelled me. After Wang Family, this can be considered to give Yang Family an explanation and save Wang Family’s face.” Wang Ya’s expression is a bit sad, it seems that being expelled from Wang Family really makes her very sad.

“Aunt Ya, don’t be like this. You are my idol. I joined the National Security Bureau just to learn from you. The way you look now makes me disillusioned.” Seeing Wang Ya’s depression, Chu Zixin immediately stepped forward and said comfortingly.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a bit of emotion. It’s been so many years, I have already looked away.” Wang Ya slightly smiled, and soon recovered his emotions.

“But what does this have to do with you seldom coming back to see me for so many years?” At this time, Li Yalin asked very puzzledly. Although the events of the year are clear, they can’t come back. It doesn’t seem to matter to you, right?

“I haven’t finished yet! You smelly brat! It’s not because of you that we can’t come back. Once you were born, you were tested for ability talent, but I’m not sure whether Awakening, at that time, our team leader, now the director of the Eighteenth Agency, told us that The Organization hopes that you will be nurtured from an early age like your father. However, neither your father nor I want you to be like us, we just hope you can Grow up happily, but this is contrary to The Organization’s meaning.”

“After our hard work, we finally reached an agreement, as long as I or your father become an Innate Martial Artist or S- Rank Esper, then the Security Bureau will no longer ask about our private affairs, and you will not be forcibly called up, but before that, we must approach you as little as possible. Although I don’t know why the other party made such an agreement with us , But your father and I are still happy to see this. Over the years, we have been practicing hard, hoping to complete the breakthrough. When the time comes, our family can be together forever. No one can hinder our family reunion! “After speaking, Wang Ya’s eye circles were already bursting with tears, and the girls on the side also had their eyes flushed, and they seemed to be very moved.

“Who signed this agreement with you?” After listening to Wang Ya’s remarks, Li Yalin was also very impressed, but he was very calm at the moment. He wanted to know what the agreement was. Who signed it with his parents, and why should he sign such an agreement with his parents?

“This is related to the secrecy of the country. Above the National Security Bureau, the country also has a special institution, and the name of this institution is “Yin”.” When it comes to hiding, Wang Ya shivered uncontrollably.

“The number of people in this organization is small, but everyone is very powerful, and the one who signed this agreement with us is a hidden Elder. I don’t know what his name is, but I I know, he must be an Innate Rank powerhouse!”

“Hidden? Aunt Ya, why have I never heard of it?” After listening to Wang Ya’s words, Chu Zixin showed a puzzled expression. .

“Of course you haven’t heard of it. If I hadn’t been in contact with them back then, I didn’t even know that the country has this organization. They should be the Guardian of China, only in the most critical situations. , They will only appear, and it is impossible to see them at all.” At this time, Wang Ya had recovered, and said to Chu Zixin after a chuckle.

“Why do I feel something is wrong? If you forever can’t break through to Innate or S-Rank? Then this agreement will be signed in vain! When the time comes, I missed the training period again, and nothing was done. , Doesn’t it seem contradictory in this way?” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin said very puzzled.

“Things are not as simple as you think. Once Esper awakens, he will have strong strength, and the term of this agreement is not forever. If we can’t If you are breakthrough, someone will guide you through your breakthrough ability. Then you will be forcibly recruited into the National Security Bureau to serve the country. This is the main reason why my father and I did not come to see you. We will spend all our time. Above practice.” Wang Ya bitterly laughed and explained to Li Yalin.

“Mother!” After listening to Wang Ya’s explanation, Li Yalin couldn’t help feeling moved. He stepped forward and hugged Wang Ya, and Wang Ya gently stroked Li Yalin’s hair. After seeing this scene, all the beautiful women’s eye circles were a little red, especially Saeko, who lost her mother since she was a child. At this moment, her feelings are the most profound.

“Rei, Saeko, come here.” After hugging for a long time, Li Yalin let go of his mother, and then called Rei and Saeko to Wang Ya.

“Mother, these are the two daughter-in-laws I found for you, how about? Are they okay?” Li Yalin said to Wang Ya playfully.

“Two daughters-in-law? What nonsense are you brat talking about? People such a beautiful little girl will follow you?” When Wang Ya heard Li Yalin’s words, he stepped forward and slapped Li Yalin’s head. , Said panting with rage.

“Who told you nonsense? Rei, Saeko, don’t come to call someone!” Li Yalin smiled and said to the two women.

“I have seen Okaa-sama, the little girl is not talented, please give me some advice in the future.” When Li Yalin finished speaking, Rei and Saeko knelt in front of Wang Ya together and did a good job. Japan’s traditional kneeling ceremony made Wang Ya feel a little at a loss for a while, and quickly stepped forward to help Rei and Saeko.

“Aiya, what are you two girls doing? We don’t like this kind of etiquette here, get up quickly!”

“What the hell do you kid mean? On purpose? Playing with your mother, isn’t it?” After helping the two girls up, Wang Ya yelled at Li Yalin a little embarrassed, this also isn’t this too ridiculous?

“Hehe, who makes your son so charming.” Li Yalin boasted shamelessly said with a smile.

“Your cheeks are really thick, but these two girls are really good, they look good, they look very well-behaved, and you speak Chinese really well, you can’t listen at all. A foreign accent.” Looking at Rei, and then at Saeko, Wang Ya is satisfied with nodded. They are all very good girls with outstanding temperament. They should not be from an ordinary person.

“Okaa-sama is overwhelmed. Actually, it was given by Yalin.” Saeko said modestly, but this is also a fact. After contracting with Li Yalin, everyone started moving like Li Yalin. Toward is evolving in the most perfect direction, and like Li Yalin, he can be proficient in all languages. This can be regarded as an additional passive skill.

But just when Li Yalin wanted to say something, the internal communicator in Li Yalin’s pocket rang. After turning on the virtual video communication, a light came out and a small screen appeared. In front of Li Yalin’s, Saya’s silhouette appeared on the screen. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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