I didn’t use Li Yalin to speak at all. Saya on the side had already introduced Li Yalin to their three people.

“Are you the chairman of Gods Corporation?” The two youngsters behind the headed middle-aged man couldn’t help exclaiming. Li Yalin’s seemed to be about twenty years old. Became the chairman of Gods Corporation? isn’t this too ridiculous.

“Why? It doesn’t look like it?” Li Yalin looked at these two youngsters jokingly. They had reached the Peak of Fourth Rank High-Level at a young age. It seems to be in the National Security Bureau. They belong to the elite of the younger generation, but in the eyes of Li Yalin, they are just ants.

“Sorry, youngster just can’t hold back his breath. First introduce myself. My name is Yue Zihao and I belong to the National Security Agency. The purpose of this visit is to discuss with Gods Corporation about the invasion of foreign spies. Things.” At this time, the middle-aged man pulled the two youngsters behind him, and after introducing himself, he said straight to the point.

“Foreign spies invaded?” Li Yalin looked at Saya, he had never heard of it.

“There are indeed many foreign forces who want to invade our company, but they are all caught by Galatea elder sister. In front of one’s eyes of Galatea elder sister, these guys want to invade Going to our company is simply a dream.” Saya did not hide it, and directly replied it, not only to explain the situation to Li Yalin, but also to stand up in front of these three guys.

Sure enough, after hearing Saya’s words, Yue Zihao’s brows frowned. Although you knew Gods Corporation’s security work you did good, I haven’t heard of any country’s spies that can steal it. Information about Gods Corporation. But now from the other party’s words, the other party is absolutely confident, and as the Old Fox Yue Zihao doesn’t know how Saya is taking the opportunity to beat herself.

“It turns out that this is the case. Since we have the ability to do a good job in security, we won’t bother you with the National Security Bureau, and we don’t have any of those spies, so we will give it to you as a meeting ceremony. Alright.” Li Yalin said with a smile, but in his words simply did not pay attention to the National Security Bureau.

“What’s your attitude?” The two youngsters became angry as soon as they heard Li Yalin’s words. They stood up and confronted Li Yalin to glare at, but because of their boss here, these two youngsters Don’t dare to make mistakes hastily.

“You two, shut up! I asked you to come out to increase your knowledge, not to make you come out and cause trouble! If you are doing good ideas, then give me back to the group. Think about it!” Yue Zihao yelled violently, stunned both of them, and sat back in their original positions.

“Youngster, it’s normal to be a little bit angry. Who hasn’t been young, Mr. Yue, don’t be too angry.” At this time, Li Yalin also came to make peace, but where is he? I’m trying to persuade, it’s just adding fuel to the fire.

“You!” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, these two guys couldn’t help it again. They just wanted to stand up, but they were stared back by Yue Zihao. This guy can only look at Li Yalin angrily, his face is also full of unwillingness.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Li, these two guys do need to be disciplined, but what you said just now Mr. Li is a bit wrong. Since Gods Corporation is a registered company in China, then we, National Security The Bureau is obliged to protect Gods Corporation’s internal secrets and property security. Recently, many foreign forces have invaded City C. If they are not mistaken, they should all be directed at Gods Corporation.” Yue Zihao apologized first. But what he said afterwards made Li Yalin very upset.

“What does Mr. Yue mean? Is it threatening us?” Li Yalin snapped.

“Of course not, Mr. Li, don’t get me wrong. I just want to say that these foreign forces are very cunning, and we are good at dealing with them. If possible, I hope our two families We can cooperate with each other to wipe out the criminals who have invaded from abroad.” Yue Zihao said righteously.

“I am afraid that it is false to eliminate foreign forces, but to penetrate into our group is true?” At this time, Saya sneered.

“Okay Saya, Mr. Yue, I understand what you mean, but for the time being, Gods Corporation has no problems, and there is no need for the National Security Bureau to intervene. If Mr. Yue has nothing else to do, Then I’m going back to work.” Li Yalin and Saya’s duo sang very delicately, and after the duo finished singing, Li Yalin directly issued an Expulsion Order.

“Wait for Mr. Li, I have something to say.” Seeing that my real purpose has not been stated yet, this meeting will be over. Even Old Fox’s Yue Zihao couldn’t help it. A little anxious.

“Oh? Mr. Yue has anything else to say?” Li Yalin asked indifferently.

“In fact, I am here not only on behalf of the National Security Bureau, but also on behalf of the country. Before I came, the upper management informed Zeng me that I hoped to form a partnership with your company. What do you think?” Seeing that it is no longer possible to play Tai Chi with Li Yalin, Yue Zihao no longer hides it, and directly explains it.

“It turned out to be like this. If this is the case, you can go to the CEO of our group, Ms. Takagi Yuriko, who is basically responsible for the company now.” Li Yalin made a After a sudden realization of the expression, he kicked the ball to Yuriko. These guys should let Yuriko deal with it. If it comes to details, Yuriko is more appropriate. Although Li Yalin doesn’t mind bringing some benefits to the country, he also Also don’t want to be pitted.

“Wait, Mr. Li, I haven’t finished speaking yet!” Seeing Li Yalin turned around and was about to leave with Saya, Yue Zihao couldn’t bear it anymore, and quickly stepped forward to stop him. Li Yalin.

However, the two idiots behind Yue Zihao thought that Yue Zihao wanted to catch Li Yalin, so they looked at each other, then rushed forward, and lifted Inner Strength. I want to catch Li Yalin, but can Li Yalin be caught so easily? I saw Li Yalin’s body, after a flash of lightning, instantly electrocuted the two to the ground.

“Mr. Yue, you have also seen it. It was your people who did it first. This time I don’t care about it. If there is another time, I can’t guarantee that they will be complete Appear in front of you.” At the end, Li Yalin’s eyes had bursts of fierce light, and a huge energy directly pressed Yue Zihao to the ground.

“Who are you?” Yue Zihao looked at Li Yalin incredulously, his eyes were full of horror, he was already an Expert of First-Tier, but in front of Li Yalin’s, unexpectedly Just like a three-year-old child, he can’t think of resistance at all. Is this the strength of Innate? too terrifying.

“What’s the matter with my son?” At this moment, the door of the Conference Hall was kicked open. Wang Ya ran in a little panic. Originally, Wang Ya was in the Conference Hall. I waited for news with the women in the distance, but the powerful breath that emerged suddenly made Wang Ya startled. Wang Ya, who was afraid of Li Yalin’s accident, hurriedly kicked open the door of the Conference Hall, but the scene in the Conference Hall was Here, Wang Ya was stunned.

“Big Brother Yue? What the hell is going on?” I saw that Yue Zihao, the leader of the 17th Group of the National Security Eighteenth Agency, kneeled in front of Li Yalin’s, and there were two members of the 17th Group lying on the ground. , And that amazing imposing manner actually radiated from his son.

“Mother, why are you here?” Seeing Wang Ya entered the Conference Hall, Li Yalin took the imposing manner back from him, and asked with a smile, as if it was just exuding That kind of horrible imposing manner is not like him.

“You said that, you scared me to death, and thought something happened to you! When did you, the smelly brat, have such a strong strength? Why didn’t you tell us?” Wang Ya Some flustered and exasperated said, I just kicked the door of the Conference Hall in spite of my image, but behind her, there are still my future daughter-in-laws watching, which makes me ashamed to be a mother-in-law.

“Didn’t you ask, do you know these guys, Mother?” Li Yalin said with a smile on hee hee, and then looked at Yue Zihao and the others on the ground with disdain.

“It’s all a system, can you not know it? What’s going on? Did they use any coercive means?” After sighed, Wang Ya turned his head and helped Yue Zihao up, but said At the last moment, a trace of baleful aura appeared on Wang Ya’s body.

“How is it possible, but these two boys are really disappointing, they have no eyesight at all, and they deserve it.” Yue Zihao stood up tremblingly, looking a little trembling. With both legs, Yue Zihao couldn’t help but bitterly laughed.

“Sister Wang Family, this is the son of you and Big Brother Li? Really tiger father will not beget a dog son, no, it should be said that the student surpasses the master, his strength is really too It’s terrifying.” Yue Zihao shook the head afterwards.

“Of course, don’t look at whose son this is!” Wang Ya said proudly.

“But what do you mean by Big Brother Yue this time? What do you say above?” Wang Ya asked with some confusion at this time.

“The main thing is to make friends with Gods Corporation. You also know that the establishment of Gods Corporation is very strange, and the high-level members are all foreigners with Chinese nationality. This is very incredible, and the system is not bad. What’s wrong, so the above plans to use the Huairou policy first, but who would have thought that this is flooding the Dragon King Temple.” Yue Zihao continued to sigh.

“The Huairou policy? If the Huairou policy cannot be implemented, is it necessary to use the iron-blood policy?” Li Yalin’s voice was very cold, which made Yue Zihao shiver uncontrollably.

“I don’t know this anymore. I am just a soldier. However, Gods Corporation attaches great importance to it. It shouldn’t be a foolish thing to do.” Yue Zihao Shook his head again and again. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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