“If your dignified leader Yue Da is just a soldier, then what are the real soldiers of us?” Wang Ya gave Yue Zihao a white look. It seems that the 17th Group and the 19th Group get along well. According to the information, the Dark World Special Handling Team guys like the Eighteenth Agency are all gods and my second eldest son, and they are not pleasing to everyone.

Especially between groups, conflicts are common, and some Martial Artists and Esper are not pleasing to the eye. There are also some pure martial arts groups in the Eighteenth Agency. He Yi Neng Group, in other words, the 17th Group is a pure Martial Artist group.

“Mother, stop talking nonsense with him. Tell your superiors and show sincerity if you want to cooperate. Next, Gods Corporation CEO Takagi Yuriko will discuss a specific agreement with you. You also know now My parents are now, let them work hard on this, but don’t play tricks with me, your every move is under my control!” After Li Yalin was coldly snorted, he pulled Wang Ya and left. This Conference Hall.

“Did I say you really are my son?” After leaving the Conference Hall, Wang Ya looked up and down at Li Yalin, and then took off Li Yalin’s glasses.

But it’s okay not to take it off. When Wang Ya took off Li Yalin’s glasses, tears were already coming out of the corners of Wang Ya’s eyes, which immediately made Li Yalin feel at a loss. , Mother, what the hell is going on?

“I said, Mother, what’s wrong with you? Why are you doing this?” Li Yalin wiped Wang Ya’s tears quickly, but Wang Ya’s tears could not stop flowing down, crying Li Yalin’s heart It’s also sour.

“Sorry son, I’m not a good mother, I’m really sorry!” Wang Ya threw on Li Yalin’s body and burst into tears, but this made Li Yalin even more confused. What’s wrong ?

“What’s going on? Mother, are you talking?” Li Yalin quickly straightened Wang Ya, looking at his mother with puzzlement.

“I took off your glasses and found out that I can’t even remember your appearance, only the vague appearance when I was a child, so cute and so beautiful. But since you After remembering things, we have seen less and pitiful meetings. Although we all said it was for your sake, why don’t we selfishly want to live an ordinary life! Do you hate me? Really hate me. Right?” Wang Ya grabbed Li Yalin’s arm and didn’t let go. He didn’t care about the girls behind Li Yalin, so he cried.

“Mother, I don’t hate you, I really don’t hate you, although I did blame you a little before I didn’t know the truth, but after learning the truth, I really can’t blame you anymore “Li Yalin patted his mother on the back, very gentle and comfortable.

Seeing this scene in front of me, the eyes of all the women present are also red. What a touching scene, especially Saeko and Ophelia. They feel that they have no mother since they were young. The deepest of them.

After some comfort from Li Yalin’s, Wang Ya gradually stopped sobbing. Wang Ya is also a strong man, and soon returned to normal, but when she returned to normal, she immediately got entangled Li Yalin.

“Say! What the hell is going on with you? Why do you suddenly have such a powerful strength” Wang Ya asked Li Yalin, squinting his eyes, really worthy of being a mother and son, interrogating people’s eyes It’s exactly the same.

“Well Mother, it’s not that I don’t talk about it, but it’s more involved. It’s no good to tell you too early. If there is an opportunity, I’ll tell you.” Li Yalin I don’t want to tell Mother everything now. It’s better to wait until I have a chance to tell Mother. Now is indeed not the time.

“Don’t use my words to perfuse me! Forget it, you brat has been so stubborn since childhood, as long as you don’t want to say things, you will never say it. I understand this. Since you don’t want to say it , Then I won’t ask more, but son, you must remember that everything must be careful!” Wang Ya sighed, and finally did not continue to ask, but then she still cared about Li Yalin and told Li Yalin.

“Okay, I know.” Li Yalin said to Wang Ya with a smile.

“But I said Little Lin’zi, how do I feel that your face has changed a lot? You are more like a girl. Did you take any medicine?” At this moment, Chu Zixin stepped forward and took a closer look at Li Yalin’s face. After observing for a long time, Chu Zixin made a sudden realization, but what he said made Li Yalin almost hit the wall.

“You just took the medicine! Your whole family took the medicine!” Li Yalin flustered and exasperated said. It’s really been a long time since I tried the School Flower Class Leader’s complaint. Now I will try it again. After that, I still feel so off-line.

“You child, how do you say it!” Wang Ya on the side patted Li Yalin’s head and said.

“She provoke me first!” Li Yalin felt very aggrieved. He very much doubted whether Chu Zixin had a dual personality. He was obviously gentle and pleasant in front of others, but why did he become in front of him? Demoness!

In the next few days, Gods Corporation’s water purification device began to be officially sold, and it was an uproar outside that Gods Corporation’s water purification device was not at a uniform price. For different countries and regions, the sales prices are also different, but this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that some countries have actually been banned.

For example, Japan, which was clamoring before, Gods Corporation simply did not sell to them. This caused a lot of complaints in Japan. The people began to march on the streets. The first husband of Japan knelt down and apologized, so that Gods Corporation could do it. Sale of water purification equipment to Japan.

It’s the same with Japan’s neighbor, Bangzi Country. Just after Gods Corporation held a press conference, Bangzi Country began to tout, saying that this water purification device was actually invented by Bangzi Country. The patent rights should belong to the country of Bangzi, which made Li Yalin very unhappy. Now that it is good, the banning orders will stop the clamors, and all of them will be honest.

The United States also protested, because the water purification equipment sold to the United States is very expensive, reaching 1 billion U.S. dollars per unit, which is more than stealing money. However, Li Yalin is dismissive of this. Don’t you have money? Since you have money to go to war, why don’t you have money to buy water purification devices that benefit the country and the people?

However, like some severely water-scarce countries in Africa, Li Yalin gave them the water purification device free of charge. His kind deed won the favor of all Africans, and also won The goodwill of the people of the whole world. Although Li Yalin has not simply shown up, no one knows what kind of person the chairman of Gods Corporation is.

In China, Li Yalin also donated 20 water purification devices to the country free of charge. The rest of the devices are purchased at the normal price. This is also the result of previous negotiations, but Li Yalin But refused to share this skill with the country.

It’s not that Li Yalin is not patriotic, but that there are many secrets involved. The water purification device is built on the basis of alchemy, and the internal structure of the device is also similar to the science and technology theory on Earth. Contrary, if you only rely on the knowledge on Earth to study these, I am afraid that you will not be able to find any way to study for one or two hundred years.

This is also the reason why Li Yalin is confident and bold to sell the water purification device. Whoever is willing to study it will take it and study it. Anyway, this thing cannot be installed after it is removed. Moreover, there are restrictions and records on the devices sold in every region of the world. You can take them back for repair after you break them, but if you find that it was deliberate man-made damage, then I’m sorry. Where do you go from here? Not responsible!

Just as Gods Corporation started the sale of water purification devices, Li Yalin and Yuriko were discussing new development plans. Yesterday Li Yalin found an island in the Pacific Ocean. This island is on the map. It is not marked on it. It should belong to an undiscovered island. This island is located in the Central Zone of the Pacific Ocean. Basically, no ships or planes pass by.

After discovering the island, Li Yalin suddenly had an inspiration. It was a good choice to use this island as his own military base. When Li Yalin explained this idea to the women, It was also unanimously agreed by everyone.

Then, of course, the rapid development of the base. From Li Yalin’s Evolved Space, teams of engineering robots pulled various construction materials and appeared on the island, which lasted less than a day. In time, the island covering an area of ​​280,000 square meters became a steel fortress. At the same time, Li Yalin launched five satellites into space to monitor the actions of countries on the ground.

Now what Li Yalin and Yuriko are discussing is Gods Corporation’s next development plan. In the end, the two decided that it is better to develop medicines for the sake of human beings.

Regios World’s medical effect is stronger than the current Earth. There are many diseases that cannot be cured on Earth. They have been overcome in Regios World.

Furthermore, there are countless Healing Potions in Li Yalin’s Evolved Space, although the effect of Healing Potion is too domineering for ordinary persons. But Li Yalin and the others found that after a certain amount of dilution, ordinary persons can also withstand Healing Potion, so this diluted Healing Potion that can restore vitality will undoubtedly bring considerable gospel to mankind.

However, regarding these developments, Li Yalin is only proposing a direction. The next operation of Li Yalin is left to Yuriko, because there is still a major event waiting for Li Yalin to do.

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