Since Li Yalin’s Mother Wang Ya and School Flower Class Leader Chu Zixin came to City C, they have not returned to the capital. After Yue Zihao and Gods Corporation had negotiated, the chairman of Gods Corporation was National Security Eighteenth The news that the agency 19th Group is Vice-Leader’s son was immediately learned by the senior management. At the same time, they also learned that Li Yalin has at least the strength of Innate Rank. In this way, Wang Ya and the others immediately got the order, and there is no need to return to Beijing for the time being. Just follow Li Yalin’s side.

For this order, Wang Ya and Chu Zixin are very willing to execute it. Wang Ya is because they can finally get together with their son. As for Chu Zixin, everyone except Li Yalin knows what it is. the reason.

“Son! Your father is also back to City C!” On this day, Wang Ya suddenly received a call. After hanging up, Wang Ya was very excited and said to Li Yalin. People can finally be reunited.

This time, Li Yalin’s father Li Zhicheng also took a special plane to reach City C directly. Before he came, Li Zhicheng received an order from above. The senior leaders of the country wanted to ask Li Yalin to go to the capital. , And Li Zhicheng specifically came to pick up Li Yalin’s this time.

After the family of three was reunited, Li Zhicheng also explained the situation to Li Yalin. Originally, Li Yalin didn’t want to blend with the country too much, but it was because of the face of father and mother. , Li Yalin finally decided to go to the capital again.

There are not many people on this trip to the capital. In addition to Li Yalin and his parents Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya, School Flower Class Leader Chu Zixin must also follow. It’s just that Ye Ling was stayed at Gods Corporation. She signed a contract with Li Yalin two days ago. Now she is fighting with all the girls, and she also needs to learn some necessary knowledge, so this time So I didn’t take Ye Ling with me.

In addition to Ye Ling, Li Yalin brought Rei, Saeko, and Ophelia. Originally, Li Yalin didn’t want to take the girls, but after everyone’s unanimous vote, In the end, Li Yalin had only a minority to obey the majority, and went with the three girls.

For the girls around Li Yalin, Li Yalin’s father Li Zhicheng was not as surprised as Mother Wang Ya, but silently patted Li Yalin’s shoulder and gave a thumbs up , And also made an expression that everyone tacitly knew. This caused the black line on Li Yalin’s head to be pulled down immediately. This is how his father is. He has never been indifferent. If there is no Mother watching, I really don’t know what he will become.

It’s really strange, why Mother likes such a father, and this inconspicuous personality can make Li Zhicheng the leader of the Eighteenth Agency 19th Group, it’s really incredible.

After arriving in the capital, Li Yalin and the others were picked up by a special car before they had time to see the scenery all around. However, after reaching the destination, Li Yalin found that his entire group had come. Arrived at the headquarters of the National Security Eighteenth Agency.

“Didn’t you say that you want to see me up there? Why are you here?” Li Yalin looked at Li Zhicheng very puzzled.

“You know when the time comes, there must be a big surprise.” Li Zhicheng mysteriously said.

After the Li Yalin entire group entered the headquarters, it was discovered that the Eighteenth Agency was heavily guarded, with three steps, one post, five steps, and one sentry, which seemed to be on the verge of an enemy. This made Li Yalin a little funny. Is it protecting me? But do these ordinary soldiers have meaning in front of them? Shouldn’t the other party be so stupid?

However, after opening a door under the leadership of Li Zihao, Li Yalin knew why this place was so heavily guarded. It was because in this room, most of the top leaders in China Here, Li Yalin can’t help but feel surprised, isn’t this too ridiculous? Why are there so many people?

“Haha, this youngster is the chairman of Gods Corporation, right? Heroes come out from the Youth.” Just after Li Yalin and the others entered the room, an old man headed by the other He stood up with a kind face and said that he is the highest leader of China, President Gu Yuegu.

“Heroes come out from the Youth, this is not counted. I don’t know what the people are looking for, what a nobody is doing?” Although I met these leaders in China, Li Yalin did not imagine The excitement of Li Yalin may be that his vision has become higher, so Li Yalin is just very plain, not humble or humble.

“youngster, you are too modest, this time we are looking for you and there are indeed some things that we want to ask you about, Team Leader Li, you can take everyone to rest first, we Old Guy I want to talk to this youngster alone.” President Gu slightly smiled and then instructed Li Zhicheng again.

When the irrelevant people are almost gone, there will be people in this room on July 6th. Except for Li Yalin, everyone else is the state leaders of the right party, but this The atmosphere at the time was very serious, which made Li Yalin a little puzzled.

“This time we invite you over, you must be wondering? The cooperation with Gods Corporation has been negotiated, why should we see you this time.” President Gu smiled. Said to Li Yalin.

“There are indeed some questions, but the purpose of looking for me this time has nothing to do with Gods Corporation, right?” Li Yalin’s mouth also showed a slight smile.

“That’s good, I will show you something before that, and then we will continue to talk about the following topics.” Did not say the main content of the conversation, President Gu just pressed With a switch, a video was played on the big screen on the wall of the room.

“Mecha?” Li Yalin frowned as soon as he watched this video.

The picture in the video is not particularly clear, but Li Yalin can still see that on February 1st, the lowest-level combat Mecha appeared in the picture. They seem to A special Quest is being executed, but the duration of the screen is not very long, and it is interrupted in less than one minute.

“This was accidentally discovered and filmed by our spies in a Quest. However, due to the tight time, the shooting time was very short, but this is already very precious information.” Video After playing, President Gu explained to Li Yalin.

“It’s really precious, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me, right?” Li Yalin asked rhetorically.

“As far as we know, the small movements of the United States have been very frequent recently. It seems that they have received some support. The military strength has developed rapidly. These combat robots are one of the secret weapons of the United States. Although they have not been exposed to the outside world yet, if this continues, sooner or later the US Congress will dominate the world!” At this point, President Gu also seemed very worried.

“According to the technological development on Earth, this kind of combat robot shouldn’t have appeared on Earth yet, but now it actually appears. Just like your Gods Corporation’s water purification device In general, let’s not tell you that, after obtaining the water purification device, the National Academy immediately analyzed the device. However, the results of the analysis were very frustrating, and it was impossible to analyze the structure and composition principles inside. Just like the robot in the United States, it shouldn’t be a product developed by modern technology at all.” After President Gu said everything, he looked at Li Yalin without saying a word, which meant that he hoped that Li Yalin could give an explanation. .

“You don’t think that the Mecha in the United States was provided to them by me, do you?” Li Yalin said a little funny.

“Of course we don’t mean that. We just want to know, youngster, do you know something.” President Gu said in a tranquil voice very much, and there was no wave of waves in his tone.

Just when Li Yalin wanted to answer I don’t know, Li Yalin’s Quest Window was suddenly updated. After reading Quest Window, Li Yalin was greatly startled.

Quest Name ——Destruction of Earth Crisis.

Quest Content: At the beginning of 2012, a large number of Alien creatures will land on Earth. For the hope of mankind, the emergence of Savior will become inevitable.

Quest Objective: Save the world.

Main Quest-Repel All invading Alien creatures.

Side Quest-the rise of China, unite with China to defeat the Alien invaders, can provide Mecha below China Low-Level as help, but it is not allowed to provide Mecha above Middle-Level or Middle-Level, otherwise Quest failed.

Quest Limitation-Counter-Attack is only allowed after Alien’s first wave of attacks, otherwise Quest will fail.

Quest failure penalty-Earth is completely destroyed.

Quest Notification: In addition to the invading creatures, the U.S. has obtained some Low-Level Mecha data. They are planning to use the Alien creature’s invasion to achieve the goal of dominating the world.

Quest Reward: Unknown.

The changes in Quest are really big. The details are given so much. What makes Li Yalin cheat the most is that 2012 is really the end of the world. Is there any mistake?

It is now mid-June of the 11th year. That is to say, there is only about half a year left until the beginning of 2012. Do you want to make China rise in six months? ? Is it difficult?

However, there is a reasonable explanation for why the Miguchi has Mecha, but what exactly are these invading Alien creatures? Is it a humanoid universe man driving Mecha? Or an octopus man in a flying saucer? Regarding these Quest mentions, there is no answer, which makes Li Yalin a little troubled.

“youngster, youngster? What’s wrong with you?” Seeing Li Yalin remained silent, President Gu couldn’t help but touch Li Yalin, which made Li Yalin wake up from thinking immediately .

“Oh, nothing, I just thought of something.” Li Yalin immediately replied.

“I do know some things about these Mecha in the US, but this matter is very involved, and I don’t know if you will believe it.” At this point, Li Yalin seemed very right. Hesitate.

“It’s okay, just tell me if you have something.” President Gu said with a smile.

“Do you believe in the end of 2012world?” (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)


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