After the training of several major military leaders, it was Li Yalin’s turn to give instructions from the Chief Instructor. However, seeing the weak devil with glasses in front of him turned out to be his Chief Instructor. These elites are a little unconvinced.

But an order is an order, and the mission of a soldier is to obey an order, so even if he is not convinced, no soldier complains.

“Hello everyone, my name is Li Yalin, and I am the Chief Instructor who is responsible for training everyone. In the next month, I will spend it with everyone. I hope we can get along well. .” Li Yalin slightly smiled, with neither a long story nor a new official appointment, he was very indifferent.

“Report!” At this moment, a Warrior standing in the front row suddenly shouted loudly.

“What’s the problem?” Li Yalin asked.

“Does Instructor Li train us alone?” The soldier raised his own question.

“Of course not. Tomorrow my companion will come to help me train you together.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“Then what do we want to train? This is no different from an ordinary military base. I didn’t see any special training items!” Li Yalin just answered, but the soldier asked again.

“This question is a good question. I believe you all have this question. Although I can’t reveal the actual training content yet, I can tell you clearly that it will be you in the first month. The most difficult month. In this month, I will turn these three thousand of you into three hundred. My official army only accepts three hundred people. You must be mentally prepared for this.” Li Yalin nodded, This soldier is very good, dare to ask his own questions in front of so many military leaders.

Li Yalin’s words caused an uproar among the soldiers present. Three thousand people became three hundred? Choose one of ten, what an amazing elimination rate this is! But on the other hand, it can also be seen that this army to be formed must also be the elite of the elite. All the youngsters present are youngsters. Li Yalin’s words instantly stirred up the competitive psychology of the soldiers. Everyone secretly I swear that I must enter this most elite force.

“Be quiet! Of course, the soldiers who lost the election need not be discouraged. Although there are only 300 people in the official army, I still need a reserve force of 1,000 people, that is to say, there are 3,000 people present. There will be 1,300 people staying, and when the time comes, these talents will start the real training!”

After Li Yalin said this, all the soldiers present were completely thorough It was quiet, although nearly half of the people would stay, but the name of the reserve force was too shameful, and no one wanted to bear the name of the reserve force.

“Report!” But at this moment, there was a report from the female team. It was one of the two Third Rank High-Level Peak female soldiers. Know what question she wants to ask.

“Let’s talk about it.” This female soldier is really beautiful. It’s a military flower in which army is placed. It’s a pity to come here.

“Excuse me, instructor, how do you plan to train us? Please forgive me for being rude, your body looks very thin, even if we can hold on, can you hold on?” This said At this point, it is full of medicinal smell. Obviously, this female soldier thinks that Li Yalin has no strength. It is just a kid of Great Clans who came out with gold rims, so her tone of voice is not that way. polite.

“Thin? Me?” Li Yalin pffft let out a laugh, his body can be said to be the most perfect and most proportional. It is the first time to be said to be thin, but it is the tallest Compared to the strong men who are full of muscles, Li Yalin’s body is indeed thinner.

“Zhong Mengying! Who allowed you to question the instructors? Is this what you learned in the army?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Admiral Zhong surnamed beside Li Yalin was already shouting come out. This General Zhong is one of the Four Great Families, Zhong Family Family Head Zhong Jianjun. Zhong Family is not only Martial World Aristocratic Family, but also a military Aristocratic Family. Different from the situation of several other companies, the Zhong Family is a member of the military. They are all developing in the army, didn’t expect that he even knew this female soldier, Zhong Mengying? Is it also a member of Zhong Family?

“Old Man Zhong, is this?” Four Great Families have a good relationship with each other, so it is normal for Li Yalin to call each other like that. Besides, Zhong Jianjun’s temperament is very similar to Li Yalin’s temper, and the two get along in private. Li Yalin was staring at Zhong Jianjun with a surprised look, and the doubt in his eyes was self-evident.

“This is my granddaughter Zhong Mengying. Originally, I didn’t want her to participate, but this girl didn’t know what way she went. She secretly joined in while we didn’t pay attention. I am also present. I knew it a long time ago that this girl has a stubborn temper, and she still admits death. I can’t help it.” At this point, Zhong Jianjun smiled bitterly, obviously because she had no choice with this granddaughter.

“It turns out that this is the case. I don’t care about it, but I don’t want to go through the back door. Everything speaks with strength here.” Li Yalin slightly smiled and said playfully.

“Haha, what I want is you! Don’t give me face, let this girl know what is Person beyond the Person. Before reaching the strength of Third-Tier, I think I’m invincible. in the whole world? What is there to be proud of defeating those soldiers!” Zhong Jianjun laughed three times, patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, and made a gesture that I am optimistic about you.

“It feels like you have no good intentions.” Looking at the other party’s deep smile, Li Yalin curled his lips.

“Originally I thought that there would be no need for a new official to take office, but someone still raised doubts about it. Well, since you would ask, you must be very confident in your own skill compared to that. Come out, I’ll prove it to you today. I have the ability to be your instructor.” Without continuing to pay attention to Old Man Zhong, Li Yalin revealed to Zhong Mengying, who was shocked by Old Man Zhong’s roar. A smile of harmless to humans and animals.

“Really?” Hearing what Li Yalin said, Zhong Mengying was also in a daze. Didn’t expect this instructor is really ready to prove it to himself, is he really very difficult to deal with? Impossible, there is no trace of Inner Strength on his body, and he looks very weak, without any Expert temperament.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Zhong Mengying still stood up.

“I want to prove it like this. It’s a fight with me. Weapon or firearm, it’s up to you.” Li Yalin said to Zhong Mengying indifferently, but this indifference aroused Zhong Mengying. The anger in the heart.

“I have to compare!” Zhong Mengying shouted loudly.

“Both are better? Okay, but everyone’s time is limited. Let’s do it quickly. We will start the formal training this afternoon. I hope everyone can spare some time to rest.” Li Yalin nodded, and then again Continue to say: “Compared with what?”

“Compared with fists and feet!” After Zhong Mengying panting with rage, he backhanded simple ordinary punch moved towards Li Yalin’s chest. Li Yalin said just now. Humiliate yourself, time is limited do it quickly? That means you can defeat me soon, right? Holding this breath, Zhong Mengying decided to give this supercilious instructor more color.

“I haven’t announced the start of the game. You belong to a sneak attack, and this move is not very authentic, but due to gender issues, I will not demonstrate it here.” Just Raising his left hand, he grabbed the opponent’s fist upright, and then with a strong backhand, Zhong Mengying was restrained.

“You pervert! Let me go!” His face flushed with Li Yalin’s ridicule, Zhong Mengying struggled again and again, and the soldiers below gave out the whole place burst. into laughter.

“I’m a pervert? Where did I look you?” Although his mouth was sloppy, Li Yalin still let go of Zhong Mengying, but these words are indeed a bit of teasing, in front of Zhong Mengying’s Li Yalin dared to say such a thing in front of grandfather.

“You this bastard!” Zhong Mengying, who was free, didn’t retreat. Instead, he kicked Li Yalin with a whip kick, but Li Yalin just like before, raised his hand and lifted Zhong Mengying’s The calf grabbed her, making her impossible to move.

This time Zhong Mengying completely understands that this Li Yalin is totally playing tricks on himself. He is obviously strong but does not reveal himself. He also makes himself embarrassed on stage. His grandfather is also watching the jokes, which makes Zhong Mengying is simply ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Will you still use comparisons next?” After letting go of the opponent, Li Yalin’s plain tone has already made Zhong Mengying flushed with shame, but she did not give up, even if her skill is not as good as the opponent , But Spear Art is not necessarily better than himself.

“Of course! But I want to compare Spear Art with you!” Zhong Mengying said confidently. Her Spear Art is one of the best in the military area, even among the men who believe oneself infallible. It is not her opponent at all.

“Better than Spear Art?” Li Yalin was immediately happy. He raised his hand and took out his Magnum Pistol. Before looking at it, he moved towards five consecutive shots on a target at least two hundred meters away. Gun, after Zhong Mengying saw the bullet marks on the target, she was completely convinced. How could she hit the heart without seeing Li Yalin aiming?

Especially after seeing the Magnum Pistol in Li Yalin’s hands, Zhong Mengying, who has loved guns since he was a child, has straight eyes. This desert eagle is definitely powerful, but relatively accurate. It’s so bad. Only within ten meters is the best shooting range for this pistol. Is the 200-meter shooting range still within human control?

In fact, what she didn’t know was that in order to have a shocking effect, all of the five shots Li Yalin just used used the Guided Arrow skill. Otherwise, even Li Yalin could not guarantee the shot. Red hearts.

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