“How is this possible?” After seeing this result, everyone present was dumbfounded, and each of them looked at Li Yalin with a devilish expression, as if they were looking at some prehistoric creature.

Although there is nothing to be seen in the fist and foot test, Li Yalin’s Spear Art made all the soldiers present admire incomparably. As elites, they naturally all work with guns, but who Nor can I use Li Yalin’s almost mysterious Spear Art.

In this way, these three thousand soldiers naturally developed a kind of convincing psychology to Li Yalin, a seemingly ordinary instructor, at least Li Yalin won everyone’s respect on Spear Art.

“Now disbanded on the spot, I will gather here at one o’clock in the afternoon, when the time comes, I will officially start the training program!” After Li Yalin finished speaking, the whole team left the playground in batches in an orderly manner. , And at this time Li Yalin had already chatted with the leaders of the military.

“I said Yalin boy, how do you plan to train them this month? Is it just training their physique?” Zhong Family Old Master was looking at Li Yalin with a puzzled face at this time, even according to Li Yalin’s arranged to select the soldiers and prepare the venue, but at the moment these old generals are still very puzzled, and they don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in the bottle gourd of Li Yalin.

“The training of physique is only one aspect. Their main weapon is Mecha, so I will work hard on this aspect. My partner will be here tomorrow morning, and will also bring Three hundred simulated Mecha operating devices, which are exactly the same as the real Mecha, I am going to use this thing to test the Mecha talent of the soldiers.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Simulate Mecha operating device? Why haven’t I heard of it before?” A surnamed Ye general asked in confusion, but he hadn’t said it before.

“In fact, these are all in the materials for the research institute, but there are too many materials, and I can’t explain them all one by one.”

“That’s true. But how do you ship the three hundred simulation devices? Do we need to send a special plane to pick them up?” Old Man Zhong continued to ask at this time.

“Don’t worry about this, everyone. I have my own way. Don’t forget how I sent the Mecha.” Li Yalin smiled and replied, but when it comes to the Mecha, how many The face of the old general changed color.

Beijing, as the capital of China, is naturally the strongest defense against enemies, but Li Yalin can even transport these Mechas to the capital secretly. You must know that this is not a toy. They were steel giants about eight or nine meters tall. Everyone didn’t even know what the Mecha was used to transport them. This slapped the National Security Bureau and the Ministry of Defense guys.

“grandfather! Why are you here?” At this moment, Zhong Mengying came over. It seems that these guards all know this Young Lady Zhong, and there is nothing to stop him, Zhong Mengying. Then came to the front of everyone.

“Why are there so no rules? How did I educate you at home? No big or small, now you are a soldier here, who gave you the right to let you come over?” Old Man Zhong raised his eyebrows One pick, imposing manner completely shouted at Zhong Mengying.

“grandfather ~ I am here to see you grandfather, Ye grandfather, Zhou grandfather, Xiao grandfather, it is really long time no see, are you okay?” Didn’t expect After the Young Lady Zhong even snorted, a greeting made the old generals amused and smiled.

“Okay Old Zhong, let’s just chat, and didn’t study any secrets. Besides, with the cleverness of Mengying this girl, there will be her number one among the last three hundred people. There are some things. It’s okay to let her know something.” Admiral Surnamed Zhou said with a smile moved towards Old Man Zhong.

“That is, Mengying is a well-behaved and smart child, and he is also outstanding. He will definitely be selected.” The other veteran generals also said comfortingly, but this made Li Yalin couldn’t help it. Rolled the eyes, can he choose Li Yalin to have the final say, besides, how can you be sure that Zhong Mengying can definitely stay in the mecha army?

The Old Man Zhong that the veterans said was also speechless. They could only sigh that their granddaughter’s mouth is too sweet. Usually, these Old Guys are so confused, but this It’s also a kind of ability.

After listening to these words, Zhong Mengying was very happy, but after seeing Li Yalin, Zhong Mengying was snorted lightly. It seems that Zhong Mengying is still very dissatisfied with the fist test just now.

“grandfather, can you tell me in advance, what exactly is the purpose of this training? What is the purpose of the team this time? Why can’t you tell us now?” At this time Zhong Mengying But it was moved towards Old Man Zhong acting like a child, and when he looked at the other old generals, his eyes were full of Xiyi.

“This is still in the confidential stage for the time being, only those who are left will know it. We are not talking about it yet.” shook the head, Old Man Zhong did not tell Zhong Mengying the answer, wait until Zhong Mengying will After turning his gaze to the other old generals, he found that everyone shook the head in unison, and he didn’t say a word.

“snort! Never mind!” Zhong Mengying stamped his foot, panting with rage turned and ran away.

“Oh! There is such a granddaughter in the family, she is spoiled, let Yalin you laugh.” Seeing his granddaughter’s back sighed away, a trace of helplessness flashed across Old Man Zhong’s face .

“This Young Lady Zhong can also be regarded as a man of temperament, very straightforward.” Li Yalin only laughed dryly. This has nothing to do with Li Yalin, he can’t do anything. Evaluation. However, although this Zhong Mengying has some Young Lady temperament, Li Yalin can see that her nature is not bad, so she didn’t feel bad about her.

After lunch, Old Man Zhong handed a few documents to Li Yalin, and opened it with some surprise. The leader of the 21th Group of the National Security Agency’s Eighteenth Agency 21th Group and the first Independent Mecha Army Captain , The rank of university colonel, the visiting professor of the National Academy of Science and Technology, what is this all about? When did Li Yalin say he was going to work for the country?

“It’s just a vacant job. Anyway, you must have a job in name, but you can rest assured that even if you have these jobs, the country will not ask you for anything. , Just to make it more convenient for you.” Seeing Li Yalin’s surprised eyes, Old Man Zhong immediately explained to him with a smile.

“Well, but what kind of group is this 21th Group? Why have I never heard of it?” Li Yalin asked amusedly looking at the ID of the National Security Bureau.

“The team just formed does not have any members. To put it bluntly, you are just a general without an army, but you can choose the team members yourself. Don’t your companions have no positions yet, let them be you The members of the 21th Group are ready.” Old Man Zhong crafty said, it seems that this is really premeditated.

“My companion? I think everyone has made the investigation of Gods Corporation clear. Then you should know that, apart from myself, none of my companions belong to Chinese in the true sense. Even if they are using Chinese nationality now, I don’t think you would trust them so simply and let them work for the country.” Li Yalin said in a surprise.

“What time is it now, where are you still scrupulous about these. To be honest, I can’t believe the end of the world you said until now, but after seeing the Mecha you gave us, I’m I have to believe it. Our hearts are really complicated. We are old, but you are all young. They are all ages like a flower season. In the disaster after half a year, I don’t know how many people will lose their lives. Thinking about it makes people sad. Ah.” Old Man Zhong sighed long, and the other old generals also looked gloomy.

“Please rest assured, don’t take things so pessimistically, as long as we survive the first wave of attacks, we will surely win!” Li Yalin smiled and comforted, this cheating Quest limit is really true It’s uncomfortable, otherwise Li Yalin could consider the issue of space interception.

“I hope so.” Everyone sighed. Now the only thing everyone can do is to do their best. As for the rest, they can only let their fate.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, three thousand soldiers had assembled on the large playground of the base on time. The old generals had already left. Only Li Yalin and Saeko, Rei and Ophelia behind him were left. Up.

Originally, Saeko and the others did not show up, but Li Yalin considered that he could not take care of three thousand people alone, so Li Yalin could only take these three women with them during the afternoon training.

But seeing the three women behind Li Yalin, the male soldiers in the team stared straight. What are they training? Forget it for a young instructor, why are there three more charming little beauties? There is even a Western beauty in it?

“From now on, we will have to conduct formal training. First is physical training. Only after the physical training reaches the standard can we proceed to the next training. This can also be said to be the best test method. Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then directly ordered the soldiers to carry a weight of 50 kg and run in circles throughout the base until they couldn’t run. There was also a special Chief-In-Charge in the base. They would Make special records of these soldiers.

In addition to load-bearing running, various other training programs, Li Yalin, are also the development of one by one. By the end of the afternoon, these three thousand soldiers are all exhausted. Those who can Inner Strength The soldiers are relatively strong. Ordinary soldiers have long been lying on the ground and can’t get up.

After this afternoon’s training, Li Yalin divided the three thousand troops into 30 squads. Each platoon is managed by a platoon chief, and each platoon is divided into ten squads. , Each squad has a Class Leader responsible.

In this way, Li Yalin only needs to convey the training Quest to each platoon leader, and after the support arrives tomorrow, Li Yalin will also be a lot easier, or just rely on Li Yalin and Saeko. A few, indeed, can’t be taken care of. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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