Li Yalin is still very kind. At least he is not like a devil instructor. It makes people sleepless and wakes up to train in the middle of the night. He didn’t take any extreme methods to treat these soldiers, so everyone felt tired during the first day of training. Besides, I didn’t feel anything special.

However, just before dawn on the 2nd day in the morning, the sound of propellers spinning was heard from the base’s playground. The simulated Mecha operating device required by Li Yalin for this training has been They were delivered. These devices were all made on the base in the Pacific. At this time, Li Yalin’s Super Military Factory was working overtime to make Mecha, and there was no spare time to make this thing.

There are a total of ten people who came to help this time. Except for Galatea, Miria and Elena, the remaining seven are all claymore beauties ranked around twenty. However, the three hundred simulation devices that accompanied them took a lot of space, so Miria brought them on the Spatial Ring, so only one helicopter was dispatched.

“You came quite early, I thought you would have to arrive at o’clock on August 7th.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Your Great Young Master Li’s order, do we dare to neglect?” Elena said after a blank glance at Li Yalin, and the words were full of resentment.

“Is it so exaggerated? By the way, how come I smelled a vinegar smell? Does anyone have too much cooking vinegar?” Li Yalin laughed when hee hee came to Elena’s and was very exaggerated. He sniffed hard.

“You’re just jealous! It’s just… it’s just that you have ignored Clare for too long, and she misses you very much now! I’m just making trouble for Clare!” Elena said obviously wrongly. After she finished speaking, all the claymore beauties all chuckled.

“Okay, okay, I know it’s my fault that I have neglected to care about you recently, but now this planet is facing a crisis, we have to work with a common purpose to get through the difficulties. “Li Yalin smiled and touched Elena’s hair, but his inadvertent movement made Elena blush.

“Don’t tease our Elena, her cheek is not as thick as yours.” At this moment, Miria hurriedly stepped forward to relieve her. This time, it was Miria who led the team. She must have come out first to help in this situation. Although Galatea’s ranks higher than Miria, Galatea considers herself inferior to Miria in terms of leadership and training.

First of all, Li Yalin arranged rooms for the claymore beauties. After that, Li Yalin also prepared a detailed battle plan. In addition to the various regular physical training mentioned above, 1 month later Mecha training and maintenance training are also required. These all are the skills required by a professional Mecha driver.

After all gathered in the morning, Warriors was surprised to find that there were ten more European beauties on the training ground, which inevitably caused an uproar for everyone.

But it soon became clear to everyone that these blonde and silver-eyed beauties are not easy to provoke. At first, two soldiers were disciplined by women because of disobedience, so they clamored to talk to each other. Duel, it’s just that these two guys are looking for the sweetest-looking Elena. But after Elena just fell to the ground with a slap and a slap, everyone knows where the blonde beauty is. The Demoness is almost the same. The two clamoring soldiers in the camp still can’t lift their heads.

However, these claymore beauties are unanimously welcomed by the female soldiers. Every female soldier looks at them with passion and admiration, even Zhong Mengying Young Lady Zhong is the same. She especially admires Miria. Miria’s big sister demeanor has always been firmly pulling the heart of Young Lady Zhong, which made Li Yalin’s heart unable to help but complain, this Young Lady Zhong is not a serious feminist, then It must be a lily.

In the following time, Li Yalin spent all his time training these soldiers. In addition to regular physical training, Li Yalin will also be responsible for guiding the Warriors at night. Some electronic knowledge, although I don’t understand why Li Yalin should teach himself this, Warriors still learn it very seriously. The seriousness of Warriors makes Li Yalin very happy.

After half a month, Warriors’ physical fitness has been initially improved, and it’s time for the next step of training, so Li Yalin ordered the logistics staff to open the simulation training room, where three hundred simulations were installed. Mecha operating device.

Looking at the gundam two-meter egg-shaped training devices in front of me, Warriors are a little puzzled, but Li Yalin’s explanation is that this is a new simulation device developed by the country. Now Warriors will Was the first batch of testers for this device.

Since the Mecha simulation training is only performed at night, and the time is not long, Warriors just treat this thing as a simulation game for leisure, but Li Yalin sees it in his heart. In his mind, he remembered the level of Warriors’ Mecha operation, and after half a month, Li Yalin’s had a conclusion in his mind.

One month passed quickly, and the final assessment was completed smoothly. The exam was divided into several items. What is surprising is that this so-called simulated Mecha training operation is also listed. Into the assessment.

After the assessment is over, there are naturally some people who are happy and worried. Since there are indeed many outstanding talents, Li Yalin finally left 350 people as the official army, and 1,300 people as reserve. force. As for the remaining soldiers, they did not return to their original units, but became the reserve force of the reserve force, but this reserve force could not continue to train in this base. They could only go to another base for training.

“First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone. After a month of training, everyone here has perfected the training Quest and passed the assessment, officially becoming a member of our army! Especially The three hundred and fifty people standing in front of me, you are all carefully selected among these three thousand, the elite of the elite, but there are still many tests waiting for you. I hope everyone can Keep working hard!” On the 2nd day after the assessment, Li Yalin stood in front of the remaining 1,650 people and said loudly. After speaking, he was the first to applaud.

“Of course, as I said before, the first month is nothing. Now is the beginning of everything. Before this, everyone was very doubtful, what kind of troop is this? , Now I can tell you, our unit is called Independent Mecha Army, and I am temporarily serving as Captain.” After Li Yalin finished these words, the field was wa’ed and exploded, Mecha Army? After the simulation training of half a month, the Warriors present know the concept of Mecha quite well, but isn’t it just a simulation game? Why did it suddenly become the Independent Mecha Army? Is it to form what game team failed?

Just as everyone was wondering, Miria and Galatea had already driven Mecha over. These Mechas were also taken out by Li Yalin to train these soldiers and were previously given to the country. Those Mecha are still in the research institute.

I would like to say something here, because there are already mature skills data, now the Mecha on the research institute has been put into production, although the production speed is not fast, the first Mecha is not there yet It took shape, but this greatly boosted everyone’s morale. As long as China can independently produce a Mecha, then the day of China’s rise is really not far away.

After Super Military Factory’s brain processing, the control system on Mecha has also become a pure Chinese version, which greatly facilitates the operation of the soldiers. Besides, the operation system is the same. , Even if the performance of Mecha is different, after a period of familiarity, Mecha operators can also be very proficient.

After these steel giants, about eight meters tall, came in front of the soldiers, everyone present was shocked. This is not filming or watching anime. Many soldiers can’t help it. I wiped my eyes or pinched my thigh uncontrollably, trying to confirm if this is a dream.

“Now I will introduce to you, this is your future combat partners. I believe that their specific names and performances have already been understood on the simulated Mecha operating device. In the next time, actual combat Mecha training will be formally included in the training program.” After patted an M6 next to him, Li Yalin was introduced for everyone with a calm expression.

“Report to the instructor! I have something to say!” At this moment, a voice came from the team. It was the youngster who started training and asking questions on the first day. His name is Ouyang, which is a very strange name. Li Yalin once asked him when he was introducing himself, “Your last name is Ouyang, what’s your name?” But this guy said very bachelorly: “My surnamed is Ou and my name is Yang, it’s not the last name Ouyang!”

Now this Ouyang has also become an official member of the Mecha Army, his The talent is good. He is a personal talent. The most important thing is that this guy is a Third-Tier Low-Level Expert. Although he does not know what Inner Strength he practices, at least his strength is one of the best in the Mecha Army.

“Say something quickly.” Li Yalin said with a smile. He has a good relationship with Ouyang, and there is no that many constraints between the words.

“That… can we try it now?” Rubbing his hands, Ouyang said somewhat sorry. He was stunned after Mecha appeared just now, and now he is watching Mecha’s saliva. DC, this made the Warriors next to him uncontrollably move a few inches to the side, at least hoping to keep a few inches away from him.

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