After coming to the world of “Highschool of the Dead” again, Li Yalin found that the entire world had completely changed its appearance. The city was overgrown with weeds and no one was inhabited. The occasional swaying appearance of one or two zombies was just Like a dried Skeleton shelf, the black shiny makes people feel even more disgusting.

“It really feels like things have remained the same, but people have changed.” Looking at the desolate scene in the city of the bed owner, Li Yalin couldn’t help hooking the head and sighed. Said.

“Yes, I haven’t come back for a year. Didn’t expect only this one year, which made this city ruined like this.” Saeko felt the same way, and the city he was familiar with became Such a situation really makes people wonder what to say.

“Anyway, let’s go to Takagi Base first. I don’t know what happened to the father mother.” Rei was worried at this moment, although if there is no accident, the Miyamoto and his wife should There is no problem, but what if there is an accident? It’s good to say when he didn’t return to this World, but once he returned to this World, Rei found that he simply couldn’t maintain the usual indifferent and calm.

“Well, let’s see what Takagi Base has developed into.” Li Yalin gave Rei a comforting look, and then the three of them moved towards Takagi Base and flew over.

At this time, the Takagi Base has become a real fortress, but looking at the leftover limbs and broken arms outside the base, they all tell that they must have experienced more than one tragic battle here.

“Stop! Are you who?” Just when he arrived at the gate of Takagi Base, Li Yalin was stopped by soldiers on patrol. After a year, no survivors have appeared for a long time. It is no wonder that the soldiers looked at the three Li Yalin warily.

“Open the door! Open the door! It’s Schoolmate Yalin, Schoolmate Miyamoto, and Busujima-senpai! You are finally back!” Before Li Yalin could speak, there was a familiar voice shouting on the base wall. I got up and waited for Li Yalin and the others to look up. It turned out to be Hirano, a fat mansion. At this time, he was waving his hands at Li Yalin and the others with excitement, exhibiting one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“Not bad, I have made a lot of progress. It seems that I have suffered.” After entering Takagi Base, Li Yalin smiled and patted Hirano on the shoulder. At this time, he has reached Fourth Rank. The strength of High-Level reached this level from an Otaku in only one year, and the hardships experienced by Hirano are beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

“Thank you for this, Schoolmate Yalin. Without you, I would have become the food of zombies. Where else can I stand in front of you again? By the way, only you Are the three of you back? Where is Takagi-san and others?” Hirano scratched his head sorry, and then asked with some doubts.

“Well, the three of us are back. Everyone is very busy. We just took the time to come back and see everyone. Is everything okay?” After Li Yalin nodded, he smiled again. Asked Hirano.

“Not bad, but there is something I want to apologize to Schoolmate Yalin. You taught us some practice methods and we taught some soldiers. I’m very sorry.” Here, Hirano moved towards Li Yalin and bowed deeply, with apologies already written on his face.

“calm down, it’s just a small matter, but you have to be careful, don’t teach someone who is unpredictable.” Li Yalin waved his hand indifferently, it was just some Low-Level Battle Aura practice is nothing more than practice. It is not bad to let ordinary soldiers practice.

“Of course, but we really can’t do anything about it. Zombies are quite powerful after they have evolved. If they are just ordinary T1 and T2, it’s fine, but once T3 appears, the entire base will fall into A very passive situation. In addition to heavy weapons, ordinary firearms are difficult to injure them. For this reason, we also suffered heavy casualties. Finally, we had to take out the Yalin-kun practice method, hoping to improve the soldiers. Comprehensive strength.” Hirano sighed said afterwards.

“Is there another T3? It was newly evolved after we left.” It seems that the evolution of zombies has not stopped for a moment. When Li Yalin and the others left the bed owner market, they were above T2. All zombies have been killed, but as long as there are zombies, it is possible to evolve T3.

“It should be like this. T1zombies are not many so far, and basically T2zombies survive, but there are good and bad aspects in this way. The good part is not There will be such a horrible phenomenon as the corpse tide, but the bad thing is that the agility and destructive power of these T2s are very amazing. The ordinary person simply can’t escape when encountering this kind of guy.” At this time, Hirano continued.

“It’s really hard work for you guys, how is the development of the base? How is everyone’s living conditions?” He patted Hirano on the shoulder, and Li Yalin continued to ask with concern.

“Now we are self-sufficient, and the new food has been harvested. Everyone is very happy.” At this point, Hirano’s face also revealed a kind of excitement. It seems that the development of the base It’s really good.

“Yalin! Rei!” At this moment, Rei’s parents have appeared, followed by scarred man Ota. At this moment, Rei’s mother has already yelled and took a few steps Before embracing Rei in his arms, while stroking Rei’s long hair, Rei’s mother’s eyes were already filled with crystal tears.

“Welcome back to Young Master Yalin, but I would like to ask Mrs. and Young Lady…” Scarred man Ota asked Li Yalin with some doubts when the Rei family was reunited.

“Yuriko Aunt and Saya are very busy, so we didn’t come back this time. We also took the time to come this time. One is to see your current situation, and the other is to let Rei meet her. Parents.” Li Yalin replied.

“It turned out to be like this. Thank you Young Master Yalin for your concern. The development of the base is really thanks to Young Master Yalin.” Ota said respectfully to Li Yalin.

“That’s nothing, by the way, what about Hisashi and Ozawa? Why did the two of them go?” After waving his hand, Li Yalin continued to ask.

“The two of them are training soldiers. I have sent someone to call them both.” Ota smiled and replied.

“Training soldiers? The two of them have really become independent guys.” Listening to Ota’s words, Li Yalin’s face also showed a smile of relief.

Then Ota introduced Li Yalin about the development of the base over the past year. Now the entire Takagi Base has grown to a population of more than 30,000. Due to the dense population, it has undergone two expansions. , Has now vaguely become Japan’s largest survivor base, and it is also the strongest survivor base of battle strength.

But just after Takagi Base became famous, recently, T3zombies have frequently attacked Takagi Base, followed by a lot of T2zombies, which makes Ota very puzzled, usually Although there are zombies attacks, no matter in quantity or quality, they are not comparable to the current zombies attacks.

“You mean, T3zombies came to attack after the base developed and grown?” Li Yalin asked after touching his chin, pondering for a while.

“This is indeed the case, which makes us very puzzled.” Ota nodded replied.

“It shouldn’t be reasonable, but I remember that when I killed the T4-003, I remember that it had said that it was sent by Court Academecian. Could it be that there was something The Organization can control zombies or not? This kind of probability is not big. I remember that I ran the entire world and didn’t see any special places.” Li Yalin said after thinking for a while.

“If someone can control zombies, it would be a big trouble.” When Ota heard Li Yalin say, the color of her face changed immediately. This is not a trivial matter. If it is true, then Takagi Base will be in danger at any time.

“Yalin! Rei! Saeko-senpai!” At this moment, Hisashi and Ozawa had already rushed over. After seeing Li Yalin and them, they were naturally very happy.

“I will investigate this matter. Let’s do it for the time being.” After speaking, Li Yalin moved towards Hisashi and they greeted him.

“Good job, I haven’t seen a man in a year!” Li Yalin said to Hisashi with a smile.

“Of course! But for a year, you haven’t changed at all.” Hisashi said jokingly.

“Yalin-sama is really long time no see, are you okay?” Ozawa is still so submissive, but the yellow-haired on his head has disappeared, and it seems that he hasn’t continued to dye his head.

“Yeah, long time no see, I’m not bad, at least I have that many beauties with me.” Li Yalin Haha smiled, and then put Saeko in his arms, although his face It was red, but Saeko did not resist, which made Hisashi and Ozawa startled for a while, but then both gave their thumbs up.

Accompanied by everyone, Li Yalin and the others also took a good look at Takagi Base. Now all the weapons and ammunition in the base are self-sufficient and self-sufficient like food. The faces of the residents in the base You can also see a smile, which is very rarely seen in the last days.

After visiting the entire base, Li Yalin is very satisfied. The entire base is in the process of step by step development, just like a small city. Various industries are slowly emerging. Although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, the current Takagi Base is this little sparrow, which has opened up a new hidden land of peace and prosperity in the last days.

But even so, the end of the world is still the end of the world. I don’t know that day this hidden land of peace and prosperity will become a hell on earth. In order to prevent this from happening, Li Yalin decided to make this world one It is better to clean up all the zombies in, although it will take some time, it is also worth it.

Especially the Court Academecian, he was listed among Li Yalin’s key hunting targets. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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