After reuniting Rei with his family for a day, the three of Li Yalin left Takagi Base. Now that they have enough strength, the three of them began to eliminate zombies on a large scale throughout the world, but only with three people. It takes a lot of time to destroy the zombies of the whole world.

After cleaning up the zombies in a city again, Li Yalin is a little depressed. According to this progress, it is difficult to clean up all these zombies within one or two months, but Now there is not that many time left for Li Yalin’s.

At this time, Li Yalin suddenly remembered that the Heroes of Might and Magic Units in Evolved Space hadn’t been used yet, so Li Yalin thought about flying units above Fifth Rank in Evolved Space. All of them were sent out, allowing Units to start a campaign of loss and suppression across the world, and Li Yalin and their three people started a new round of searching.

Anyway, the number of people in this world has plummeted to an astonishing number. It’s useless to keep so many things. Fortunately, it’s better to make a little contribution to Li Yalin and let Li Yalin live in the World. Used to resist Alien’s attack.

Li Yalin is simply not polite. Last time, Li Yalin was still picky, but this time I searched Li Yalin, no matter what I saw, I just stuffed it into Evolved Space.

But on this day, Li Yalin suddenly received a message that an Archangel unexpectedly found a special building in the desert somewhere in the United States, and found a lot of them here. High-Level zombies, but these zombies did not attack the building, but seemed to be guarding it.

After receiving this news, the three of Li Yalin were taken aback first, but then they all knew something about the special buildings in the desert, High-Level zombies, and guardian. These three pieces of information were added together. It illustrates a problem. There must be some special secret hidden in that building, and it may even be the old nest of the Court Academecian.

After thinking of this, the three of Li Yalin rushed to the scene. After they came to this desert, Li Yalin carefully observed and found that, as expected, T4zombies alone had only , The remaining T3zombies are more than three hundred.

Know that these zombies alone are enough to destroy any city in this world, but they are not acting at the moment, but guarding all around this building like soldiers.

Speaking of the special feature of this building, it is that this building is completely sealed, and I don’t know what material it is made of. The whole building emits a light in the sun. Kind of black metallic luster. From the outside, there is no entrance, but Li Yalin knows that the entrance is directly above the building, but it cannot be opened from the outside, and it must be inside to be able to be controlled.

“Come on, two beauties.” Standing at the entrance of the building, Li Yalin smiled at hee hee and stretched out his hands to the two girls.

“Poor mouth!” Rei and Saeko both laughed sweetly, but then both grabbed Li Yalin’s hand, and Li Yalin and a Space Teleportation brought the two women into this building.

Completely different from the black metal building outside, the inside of the building is a silver white world, but what makes Li Yalin wonder is that there is no human breath here, but the bloody breath Feel a lot.

After entering from the entrance, Li Yalin found that this place had already become a terrible prison on earth. The stumps and broken arms everywhere had dyed the silver white world into black red. In terms of the degree of coagulation, the master of the blood also died in the past two days, shook the head, it seems to be a step late.

Except for the completely dead guards and scientific researchers, all the rest have become zombies, but what is surprising is that there is no T1zombies at all here, the most rubbish are all It’s a T2, and there are even a lot of T3 and T4. Is there anything special about the zombies here?

After killing all the way, Li Yalin found that this building stretched to nearly a hundred meters underground, which was spectacular, but after reaching the 17th floor underground, Li Yalin felt that there was The breath of a living person.

A total of three survivors, all of them were hidden in the refrigerated room on the 17th floor. Fortunately, the refrigerated room was not particularly cold, but it was about one or two degrees above zero, so the three of them were not Frozen to death in it.

But even so, after the three of them came out, their faces were all pale. It seemed that they were cold enough. After handing them some hot drinks, the three of them gradually recovered.

I took a closer look at these three people. They are all about 40-50 years old. The white coats on their bodies clearly tell everyone that they are scientific researchers here.

“Are you who? Where are you? What are you doing?” Seeing that the three of them were almost recovered, Li Yalin began to ask his own questions.

“Wait, you are who again? Why are you here?” After seeing the costumes of the three of Li Yalin, one of the fat researchers asked vigilantly.

“I’m asking the question now, all you have to do is answer.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then lit up the Magnum Pistol in his hand, and saw the muzzle of the black hole. Three studies The staff trembles immediately and dare not ask any more questions.

“This is the headquarters of the T Corporation Research Institute. We are the researchers here.” After seeing the guy in Li Yalin’s hands, the fatty researcher immediately raised his hands very bachelor, without omission and in detail Replied.

“Very well, what are your main researches?” Li Yalin continued to ask.

“This… our main research is about human evolution…” Fatty researcher hesitated and continued to explain, but before finishing talking, Li Yalin shocked him loudly. Almost squatted on the ground.

“Fart! Do you dare to say that this is not a virus researcher?” Li Yalin snapped.

“This…” Fatty researcher didn’t dare to speak, but he trembled with the fat all over his body, and looked at the pistol in Li Yalin’s hand with fear in his eyes.

“You say!” Li Yalin frowns turned his gaze to another tall but thin-looking researcher. This guy finally mustered up a bit of courage and told Li Yalin about the situation here. .

It turned out that this is the main research institute of the famous T Corporation in the United States. T Corporation has always been famous for producing various drugs. But just a year ago, Dr. Vichy of T Corporation developed a kind of I mentioned expert genetic medicine, but in the course of an experiment, a bottle of ultra-concentrated genetic medicine was broken by mistake, and the medicine liquid flowed into the drainage facility. At that time, everyone did not take it seriously.

Three days later, when medicine was undergoing clinical trials, the experimental volunteers suddenly went crazy and bit two researchers. However, under the strong firepower of the guard, the experimental volunteers were Killed on the spot, but the two researchers who were bitten shortly after had the same mutation as the experimental volunteers.

At this moment, the zombies crisis erupted from the United States to the whole world one after another, and everyone reacted. Maybe it was the bottle of super concentrated gene medicinal liquid that caused the whole world to erupt. This kind of zombies is in crisis.

But it was too late even if the reaction came out. At this moment, Dr. Vichy was even more crazy. He began to study this kind of gene potion named T Virus day and night, and it was out of the ordinary. Unexpectedly, the top executives of T Corporation even agreed with Dr. Vichy’s development of this virus. In the end, Dr. Vichy’s successful development of the virus also led to this confusion.

As the controllability of T Virus improves, Dr. Vichy’s ambitions are getting bigger and bigger. Just after he controlled several T4s to kill the top of T Corporation, he sent several more T4 went to various parts of the world with the intention of destroying the world, and just three days ago, this guy had turned himself into T5zombies. After killing all the personnel in the research institute, he disappeared. These three guys can be regarded as fate. Da Cai escaped a catastrophe.

“So it was.” Li Yalin finally understood the reason for the outbreak of the Resident Evil. The culprits were the T Corporation and Dr. Vichy, but he made T5zombies. The guy is really courageous.

“You bastards!” When I heard this, Rei couldn’t help but stepped forward and kicked the talking thin researcher to the ground. The remaining two were not spared, one person They were all caught in a flying kick, but fortunately Rei still retains his sanity, otherwise the kick would kill three people.

“Okay Rei, even if you kill them now, it won’t help.” Saeko was very calm, and quickly stepped forward to hold Rei.

“Apart from this T Virus, have you worked out the antidote to this thing?” After frowns thought for a while, Li Yalin asked the three of them.

“This…we did research some, but it was not completely successful. It was just the Early-Stage finished product.” What made Li Yalin didn’t expect was that there was such a thing. Just now Li Yalin just asked casually, but after hesitating for a while, the Skinny Researcher still told the truth.

“Is there really such a thing?” After a Healing Spell healed the scars on the skinny man, Li Yalin asked very surprised.

“Well, the antidote and T Virus data are all at the bottom of the research institute, but we are just the lowest-level researcher, and we are not qualified to go there, so we only know a little about it. “Researcher Skinny touched his wounds, which had been restored to the original state, very miraculously, and then nodded.

“The bottom layer?” There are a total of 33rd-layer in the basement of this research institute, which means that you have to continue down 16th-layer to reach the destination.

After Li Yalin’s investigation, I found that there is a huge energy response on the 33rd floor, which should be the energy response of Saint Rank Low-Level. Although it is not a big deal for Li Yalin, For this World, it can be said to be an invincible existence. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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