Since this is the case, this creature with Saint Rank power should be the so-called T5zombies. After looking at each other with Saeko and Rei, the three Li Yalin and the three researchers walked straight into the elevator. , Moved towards the bottom of the institute.

After the elevator reached the lowest level, a huge metal door blocked everyone, but it was just an ordinary metal door, leaving Saeko and the others in place. Li Yalin was first a Dimensional Jump teleport entered, ready to take a look at the situation inside.

However, after entering the room behind the metal door, Li Yalin was taken aback for a moment. There was no human body laboratory like the horrible human world he imagined, nor was it made up of various colorful bottles. In the genetic laboratory, all there is here are the walls with metallic silver light, and there is nothing in the wide room except a writing desk and a computer on the desk.

“I’m very interested, how did you get here.” A middle-aged man’s voice sounded in front of the computer. From the outside, he was the same as an ordinary person, but Li Yalin knew , The breath of Saint Rank before came from this guy.

“I am also very interested, what is your purpose.” Li Yalin smiled indifferently, learning the tone of this middle-aged man.

“It’s very interesting. I have never seen a youngster like you. You belong to the evolver category. It seems that you have a high degree of evolution, and even T4 can’t stop you.” At this time The middle-aged man has stood up, with an ordinary face, and his head has begun to bald slightly. It is very typical of a western middle-aged man. Such a man in the West is plentiful and easily available. It is hard to imagine this man. Vicki Court Academecian is the culprit who created this Resident Evil.

“Whatever you think, what I want to know most now is, why did you send that many T4zombies? Are you trying to destroy the world?” He waved his hand, but Li Yalin was forgiving. Asked with interest.

“Destroy the world? I want this World to be reborn!” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, a trace of madness flashed on Court Academecian’s face, as if he were the Savior of this World .

“Rebirth? Just rely on your T Virus that is not fully made? And antidote Potion that I don’t know if there is any use?” Li Yalin said a little funny, is it just using zombies to rebirth this World? ?

“Who said that T Virus has not been completed yet? Who said that Antidote Potion is useless? I have made all of these! And I! I am the first test product and the most perfect test product. I’m already the most perfect evolver in this world!” After Vicky Court Academecian loudly roared, his body gradually swelled up, the white coat was torn apart, the skin gradually cracked, and the scarlet muscles were exposed in the air. Among them, it makes people very disgusting at first glance.

“Don’t tell me what you call perfect evolution is to evolve into this appearance.” Li Yalin pointed to the devil muscle man in front of him and said, this is an authentic devil muscle man, about three meters tall. Barely maintaining a human form, but the skin on his body has been replaced by scarlet muscles, and his hands and feet have also evolved into huge blood-colored claws. This should be the so-called T5. It is indeed the strongest creature in this world.

“Of course, this is the most perfect evolution!” Although he has evolved into a devil muscle man, Court Academecian has not lost his language function and rationality, and now he is full of complacency. , Very proud.

“If you evolve into this way, it would be better to hit and die, but it has nothing to do with me. Does your T Virus have antidote information? Now that you have evolved perfectly, trust you Wouldn’t mind giving me a copy of these materials?” He curled his lips, and then Li Yalin stated his main purpose this time.

“Yes.” Unexpectedly, Dr. Vichy was very refreshing and nodded, and then pointed at the computer on the table with his big claw.

“All the information is here, you can take it away at any time, but the only condition is to defeat me!” As he said, the breath of Dr. Vichy’s body has completely exploded, and his body The muscles have also swelled to a limit, almost all seem to want to explode. After reaching a critical point, the muscles on Court Academecian’s body have formed a blood-colored armor, which looks very scary, if it is ordinary. If you are a person, you will be scared and paralyzed at a glance.

But for Li Yalin, it’s just pediatrics that’s all. After experiencing the winds and waves, how can Li Yalin be intimidated by this little caterpillar, but this guy just said that all the information is all It’s all in the computer, then Li Yalin is not polite.

Seeing Li Yalin waved his left hand out of thin air, the computer beside Dr. Vichy disappeared on the computer desk. The sudden disappearance of the computer made Dr. Vichy startled for a moment. After it reacted, He looked towards Li Yalin with an angry look.

“Those who don’t follow the rules of the game! There is only one dead word at the end!” Vicky Court Academecian shouted loudly after roared, but at this time, Rei and Saeko were also teleporting. Come over, it turns out that Li Yalin hasn’t come back for so long, and both Rei and Saeko are a little worried, so they both come in to find out.

“Two more mice are here, then I will destroy you together.” Vicky Court Academecian grinned, but the sharp teeth are quite ugly, making Rei and Saeko took a few steps back in disgust.

“It’s disgusting, forget it, I’ll find you an opponent.” Li Yalin also showed a look of disgust on his face, and then Li Yalin raised his hand and summon gave out a golden light. As the golden light dissipated, a Valkyrie wearing golden armor, holding a golden lance, and a face of valiant and formidable looking suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This is summon Valkyrie, one of Amazon’s ultimate skills. This skill, Li Yalin, has never been used in front of outsiders. At first, I just used this move to MAX and then abandoned it.

Valkyrie this move is very powerful. Unlike the attributes in the game, after the level reaches MAX, the Valkyrie from summon will have 60% of Li Yalin’s strength. You must know that Li Yalin is now God Rank The strength of ah, even if it is 60% strength, Valkyrie can reach Supreme High-Level strength.

But I have to ask why such a powerful trick Li Yalin didn’t use it. In fact, there is a reason. This Valkyrie from summon has long golden hair and blue eyes. In addition, that appearance is simply a reprint of Li Yalin’s, which can also be said to be a female version. When Rei and the others laughed hard at the first summon, Li Yalin will rarely summon out of Valkyrie in the future.

Of course, this was the idea when I was mentally immature. Now Li Yalin doesn’t matter anymore, but because he hasn’t used this skill for a long time, Li Yalin has long been forgotten. But just now, Li Yalin was divine light flashed, and he didn’t want to dirty his hands anyway, so Valkyrie would take care of it.

“A little chick comes out again? It doesn’t matter how many you come out, it’s the same, die!” The appearance of Valkyrie gave Dr. Vichy a glimpse. The gorgeous golden armor and the lance shining with golden light all explained Valkyrie’s strength is extraordinary, but Dr. Vichy didn’t care too much. He became T5zombies. This made its self-confidence unprecedentedly swelled. Of course, it thinks it is invincible in the whole world and it certainly won’t put Valkyrie in its eyes.

But this time it was quite wrong. At first, it just grabbed Valkyrie with a random claw, but this claw was blocked by Valkyrie directly with lance. Immediately after Valkyrie lance picked, he opened the claws of Court Academecian and lance stabbed back, using the small tip of the lance tail section to move towards Court Academecian.

This time, however, the Court Academecian was started by Vicki, and he quickly retracted his claws to resist, but Valkyrie’s attack was not that good. Valkyrie’s spear pierced Vicki easily. Court Academecian’s arm, Penetrate straight into the body of Court Academecian.

As a T5zombies, Court Academecian is not so easily defeated. Even if Penetrates its body with a normal blow, it can’t bring fatal damage to it. That’s useless. With T5’s Recovery ability will be restored soon.

But Valkyrie’s attack was not an ordinary attack. I saw the lance in Valkyrie’s hand whirled, and a fist-sized wound immediately burst out from the wound of Vicky Court Academecian. The wound sprayed out like a fountain.

“It’s really magnificent. You can be as unique as you by spurting blood. You are also a Number One Person.” Li Yalin said with a joking expression. After hearing these words, Rei and Saeko Also snickered behind Li Yalin.

“You this bastard!” Dr. Vichy still wanted to speak up, but Valkyrie didn’t have that many nonsense. After she got a hit, she pulled out a lance and immediately launched a second attack.

The second attack was not the same as the first. Valkyrie unexpectedly used the Jab skill. Numerous gun shadows attacked the body of Court Academecian, bursting out bursts from time to time. Blood flower.

I want to say something here, Valkyrie knows all Amazon’s Javelin and Spear Skills, Jab is just the beginning, and the next thing is the real feast for Court Academecian.

Thorn Burst, Repel, Lightning Attack, these skills have shown their most powerful power in the hands of Valkyrie. In the face of such a powerful attack, Dr. Vichy has no other choice but to resist. However, blindly passive defense has no other possibility other than getting closer to the failure. So just after Valkyrie’s Thorn Burst hit, Court Academecian fell unwillingly to the ground.

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