“That’s not the case. It’s just that you can avoid a lot of trouble with this thing.” Then, Li Yalin took off his flat glasses, but after taking off these glasses, I saw Li for the first time. Yalin’s appearance of Zhong Mengying, Wang Siya and two female soldiers were all stunned. Especially Zhong Mengying and Wang Siya, they both have a strange feeling for Li Yalin. They never thought that Li Yalin who took off his glasses turned out to be such a handsome.

“This kid has a good look. No wonder there are that many girls around you.” Wang Family’s old lord was also taken aback, but soon he reacted. While laughing and patting Li Yalin on the shoulder, he looked at Wang Siya jokingly, which made Wang Siya’s pretty face immediately red.

“To be honest, although this kid was very beautiful when he was young, he looked like a little jade person, but I didn’t expect him to look so good now, and he is so good at attracting butterflies. This No, this kid will bring back two grandchildren with you now.” Wang Ya sighed slightly, as if to blame herself for not taking care of Li Yalin, but then she brought the topic to Rei and Saeko’s again. .

“I’ve heard of this. You are Rei and Saeko, right? I heard your name from Little Ya.” After listening to Wang Ya’s words, Old Lord Wang naturally His eyes turned to Rei and Saeko’s.

“Hajimemashite, Sir Grandfather, the little girl is not talented, please advise me.” After saying that, Rei and Saeko were about to kneel, but this was stopped by Wang Ya on the side.

“Well, it’s all a family. There is no need to pay such a big gift. Besides, this is not Japan.” Wang Ya said with a smile.

“That’s right, now my Wang Family doesn’t have so many rules. I’m already very happy to hear you call me grandpa.” Old Lord Wang also said with a smile on his face. Look After coming through this poisoning incident, he looked a lot off.

“Grandpa.” Since everyone said so, the two girls were not hypocritical, so they called grandpa openly, and Old Lord Wang laughed very happily.

“Okay, okay, let the kitchen prepare more meals. Today is really a happy day. Chu Family girl and Zhong Family girl, come here too, are you boss ghost okay?” Old Lord Wang At this time, I didn’t have Wang Family Chu Zixin and Zhong Mengying either. After calling the two girls over, he asked them very kindly.

“Thank you Old Lord Wang, grandfather, everything is fine.” Chu Zixin smiled and replied.

“My boss boss is fine, every day I clamored to practice against Old Lord Wang. Now that you have recovered from Old Master, I think my boss boss is the happiest.” I don’t know why, Zhong Mengying has restored his own nature and no longer assumes that Young Lady gesture, and what she said made Old Lord Wang very happy.

“Okay! I will practice with Old Zhong ghost if I have a chance!” Old Lord Wang said with a smile.

Soon, a table of food that had already cooled down was warmed up and served on the table again. Everyone had no scruples. The guests and hosts enjoyed this meal, but followed Zhong Mengying. The female soldiers who came together seemed a little restrained, it should be the first time to eat in this kind of mansion, they were all a little frightened.

“I said Rei, Saeko, I have something I want to discuss with you.” Just at the dinner table, Old Lord Wang suddenly spoke.

“Grandpa, please tell me, if we can do it, we will do it.” Saeko also put down the chopsticks in his hand and replied very seriously.

“Since this is the case, old fogey, I will just say it. I believe you have seen the situation of Wang Family. Wang Family is only passed on from generation to generation. In this generation, only Wang Ya is left. I mean I intend to adopt Yalin to our Wang Family, but I don’t think Yalin would agree to it.” Having said that, Old Lord Wang took a look at Li Yalin.

“Grandpa meant that I should be surnamed Wang? Let’s forget it, I am used to my surname Li, and I have no plan to change my surname.” Li Yalin waved his hand, meaning that there was no discussion about this matter.

“I think so, so I have an idea, I’m planning to make Siya marry to Yalin. Of course, I didn’t mean to let you leave Yalin’s. A female co-serving a husband, I believe you can also accept Siya, Siya is a good child, and won’t fight with you.” Old Lord Wang’s words almost made Li Yalin not a mouthful of rice. What is this? Arranged marriage? Can this kind of thing be encountered by myself?

“We have no opinion on this matter.” Saeko and Rei looked at each other. The two smiled knowingly, and then Saeko continued: “It’s just that we have a lot of sisters. Will I be wronged by Elder Sister Siya?”

“A lot? Isn’t it just you two and a girl named Saya’s? Is there any apart from this?” Old Lord Wang was very surprised. Asked back, Wang Ya told him about Saeko and the others, and he didn’t even know the apart from this.

“Although there are only three of us officially, the reserve force is too strong, at least there are 30-40 people. This is not over, but there is reserve after the reserve force. As for this number There is no way to calculate it for the time being.” Saeko pursed his lips, but his words shocked everyone present.

“I said, Saeko, can you be more reliable? What kind of backup? There are not many people in the total, right? You don’t count everyone, right?” Li Yalin said bitterly laughed, this What are you all about?

“little bastard, what do you mean?” At this time, Wang Ya couldn’t sit still, with a reserve force of 30-40 people? Is there even more? This also isn’t this too ridiculous? I have never heard of my son being in contact with so many girls.

“Mother, don’t worry, let me explain, OK.” Li Yalin broke out in cold sweat, and the eyes of the women headed by Wang Ya were really infiltrating, especially Wang Siya. , Chu Zixin and the three daughters of Zhong Mengying, their eyes could almost kill Li Yalin.

“I’m listening, if you can’t give me a satisfactory explanation, then you brat it better today.” Wang Ya coldly said, originally she wanted to match Li Yalin and Chu Zixin’s today, After all, Chu Zixin has been with her for so many years, Wang Ya really wants this daughter-in-law, and Wang Siya is not bad, but such a sudden sentence by Old Lord Wang just now caused so much trouble.

“This…this matter speaking of which is actually very long. I can’t explain it for a while. You can think so. They are all my partners, partners of life and death, everyone can So understanding, as for the other… the window paper hasn’t been broken yet. I plan to do it for the time being. There will be a solution in the future. Anyway, we will not separate forever.” Li Yalin’s explanation is very vague, except for Rei Everyone outside of Saeko and Saeko knew a little about it, but Li Yalin obviously didn’t want to explain anymore, so after opening his mouth, Wang Ya’s question was not asked again.

“Didn’t expect, in this case, I can only let Siya choose by himself. This is because grandfather didn’t think about it well. If you don’t want Siya, grandfather, I won’t force you. “After a long sigh, Old Lord Wang said with great regret. It seems that Old Master has indeed figured out a lot. Instead of forcing Wang Siya, he left it to her to choose.

“Siya’s life was saved by grandfather. As long as it is grandfather’s wish, it is Siya’s wish. I will marry the younger brother.” I looked at Old Lord Wang and looked at Li Yalin. Wang Siya blushed and lowered his head. His voice was very low but unusually clear. After listening to Wang Siya’s words, Old Lord Wang laughed.

“Okay! grandfather, I haven’t raised you for so many years in vain, don’t worry, I will let Yalin treat you well, but you two must remember, the first child you give birth must be surnamed Wang’s, I also want him to inherit our Wang Family.” Old Lord Wang’s expression was very pleased, but Li Yalin on the side just stopped doing it.

“I said, can you listen to my opinion? Wang Siya and I met for the first time today, and this will let us get married? Isn’t it too trivial? Besides, I didn’t want a child. My plan! Now that a Priscilla is enough to give me a headache, I don’t want to have any more children!” Li Yalin said very excitedly, but he already speaks without careful diction, even Priscilla’s name has been mentioned. .

“What? What does this mean? Another child? Priscilla?” From Li Yalin’s mouth, Wang Ya quickly connected these together and came to an amazing conclusion, that is Li Yalin There is a child?

“Hehe, Priscilla is Yalin’s baby girl. I love her very much.” At this time, Rei also came out to add confusion. After she finished talking, Wang Ya had already stood up, even taking care of the food. Don’t eat it.

“What? I’ve just reached forty, and this is already a grandmother? No! It’s not the time to talk about this, when did your smelly brat have a child? Why don’t I know?” Wang Ya was confused for a while, but after she reacted, she stared at Li Yalin viciously, asking him to give an explanation.

“I knew it would add chaos!” After Li Yalin glared at Rei, he quickly turned around to explain: “Priscilla is my goddaughter, definitely not her own!”

Speaking of Priscilla, although her wisdom has been restored, her name Li Yalin father has not changed. Over time, Li Yalin also recognizes Priscilla as the daughter, but Priscilla, Riful and Alice are three little ones. When loli got together, they had countless small crafty plots and machinations, which made Li Yalin a headache, so when I mentioned the child, Li Yalin’s reaction was so big.

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