“Recognized goddaughter? Why haven’t I heard of it?” Wang Ya looked at Li Yalin suspiciously, but his tone eased.

“A lot of things happened during this period. Anyway, it is the child I adopted.” Li Yalin didn’t know how to answer, so he could only pass it vaguely.

“Anyway, hurry up and find time to bring the child over for me to see. I didn’t know that I was a grandmother.” Wang Ya gave Li Yalin a white look and said with some dissatisfaction.

“Okay, let’s put the child’s matter aside for the time being, Yalin, don’t be too busy to refuse. I didn’t mean to force you. I just hope that you and Siya can have a relationship for a while, if it can happen. Feelings can’t be better. If there is no feeling, then I won’t force it.” At this time, Old Lord Wang waved his hand and said.

“If that’s the case… then okay.” Li Yalin hesitated, looking at Old Lord Wang’s gaze, Wang Siya’s red face, Li Yalin finally agreed I got down, anyway, it’s just socializing, nothing at worst.

“Okay! That’s it! Let’s eat quickly. I just said so much, the food will be cold.” After receiving Li Yalin’s answer, Old Lord Wang was quite happy and gave Li again and again. Yalin and Wang Siya picked food, and faintly blinked at Wang Ya.

It seems that Old Lord Wang has reached an agreement with Li Zhicheng Wang Ya. After seeing Old Lord Wang’s eyes, Wang Ya sighed in dismay, seeing what Wang Ya looks like. , Old Lord Wang and Li Zhicheng looked at each other and smiled, as if they had won a big battle.

“I’m so sorry, Xinxin, originally I planned to match you with Yalin, but didn’t expect my this bastard son is really disappointing. It really disappointed me.” didn’t expect Wang Ya After sighing, he rolled his eyes and suddenly said to Chu Zixin.

„Ah? Aunt Ya, what are you……” When Wang Ya said so suddenly, Chu Zixin was a little bit not knowing what to do, as if his own thoughts had been exposed, Chu Zixin’s face The last moment is full of blushes.

“Mom, what are you talking about? Chu Zixin and I are just ordinary classmates.” Seeing that Wang Ya turned the topic to Chu Zixin and himself again, Li Yalin quickly stepped forward to defend.

“It’s just an ordinary classmate relationship…” Hearing Li Yalin’s words, Chu Zixin naturally darkened his face.

“This…is not just an ordinary classmate relationship, of course it is not very special, how do you say this?” Seeing Chu Zixin’s expression, Li Yalin quickly explained, but Li Yalin is I found that the more he explained, the more chaotic he was.

“Okay, look at how stupid you are. We know everything about you and Xinxin. Let’s get along with you two children slowly.” At this time, Wang Ya suddenly smiled and shot He patted Li Yalin’s shoulder and made an expression that we all know.

“What do you all know?” Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but after looking at Chu Zixin’s red face, Li Yalin didn’t explain it anymore, because he knew even if If you explain it yourself, it’s definitely not clear.

After dinner, Li Yalin entire group first went to bring Zhong Mengying and the others to buy supplies together. It was getting late. After purchasing the essentials, they had to return to the base. Fortunately, Zhong Mengying and the others Unlike ordinary girls, they don’t end up shopping as soon as they go shopping. After choosing their own essentials, Li Yalin and the others quickly returned to the base.

“By the way, instructor, thank you so much today. I won’t tell you about your secrets.” After Zhong Mengying walked a few steps toward the barracks, Zhong Mengying suddenly turned around. Shouted to Li Yalin.

“What can I have a secret?” Li Yalin curled his lips, it was nothing more than trying to chant. Now that everyone knows it, what kind of secret is that?

“Okay, Little Lin’zi, I’m going back too. Don’t take seriously what Aunt Ya said today. Aunt Ya is cracking a joke with us.” At this time, Chu Zixin is also ready to return to himself Before leaving, Chu Zixin was still a little unwilling to say to Li Yalin that Li Yalin could see this. Li Yalin who had never seen Chu Zixin looked like Li Yalin couldn’t help but chuckled.

“You’re still smiling!” Chu Zixin said with some chagrin seeing this.

“Well, I didn’t smile at you either. By the way, Xinxin, we will have an action on the 19th Group in a few days. When the time comes, come join me too.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but Chu Zixin was taken aback by his name.

“What did you call me just now?” Chu Zixin asked incredulously.

“Xinxin? Don’t you always want me to call you that? Actually, I’m sorry if I didn’t call you that way before, but now we are all unusual friends, so I can call you Xinxin. Right?” Li Yalin said with a playful face.

“Well, then you will call it that way from now on. I won’t call you Little Lin’zi anymore.” After speaking, Chu Zixin turned red and ran towards the camp. .

Looking at the back of Chu Zixin away, Li Yalin smiled and shook the head, and then returned to Wang Family with Saeko and Rei. It was time to tell his parents some things.

In the room of Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya couple, the three of Li Yalin are sitting opposite Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya. The atmosphere in the room is a bit serious, but in the end Wang Ya broke this Quiet.

“What the hell is going on with my son? Why don’t you talk after looking for me and your dad?”

“Actually, father Mother, you must be very puzzled, right? Why did I suddenly have it? Such a powerful force has technology beyond modern times.” After Li Yalin was lightly coughed, he asked the two of them first.

“Nonsense, of course we are puzzled, but you kid don’t tell us, what can we do?” After Wang Ya gave Li Yalin a white look, he said with some panting with rage.

“I’m not going to tell you now.” Li Yalin’s expression was a bit embarrassing, but then he returned to his original condition, and immediately told his parents about the 2012 Alien invasion.

“What did you say? There was an Alien invasion in 2012? Son, don’t you have a fever?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Wang Ya’s first reaction was to see if his son was not normal.

“Of course I don’t have a fever, I’m telling you a truth very seriously!” Li Yalin said with a bitter smile, he knew that Father Mother would definitely not believe it.

“It turns out that this is the case. If this is the case, what are your plans for the son?” To Li Yalin’s surprise, Li Zhicheng was very calm when he heard the news. Asked.

“Father, do you believe it?” Li Yalin was taken aback. It stands to reason that Wang Ya’s reaction is the most normal, right? It’s not bad if you don’t think of yourself as mental illness, but Li Zhicheng’s question means he already believes it.

“Nonsense, you are our son, can you lie to us? Besides, I have long felt that the order given above is a bit wrong. If I think about it now, this is not all for the end of the world. What?” Li Zhicheng said with a smile.

“What you said is as if I don’t believe in my son.” Hearing Li Zhicheng’s words, Wang Ya said very dissatisfied.

‘Looks like you just didn’t believe it! ‘This is Li Zhicheng and Li Yalin’s voice, of course, this cannot be said in front of Wang Ya.

“Okay, son, tell me about your plan. The country has national arrangements, but I think you must have your own ideas?” Li Zhicheng waved his hand to Wang Ya. Then he continued to ask Li Yalin.

“I actually don’t have any good ideas. My Quest is to eliminate these Alien invaders. I haven’t considered other things for the time being.” Li Yalin shook the head, saying that he has no opinion.

“If Alien invades, what should Wang Family do?” At this time, Wang Ya was a little anxious. He had just become the Family Head of Wang Family, but now Earth is about to suffer an extinction. I also plan to work hard to develop Wang Family. It seems that whether Wang Family will exist in the future are two different things.

“What should I do? Cold! Mother, why are you in a hurry? The sky is falling down and there is a tall man like me, don’t worry, everything is with me, I won’t let these outsiders act on Earth wilfully.” Li Yalin smiled to Wang Ya comforted.

“You smelly brat, you know how to tease Mother, but son, do you have such a strong ability? The Alien invaders are still unconfirmed, how do you know that they will be destroyed?” Wang Ya was amused by Li Yalin’s comfort, but then Wang Ya asked Li Yalin very worried.

“Don’t worry, I am not the only one.” Li Yalin said confidently.

“You little villain, I know you still have something to hide from us. Forget it, I won’t force you. If you can tell us the day, let us know.” Wang Ya pinched I asked about Li Yalin’s soft meat, but did not continue to ask.

Li Yalin’s did not tell his parents a lot of things, especially contracts and crossing these things, Li Yalin did not say a word, it is not that Li Yalin does not want to contract parents, but Feifei actually told himself, This contract unexpectedly has limitations, that is, unable to contract men, in other words Li Yalin us unable to make a contract with Li Zhicheng.

In this way, Li Yalin can’t just sign a contract with Wang Ya, right? So Li Yalin is also thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds, at least let Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya increase lifespan, and Old Lord Wang is the same. After all, besides the girls who contracted with him, he only has these relatives.

Speaking of increasing lifespan, then the best way is to increase strength. If you reach the Tenth Rank, then there is basically no lifespan limit, but if there is no external interference, you want to reach Tenth Rank is very difficult.

But there is such an opportunity on Heavenly Wind Continent, that is the upcoming Divine Forbidden Land, where is the legendary Gods and Demons battlefield, where countless Gods and Demons have fallen, I heard Ice and Snow Goddess said that if you get the Divine Spark of the gods and refining it, even an ordinary person can grow into a god, so Li Yalin hit the abacus here. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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