“Okay, don’t make this expression to me, as if I’m bullying you.” Li Yalin also smiled and patted Zhong Mengying on the shoulder, then turned and looked towards Old Man Zhong.

“General Zhong, I will say everything here, and I won’t say much about the rest, just this once, and after this military exercise I will leave for a while, about two Come back in the next month.” Li Yalin has already decided to pay attention. After this military exercise is over, he will leave Earth temporarily and go to outer space to relax. Didn’t it mean that a resource-rich planet was found outside the galaxy? Just go there.

“This…” Old Man Zhong was silent for a while and did not speak. He knew that even if he spit out orchids, it would be useless, because a rift had already occurred between Li Yalin and the country, and he continued to entangle him. The words will only make this rift deeper and deeper.

“Yalin, are you going? Where are you going?” Chu Zixin asked anxiously when he heard that Li Yalin was leaving.

“Secret, want to go with me? I’ll take you there?” At this moment Li Yalin’s smile was very bright, as if the imposing manner soaring just now was not from him.

“snort! This is what you said! When the time comes, if you dare not take me with you, then I will let Aunt Ya make the decision for me!” Chu Zixin is a little bit snorted, and then Li Yalin’s Mother was moved out again.

“I really don’t know what drug you gave Mother, why does she like you so much.” Li Yalin was a little puzzled.

“You don’t care about this, Shanren has a clever plan.” Chu Zixin said very proudly.

“cough cough, um… about those reporters, I will tell them not to report indiscriminately.” At this moment, Old Man Zhong felt very embarrassed. He was still looking coldly at the moment, but Li Yalin was able to flirt with Chu Zixin, as if there was no one around him. Old Man Zhong couldn’t help but sigh that Li Yalin turned his face faster than a book.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, after I come back…Hehe, who knows what will happen in the end.” Li Yalin shrugged and made an indifferent appearance, because both Chu Zixin and Zhong Mengying Without knowing the details, what Li Yalin said was very vague, but Old Man Zhong knew it.

There are only more than two months left in 2012. When the time comes, who will know what will happen? Maybe human beings will all perish at that moment, but that’s not necessarily the case. If this is the case, then why not report anything?

After Li Yalin left with Chu Zixin and Zhong Mengying, Old Man Zhong was long sighed. This time it was really not worth the gain. Now I can only hope that Li Yalin will not continue to care about it. , Can continue to help the country at the critical moment.

In fact, Old Man Zhong’s thoughts like this are completely meaningless. Whether it is with Quest or as a Chinese, Li Yalin will not watch Earth perish before his own eyes, even though Li Yalin is not a bad guy, but Li Yalin will not die if he is within his abilities.

The Multinational Joint Anti-Terrorism Military Exercise on the 2nd day officially began. Mecha from the United States also appeared on the battlefield for the first time. Li Yalin didn’t like this, but the military leaders of the countries But they all looked straight. Although it has now entered the era of science and technology, the research on Robot is intensively carried out in every country, but there is no breakthrough progress in each country. Now the sudden emergence of Mecha in the United States can already appear on the battlefield and the audience. The generals in Shanghai have to think more about their country.

Although it is a joint military exercise, it is completely dominated by the United States at the moment. Warriors sent by other countries do not need to charge at all. They basically just poke straight there and watch the performance of the United States. . I saw that the Gatling gun on Mecha in the United States was basically turned, and all the terrorists (imaginary enemies) in the building were resolved in less than ten minutes.

At first, Li Yalin’s Mecha Army did not appear, but first let Mecha from the United States show off there. Reporters from all over the world are now looking at Mecha from the United States, the audience of the whole world They are all paying attention to this scene in front of them. Let them be proud of it. After a while, Li Yalin will let the Americans know what it means to be higher and fall worse.

Next will be the Red and Blue Army confrontation. After seeing Mecha from the United States participating, some countries immediately chose to withdraw from the confrontation. After the final choice, the blue team was The United States is left, and the red team is left with China. All other countries have found excuses to withdraw from the game.

But this is also a normal phenomenon. No idiot would choose Mecha meet force with force like the United States, especially the city street fighting. Large war chariots can only play a limited role. If you go up with the flesh and blood of soldiers Resist, that is purely an act of suicide courting death.

Although the anti-terrorism military exercises used all paint bombs, the paint bombs fired by Gatling’s ultimate weapon would cause very serious injuries if they hit the human body. , That would also lead to death, and now is not the time to be aggressive, there is no need to let the soldiers go to death for a moment.

For China’s choice to participate in this competition, reporters from various countries have received mixed reviews. Some people think that China is taking the lead, and some people think that China’s spirit is very good and deserves praise. Despite all the discussions, there is one idea that is the consensus of everyone present, that is, China will definitely not be able to beat the United States. Not only the people present think so, but the audience in front of TVs all over the world also think so.

Before the match, the weapons used by both sides were kept secret. Even so, the Mecha of the United States has already been publicized. In this match, there were a total of 30 Mechas in the match. Combatants, the combat goal is to completely destroy the Red Army. At this time, the Mecha of the United States is already in place, and they are waiting triumphantly for the emergence of China.

When the two sides entered the battlefield, they had announced the start of the game. The helicopter hovering in mid-air was broadcasting the real-time video simultaneously. Everyone in the world could clearly see every move of the United States. There are a total of 23 buildings and five broad streets in this street fight. The 30 Mechas of the United States have been divided into three squads. We are carefully searching for the position of the Red Army, but so far, the Red Army where China is located has not appeared. A silhouette.

You won’t escape, will you? Just when such a single thought emerged in everyone’s mind, a huge gunshot was heard by everyone. As the gunshots did not fall, one of Mecha in the United States was shrouded in red mist. Obviously it was hit.

Seeing that 1/4 of the Mecha is dyed red, you can clearly understand that the power of this weapon is quite huge, but except for the reporters, all those who are present at It was a veteran who was beaten out in the rain of bullets and bullets. You can usually tell from the sound what kind of weapon it is, but now everyone is a little confused. The sound of this weapon has never been heard.

As everyone looked at each other in surprise, another shot was fired. The second Mecha of the United States was shot. Only then did the Blue Army in the United States react. After the order was given, they all dispersed to find cover, and began to look for enemy targets, but the radar search system of Mecha in the United States was not so good. Anyway, the radar display was blank, and even the enemy’s hair was not found.

At this time, the audience in front of the TV was also puzzled. It was clear that China’s army did not appear. Why did Mecha from the United States get shot by the unfathomable mystery? Isn’t this American Mecha very tough? How could it be hit so easily?

Following the third shot, another American Mecha was shot, but at this time the American side had learned to be clever. Just after this Mecha was shot, the machine next to the Mecha was shot. Mecha moved towards the direction in which the paint bombs were flying. Although the other party could not be seen, the paint bombs in the Gatling machine gun were the same as the ones without money. They desperately moved towards the opposite direction and tilted out. .

“Good job, little girl, it seems I really underestimated you.” Li Yalin sitting in the M6 ​​chuckled and said, but it came from the communication channel. Zhong Mengying voice of dissatisfaction.

“I’m older than you, instructor, can you not call me little girl.” Zhong Mengying’s voice was full of resentment.

“Yalin, anyway, Sister Mengying is a lot bigger than us, how can you call her little girl.” Chu Zixin’s voice also came over at this time, but it made Zhong Mengying became even more angry.

“Who is much older than you? I’m only a few years older than you, okay?” Zhong Mengying flustered and exasperated said.

“7th Falcon defeated the fourth goal, it’s over!” At this moment, Ouyang’s voice came from the communication channel. The Falcon is Li Yalin and their code name this time, taking advantage of Li Yalin While they were chatting, Ouyang had already defeated the fourth Mecha.

“No! I can’t be preempted by Ouyang!” Hearing this news, Zhong Mengying refused to admit defeat and moved in the direction of the Blue Army. The M6 ​​with ECS turned on so that the opponent simply couldn’t find it. This is why Zhong Mengying is so confident and bold.

“Didn’t I say that you would start frontal combat after you smashed more than half of the opponent’s Mecha? You, this girl, don’t obey orders! Forget it, everyone spreads forward and fights freely!” Some went against the plan, but the other party is now the urn of Li Yalin and the others, and now Li Yalin all they have to do is close the door and beat the dog, so that these guys will have a good taste of how the mood goes from big to big. Right.

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