After several weird gunshots, more than a dozen Mecha units in the U.S. suddenly lost their combat capability. These gunshots are very mixed, but the only thing in common is that the sound of the gunfire is stronger than ordinary gunshots. It’s a lot bigger, which also makes everyone puzzled. What kind of weapon is this?

Just when there were only the last three stations left in Mecha in the United States, everyone present, including all the audience in front of the TV, really understood at this time, that is because of all the M6Mecha All ECS has been lifted, and the M6 ​​is truly displayed before the eyes of the world for the first time.

The huge body of about eight meters in height, the complete Mecha system, and the standard weapons in his hand, all tell the world that this is the real Mecha, the so-called Mecha in the United States is nothing but tatters. .

Shocked, the first reaction that the birth of M6 brought to everyone in the world was shock, and after the shock, the people of China immediately cheered, because the red five-pointed star on M6 has already told To the world, this Mecha belongs to China. Seeing that your country has such a powerful weapon, how can you not cheering excitedly as a Chinese?

However, the emergence of M6 has dealt a heavy blow to the United States, and other countries also have their own careful thoughts. Originally, Mecha in the United States was already quite powerful, but now Mecha in China It has exceeded people’s imagination.

Originally this thing should only appear in science fiction movies or game anime, but now they appear in front of everyone, oh god, what did I see? A Mecha from China actually performed articulation skills on a Mecha from the United States? This is simply God cracking a joke!

Just after Chu Zixin stepped forward and buckled a Mecha from the United States on the ground, everyone present felt that they could not breathe a little bit. That kind of flexible movement was really a Can a Robot make it?

This time the appearance of M6 has aroused the attention of the whole world. The US Mecha, which was originally hotly discussed, is no longer asked. After all, after the comparison is made, the level can be seen immediately. Now the whole The world’s eyes have been focused on China.

As for how China will deal with these, Li Yalin can’t control it, because he has left Earth and has gone to a sub-base outside the galaxy for the time being, except for Saber and Saeko. , There are Chu Zixin, Zhong Mengying, and Wang Siya.

Li Yalin didn’t intend to take these three with him, but on the 2nd day of his return, Chu Zixin came to the door, and Zhong Mengying came along with Chu Zixin, which is It made Li Yalin a little fresh. It was obvious that Zhong Mengying should be training at the base. How did he come to his home now?

“I said it’s training time, right? Why don’t you go training and come here?” Li Yalin asked Zhong Mengying amusedly.

“I was fired! I can only follow you now!” Zhong Mengying said very aggrieved, fired? what happened?

“It was not because Sister Mengying did not act as instructed during the last military exercise. Old Man Zhong issued an expulsion order on the grounds of disobeying the order. Now Sister Mengying’s position has been taken by the reserve force. One was banned, and it was really unfathomable mystery. Even if he did not act according to the instructions, at worst is a verbal or written warning. Why did it make it so serious?” Seeing Li Yalin’s puzzled expression, Chu Zixin quickly explained , But her expression was quite confused at the end.

“snort! I know exactly what they are making. Forget it. Anyway, I’m not in the mood to fight with them. Since I’m here, let’s come and sit in the room.” Li Yalin coldly snorted, Want to use Zhong Mengying to catch me? Watching Zhong Mengying’s outrageous appearance, it seems that she is also kept in the dark, right? Although Zhong Mengying’s acting is good, it is also an external performance. If you want her to lie to Li Yalin, it would be hundreds of years too early.

After such a long time, Chu Zixin and Zhong Mengying didn’t know their feelings about Li Yalin, so Li Yalin didn’t know anything. If it was when he first met Zhong Mengying, Li Yalin I won’t care who you are. Li will not care about her, but since this is the case now, Li Yalin is not good at letting go.

Just bring it with you. Anyway, it will be exposed in more than two months. After 2012 is over, Li Yalin decided to go to Heavenly Wind Continent immediately, and after everything is done, Just find a campus love dungeon to settle down, at least you can live the peaceful life you want.

But before leaving Earth, Li Yalin still called Wang Ya. If he disappears for two months without notifying his mother, it is estimated that Mother will explode, but when Li Yalin’s finishes saying that he will When he was away for two months, Wang Ya seemed very calm, he just hung up after a few words of concern.

After putting down the phone in his hand, Li Yalin himself felt quite surprised, not angry? what happened? This is not the character of my mother, but just half an hour later, the doorbell in Li Yalin’s house rang suddenly, and Wang Siya stood cheerfully outside the door of Li Yalin’s house.

“Uh…Why did you come here?” Looking at Wang Siya outside the door, Li Yalin was quite embarrassed. Since the last time Old Lord Wang announced the relationship between the two, Li The number of times Yalin and Wang Siya have met is really small. This sudden visit by Wang Siya surprised Li Yalin, but at the same time he didn’t know what he should say.

“It was my mother who asked me to come. She said that you are going to go far, so she asked me to accompany you.” Wang Siya lowered his head and his face was already flushed, which made Li Yalin couldn’t help but slapped his head. It’s no wonder that Mother’s performance is so weird. It turns out that she was waiting here.

“Okay, I know, let’s go to the house.” Li Yalin pressed his temple, forget it, one sheep is also used to drive two sheep, no more than one person already It doesn’t matter. Besides, Wang Siya’s relationship with herself can be regarded as close. It doesn’t matter if she knows something.

In this way, there were three more girls in the original itinerary, but this did not disturb Li Yalin’s interest. Li Yalin had already assembled the staff early in the morning of the 2nd day, and went to the outside of the galaxy together. In the sub-base, the main purpose of this visit is to relax. Taking back the processed Mecha and battleship in the base is also one of Li Yalin’s jobs. I believe that in two months, Li Yalin’s mecha army will reach one. Quite an amazing number.

Time flies quickly. Two months have passed in the blink of an eye. After Li Yalin entire group returns from the universe, it is already December 25th, 2011. This day is Christmas, which should have been very lively, but after returning to Earth, Li Yalin and the others found that the atmosphere has changed a little differently.

The pedestrians on the street looked worried, and the cheerful atmosphere was completely disappeared. Li Yalin was dead on the main street where they were standing, as if a disaster was imminent.

“What’s going on?” Li Yalin and the girls looked at each other in blank dismay. It took only two months. Why is there such a big change on Earth? Is it my own? What happened after the others left?

In line with the doubts in his mind, Li Yalin talked to Miria in the capital of Oversee. After Miria explained the situation to Li Yalin and the others, everyone suddenly realized that this is the case.

It turned out that shortly after the appearance of Mecha in China, there was a rumor that 2012 Alien was about to invade from nowhere. In fact, this is not a rumor, after all, this is indeed a fact. But as if there was something secret mastermind pushing, this rumor immediately propagated about hiding the sky and covering the earth. All of a sudden, the entire world was plunged into a turbulent period in advance, and everyone was rushing to buy all kinds of materials. , The crime rate also skyrocketed for a while.

For this, countries in the world have begun to implement high-pressure policies. Under the strong suppression of the country, the turmoil has been slightly calmed down, but the issue of rumors has never been resolved. Various rumors continue to spread. Now in addition to the Alien invasion version, there are also a series of versions such as Resident Evil version, Lava eruption version, Ice Age version, etc. After listening to these, Li Yalin really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

If there is a secret mastermind promoting it, it is obviously that the U.S. is behind it. After all, apart from people who know the inside story like Li Yalin, the guys in the U.S. know this fact. I really don’t know the U.S. Is the group of people brain disabled, they can even figure out this kind of idiot method, and they want to divert their attention, right?

But now it’s useless to say anything. Alien’s first wave of attacks will arrive in a few days. I really don’t know what the first wave of attacks is. Li Yalin doesn’t want to be defended now. The solution can only be resigned.

However, regarding the production of Mecha, the country has already laid down sufficient capital. In this short period of more than two months, the country has produced more than 2,000 Mecha units in total. There are countless parts and weapon equipment. This can be considered a costly issue. Although it is not comparable to Li Yalin, it can also be regarded as a powerful military force.

Regarding Li Yalin’s Independent Mecha Army, this designation has not been revoked, but has always been retained, but now the Mecha Army has expanded from the original three hundred formal troops to the current one thousand. The official troops and the reserve troops have also expanded to three thousand people. Although it is not possible to have all the equipment on Mecha, at critical moments, these reserve troops are not inferior to the official troops.

Except for the Mecha Army, China’s other preparations have not fallen. In the past six months, more than 3,000 large-scale shelters have been built in China. This is no ordinary shelter. , Each shelter can accommodate at least 200,000 people to recuperate and live, and the cost of building these shelters alone exceeds the cost of making Mecha. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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