Except for the shelters, countries all over the world have carried out a large-scale recruitment operation. From this point of view, the senior leaders of all countries have a preliminary understanding of the Alien invasion. Believe it or not, In short, the military strength of the whole world at this time has reached a very terrifying figure. If there is really no Alien invasion, the outbreak of the third world war would not be impossible.

After learning about these circumstances, Li Yalin announced that he would immediately enter the final state of alert. All the assets of Gods Corporation were condensed. Miria and the others who originally served in the Mecha Army also returned to their bases on the Pacific Island. A collision is about to begin, and Li Yalin must be prepared for everything before that.

In addition to ground combat Mecha, Li Yalin prepares more Mecha for air combat and Mecha for space. Whether it is mass-produced Zaku or VF fighters, Li Yalin All are put into production on a large scale. Now if it is Low-Level Mecha alone, Li Yalin already has more than 100,000 units, and Middle-Level Mecha has nearly 20. Although High-Level Mecha is more than a thousand, all of them are fine works. You must know Ordinary combat Robots simply cannot exert the power of High-Level Mecha, so High-Level Mecha can only belong to Li Yalin and the others’ internal dedicated machines.

In addition to Mecha, Li Yalin’s fleet has also taken shape. Various cruisers, battleships, destroyers, corvettes, special ships and even universal aircraft Li Yalin have produced a lot, thanks to Li Yalin’s current strength , It is more than enough for him to fight a space war, and now Li Yalin has enough energy to wait for a big fight.

In the Pacific Islands base, Li Yalin is standing up ahead of the command center, and behind him are all the girls who have signed contracts with Li Yalin. I would like to say something here, in these two months During the time, Chu Zixin, Zhong Mengying and Wang Siya also signed a contract with Li Yalin, and they couldn’t leave Li Yalin’s anyway.

“It is now six more days in 2012. Maybe after these six days, this planet will no longer exist.” Looking at the world map on the big screen, Li Yalin shook the head, said a cold joke.

“No problem Yalin, we will win!” Saber stepped forward and patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, softly comforted.

“Yeah, I can’t be too pessimistic. With our current strength, even if we fight either the fish dies or the net splits, it’s okay. Besides, we also have the ultimate secret weapon, don’t we? “Li Yalin’s face also showed a smile. The so-called ultimate secret weapon is the various super weapons developed by the Super Military Factory, such as cationic cannons, supergravity cannons or space extinguishing cannons. These super weapons are even more powerful than Li Yalin. The full strength attack is even more powerful. After the space extinguishing cannon with the highest power is launched, I am afraid that even the Earth will be destroyed.

“It’s better not to use that kind of thing. After all, it is a weapon for space warfare. Using it on Earth is very harmful.” Saya reminded at this time.

“Don’t worry, after the first wave of attacks is completed, we can go to space to sniper. When the time comes, the guys from Alien are pretty good-looking.” Li Yalin has completely returned to normal. , Said with a smug look at this time.

“You guy, don’t forget that we are also the so-called Alien!” Just when Li Yalin was proud, Orfina stepped forward and pinched Li Yalin’s face. At this time, everyone reacted. According to common sense, except for Ye Ling and Chu Zixin, the rest belonged to Alien’s ranks.

“I was wrong. I was wrong. Okay, now is not the time to make fun. Business matters.” Li Yalin quickly broke free of Orfina’s claws, and his expression became serious.

“With regard to this apocalyptic crisis, I thought about it this way. Just after the opponent’s first wave of offensive, we immediately began to invest in Counter-Attack. The ground mecha army was commanded by Miria, Galatea , Flora, and Ophelia as deputy, you are more familiar with ground warfare, so these are left to you.” Li Yalin first handed over the command of Mecha on the ground to Miria.

“I’m the commander-in-chief? Is that okay?” Miria seemed flattered to hear that Li Yalin had delegated such a heavy responsibility to herself. Saber and Teresa were present, Miria really didn’t expect to get this position by myself.

“There is nothing good, I will not give you too much ground troops, we will not come out of the nest, so Mecha of the ground troops will be able to dispatch one or 20 units and it will be dead, let’s talk about you I also have this ability, but I am very optimistic about you.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

Li Yalin has his own plan to hand over the ground mecha army to Miria. The ground forces will inevitably come into contact with the country. It is better to have an acquaintance of Miria. Besides, Miria’s command ability is indeed popular. One of the best among the women, she commanded the ground forces Li Yalin to be completely relieved.

“As for the air force, Ikaros is the commander-in-chief, and Nymph, Teresa, Clare, and Ilena are the deputies. After the first wave of attacks, the air force must immediately take advantage of the counterattack. “At this time, Li Yalin gave the air force to Ikaros, the Queen of the Sky. With Ikaros and Nymph, Li Yalin believes that the air force will definitely form a very powerful battle strength.

“Yes, Master!” Ikaros’ expression looked a little excited, but Ikaros was indeed well deserved as the air commander. The air force is all composed of VF series fighters. Although many gundam Mecha also have the ability to fight in the air, Li Yalin has already put all these gundam Mecha equipment into the battleship, and only the air force in the atmosphere is left. A relatively low series of VF fighters.

Even so, these VF fighters are also a very powerful battle strength. Although they are all VF-1 (Valkyrie) and VF-4 (lightning), they are also better than the M9 of ground forces. Much stronger.

“As for the rest of us to form a mobile unit with me, when the time comes, we need to act accordingly. We don’t know what kind of Alien creature is coming, so we have to make multiple hands. Prepare.” Finally Li Yalin made a summary.

After that, all the women present here expressed their opinions, and some of the more useful ones were also adopted. Now everything is ready, only the east wind is waiting for Alien’s arrival.

In fact, it is not only Li Yalin, everyone is waiting for Alien to arrive. Although many people think that this is simply impossible, it is purely a rumor, but in any case, 2012 is coming, when the time comes, everything will be seen and resolved.

Six days are very fast, at least for Li Yalin, it is very fast, time seems to pass in the blink of an eye, January 1, 2012, this was originally a happy day. On this day, everyone should be reunited at home to celebrate New Year’s Day with their loved ones. But at ten o’clock in the morning that day, without any warning, countless huge Fireball dropping from the sky, as the Fireball fell to the ground and extinguished, countless huge insects were drilled out of the extinguished meteorite.

These insects are about three meters tall, and their stature is somewhat similar to that of a praying mantis, except that it has four sickles on its forelimbs, and it has six hind limbs under its body. The body is very hard and ordinary. Bullets simply cannot penetrate the opponent’s body, but these insects are not without weaknesses. Just like Filth Monster, their mouths and eyes are their biggest weaknesses.

These Fireballs falling into the sky are like appearing out of thin air. Radar satellites and Li Yalin are arranged in the universal fleet, but the origin of these Fireballs was not discovered. At that time, the sky seemed to be opened out of thin air. A huge black wormhole was created, and these Fireballs were poured out from the wormhole.

There are countless such giant Fireballs, and every Fireball can drill into dozens of insects, although all countries have responded immediately, transferring civilians and Launching the army to attack, but the action and lethality of these insects are great, and some losses are inevitable.

Furthermore, these Fireballs have also brought a lot of losses to all countries. The huge Fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters can even collapse a building and destroy a bridge. This is just the first wave of Fireball. The attack has caused a lot of casualties.

But at this time, Li Yalin was very puzzled, very puzzled. Although these insects are like Death God with a sickle to an ordinary person, for Li Yalin, this It’s just a group of small insects. The so-called Alien invasion is this thing? Are you kidding me? I have carefully prepared for so long, but only these small insects have come?

Li Yalin can’t figure it out very much. If it’s just these insects, this Quest might be too fussy, right? So what will the offense of the second wave be? If it were just these Fireballs with insects, then Li Yalin would be very welcome, and it would be completely done by sending VF fighters directly to intercept in the air.

Let’s talk about these insects. Although there are a lot of them, it is difficult for them to tear the outer armor of the M6. So it is like a fish in the water for the M6, but when the M6 ​​arrives, it will These insects can be suppressed very quickly. It can be said that China will soon control the domestic situation. Although casualties and losses are inevitable, these losses are basically nothing compared to other countries. .

In just less than two days, China has completed its domestic suppression, and now China is ready to send Mecha to other countries to help, and is ready to eliminate these damn insects together.

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