Due to the arrival of the insects, there are not many Warriors staying at the base. Except for a few instructors who are responsible for training recruits, the Warriors of the official Independent Mecha Army are basically sent to the front, even though they face the insects in the air. These Low-Level Mecha seem very passive, but at least better than ordinary conventional weapons.

The arrival of the two VFbattallions of Li Yalin naturally caused a sensation in the base, especially after the fighter plane transformed into a half-human form and landed on the ground, compared with Mecha in the base, it is simply not at the same level.

“Instructor, you are finally back!” Just after Li Yalin got off his fighter plane and took off his helmet, several official Mecha Army Warriors who were staying at the base and were responsible for training recruits all ran over. Only these players will call Li Yalin the instructor instead of Captain.

“I heard that you did a good job, but you did a great job in the first wave of offense.” After patted the youngster’s shoulder a few times, Li Yalin also smiled and praised.

“Thank you instructor! But since the emergence of a flying insect, the battle has become a lot harder, and several brothers have already been sacrificed.” After hearing Li Yalin’s praise, several people appeared to be still I was a little excited, but when it came to the end, everyone’s expressions were a bit ugly. After all, everyone had spent nearly half a year together, and their feelings for each other were very deep.

“Don’t worry, I will show these insects good-looking.” Li Yalin also said heavily, sacrificing his companions, Li Yalin’s heart is also very uncomfortable.

“It’s okay instructors, we are soldiers. It’s our responsibility to sacrifice for the country. By the way, instructors, are these the country’s new Mecha? They can be transformed?” shook the head, one of the Warriors Said, this Warrior Li Yalin still has some impressions. It should be Zhang Jianxiang, and he is also a small Expert in Mecha operation.

“These Mechas are too High-Level, they cannot be produced by the country’s current technology.” Li Yalin shook the head with a smile.

“Can’t produce? What is this?” Several Warriors were all taken aback.

“Haha, just consider it as a gift from Alien.” Li Yalin laughed and patted Warrior on the shoulder, then pointed to Jiang Hongqing and Li standing aside Zhuo.

“These two guys are my friends and want to join our Mecha Army, but you don’t need to give me face. Everything follows the normal procedures. Give me good training and train them. Let me now They are ready to serve as alternates. As for the handover between the two of them, you are responsible for me.”

“Don’t worry, the instructor, it’s just a small matter. We must do it properly. “Zhang Jianxiang promised several people patted their chests.

“Well, now I’m going to communicate with the above, about this wormhole in the sky is not a trivial matter.” Li Yalin nodded, then took Ikaros and the others out of the base and went straight to Zhongnanhai Away.

At this time, Zhongnanhai has become a quarrel. In the face of this huge wormhole, some people suggested to stick to it, some suggested to observe, and some even made a proposal to evacuate the whole city, but no matter what it is Proposals, those who are in favor, those who oppose them, and those who are sitting on the sidelines, simply cannot reach an agreement for a while, and no one knows what to do.

Because of the particularity of Li Yalin’s certificate, he easily came to the Conference Hall, which was in a quarrel. Looking at the Conference Hall, which was like a vegetable market, Li Yalin’s mouth also showed a hint sneer.

However, top leaders like President Gu are sitting on the sidelines and watching. They are waiting at the moment, waiting for Li Yalin’s return. Although the last time made Li Yalin very unpleasant, they Believe that Li Yalin will come back, at this moment, President Gu saw Li Yalin at the entrance of the Conference Hall.

“Don’t make any noise!” President Gu slapped the table and immediately stunned everyone in the Conference Hall. While everyone was still wondering, President Gu had already stood up , A quick step moved towards Li Yalin came over.

“You are finally back, we have been waiting for you.” President Gu said to Li Yalin very excitedly.

“Yes, I saw a good show as soon as I came back. It is more lively than the vegetable market in front of my house.” Li Yalin said in a slightly mocking tone. After speaking, he was still contemptuous. Looking at the so-called leaders who just quarreled together.

“Who you are?” Li Yalin’s words changed the faces of the leaders present. Knowing Li Yalin’s except for the highest leader like President Gu, the rest of the present are slightly inferior Basically, the leaders of Li Yalin have only heard of Li Yalin’s name but have never met. Naturally, many people are dissatisfied with this insulting teenager.

“Don’t put on your official arrogance with me, or do you think you can solve the messy things in front of you?” Li Yalin looked at the middle of the slap the table and stand up quite funny. -aged man, what he said also made the other person’s tone stagnant.

“Okay, President Cao, you can sit down first. Now let me introduce to you. This is Li Yalin Captain of the Independent Mecha Army. Before that, Commander Li went out to do some things. , Now I just returned to the capital.” President Gu moved towards the middle-aged man with the surname Cao gave a gesture, then introduced Li Yalin to everyone present.

After listening to President Gu’s introduction, everyone present was all surprised. Although they had heard of this Mecha Army Captain for a long time, they were very young when they saw it today. At this time, some people also remembered it. When the Multinational Joint Anti-Terrorism Military Exercise was first carried out, the TV station reported that the Captain of Mecha Army appeared on the screen. Although the time is very short, now think about it, this is the boy in front of you!

“Everyone, be quiet, the black hole that appeared above the capital is quite weird this time, Commander Li can be regarded as an expert in this field, everyone can listen to his opinions.” Let the noisy Conference Hall After quieting down again, President Gu pushed Li Yalin to the forefront.

‘When did I become an expert in this area? ‘Li Yalin wondered, although this Alien insect invasion was the information provided by me, doesn’t it mean that I am omniscient and omnipotent?

“Well, since President Gu is all this time, let me just say a few words.” Now that the ducks are on the shelves, there is no way, Li Yalin can only cough softly. After a while, moved towards everyone present said.

“Everyone already knows that this wormhole is the passage for insects to Earth. They do not come from outer space, but descend from this wormhole to Earth. If this is the case, then we have The reason is that the huge black hole that opened above the capital will also be a precursor to the arrival of the insect.” Before Li Yalin’s words, the Conference Hall was immediately exploded. Everyone started to talk about it. Those leaders who suggested to evacuate They all started to feel complacent.

“I haven’t finished yet, what are you arguing about?” Li Yalin’s voice was slightly lazy. Looking at these leaders who are like elementary students, Li Yalin is true. I don’t want to talk to them too much.

“Quiet everyone! Listen to Commander Li to finish!” At this time, President Gu slapped the table and quieted the entire Conference Hall. After all, he is the highest leader of the country and he is very prestigious. .

“Although it can be predicted that this is a precursor to the arrival of the insect, you don’t have to worry too much. My air force has already reached the capital. Unless there are millions of insects out of this wormhole, otherwise Simply don’t care about it, and the words will come back. If millions of insects really run out, everyone will be the same wherever they go.” Li Yalin shook the head first, and then said quite funny.

“Your air force? It’s not those fighters that can turn into Mecha, right? I have received a lot of reports that there are such units all over the world, but these units are being wiped out. After inserting the insect, they will disappear without a trace, and no one knows where the other party came from.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Old Man Zhong asked very surprised.

“Yes, it is indeed my army. This time I brought two flying battlements, which are enough to guard the capital.” Li Yalin nodded with a smile, but his words caused an uproar again .

As for the deeds of the VF fighters, everyone present has heard about it. Didn’t expect this force to be in control of Li Yalin’s, although I don’t know how Li Yalin controls this force. But what everyone knows is that Li Yalin already has control of a very powerful hole card, at least now he has the most right to speak.

“Good boy, I have you!” Old Man Zhong smiled happily. When Li Yalin and the others returned, Zhong Mengying had already called Old Man Zhong, although he did not Ming said, but Zhong Mengying also vaguely pointed out his relationship with Li Yalin’s. After hearing the news of the beautiful woman from Sun, Old Man Zhong was of course very happy, so he would laugh so happily after learning that this was Li Yalin’s unit. .

“But even so, we still need to draw up a retreat plan, and it is the most correct to be fully prepared.” At this time, another middle-aged man stood up and said, as for his The name and position are unpredictable, Li Yalin doesn’t know him.

“It’s none of my business. I just came to beaten soy sauce. By the way, I’ll tell you that I’m back. Since everyone already knows, I will stay soon.” Li Yalin turned around and left the Conference Hall. It’s better not to come. Forget it, just treat it as a lively scene. As for the topic of whether to withdraw or not, Li Yalin didn’t bother to mix things up. Everyone has their own ideas. Li Yalin has no way of interfering with the choice.

After Li Yalin left the Conference Hall, he walked straight to the reception room in Zhongnanhai. Ikaros and the others were here waiting for Li Yalin. After seeing Li Yalin’s return, everyone left Zhongnanhai together.

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