“The loss this time is not small.” In the Independent Mecha Army training base, Li Yalin shook his head while checking the summary report after the battle.

Li Yalin entire group returned to the base after leaving Zhongnanhai. At this time, reports about the battle were also passed to Li Yalin’s. Although the loss of the air force was small, it was not guaranteed to be zero. casualties. After all, there will be some surprises in everything. Besides, these relatively junior Middle-Level Mechas are not invincible. Those insects whose comprehensive strength has surpassed the Sixth Rank can naturally deal a big blow to the air force. The loss is not serious and it is a surprise. Up.

However, the loss of the Independent Mecha Army can be huge. The damage of the official troops has exceeded two hundred, all of which were sacrificed during the second wave attack, which made Li Yalin very depressed.

Independent Mecha Army is not like Li Yalin’s air force. After all, the VF fighter is driven by an intelligent robot, which can be rebuilt if it is lost. However, the members of the Mecha Army are all living lives. With the increase, Li Yalin has begun to consider whether to recall the members of the Mecha Army.

“This is also impossible. As soldiers, this is their mission. They have already realized their consciousness as early as when they went to the battlefield!” At this time, Rika said solemnly. Although Rika is not a soldier, the special nature of her previous work is almost the same as that of a soldier, so she understands the feelings of Warriors very well.

“Well, in fact, I understand that the generals will inevitably die before battle. Even more how these Warriors will not sacrifice in vain. I will find this place back. I These insects must pay the price!” After listening to Rika’s words, Li Yalin shook the head, and then his expression became very firm.

“Now this World is the same as our world, both in a state of being on the verge of destruction, except that one is facing the biochemical crisis and the other is the Alien insect crisis. I really don’t know if these two worlds will end up I won’t follow the same path.” At this time Miyu was sighed.

“There is still a gap, at least people in this World will not become enemies when they die.” After Miyu finished speaking, Shizuka tilted her head after thinking for a while.

“Hehe, this is also true.” After listening to Shizuka’s words, everyone laughed lightly, but everyone’s smile was full of bitterness.

Three days later, the wormhole above the capital has not changed at all, but the entire world’s insects have almost been cleaned up. Li Yalin’s air force can be said to have made a remarkable achievement. Without this force, the entire world would have been destroyed long ago.

It’s just that Li Yalin’s losses in the past three days are not small. The two battleplanes of the battlefield VF were scrapped, but the results were remarkable. The insects killed were almost hundreds of times the number of fighters lost. Even thousands of times,

But even so, the entire world has suffered a devastating blow. Except for China, there are many countries that basically can’t be called countries anymore, and the army has been wiped out. The loss of population is also a lot. Large cities are all destroyed, the number of men in various countries has dropped sharply, and the remaining old and weak women and children can no longer support their own land.

Relatively speaking, China’s losses are the least. Although China’s territory is not small, it has been taken care of by Li Yalin’s. After all, this is its own country, and a large number of ground troops are stationed in the city. Among them, coupled with the cooperation of the air force, once a trace of an insect is found, the Counter-Attack will be launched immediately, and there is no room for damage by these insects.

In these three days, Li Yalin put all his energy into the wormhole above the capital. Although there was nothing unusual in these three days, Li Yalin always felt Something is wrong, there must be something hidden in this wormhole, which makes Li Yalin feel very heart palpitations.

In order to find out, Li Yalin originally planned to enter this wormhole to explore it, but was stopped by everyone. He still didn’t know what dangers there was in this wormhole, blindly rushing into it. Going in is simply an act of courting death. For this reason, Ikaros once sent three VF fighters into the wormhole, but all of them were completely lost.

“It’s okay. Once there is an accident, I can choose teleport immediately. No matter how bad I am, I can hide in the Evolved Space in an instant. My life-saving trick is that I am not an ordinary fighter. Do you still have the strength of Don’t believe me?” Now it’s the fourth day, Li Yalin really can’t sit still, he has to enter this wormhole anyway to find out.

“Your strength is very strong, but what if there is a creature stronger than you hidden in it? Or you can’t come out again after entering? Have you ever thought about our feelings? “Miyu’s expression was very excited. Everyone had already persuaded Li Yalin once in turn, but Li Yalin still insisted on his opinion.

“Forget it, if you must go, take me with you.” Seeing Li Yalin’s silence, Rika suddenly said something surprising.

“What? No, I don’t know what dangers are inside, how can I take you with me!” Li Yalin shook his head quickly. He can ignore himself, but he can’t ignore Rika and the others.

“You know the danger and you have to go! Now you have only two paths, take us to go together or if you don’t go, choose yourself!” Rika gave Li Yalin a white look, and the expression on her face changed. It’s angry and funny.

“These two are not the same concept at all, okay? Otherwise, I will enter together with Ikaros. I don’t worry about Ikaros’ strength. If I bring you together, I will not worry about it.” I thought about it. After a while, Li Yalin made this suggestion. After hearing what Li Yalin said, everyone knew that they could no longer be dissuaded, but this result was acceptable.

“Well, Ikaros, Yalin will leave it to you.” After Rika and Shizuka and the others looked at each other, they said to Ikaros with a serious face.

“Understood, please leave it to me Master.” Ikaros nodded, although the expression on her face has not changed, her firm eyes are telling everyone that she will desperately protect her Master .

In this way, Li Yalin and Ikaros took off to the sky above the capital. This time they did not fly the fighter plane, but directly spread their wings and flew up. Since the fighter plane sent out has lost contact, then Driving a fighter plane is nothing more than a burden.

After coming to in midair, Li Yalin and Ikaros looked at each other, and then rushed straight into the wormhole. Before entering the wormhole, Ikaros also opened Aegis and separated himself and herself. Li Yalin is shrouded in the absolute defense circle to prevent accidents after entering the wormhole.

It is pitch black, a piece of pitch black, except for the dim-blue light that Aegis turned on by Ikaros, all around is pitch black, and it is also deadly silent.

“This is an isolated space. No exit has been found.” Although Ikaros’ radar is not as good as Nymph, ordinary search and analysis can be done. After searching around, Ikaros told Li Yalin reported.

“Well, I don’t know how these insects pass through this space. If Aegis is not turned on, it is estimated that even we will be very uncomfortable.” Li Yalin nodded, no creatures can be here. The film space survives, even if the insects are very tenacious in all aspects, but they can’t pass through it by their own strength in any case.

“Master! Look!” At this moment, Ikaros pointed directly above the two of them. There was a small spot of light, but no matter how small, the spot of light was the spot of light. , Appeared unusually conspicuous in this dark space.

“Go and see!” Li Yalin and Ikaros accelerated immediately. If they guessed correctly, there must be an exit.

Sure enough, the light spot above is getting bigger and bigger. When Li Yalin and Ikaros arrive at the destination, they find that this is indeed an exit, but the world outside this exit is very shocking. , Because it turned out to be a faint yellow world, with yellow sand all over the sky, and the sky was shrouded in dust, as if it were in that big desert.

But all this is not the main thing, the main thing is that the masters here are all insects, large and small densely packed insects hiding the sky and covering the earth. In addition to the two kinds of insects that appeared in Earth before, there are countless kinds of insects that Li Yalin has never seen before, ranging from one or two meters in size to nearly one hundred meters in size.

“It’s really an insect old nest.” Li Yalin said bitterly laughed. Those insects that are nearly 100 meters tall can not be trifled with. The energy contained within the body has reached about Tenth Rank. , This is still seen from the surface, but who knows if there will be a more powerful insect here.

“Look, Master!” At this time, Ikaros’ jade hand pointed and followed the direction Ikaros was pointing. Li Yalin was startled, did he read it wrong? Why is it so like Filth Monster?

On a small hill, this Queen Filth Monster is surrounded by larvae Filth Monster. At this moment, this Queen has used her body as nourishment to allow the larvae to survive.

What the hell is going on here? Filth Monster is obviously only owned by Regios World. Why does it appear here? Is there any relationship between Filth Monster and these insects? Li Yalin was full of questions now, but no one answered him.

“Master, what should we do now?” At this time Ikaros asked Li Yalin.

“Explore this World well, if possible, find out the reason for the formation of wormholes, and the reason why Filth Monster exists here.” Li Yalin gritted his teeth and tried to fight. This World is too dangerous. If you look at it now, the insect simply that appeared on Earth is just the first cannon fodder. Even so, Earth is still in a huge crisis. If there are more small BOSSs, then Earth will be finished? (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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