In this world full of yellow sand, apart from various insects, no other creatures can be seen. Li Yalin and Ikaros have been flying in the sky for more than three hours. In the end, nothing was found.

“There are no clues, is there really nothing?” After killing an insect that had just attacked, Li Yalin complained a little uncomfortably.

“It’s okay Master, we will find it.” Ikaros is comforted by the side, but it seems that she enjoys this trip to the yellow sand world, because in this world, except for those obtrusive Apart from insects, there are only Ikaros and Li Yalin. This kind of solitary opportunity is not something everyone can have.

“Well, it’s just that the search is done like this, the effect is really not great, we should change to an efficient search method.” Li Yalin nodded, and then after a while indulged, said, although Li Yalin’s The scope of exploration has been expanded a lot, but he is not good at perceptual exploration after all, and large-scale searches will definitely leave flaws.

“Good Master.” Originally, Li Yalin’s idea was to search separately, but Ikaros seemed to have misunderstood it. Her eyes instantly turned red. When she entered Strategy Mode, she also took her Uranus Mode summon came out.

In other words, Ikaros, except for the Uranus Mode in the dungeon of “Highschool of the Dead”, has never been summoned again. Now I see Uranus Mode again, and I am really impressed. It.

When Ikaros summon came out of Uranus Mode, it did not completely emerge from the summon in Ikaros’ summon space. What appeared was only illusory shadow, but now Uranus Mode has been completely revealed in Li In front of Yalin and Ikaros’, and with the movement of Ikaros’, Uranus Mode has automatically transformed into a spaceship form.

The entire Uranus Mode is based on white, and the blue wings are shaped like Angel wings. It looks a bit like a toy, but this toy is extremely lethal, especially in Ikaros’ controlling under.

At this time, Li Yalin and Ikaros have entered the Uranus Mode cockpit, and then Uranus Mode has entered the speed flight mode. In terms of speed, Uranus Mode is already amazing. Now it is Fly at a speed of Mach 20, although this speed is not comparable to the speed of Li Yalin and Ikaros’, but it is also much stronger than those ordinary VF fighters.

Ikaros’s purpose of bringing out Uranus Mode summon, in addition to its high speed, Uranus Mode’s auxiliary radar is also quite powerful, with this large-scale radar search, Ikaros can have the same Nymph With comparable search capabilities, Uranus Mode went all the way and quickly found a suspicious location.

“Is it here?” Seeing only a circular metal fortress no more than five meters in diameter was exposed on the ground, Li Yalin’s eyes flashed with joy, and finally found a clue. This metal fortress will definitely not be built by the insect here. How to build this thing without considerable wisdom?

“Yes, Master, after searching by radar, I found that in addition to the buildings on the ground, there are more than 5-Layer underground buildings below the ground, with lifeform responses, but the type cannot be confirmed. “Ikaros is also replied on the sidelines.

“Very good, I want to see, who are you hidden here.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, let Ikaros take back Uranus Mode, and then landed on the ground with Ikaros, but This metal fortress does not have any entrance. If you want to enter from the outside without beating the grass to scare the snake, you can only rely on Li Yalin’s Space Teleportation.

Li Yalin didn’t think much about it. He stepped forward and hugged Ikaros, but Li Yalin’s sudden hug made Ikaros blush.

“Master?” Ikaros squinted his eyes, his face was flushed, and his voice was not knowing what to do.

“What’s the matter with Ikaros? Hold on to me, let’s go in.” Li Yalin didn’t think much about it. After carefully inspecting the inside of the metal fortress, Li Yalin went straight with Ikaros Teleportation. Inside the fortress, after Li Yalin released Ikaros, Ikaros was sobered up.

In this metal fortress, what Li Yalin sees is not a world full of silver metal like a sci-fi movie, but a world full of tan. The inside of the metal fortress is not made of metal. As a decoration, it was replaced by a clay-like material, and on the wall, Li Yalin could also see a sticky, unknown substance, which was disgusting at first sight.

“The Master here is too nasty, right?” Looking at the sticky object on the wall, Li Yalin didn’t even want to touch it. According to common sense, this place should belong to a small base or research institute. The interior decoration is really non-mainstream. Could it be that this is Alien’s aesthetics?

That being said, the road still has to go on. There is simply no lifeform on the ground. If you want to know everything, you have to go deep underground.

There are two roads to the underground, one is an elevator-like elevator, and the other is a circular cavity. It seems that this cavity can lead directly to the lowest floor. Originally, Li Yalin was going to choose this elevator, but this elevator was too disgusting. In the end, Li Yalin chose to fly down from the hollow.

After spreading his wings and entering the cavity, Li Yalin discovered that it turned out to be a small silo. The sky above the silo should be openable, and the apron below is here. The spaceship of Alien was parked on May 4th.

After coming to the apron, Li Yalin naturally wanted to take a good look at these so-called Alien spaceships. There are five spaceships, all of which are small fighter-shaped spaceships, about 30-40 meters in length. It’s just that this shape is very special, like a flying insect. If you don’t know it, you think it’s an insect.

Since it is the spaceship of the enemy, Li Yalin naturally wants to know the enemy and confidant, so Li Yalin threw these worm-shaped spaceships into the Evolved Space with a wave of his hand, and gave it to Feifei. Processing, with Super Military Factory, no matter how advanced things are, they can be analyzed for you.

After receiving the spaceship, Li Yalin and Ikaros opened the entrance to the apron. The situation here is similar to the situation on the ground. Li Yalin believes that the race that can survive in this environment is really a small class. But to Li Yalin’s surprise, his unintentional complaints really became a reality.

Because Li Yalin hadn’t walked a few steps forward, Li Yalin found a lifeform in front of him. After looking at Ikaros, Li Yalin sent out an electric current directly and knocked the opponent to the ground. But what surprised Li Yalin is that this lifeform is too non-mainstream, right? It’s just an insect with clothes on!

I carefully observed the insect that fell on the ground in clothes. The whole body is dark brown. The lower limbs have two legs like human beings, but the upper limbs have four arms. There are no fingers on the insect’s hand, but small tentacles on August 7th, just like soft earthworms.

The clothes on this insect actually exudes a yellowish-brown metallic luster, and I don’t know what type of metal it belongs to. As for this guy’s face, Li Yalin really didn’t know whether To cry or laugh, it is like a magnified Xiaoqiang. Although he was stunned, the tentacles on his forehead were still trembling slightly. I really don’t know if this guy will have the same vitality as Xiaoqiang.

Although I wanted to learn something from this guy’s mouth, Li Yalin knew that there were still a lot of “Xiaoqiang” here, so the two did not stay, but moved the building as quickly as possible. Ran it again and caught all the’Xiaoqiang’ together.

Looking at the “Xiaoqiang” lying on the ground on August 7th, Li Yalin didn’t know what to ask for a while. I didn’t expect that cockroaches could generate wisdom. This World really collapsed. It’s broken.

Those two water balls were hit on the’Xiaoqiang’, and they soon became sober. Originally, Li Yalin didn’t use much power, and this group of guys naturally sobered up very quickly.

“What are you guys? Ask what will appear here?” After waking up, one of the “Xiaoqiang” immediately reacted, and while questioning Li Yalin, its tentacles were also repeated Trembling non-stop.

It’s amazing. Li Yalin can understand what this guy said. Could it be that what he got is not global communication but universe communication? Can even understand the language of the universe? Li Yalin himself was a little stunned for a while.

“Master?” I don’t understand why Li Yalin was stunned. Ikaros on the side also touched Li Yalin in confusion.

“It’s okay, didn’t expect that I can still understand Xiaoqiang’s words. It’s incredible.” Li Yalin sighed after the reaction. If he could, he would rather not understand Xiaoqiang’s words. Even with passive skills, speaking these Xiaoqiang language makes Li Yalin feel sick.

“Are you talking? Don’t you even speak a universal language?” Seeing Li Yalin and Ikaros communicate in a language they didn’t understand, the’Little Strong’ began to shout loudly again.

“Universal language? You said you are speaking a universal language now? Not your own insect language?” After listening, Li Yalin became energetic, as long as it is not an insect language.

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