“The language of our great Primitive Gamma Insect is not something you low-level races can learn! Who are you? How dare you come to invade our base?” This Xiaoqiang didn’t seem to think about its current situation at all. He even dared to speak out against Li Yalin, which made Ikaros on the side the idea of ​​launching a few homing missiles to give it a taste.

“Wait for Ikaros, they will look good in a while.” After Li Yalin stopped Ikaros who wanted to launch a missile, he turned his head and looked towards the head Insect with a smile on his face. Xiaoqiang.

“You have to understand now that you are my captives. If you are too arrogant, be careful of your heads.” Li Yalin has a big smile, but under this smile, Li Yalin is unexpectedly Waved, one of the heads of Xiaoqiang was separated from its body, but it was indeed Xiaoqiang, who had not died even after his head was chopped off.

I saw this Xiaoqiang twitching in the same place for nearly 20 minutes, and finally stopped moving, and in these 20 minutes, Li Yalin didn’t say a word, it was just like this Looking at each other quietly.

“What the hell do you want? You are in violation of the universal treaty. You killed our Primitive Gamma Insect without authorization. You will receive the most terrible revenge, your planet and even your galaxy. They will all be destroyed by us!” Finally, the headed Xiaoqiang couldn’t help it. Although his voice was trembling, his mouth was still so hard.

“Shut up, or you will die and look ugly.” Li Yalin flicked the fingers, a Wind Blade Edge blew past, cutting off the tentacles of the leader Xiaoqiang, which looked like tentacles. This is the weakness of these so-called Primitive Gamma Insects. Just after Li Yalin cut off its tentacles, this guy lay weakly on the ground, and his life energy was also sharply reduced.

“Which galaxy did you come from and why did you send those insects to invade Earth?” The Xiaoqiangs who were on the side were shiver coldly. Taking this opportunity, Li Yalin asked sharply.

“Earth? Which planet are you talking about? We have invaded too many planets?” Seeing Li Yalin’s intention to take action, a Xiaoqiang on the side quickly asked.

“It’s this planet!” Li Yalin took out the virtual projector and showed the original appearance of Earth in front of the Xiaoqiangs.

“It turned out to be the 14ATplanet of the K5231 galaxy. We actually didn’t intend to invade this planet, but were going to destroy it directly.” This Xiaoqiang seems to be a researcher, and he took a closer look at Earth’s After the original appearance, it immediately made the appearance of a sudden realization, but only waited for it to say it before reacting, there seems to be two 14ATplanet humans here.

“so that’s how it is, it’s about destroying Earth, but I want to know, why do you want to destroy Earth?” To the surprise of these little guys, Li Yalin was not furious, and There was no killing, but nodded and continued to ask.

In fact, what these Xiaoqiangs don’t know is that they are already dead in Li Yalin’s eyes, oh no, they are dead bugs. After they tell the information Li Yalin needs, Li Yalin will send it. They did it themselves.

“That’s because our Primitive Gamma Insect is fighting our enemy. Although we have achieved certain victory, there are still remnants of our enemy in the K5232 galaxy. To get there, we must go through K5231. That is the galaxy you are in. The principle of our Primitive Gamma Insect is to leave no grass. If it weren’t for the materials we need on the 14ATplanet, we would have used the Jiama Cannon to destroy the planet.” At this time, this researcher Xiaoqiang It’s a lot bolder. When it comes to their Primitive Gamma Insect, it’s really full of pride.

“Your enemy?” Li Yalin is very interested in this. Although the enemy’s enemy is not necessarily a friend, it does not prevent Li Yalin from listening to the story.

“It’s a long story to talk about our enemies. I’m still a little strange when it comes to them. They look the same as yours, but they are different. They don’t have a magical look like you. Although their strength is the same in appearance, their individual strength is very weak. After fighting with us for so many years, they only rely on their technological power to compete with us.” When it comes to the enemy, this researcher Xiaoqiang is really the beginning. The mouth was full of words, and even Li Yalin’s identity was thrown out again.

“According to my research, our enemies have countless races and nations, and these races and nations are ruled by a The Organization called Universe Fedation. I feel this is incredible. They are so-called humans, but why do we have to divide that many races? And another point is that this race named humans will not only fight with other races, but they will even kill each other themselves, which makes me very incomprehensible. ……” At this time, researcher Xiaoqiang became more excited as he spoke, and he had entered a state of selflessness within the realm.

“Well, let’s put this Universe Fedation aside for the time being, let’s talk about how you opened this wormhole first, why did you send those insects to invade Earth? Isn’t it faster to use your technological power? “Seeing this guy getting more and more excited, he didn’t mean to stop at all, Li Yalin quickly stopped him, and if he continued, I really don’t know when he can finish it,

“You That is to say, it will take two cosmic years for our fleet to reach the K5231 galaxy. When the time comes, it will be too troublesome to carry out cleansing, and we are also afraid that the enemy will contact you, the so-called Earth, and give your planet help, let You resist us. After all, you are all of the same race, so we can only choose to open space teleportation and send the Pet we raised to your planet.” Researcher Xiaoqiang made a pair of as it should be by rights appearance.

“It turns out that it is.” Li Yalin finally understood. If nothing else, the Mecha materials in the United States must have been sent by the people of the Universe Fedation, but if they can compete with these little powerhouses The strength of the United States, then why don’t they sponsor some of the more powerful Mechas in the United States? Instead, it was given to the most tattered Mecha in the United States. Is there any reason for this?

I understand some things, but there are some more questions. Li Yalin finds that this matter is very unusual, as if it is a big vortex, which has already enveloped Li Yalin.

“Do you have any information about your Primitive Gamma Insect and Universe Fedation? If you give me these information, I will consider letting you live.” This is Li Yalin’s ultimate goal, as the so-called Only by knowing the enemy and confidant can emerge victorious in every battle, whether it is Primitive Gamma Insect or Universe Fedation, Li Yalin must have a good understanding.

“Really?” Researcher Xiaoqiang reacted at this time, and the lives of himself and his companions were all held on the human body in front of him at this moment. He just killed the human without the slightest hesitation. If one of your own companions was killed, it was like killing an insect. Oh no, I was originally a high-level insect. Now this human being said that he would let him go if he handed over the information. Can he really trust him?

“Of course it is true.” Li Yalin said righteously.

“Well, all our data is in our personal computer, but how do you take it?” After the researcher insert hesitated for a while, he took the data that Li Yalin needed from himself The computer used by Primitive Gamma Insect is naturally different from any computer used by Li Yalin. There is no transmission between the two, but don’t forget that Li Yalin’s side still has an omnipotent Angel.

“Ikaros, I will leave these to you.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Ikaros. With Ikaros’ scanning and intrusion functions, she can directly enter the database of the insect and take what Li Yalin wants The information is extracted.

“Yes, Master.” After Ikaros replied, he instantly turned on Strategy Mode, put his finger into a jack on the computer in front of him, and started scanning data.

In this way, all the materials of Primitive Gamma Insect and the Universe Fedation materials they have studied for many years have been copied by Ikaros and stored in Li Yalin’s personal computer. After obtaining these materials, Li Yalin gave the information to Little Elf Feifei in Evolved Space. After analyzing it with Super Military Factory, he got a lot of useful information.

“She is…Robot?” Seeing the electronic data flashing in Ikaros’ eyes, the researcher Xiaoqiang’s eyes flashed. Originally, he thought Ikaros and Li Yalin were both humans, but now At first glance, it is completely different. Although Primitive Gamma Insect is not a race that is very good at technology, there are a few heterogeneous people who like to develop technology.

After hearing the words of this researcher Xiaoqiang, Ikaros’ body is slightly trembled. Yes, I am just a Robot. What can I expect for myself like this? Thinking of this, Ikaros’ eyes couldn’t help but a tear came out.

“Damn it!” Li Yalin stepped forward and kicked the researcher Xiaoqiang out and hugged Ikaros.

“It’s okay Ikaros, don’t be sad, you are not a machine, but my most important family member.” Li Yalin hugged Ikaros tightly, while quietly comforted.

“Master…” Ikaros in Li Yalin’s arms blushed and had a fever. I don’t know why. Ikaros feels that his power stove is very warm. As long as he is by his Master, no matter what happens, I don’t need it. Go and care.

“Okay Ikaros, don’t be sad, now the reason for the appearance of the insect has been found, then this time the Quest is Perfection completed, and now we can go home.” Li Yalin wiped away With tears in the corner of Ikaros’ eyes, he said to Ikaros very tenderly.

“Well, I will go home with Master.” Ikaros smiled nodded. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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