After persuading his parents, Li Yalin did not say goodbye to everyone, so he entered the dungeon world alone, but Li Yalin’s first stop was not “Infinite_Stratos”, but “Claymore” dungeon. A few months have passed. Believe that Sid has collected a lot of special ores.

Sure enough, just after Li Yalin came to Holy City, all kinds of ores were already piled up like a mountain. For this, Li Yalin praised Sid a lot, and collected all the ores with a wave of his hand. Evolved Space, Li Yalin left the «Claymore» world and entered his side dungeon quest.

Well, this cheating memory fragment is here again. Li Yalin really doesn’t know if these memories belong to him or not. If not, why are they so real? But if it’s not your own words, then whose memory are these memories? Although very confused, Li Yalin calmed down to absorb these memory fragments. After all, this was his own memory.

So far, Li Yalin has absorbed four dungeon world memory fragments. Li Yalin already has a feeling that these memory fragments are originally his own memories. Is the excuse made true? Li Yalin didn’t understand, but he couldn’t find the answer now, and this puzzle can only be found in the future.

Soon, Li Yalin absorbed all the memory fragments. Well, he became Chifuyu Orimura’s younger brother. Of course, it will definitely not be his own, but by Chifuyu when he was a child. Orimura picked up the adopted one. As for the original pig’s feet weaving for a summer, sorry, this guy has been slapped by the Colombian butterfly.

But what makes Li Yalin depressed is how did he become fifteen years old? Obviously he is already eighteen years old, oh no, he is already nineteen years old, and he still wants to go back to high school first year? It’s really unpleasant.

Recall the experience in the memory fragments. It is almost the same as the original pig’s feet, but there are some differences. However, the encounters with Shininoki and Huang Lingyin are the same, with two more childhood friends Ah, there was a wry smile on Li Yalin’s face.

A shock made Li Yalin awake from his memory. He looked at the surrounding environment. He was actually on an empty tram. The memory fragment told Li Yalin that he was now On the way to ISAcademy, I came to take the entrance exam today, but it seemed that I was late, so Li Yalin was the only one on the train.

only one men who can use IS? It’s really interesting. Li Yalin is very interested in ISMecha. If the performance of ISMecha can be integrated into his own Mecha, it will be really developed, or to get the core skills of IS and develop his own Man and machine, this is what Li Yalin wants.

Just as Li Yalin was dreaming, the tram had reached its destination. This is ISAcademy. It’s not that small, but why is there no one to greet you after getting off the bus? Isn’t there generally a tradition that old students welcome new students? Isn’t this tradition popular in ISAcademy?

About “Infinite_Stratos”, Li Yalin only watched anime. As for manga and light novels, he hasn’t read at all, so he only understands some plots in anime. As for anime, he has only seen it. Li Yalin didn’t understand the scene at all.

Okay, just go in by yourself if no one picks up, but after entering ISAcademy, that strange sight has never left one’s body, no wonder, the first in the world, He is also the only man who can control IS. Can this not make these girls curious?

In the setting of this World, it has become a world where women are inferior to men. Since the emergence of ISMecha ten years ago, women’s status has risen sharply, and they have now reached an extreme. They are all thanks to Shino no Shu who invented ISMecha.

It doesn’t matter to Li Yalin, it has nothing to do with me. The main purpose of my visit this time is to complete the Quest, and then I will come back with some of this World’s technology. Li Yalin is determined to win , This kind of genius-level brain Li Yalin will not let go, especially since the relationship between himself and Shinanosuke in memory is really good.

“Hello Senpai, where is the entrance exam location?” ISAcademy is very big. Li Yalin, who came here for the first time, naturally didn’t know the entrance exam location, so he could only stop nearby One of the girls asked for directions.

“Oh? Is this the newly enrolled Kouhai? Are you going to take the entrance exam? What a coincidence, I want to go there, just follow me.” This is a pretty Rei with short hair , The girl with a folding fan in her hand looks quite cute.

“Oh? That’s really good.” Li Yalin nodded with a smile, it would be great if someone led the way.

“Kouhai, what is your name?” Walking on the way to the entrance examination venue, the other party asked Li Yalin with a smile on his face.

“My name is Li Yalin, and I am a freshman enrolled this year, so Senpai?” Li Yalin answered quickly, and then asked the other party.

“Li Yalin, Kouhai is Chinese? My name is Tatenashi Sarashiki, a second-year student.”

“Yes, although I grew up in Japan, but I am truly authentic Chinese.” Li Yalin nodded.

“Hehe, then I will call you Yalin-kun.” Tatenashi Sarashiki opened the folding fan in her hand and chuckled lightly.

“Senpai, if you don’t add the word for jun, I think I’ll be happier.”

“Oh? That’s it, then okay Yalin, but correspondingly, You have to call me Tanwu, or Xiao Tan.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Tatenashi Sarashiki said so.

“Then I’ll call you Tan Wuhao. Actually, I don’t like Senpai Kouhai, so I should just call it kinder.” For the girl who just met, Li Yalin will naturally not directly. Call the other party Xiaozhu, but it is still okay to call him by name.

“That’s it. Okay, the entrance exam is in front of you. Yalin, you just need to register your name at the registration office.” Training field, where all the newly reported girls gathered, waiting for the first entrance exam of ISAcademy.

“Thank you so much. If you have time, let’s have a potluck together. I’ll treat you.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Hehe, then I remember, I will leave if I have something to do, cheer.” Nodded, he waved to Li Yalin again, and finally turned and left.

This girl is really good, with a cute look and a good personality, but Li Yalin did not expect that under the lovely appearance of Tanwu, the character that is hidden is quite black belly. From now on… Well, I won’t mention this for now, let’s talk about when the time comes.

After coming to the registration office to register his name and change his clothes, Li Yalin was assigned to venue C. The entrance examination is very simple. You only need to log in to the training machine once and perform a simple test. If the test result is excellent, then a simple battle will be held with the instructor responsible for the assessment.

Don’t worry about whether you can pass or not. This is just an assessment of freshmen. After the test, the comprehensive ability of the students will be measured and the IS level will be evaluated.

But the surrounding sights are really hot. The newly enrolled girls are all looking at Li Yalin as if they are watching rare animals, but Li Yalin is no longer the one that blushes when girls look at it. Otaku, after so many storms, why not be seen by girls? At this moment Li Yalin is sitting in the waiting room, unmoving as steady as Mountain Tai.

IS tested very fast. After a while, it was Li Yalin’s turn to play. This was the first time Li Yalin saw ISMecha. But before he appeared on the stage, there was a sudden The information belonging to IS appeared in Li Yalin’s mind. The basic movements, operation methods and various knowledge about IS all flooded into Li Yalin’s mind.

“This classmate? Are you okay?” The instructor in charge of the assessment looked at Li Yalin worriedly, which made Li Yalin sober immediately.

“I’m okay, I can start now.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, I originally planned to open ISMecha before trying to get familiar with it. Didn’t expect so much more information at once, now I’m even familiar Mecha’s programs are all exempt, and now Li Yalin can fight directly after turning on IS.

I boarded the training machine used for the evaluation. This is a second life IS machine “strike iron”. It looks like an armored warrior, but this ISsimply does not have a core. Therefore, no matter in terms of battle strength, sustained ability, or various aspects, it cannot be compared with a dedicated machine, but this also has an advantage, that is, anyone can use this IS, of course, except for men.

After turning on ISMecha, I felt it a little bit. It didn’t feel much. This kind of ordinary training machine even restrains Li Yalin’s strength, but it is only an evaluation, and does not restrain strength. Yes, it simply doesn’t matter.

“Are you ready, classmate? I’m going to start!” The instructor opposite Li Yalin seems to be a novice, young, with short green hair and dark green eyes, with a fan Tender baby face, big breasts, and very cute looks. Tong Yan X breasts should be said. It should be a teacher who has just graduated and stayed in school. The same is also the equipment with ISMecha’strike the iron’. I saw that she opened her own After the training machine, he rushed straight towards Li Yalin, and at the same time drew out the melee saber that came with her iron.

For this kind of opponent, Li Yalin just flashed away, let her fly past her, if nothing else, the novice instructor would definitely hit the wall behind Li Yalin Above.

But the accident really happened. The moment the novice instructor was about to hit the wall, she forcibly stopped the IS. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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