“I said the instructor, did it go too far? Ordinary students don’t test with guidance and testing as the main purpose? How can it become actual combat here?” Li Yalin asked a little puzzled.

“Haha, well, Li-san is not a male child. The above requires you to test the strength difference between you and the girl. This way, it will naturally require actual combat.” Babyfaced instructor sorry Touched the back of his head and said.

“Well, so I really need some strength.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, also took out his melee saber from the expansion field, and made a defensive posture.

“Li-san, you can think so, it’s really very good.” The baby-faced instructor slightly smiled, and immediately used the instant acceleration, and the saber in his hand slammed down at Li Yalin mercilessly.

“Instructor, you are really ruthless.” The IS with Absolute Defense is certainly not afraid of this kind of attack, it will only damage the Energy Shield, but Li Yalin never thought about being hit by the opponent. , Seeing Li Yalin backhand one gear, he used his saber to hold up the opponent’s attack.

“Li-san, your strength is very good. Is it really the first time to use ISMecha?” Seeing Li Yalin actually blocked his attack, the baby-faced instructor’s expression was incredible.

“It’s not difficult, right?” While the opponent was stunned, Li Yalin had already used soft power to slash down the opponent’s weapon, but Li Yalin didn’t use any strength, the saber The power of is also limited. This blow only broke 2/3 of the opponent’s energy shield, and failed to win with a single blow.

“It’s incredible, Li-san, your strength is really strong, almost comparable to the representative candidate.” Seeing that I have fallen into a disadvantage, there is no smile on the baby-faced instructor’s face. Disperse, but praised Li Yalin.

“Thank you for the compliment.” He said so, but Li Yalin did not show mercy, and took this opportunity to continue to attack, but the baby-faced instructor did not blindly Counter-Attack, but Turned back and flew into the air, evading Li Yalin’s attack.

“I said instructor, strike iron without long-range weapons is useful even if you fly far away.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, followed by the opponent’s figure and rushed into the air, baby-faced instructor He didn’t speak, but kept flying and avoiding. Just like that, the baby-faced instructor flew in front, Li Yalin chased behind, and the two were chasing me in the sky of the training ground, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Who is that person? Can you chase after the instructor to fight?” Girl A was very excited to pull Girl B.

“That should be a boy, wait! Boy?” Girl B was still very calm, but after seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, Girl B cried out in surprise, a boy unexpectedly Driving an ISMecha and chasing the instructor to fly? This is simply incredible.

Just as the girls in the field were discussing spiritedly, the baby-faced instructor no longer continued flying, but after a sudden pause in the air, he took advantage of Li Yalin’s forward charge. Buffer time, made a pretty beautiful counter-attack.

If the person on the opposite side is not Li Yalin’s, the baby-faced instructor’s this time attack will definitely succeed. Due to the impact of the two sides, one hit strike against Li Yalin can even be achieved. But unfortunately, her opponent was Li Yalin. I saw Li Yalin swaying back and forth in an instant. Due to the extremely fast speed, in the eyes of everyone, Li Yalin was almost divided into two and became Two people.

“Afterimage?” Everyone exclaimed. This high-level combat skill appeared from a boy who had just come into contact with ISMecha, and everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Sorry, instructor, you are going to lose.” In the baby-faced instructor’s unbelievable eyes, Li Yalin whispered behind her ear, and then the melee saber was stabbed fiercely. The back of the baby-faced instructor directly resets her Energy Shield number.

“I lost, Li-san, you are really amazing.” After landing on the ground, the baby-faced instructor did not show a frustrated expression, but said to Li Yalin with a smile on his face .

“Instructor, you are also very difficult to deal with.” Li Yalin also said with a smile.

“My name is Maya Yamada, Zhenye, if you can, you can just call my name.” Baby-faced instructor, oh no, Maya Yamada’s face is slightly ruddy, and it seems very shy .

“Is it really okay? Then I’ll call you real, you can also call me Yalin, I’m not used to being called Li-san or Li-kun or something.” Li Yalin nodded, But then he reacted, Maya Yamada, really? Isn’t it the deputy head teacher in the original plot plus the glasses girl? Why doesn’t she wear glasses? If she wears glasses, Li Yalin would have recognized her a long time ago.

“Very good, I will call you Yalin from now on.” Maya Yamada was really happy.

“That’s true, can I ask you a question?” At this time, Li Yalin asked cautiously.

“Of course, you can ask if you have any questions.” He patted his chest, Zhenye made an expression that I am sure to answer you.

“Really, do you wear glasses or not? I always feel that you would be cute with glasses.” After hesitating for a while, Li Yalin asked his doubts.

“Yalin, do you like girls who wear glasses? That’s right, you also wear glasses.” Zhenye seemed very happy. At this time, she had already leaned over mysteriously and secretively to Li Yalin’s ear and said “I’m wearing contact lenses today. If you like it, I’ll bring my glasses back tomorrow.”

“Really, don’t get me wrong. I’m just talking about feelings. In fact, you’re the same. Very cute.” Li Yalin waved his hand quickly, what kind of misunderstanding was afterwards? And why are you blushing?

“Hehe, your assessment has been completed. Now go and wait for the results and sorting. The results will come out soon. I will not accompany you. There are students who need to be tested. “Zhen Ye chuckled softly, moved towards Li Yalin and waved his hand, then turned to assess the students below.

Really turned and left, but the girls on the side saw that Li Yalin was no one around, and they all rushed to Li Yalin’s side. Everyone talking at once raised questions to Li Yalin.

“Schoolmate Yalin, you are really good. Is it your first time to contact ISMecha?”

“Schoolmate Yalin, can you teach me how to drive ISMecha?”


In just a few minutes of fighting between Li Yalin and Zhenya, Li Yalin’s name has spread throughout the IS academy, and the first male IS driver has extraordinary talent and strength. , This is no less than a blockbuster for the girls in IS Academy. Everyone started talking about this new male classmate.

At this moment, Li Yalin is struggling in the pink powder pile. Although Li Yalin can be regarded as a’field-tested’, but facing so many girls”attacks’, Li Yalin still looks quite Embarrassed, it was only after the members of the Student Council arrived that Li Yalin was saved.

But at this moment, Li Yalin’s grades and class placement also appeared on the big screen of the training ground, ISlevel S, the class is once a year, after learning this news, Everyone is very surprised. It is good for ordinary fresh-entry students to reach C in ISlevel, and those who reach B belong to the elite, but didn’t expect Li Yalin to get an S evaluation, which is simply unprecedented.

And Li Yalin quietly left the training field when everyone was surprised, and walked out of the IS Academy’s gate, before Li Yalin was relaxed, although it was with Rei, Saya and Saeko After cultivating Zhengguo, Li Yalin has a certain degree of immunity to girls, and he is often surrounded by girls. But when he meets so many enthusiastic and unfamiliar girls, Li Yalin is also a little overwhelmed for a while, these are true. Is it a 15-16 year old girl?

Back to the home in the memory fragment, Li Yalin can be regarded as put out a long breath. Take this opportunity to read the reference book. The basic introduction about ISMecha is included in it. Learn more It is also a good choice.

I boringly looked through the heavy pre-entry reference books. Li Yalin also has a general understanding of some of the IS knowledge, but about the core skills, it’s not just memorizing. You can figure it out by reading the reference book.

Li Yalin came to this dungeon, besides killing the upcoming insect, that is to find the beam of Shino, but now she is uncertain about her whereabouts. Where, how else would you ask her for the phone number of Shinanosuke when you see Shinanosuke? As the younger sister of the beam, Qi will definitely have her phone number.

If you don’t do that, you can only meet again when Shinino no Shu sends Akatsubaki to the altar. If you look at the plot, the time should not be very long. Forget it, when the time comes Besides, I can’t rush for a while anyway. After getting his own IS, Li Yalin has to conduct a comprehensive analysis of ISMecha.

If not unexpected, Byakushiki must be its own dedicated IS. After Byakushiki evolves into the second form, it can reach the standard of the fourth generation machine, which is quite for Li Yalin. Importantly, compared to the first three generations, the fourth generation IS can almost be called a universal machine. Although I don’t know the specific situation, it is at least much stronger than the mass production training machine used by Li Yalin before.

If possible, Li Yalin is going to modify Byakushiki after the analysis is completed, and install λ-DRIVER and ECSsystem on Byakushiki, which should also be a good choice.

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