Three days later, Li Yalin put on the brand-new IS Academy uniform and came to IS Academy again. Today is the first day of school. Li Yalin’s campus life officially began today. As soon as he entered the class, Li Yalin could already feel the scorching eyes of the classmates. It was true that the class was full of female classmates.

According to the student ID, Li Yalin also glanced at the girls in the class. Twenty-nine girls, plus Li Yalin, a boy, a total of 30 people, who was sitting by the window. The girl with a serious face should be Shininoki, and the one with long golden hair and blue ribbon on her head should be Cecilia Alcott, right? There is no change in the plot, and all the students who should be assigned to a class are still assigned to the same class.

“Congratulations to everyone for coming to IS Academy. I am Maya Yamada, the deputy head teacher.” At this moment, the door of the class opened, and a girl with short green hair and glasses walked in. In the classroom, after hurriedly stepping onto the podium, she began to introduce herself, but the classmates under the podium were silent, and the scene suddenly became cold.

Sure enough, the deputy head teacher is still true, but it was a bit embarrassing to watch the scene. Li Yalin was the first to applaud. With Li Yalin’s active applause, there were sparse applause in the class, although the applause not much. But this gave Zhen Ye a great encouragement. At this time, Zhen Ye also looked at Li Yalin with grateful eyes.

“So, everyone will be students of IS Academy from today…” After Jinya briefly introduced IS Academy, the next step is the students’ self-introduction, and the first The one who introduced himself is Li Yalin.

“Hello everyone, my name is Li Yalin, Chinese. I grew up in Japan and I am very happy to be a member of the annual class…” I just introduced myself, standing on the stage Naturally, Li Yalin said a lot of eloquent words, but this is just a common practice. Li Yalin did not say too much, but after Li Yalin finished speaking, he gave Li Yalin’s applause very warm, which made Li Yalin looked a bit sorry.

Next, according to the student number, everyone started to introduce themselves. Although IS Academy is in Japan, there are many foreign girls in the class. The door opened again, and a beautiful Rei black hair, tall, black beauties in tight office Class outfits walked in.

I was taken aback when I saw the beauty Li Yalin in front of me. This is the elder sister Chifuyu Orimura who adopted me in my memory. Although it is just a fragment of memory, Li Yalin still can’t help but feel the maturity in front of me. Onee-san has a sense of closeness, as if the two are real brothers and sisters.

“Weaving teacher, you have finished the meeting?” Although Chifuyu Orimura couldn’t help feeling a little emotional after seeing Li Yalin, but before she could say anything, there was really yeah on the side. He already asked her enthusiastically.

“Well, let you come to the class to say hello in place of me, I’m really sorry Maya Yamada.” Chifuyu Orimura nodded, and then after Zhenya gave up the podium position, Chifuyu Orimura made it in front of the podium. Self introduction.

“Everyone, I am Chifuyu Orimura, the head teacher of this class, and my job is to make you novices able to use it in a year!” Chifuyu Orimura’s imposing manner is quite unexpected, but she hasn’t waited for her self. After the introduction, there were screams in the class.

“Yeah! It’s Chifuyu-sama! Genuine Chifuyu-sama himself!” An infatuated first.

“I yearned for the elder sister, and came here from Nine Provinces!” An infatuated B.

In short, almost the entire class was about to be lifted over, which made Chifuyu Orimura quite a headache, I saw that she was rubbing her temples. “There are so many idiots every year, or are these idiots just concentrated in my class?” Poisonous tongue, Li Yalin feels that his elder sister is really quite a poisonous tongue.

“Shut up! In the next six months, you will learn all the basics of IS, and then an internship, but you must remember all the basic operations in half a month After a year, I will become a dedicated IS driver, do you understand it?” As expected, Chifuyu Orimura shocked everyone in the class.

“Yes!” The girls in the class replied in unison, but Li Yalin was taken aback for a while and did not speak.

“Why? Is there anything you don’t understand?” Chifuyu Orimura narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yalin, seemingly dissatisfied that Li Yalin didn’t answer just now.

“No, I understand very well, weaving teacher.” Li Yalin, a perverted man in anime, will definitely not make mistakes. Anyone who has seen the original plot knows that Chifuyu Orimura will work with The family division is very thorough. In public, the perverted man will never ask her to call her Chifuyu sister. Li Yalin, who understands this, naturally follows her meaning.

“Call me Chifuyu sister! I’m your elder sister, you idiot!” To Li Yalin’s surprise, Chifuyu Orimura’s fist hit her head. This What does it mean? Did you make a mistake?

“Maya Yamada teacher teaches everyone today’s first theory class!” Looking at Li Yalin’s stunned expression, Chifuyu’s eyes flashed with a smile, but this smile The mind is fleeting, as if it has never appeared before.

Next, Maya Yamada Zhenya will teach you the first theoretical class, but these theoretical knowledge books are available, and Li Yalin will remember all of them after scanning it, but more profound Knowledge cannot be taught here. Although Zhenya’s voice is very nice and the content is very detailed, Li Yalin still couldn’t help yawning and looked out the window.

“Schoolmate Yalin, is my class very boring?” However, this move was discovered by Jinya and Chifuyu, and Jinya looked at Li Yalin with a pitiful face, with that aggrieved appearance. It hurts when people see it.

“You guy! Didn’t you know what it means to pay attention in class?” Chifuyu also waved his fist. Although it didn’t hit Li Yalin’s head, Li Yalin couldn’t help but shrink his neck. .

“No, really, the teacher said that is very detailed and very nice, but I have already remembered all of these, so I can’t help but walk away.” Li Yalin waved his hand quickly, and then repeated his voice. Yeah, really comfortable.

“Is that really the case?” Zhenye’s big eyes were already slightly red, and after hearing Li Yalin’s comfort, he asked in disbelief.

“Of course this is the case. Everyone knows this, don’t you? Weave… Ah, Chifuyu sister?” Li Yalin said with a smile, but at the end of the day, After Chifuyu waved his fist, Li Yalin changed his mouth.

“Chifuyu sister? Real teacher? Schoolmate Yalin? What is the relationship between Schoolmate Yalin, Maya Yamada teacher, and Weaver teacher?” The conversation between Li Yalin and the three was naturally heard by the students in the class It was clear. At this time, whispers were heard everywhere in the classroom, and this gossip was naturally surrounding the three of Li Yalin.

“Quiet! This guy is my younger brother, please take care of me in the future. Of course, this is not as a teacher, but as an elder sister. Okay, let’s end the get out of class now!” At this moment, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. After Chifuyu patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, he directly explained the relationship between himself and Li Yalin’s. After speaking, Chifuyu turned and left the classroom.

„Ah? Li-san turned out to be Chifuyu-sama’s younger brother?” This topic immediately broke out in the class. All the girls in the class gathered around Li Yalin’s side, everyone talking at once Asked.

“Li-san, is Chifuyu-sama really your elder sister? Didn’t you say you are Chinese?”

“Li-san, you and Chifuyu-sama are relatives Sister and brother? I really envy you!”

“I heard that you beat the instructor in the entrance exam? Is this true?”

At this moment, anyway Li Yalin was almost overwhelmed, and at the same time, a lot of girls from the second third year came outside the door of the class. They were all here after hearing the wind, and defeated the instructor who was assessed, and it was Chifuyu Orimura. My younger brother, the most important thing is that there is only one boy who can drive IS. This shocked the IS Academy, which has become an all-girls school.

“Sorry! I’m going to the toilet.” Facing the increasing number of girls, Li Yalin had no choice but to use the urination method. Being surrounded by girls was really cool, but being surrounded by girls The look in the gossip’s eyes makes people tangled.

After running out of the classroom, Li Yalin quickly walked to the rooftop. No students would come here at this time, but Li Yalin just wanted to take a breath, but he felt that there was something behind him. The individual is approaching in a whisper.

“Who? Oh, it turned out to be Shino’s classmate.” Li Yalin turned her head sharply. Didn’t expect it to be the number one childhood friend in his memory-Shino’s 箒, but Even in the memory, I have not seen Shino no Kei for six years, and in the original plot, it seems that at first Shino no Kei doesn’t like the original pig’s feet calling her name, so Li Yalin immediately Cleverly called the other party’s last name.

Actually, Li Yalin didn’t watch much about “IS”, because it was a new show, so Li Yalin just skipped and watched it after downloading it. I still remember the general plot, but some details The problem simply didn’t look at it, so I didn’t know much about the inside story. When dungeon was about to start, whether it was anime, light novel or manga, everything was wiped out by the power of the law. Li Yalin couldn’t read it if he wanted to. .

“You…” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Shinozhiki’s face darkened, she saw her muttering to herself after two steps back: “Sinoyuki’s classmate… …It seems that you really forgot about me.”

After finishing speaking, Shino-no-ki turned around and left, there was a tear in the corner of her eyes. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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