“…Okay, then.” Although he was unwilling, he finally agreed with Li Yalin’s opinion, but this was not for the sake of Wu Wu, but to not leave a careful impression in Li Yalin’s mind.

“Really? Thank you very much, Shininoyuki classmate, you are such a good person.” The expression on Tanwu’s face is quite happy, and I don’t know if this is sincere or pretended. Qi can only heave a long sigh. Originally, today’s date of the two was completely desolate. Although the harvest was not small, it would be more perfect if it can continue.

“By the way, Yalin, do you still remember the representatives of the fourth class that competed with you before?” When walking on the road, Tan Wu suddenly asked Li Yalin, although I don’t know why. I asked, but Li Yalin still remembered a little bit.

“Oh, you mean the Owner of the dedicated machine on the fourth shift, that little girl who wears glasses and looks very weak?” Soon, Li Yalin remembered it. The game was really interesting. It was obviously a representative of the fourth class, so the strength should not be questioned, but after the game started, the little girl stood there in fear and did not dare to move.

This made Li Yalin really speechless. In the end, it was Li Yalin who summoned the yukihira type 2 to directly destroy the energy of her shield and win, then this little girl can be regarded as prostration. After shaking it a few times, it appeared to be on the verge of collapse. Fortunately, Li Yalin helped a bit by the side. Otherwise, she would definitely fall into a crush after taking the IS back.

“Yes, it’s her, her name is Gengzhizhan, and she is my younger sister. She admires you very much.” Nodded with a smile, followed by a joking pair Li Yalin said.

“Worship me?” Li Yalin asked in surprise, what do I have to worship?

“I don’t know this anymore. Maybe it’s a relationship that you defeated?” Wu Wu spread his hands and made an expression that I didn’t know.

“Stop teasing, is that also called being defeated by me? This is no different from her own admission of defeat.” Li Yalin is shook the head. This kind of victory is simply cracking a joke. Being worshipped by a little girl makes Li Yalin ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Yalin, didn’t you say you want to buy me ice cream? Let’s go quickly. Last time I heard you said that this ice cream seems to be limited daily. Even though it is expensive, many people want to buy it. , I’m late but I don’t have to eat anymore.” At this moment, Zhun interrupted the conversation between Li Yalin and Ranwu. Li Yalin didn’t feel anything, but Yuwu revealed a mysterious to the scoop. Smile.

“That’s right, that ice cream business is very hot. If you go late, you may really not be able to buy it.” Li Yalin didn’t think much, didn’t say anything, but went straight Bringing Qi and Wu Wu came to this ice cream shop.

Today is Sunday, everyone will come out to play on this day, so there are really many people on main street, especially when I arrived at the ice cream shop I mentioned before, the small store was already full People, there are no seats to sit on.

So after a hard squeeze, Li Yalin bought three cones of ice cream, and brought the two girls to the park. The three of them sat on the park benches and ate. The ice cream was talking and laughing, which attracted a lot of curious eyes.

“This is really delicious.” After a sip of his strawberry-flavored ice cream, Qi said to Li Yalin happily.

“Really? My chocolate tastes very good too. Would you like to try it?” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Taste…Taste?” Qi was taken aback first, then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

“It’s delicious, try it.” With that, Li Yalin dug out a scoop of ice cream from the spoon and delivered it to Qi’s mouth.

“Well, your taste is also delicious.” Qi blushed, and after carefully looking around, he bit Li Yalin’s spoon in one bite, but it tasted like chocolate. After the ice cream, Qi also liked the taste very much.

“Then, as a gift, I also ask you to taste mine.” As he said, Qi also dug out a spoonful of his own strawberry-flavored ice cream and handed it to Li Yalin’s mouth. Li Yalin also Without pretense, just ate it.

“Your relationship is really good. It’s like a couple. If you are known by your schoolmates, then you will be targeted by all the girls in the school.” Tanwu said after a chuckle, but when Tanwu said this, there was a trace of sourness hidden in his tone, but Li Yalin didn’t think about it, so naturally he didn’t hear it, on the contrary. It’s the Qi that understands the meaning of Wu Wu.

“Okay, no, don’t make fun of it. We are childhood friends who grew up together. What’s the point of tasting ice cream with each other? How can it be as exaggerated as you said.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Hehe, that’s really hard to say.” Wu Wu’s smile was very strange, which made Li Yalin feel a little confused.

Next, Li Yalin took Zhu and Yuan Wu to a delicious restaurant for lunch, but after lunch, Yuan Wu had something for the Student Council in the afternoon. For the reason of handling, he left first, and it was not considered to be released until Chu Wu was sent to the tram bound for IS Academy, which had been in frowns.

“Let’s go shopping again, Qi, it’s still early, and it doesn’t matter if you go back later.” The mood of seeing Qi picked up. Li Yalin also struck the iron while it was hot and brought the Qi to a movie theater. Girl should like watching movies more. Li Yalin has really not much experience in this area. At this time, I can only rely on the experience learned from anime and manga.

It’s just that after entering the cinema, the movie being played makes Li Yalin drowsy. The story is old-fashioned and melodramatic. It’s nothing more than a tear-jerking romance. Li Yalin is right. This has already developed immunity, and trying to keep oneself from falling asleep is already a lot of face. On the contrary, the 箒 showed a less beautiful woman side. I was very moved by the story in the movie. Toilet Paper had already used three packs, but the corners of the 箒 eyes were still moist.

“It’s really didn’t expect, Qi, you are so emotional.” After leaving the movie theater, Li Yalin said with some sigh.

“I didn’t expect. This is the first time I watched this kind of movie. Although I didn’t want to cry, the tears couldn’t stop streaming down.” Qi’s face flushed. She has been practicing Kendo or Kendo since she was a child, and after Shininosuke invented IS, Qi’s life has been closely monitored. This is the first time she has done this kind of thing that ordinary people are accustomed to.

“Then this can be considered, I discovered a little secret of yours, it belongs only to the two of us.” Li Yalin is said with a smile, although Li Yalin is just an unintentional one. Said, but Qi kept this sentence firmly in his heart.

“Well, it belongs to the little secret of the two of us. Don’t tell anyone.” What made Li Yalin strange is that after he finished saying this, Qi’s mood suddenly improved. The girl’s mind changed so quickly.

“By the way, have you contacted Sister Shu recently?” On the tram returning to IS Academy, Li Yalin, who was extremely boring, moved towards Qi asked.

“I don’t want to contact her, I have nothing to do with her!” When she mentions Shino-no-Suke, Kei’s mood will become very bad. If she hadn’t invented IS, Kei would definitely Will grow up like a normal girl, especially at that time, there is no need to leave Li Yalin. Now that Li Yalin is surrounded by beauty, this brings a lot of pressure to Qi, especially the six-year gap, which requires How long will it take to make up for it?

“You can’t say that. After all, Sister Shu is your elder sister. You can’t give up anything. By the way, Sister Shu will prepare your special machine for you, when The time comes and we can train together.” Li Yalin said persuasively, and comforted the Qi by the way.

“Is my special machine?” Qi’s expression changed. Yes, the training machine can’t be approved by the above, so can I find my elder sister and ask for a special machine?

“Yes, Sister Shu will definitely prepare it for you, don’t worry about this.” Li Yalin said very positively.

This day’s time passed quickly. After a day of relaxation, Qi’s mood has recovered. This makes Li Yalin also very happy. It seems that he is still quite good.

“Welcome back Yalin, are you having fun today?” Just after Li Yalin returned to the dormitory, Charlotte asked Li Yalin with a smile on his face.

“It’s okay, at least Qi’s mood has recovered.” Li Yalin took off his coat and lay directly on the bed. Everyone knows about helping Qi restore his mood. Although there was a trace of jealousy in his heart, everyone didn’t say much. After all, everyone got along well with the Qi. Looking at the Qi so low, everyone felt very uncomfortable.

“Although Qi’s mood has recovered, Yalin is in great trouble for you.” Charlotte showed a weird smile on his face, and then took out a newspaper from behind. , The photo on the front page headline above is the moment Li Yalin feeds the ice cream.

“Schoolmate Li Yalin’s girlfriend was childhood friends when I was a child?” The eye-catching red headline was posted on the photo, which made Li Yalin quite helpless. Except for the photo of feeding ice cream, the back It even published the moment when Li Yalin put the necklace on the neck of the Qi when he bought the necklace for the Qi.

“A million-dollar necklace, Schoolmate Li Yalin is a rich young master?” A small red headline, although the font is smaller than the front page, it is also quite eye-catching.

“What the hell is going on?” Li Yalin looked at Charlotte in surprise. How long has it been since it was all in the newspaper? IS Xueyuan Daily, the exclusive internal information of the Press Department is in limited release. The third season of “The Secret I Have to Tell Schoolmate Yalin” is coming soon, so stay tuned. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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