“The exclusive report published by the News Department this afternoon was very shocking, isn’t it? Now the girls in the whole school are crazy. Everyone is discussing your affairs with Qi.” When it comes to Qi, Charlotte’s The tone was also stagnant, with a little bit of sadness in the tone, but Li Yalin’s attention was focused on the newspaper at this time, and simply did not notice.

“This is impossible, even if the news department is well informed, it is impossible so fast.” Li Yalin’s expression is very incredible, but looking at the photos in the newspaper, Li Yalin quickly found out What’s wrong.

“Well? Why isn’t Yan Wu on it?” There are only silhouettes of Li Yalin and Yan in the photo, and Yan Wu, who is sitting on the same bench with the two of them, is excluded, according to common sense. Say, isn’t it more topical when the three are together? In particular, Wu Wu is still the Student President, her gossip will be super attractive.

“Is the chairman of the more knowledgeable being with you? It’s not written on it.” Charlotte said with some puzzlement.

“I’ll go out first, Charlotte, I have to ask about this.” After speaking, Li Yalin ran out of the bedroom with the newspaper, leaving Charlotte in the room. Li is slightly sighed.

“Aiyaya, welcome to the Student Council, Yalin, you are a rare visitor.” Just after Li Yalin knocked on the door of the Student Council, Wu Wu who was sitting at the desk dealing with affairs said with a smile .

There are two girls standing next to Tanwu, one of them is a girl with glasses and a long braid. At first glance, she belongs to the type of Student Council secretary. Of course, her appearance is definitely not bad.

The other one is Li Yalin’s classmate, who is known as “Ran Ranjun”, who always looks lazy and not awake. He really likes to wear puppet pajamas. He just went to Li Yalin. When I enrolled in school, I also took the initiative to communicate with Li Yalin, and now I can be regarded as one of Li Yalin’s good friends.

“Whatever you are, why are you also at the Student Council?” Li Yalin asked in surprise.

“hee hee, that’s because generations of our family will meet to know the family better.” Buyao said sorry.

“Oh? You even use a nickname to call Benyinjang. It seems that your relationship is very good.” On the side, Wuwu said with a smile.

“It’s okay, but this one is?” Li Yalin turned his gaze to the eye girl again.

“I am Bu Yaxu, the elder sister of the original sound.” It was a serious answer, but when he looked at Li Yalin’s, Bu Yaxu’s eyes flashed a dazzling light.

“Leave aside, Yalin, what’s the matter with you coming to the Student Council this time?” No one waved his hand, and asked Li Yalin with a smile on his face. It’s just that the smile feels a bit lethargic. Are people shuddering?

“I almost forgot, I said Tanwu, should you give me an explanation?” Then, Li Yalin took the newspaper to Tanwu’s table, and Li Yalin and Tanwu each other The photo of feeding was placed in front of Tanwu.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yaya, who are you?” hon-yin looked at the photo with an incredible expression, as if it were incredible. (Yaya is the nickname given to Li Yalin by Buyao’s original sound. Another point is that Maya Yamada Zhenya’s nickname is 80% of this random king. The big hobby of the original sound is for others. No.)

“Oh? Isn’t this a picture of Yalin, you and Shinoyuki’s classmates? The photos are really clear.” Tanwu held up the folding fan and smirked, even pretending to be I picked up the newspaper and looked at it carefully.

“Ming people, let’s stop talking secretly. What do you mean by Wuwu.” The matter is very simple. You can figure out the result with a little bit of thinking, and Wuwu must play a role in this. An irreplaceable role, as for the mastermind or the accomplice, it depends on Wu Wu’s own statement.

“Hehe, you really misunderstood me about this matter. In fact, when at first, I would also be inserted here.” As he said, Wu Wu also pointed to the newspaper. Photo.

“It’s just that when I was going to the Press Department to deal with affairs, I happened to ran into the Club President Mayuzumi Kaoruko of the Press Department. Seeing the previous photos, I naturally couldn’t let the Student Council have any negative news. Although I can use the right of the Student Council to suppress this part, I can’t do anything about you and Shininoyuki’s classmates. Fortunately, we haven’t done any intimate actions. Otherwise, even if the Student Council pressures you. , The Ministry of Information might not give me face.” After speaking, Wu Wu also patted his chest with great joy and made a lucky expression.

“Is that really the case?” Li Yalin looked at Wu Wu suspiciously. Is it really that simple?

“How complicated do you think it is? Rather than come to me and ask questions, why don’t you think about how to accept the jealousy of girls? Jealous women are very scary.” At this time, Wu Wu Que It was a smile on his face, as if he had already seen the end of Li Yalin tragic.

“bad luck.” Li Yalin was quite depressed at this time. Wu Wu’s words made him unable to refute, and now he is indeed facing a major crisis. The words of a woman like a tiger are not a joke.

“If you don’t mind Yalin, I can help you settle this matter.” At this time, Wu Wu said with a smile, but Li Yalin could smell the conspiracy. taste.

“Let me just say it, I don’t have you…” At this point, Li Yalin shook the head didn’t go on. Everyone knows what Li Yalin wants to say. It will be boring if you say it. .

“Tell me, what do I need to do?” Li Yalin sat down on the sofa of the Student Council, drank the tea that Ranjun handed over, with a very leisurely expression. Tao.

“In fact, it’s nothing, but I want to ask Yalin for a little thing.” Wuwu’s expression is very relaxed, as if he hadn’t heard the implicit meaning in Li Yalin’s words.

“Small things? I don’t know what it is. You need to know more about the president. You have to spend so much effort to ask me to go out?” At this time, Li Yalin’s voice was already a little cold, even right. Wu Wu’s name has also changed from the more intimate Wu Wu to the more knowledgeable president.

“I’m really sad when you say that by Yalin. Am I such a despicable woman in your eyes?” Wu Wu’s expression was very sad, and she covered her face as if she was about to cry. But Bu Yexu hurriedly stepped forward to persuade her. As for Jun Ranjun, she seemed very confused and couldn’t figure out what happened.

“Just talk about it, if I can do it, I’ll definitely help you.” Li Yalin sighed, I really served this Young Lady, forget it, let me ask why Right.

“In fact, I just want you to team up with my younger sister. The school year competition will be held this month. In order to make the simulation game more realistic, the school stipulates that two people must form a team. Participate, you also know the character of my younger sister. On February 1st, I hope you can help her regain her confidence in this competition.” When it comes to her younger sister, Wu Wu’s expression is full of affection.

“It turned out to be like this, but I’m sorry. I really can’t help with this. If two people have to form a team, then my teammate will be Charlie. Don’t ask me. What, everyone is a little unspeakable, but I can help a little bit about the problem of getting to know the hairpin classmates better.” Li Yalin shook the head, Charlotte’s current identity has not been revealed, if she is asked to be a girl If you form a team, it is bound to be very troublesome.

“It turned out to be like this, then I can’t force it, but Yalin, do you have a good way? Just make the hairpin more cheerful and confident.” Although Li Yalin’s refused to make people disappointed, But now that Li Yalin said to help, it made Tanwu’s eyes brighten.

“You don’t care about this. Anyway, now you have to help me get the gossip in school. As for your younger sister, I will find time to communicate with her, but now it is impossible Now, let’s talk about it in a while.” Li Yalin waved his hand, and then made an expression that everything was left to me.

“Since this is the case, then I beg you.” Maki nodded, Li Yalin said so, Maki couldn’t say more, but just after Li Yalin left, Tanwu suddenly stopped Li Yalin.

“About this report, it’s really not my ghost. Although I didn’t interfere when I knew it later, Yalin, you have to believe me. I never meant to tease you. Today It’s really fun to have fun with you.” After saying these words, Wu Wu blushed and closed the door hard, which made Li Yalin outside the door startled for a moment and shook the head with a smile before turning and leaving. Student Council.

Fan Wu has a strong ability to do things. On the 2nd day, the press department published a clarification about the photo of Li Yalin putting on the necklace. This is because it will be the birthday of the Qi in a month. , It’s not a problem for childhood friends to give a gift. As for the problem of the price of this gift being gundam million, it was simply ignored.

The second photo of feeding ice cream to each other was because Li Yalin and Yan lost a bet, and they were allowed to feed each other. This was proved by the President of the Student Council, Tatenashi Sarashiki. After these two clarification reports, the girls at IS Academy calmed down a bit. At least they learned that Li Yalin did not date Shininoki. This is good news. As for other minor issues, these All are can be ignored, so gossip and condemnation gradually subsided.

It’s just that these all are things. At this time, after Li Yalin returned to the dorm room, he told Charlotte that the school year competition was about to start, and Li Yalin also indicated that he wanted to The meaning of teaming up with Charlotte was a pleasant surprise for Charlotte.

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