“Yo, my younger sister, are you okay? Do you like the birthday gift I gave to you for elder sister?” While everyone was silent, Shu moved towards the altar who wanted to hide Saying that, the news that Shu is the elder sister has not been known to many people, so after Shu finished speaking, a new round of silence began again.

“Let’s talk less gossip now and talk about your plan.” Chifuyu pressed his temple and pulled the beam back.

“Hehe, if I want to talk about my plan, then Akatsubaki must be on the stage!” Shu made a very exaggerated expression, and then suddenly showed different sizes beside Shu The virtual screen shows various information of Akatsubaki.

“In any case, Akatsubaki is also the fourth-generation IS that I am most proud of. This kind of instant universal response machine is unimaginable by others. I really deserve to be a genius. Where’s the scientist! VV” At the end, Shu De also stretched out both hands in a victory gesture.

After Shu finished speaking, the entire combat command room was silent, but Shu still hadn’t figured out what was going on.

“Come on, stop talking.” In order not to continue hitting the little girls, Chifuyu immediately stopped.

“How long does it take to debug Akatsubaki?” Chifuyu asked what this meant, which indicated that she agreed to the battle plan.

“Hee hee, I don’t even need a half and a half.” Shu said very proudly.

“Wait, I have something to say!” Just as Chifuyu was about to announce that Li Yalin and Qi would be the primary performers of this battle, Li Yalin put forward a different opinion.

“As for the silver gospel, I think I can rely on my ability, without the assistance of others.” Li Yalin’s words are very unexpected. Everyone does not understand why Li Yalin said this. .

“Yalin, you have to understand, this is actual combat, not a joke!” Chifuyu looked at Li Yalin with a serious face.

“Of course I know that this is actual combat, but even if it is actual combat, combat is combat. It makes no difference to me whether it is competition or actual combat.” Li Yalin’s smile was very confident, so People want to believe in him unconsciously.

“That’s not okay! Do you think I will hold you back?” I was very happy to hear that I could fight with Li Yalin, but Li Yalin’s refused to let her Clouds covered his face.

“If you think like this, the misunderstanding will be great.” Li Yalin smiled and came to the front of the Qi.

“We are comrades in arms fighting side by side. Whether it is in the past, now or in the future, whether it is you, me, or everyone, we are all as a whole, and there is no problem of dragging our feet. It’s just that this time I want to show that I still have Byakushiki’s strength. I also take this opportunity to prove that not all men are bullies.” Li Yalin’s explanation is quite perfect, saying that women are gradually respected. In the world, the status of men is getting lower and lower. Regardless of Li Yalin’s popularity in IS Academy, other men have been living tragic lives, and playing is one of the best representatives.

“You are totally machismo!” Qi’s expression was very excited, and she didn’t understand Li Yalin’s thoughts.

“This is not oh, I just hope you are proud of me. I hope that every time you go out in the future, you will no longer say that I am the younger brother of Chifuyu Orimura, but that she is me Li Yalin’s elder sister, and you…” Li Yalin’s didn’t finish her words, but the meaning inside and outside the words is self-evident.

Of course, Li Yalin’s real intention is not like this. He just wants to see and see the so-called silver gospel. If he is there, he will be restrained, and there is another one beside him. The jealous girls are watching.

“In that case, I agree!” Chifuyu was quite decisive. Since Li Yalin made this request, Chifuyu immediately chose to issue the order. At the same time, Chifuyu also started a new combat plan. .

“I’m sorry, Sister Shu.” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly walked to the whispered side of Shu.

“Ale? Why are you sorry to me, Xiaoya?” Shu made a confused expression.

“It’s fine if it’s okay, but Sister Shu, after solving this battle, I hope I can have a good talk with you about the issue of the fifth-generation IS.” Li Yalin first He hit Haha, and then whispered in a low volume that only he and Shu could hear.

“Well then, Xiaoya is also grown up.” Shu’s expression was a daze, and then immediately returned to the usual expression of smiling hee hee facing Li Yalin. This thing is not suitable Many people know that Shu understands the seriousness of this matter.

“Then I will set off now!” There is nothing to prepare. Byakushiki, who has evolved into the second form of Xueluo, does not need any special equipment. After the energy is replenished, Li Yalin can do it anytime. Go out!

“Agree to go!” Chifuyu nodded, but when Li Yalin was about to walk out of the combat command room, Chifuyu suddenly stopped Li Yalin.

“Be careful!” After saying this, Chifuyu turned his gaze to the virtual screen and stopped talking, but Li Yalin is slightly smiled, which may be unique to Chifuyu sister Care about the way.

“Understood, I will resolve the battle as soon as possible!” After speaking, Li Yalin quickly left the room, but after the girls looked at each other, they all walked quickly. followed along.

“Yalin, you have to be careful, when we are away, you must take care of yourself.” Xia Lu said very worried.

“Yeah, Yalin, if you can’t win, you will retreat immediately!” This is a ring tone, but is this cursing or admonishing yourself? Li Yalin showed an expression that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Schoolmate Yalin, cheer!” Cecilia moved towards Li Yalin and clenched her fists.

“You are my wife! So must win!” Laura’s face was flushed, she seemed a little shy.

“Yalin! No matter what you think, but you must remember, we are all here waiting for you!” The last one who spoke was Qi. Looking at the five girls in front of him, Li Yalin’s heart Unstoppable bursts of emotion emerged.

“Don’t worry, everyone! Looking forward to my triumph!” After saying this, Li Yalin instantly called out his Byakushiki, suddenly accelerated, and flew to the distant sky.

After connecting to the satellite positioning, the location of the silver gospel quickly appeared on Li Yalin’s screen. At this time, Li Yalin was flying close to the sea level at a very alarming speed, exceeding the speed of sound. The speed of flight produced huge bursts of sonic booms on the sea, and the effect seemed quite amazing.

“Schoolmate Yalin is really amazing!” In the combat command room, Zhen Ye couldn’t help exclaiming.

“This speed is faster than instantaneous acceleration. I have never heard of Yalin undergoing high-speed combat training before, but if it is Yalin’s, it can really be said to be the past!” Xia Lu first Surprised, and then it became clear for a while. Li Yalin’s ability Xia Lu has been seen more than once. The previous gun training was enough to surprise Xia Lu. Now that she shows her strength in speed, she can’t make Xia Lu special. Surprised.

“This speed…a bit unreasonable, even if Xue Luo is already a fourth-generation IS, but with Xue Luo’s existing data, this speed cannot be achieved. Is it still a problem? The key lies in Xiaoya’s body?” But after seeing Li Yalin’s flight data, the beam on the side frowned rarely.

“Yalin’s has many secrets in his heart, but he will not tell us, but I believe that one day, he will confess the truth to us.” Chifuyu is also lightly sighed,’Yalin, my Younger brother, what is the secret in your heart? ‘

I will not show what happened in the combat command room for the time being. At this time, Li Yalin has come to the sky above the Sea Territory where the silver gospel is located, but at this time the silver gospel (hereafter referred to as the gospel) is on standby State, motionless stillness is above the sea level.

According to Li Yalin’s speed, trying to break the gospel is a very simple matter, but in this way it loses the meaning of Li Yalin’s coming alone, so Li Yalin followed The energy ejected, striking the opposite gospel without telling it, and at the same time, she opened the state of facing the enemy.

The speed of the gospel is very fast, and the wing-like attached weapon can also fire energy bombs that can explode. The number of such energy bombs is astonishing, and more than hundreds of them can be fired each time. , If it is hit, the consumption of energy shield is not generally large.

Faced with the energy bombs fired by the gospel that has entered the enemy-facing mode, Li Yalin performed a series of incredible dodges. It seemed that there was no action, but the energy bombs could always be wiped. As Li Yalin’s side flew by, they just couldn’t hit Li Yalin. Seeing this scene in front of me, the girls in the combat laboratory were once again in a collective daze, even Chifuyu was no exception.

“Is it just such a little bit of ability? Then I’m not welcome.” Li Yalin’s mouth showed a wicked smile, suddenly accelerated forward, moved towards Gospel rushed over, facing Li Yalin’s Charge Gospel He didn’t sit still, and a denser number of energy bombs were launched, almost forming a rain of energy in the air.

Even if it is energy rain, there is still some intermittent space in it, and this space is the key that Li Yalin grasps. It seems that the dense energy bombs can’t bring any damage to Li Yalin at all. Even after the energy bomb of the gospel was fired, Li Yalin had appeared on the opposite side of the gospel.

The gospel is that the face mask is fully covered, and the operator’s face cannot be seen clearly, but the opponent’s figure is good, but Li Yalin has no desire to look at the scenery. The yukihira type 2 in his hand is Flick, moved towards the gospel and hack away. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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