“The name of this thing is Orbment, and the mosaic on it is Quartz. Through the combination of Orbment and Quartz, you can use the legendary guiding force Magic. I wonder if you are interested in Sister Shu?” Li Yalin’s expression is like a big bad wolf tempting a little sheep.

“Due Li Magic? Magic? Xiaoya, are you sure you are not cracking a joke? Isn’t it a good child to cheat an elder sister?” Shu was very curious and took the Orbment from Li Yalin, but Without relevant knowledge, she couldn’t study and understand the working principle of Orbment at all, so she could only fiddle around and carefully check every structure and composition of Orbment.

“Come on Sister Shu, seeing is believing, let you see the power of this thing.” After Li Yalin put on the Orbment, moved towards the sea launched a water arrow. This is just the lowest-level guiding force Magic. It is not very powerful, but it is enough to surprise Shu.

“This is Magic? It’s really amazing, but IS can also be done by using nano skills.” Shu said after thinking about it. Although it is amazing, it can be done with the power of technology. To.

“This is only the lowest-level conductivity Magic, if I use the strongest Water Element conductivity Magic Ice Hell Howl, this beach will be completely frozen, and Quartz There are seven attributes, fire, water, wind, earth, time, illusion, and air, which can emit various types of magic.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Really? That’s really interesting, but what do you mean, Xiaoya? Are you going to combine this Orbment with IS? If that’s the case, it would be too bold. “It is indeed a genius-level mind, and I quickly understood Li Yalin’s idea, IS and Orbment, and the combination of technology and Magic. This is indeed something to look forward to.

“Sister Shu is really smart. That’s what I mean. Once IS and Orbment are combined, IS will definitely become the strongest weapon.” Li Yalin’s expression is a bit excited, if it is an ordinary person, it will fall. That’s all, but if it is used by Li Yalin, the ability of this guiding force IS will be infinitely amplified, thereby generating infinite power.

“I understand what Xiaoya means, but this is not something that can be done in a day or two. Just researching this Orbment will take me a long time, maybe even if it takes a long time for me I can’t decipher this Orbment. Oh, even if my elder sister’s mind is a genius, I can’t do anything about new species that I haven’t seen before.” But at this time, Shu is carefully examining the structure of the Orbment. , Said to Li Yalin.

“This is okay. I can teach Sister Shu some knowledge about Magic. I believe that with this magic knowledge, Sister Shu can quickly crack the structure of this Orbment.” Li Yalin is very confident. Said.

“Xiaoya, do you know Magic knowledge? How come I haven’t heard of elder sister?” Shu looked at Li Yalin with slanting eyes. Shu looked very dissatisfied with this matter.

“Sister Shu, you don’t know that when I was young, I had some special abilities. In fact, I already knew it at that time. I came to this world with a mission.” Li Yalin’s expression was serious, but this was just a precursor to the beginning of his faking Dafa.

“Mission? Come in this world? Elder sister, why am I a little confused?” Sure enough, Shu was attracted by Li Yalin’s topic, and Shu Zheng looked up and down with curiosity. Looking at Li Yalin, as if to see some doorway.

“Of course, soon, there will be a disaster in this world, and this disaster will affect the whole world. I will come in this world just to save the world.” Li Yalin said half true half false.

“That Xiaoya means, this World is about to be destroyed? This is quite interesting.” Shu said with interest, Li Yalin had forgotten, Shu only cares about himself, Chifuyu My sister still has the safety of Qi. As for other people, Shu is no different from insect, especially after Shu’s parents have passed away.

I also want to explain here. In the original plot, Shu Heqi’s parents did not pass away, but after coming to this World, Li Yalin knew that their parents died three years ago. It seems to be a terminal illness. In short, Shu didn’t even see his parents at the last glance. This was a blow to Shu, but since then, Shu has no longer put others in the eyes, and these are all too. It was Chifuyu who told Li Yalin’s.

“Well, Sister Shu, for some reasons, I can’t disclose this. Regarding the development of Daoli IS, you need your help from Sister Shu. Wait until this disaster is over. Let’s leave this World together. How about I take you to other worlds to have a good time?” At this time, Li Yalin’s abduction plan was officially launched. Others will not say for the time being that Shu must be abducted, this kind of genius. How can I not give Li Yalin’s mind to Li Yalin.

“Go to other worlds? Does Xiaoya mean that he can travel through space? Or fly out of Earth to reach other planets?” Shu was quite interested in this.

“It’s a time travel, I’ll explain this to you when the time comes, and I’ll give you this first.” With that, Li Yalin handed over Orbment, Sepith and Quartz to Shu. At the same time, Li Yalin also took out a bunch of books about Orbment principles, Magic Principles, these all are redeemed in “Trails in the Sky”, and they are all handed over to Bun for processing.

“Xiaoya, your ability is different from my expanded field. Is this also Magic?” Looking at the items and books that Li Yalin has conjured out of thin air, Shu is also very interested in asking Tao.

“Space Magic is a kind of Magic, but my one is different.” While watching the bundle put the Orbment and the books away, Li Yalin explained, and finally Li Yalin delivered it again. Give Qi a small communicator.

“Okay, Sister Shu, come here today, I should go back too, everything is up to you, if something happens, we can contact us through this, no one can listen to us, after I go back, I We will also work hard in this area. Let’s compare it to see who can make the fifth generation IS first.”

“hehe, elder sister, I won’t lose to Xiaoya. Oh, in the name of my genius Xiaoshu!” After finishing speaking, Shu’s silhouette disappeared into the dark night. Li Yalin’s face also showed a smile on Li Yalin’s face, and then turned and walked back to the hotel.

After the off-campus internship, Li Yalin and the others who returned to the IS Academy ushered in the IS Academy’s largest annual celebration-the Academy Festival, which is about to end in the first half of the semester. It is indeed a bit hasty to hold this kind of ceremony on the day, but there is still a week away from the Academy Festival, and it is more than enough to prepare some simple programs.

For this academy festival, Li Yalin is also very interested. After all, he has seen countless academy festivals in anime, but he has never experienced it personally. However, now that I finally had this opportunity, Li Yalin will naturally not miss this opportunity.

It’s just that when the school-wide assembly was held, Tan Wu suddenly announced that this year’s school festival had added a special rule, that is, the competition named-‘The fight against Li Yalin’. The content is that as long as which program has the highest voter turnout, then Li Yalin will be forced to join the department.

Li Yalin protested this, but according to Wu Wu’s words: “Yalin, you have never participated in Club activities. To a certain extent, this has caused dissatisfaction among the girls. The decision is purely helpless.”

Although I don’t believe in Tanwu’s words very much, Li Yalin has nothing to say. After all, the final interpretation right lies with Tanwu, the Student President, thinking Follow her anyway.

However, after returning to the class, Li Yalin, as the class representative, received a bunch of unreliable program opinions, such as Li Yalin’s Cowboy Club, and Li Yalin’s XXXX. People blushed as soon as they watched the heartbeat show. After Li Yalin read it out, the girls in the class were all blushing. I said that even if this is an anonymous opinion, I can’t write it so boldly! And why are you blushing? Isn’t this all written by you?

Li Yalin in the heart complained, but he couldn’t say it. Finally I saw a more reliable show, the maid deacon cafe? Why does this name sound so familiar? It seems that Li Yalin used to work in a cafe before, right?

“After working on this for a long time, this is still normal. What is your opinion?” Holding the suggestion sheet of the maid deacon coffee shop in his hand, Li Yalin moved towards the girls in the class and asked.

“This is not unacceptable, but we have a request!” At this time, Ran Ranjun raised his hand high, as if he wanted to make an opinion to Li Yalin.

“Little Lili, you have to take off your glasses!” Why did you change your nickname again? But Jun Jun’s words were unanimously affirmed by the whole class.

“Yes, Schoolmate Yalin must take off your glasses!”

“No, these glasses are always too horrible. Schoolmate Yalin’s smile is very beautiful!” For a while The discussions in the inter-classes continued, and even tended to intensify.

“Everyone, be quiet, there is nothing wrong with that, so if there is no other opinion, the maid deacon cafe program is officially established!” Li Yalin clapped his hands, and continued after everyone was quiet.

“It’s great!” Hearing Li Yalin’s words, everyone cheered, but I’ve seen Li Yalin’s real-looking Xia Lu is lightly sighed, this time the opponent doesn’t know and wants to increase how much.

The next discussion is about some details, such as clothing, cooking utensils and tableware, as well as some small issues such as seats. If they are allocated, everyone will have a lot of things. The workload is just about the deacon service. Li Yalin remembered the one he wore before, so it saved a lot of time. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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