After finishing everything, Li Yalin gave all the information to Chifuyu. Looking at the name of the maid deacon cafe, Chifuyu frowned slightly.

“I picked such a troublesome one, did those guys have any conspiracy?”

“A conspiracy? I want to see my face, right? One of them The condition is that I must take off my glasses, but that’s okay, it’s better than some cowboy shops, right?” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Take off your glasses? Speaking of which hasn’t taken off your glasses for many years? Ten years? More than that?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Chifuyu seemed to be in a memory .

“Hehe, what are you talking about now? Or is Chifuyu sister, you want to see me in advance?” Li Yalin said with a joke, which made Chifuyu’s face uncontrollable. A hint of red.

“You guy! Who gave you the right to tease an adult? Go back!” After that, Chifuyu pushed Li Yalin out of the faculty office, watching Chifuyu bang the door tightly Closed tightly, Li Yalin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Welcome back, do you want to eat first, take a shower, or…” Just after Li Yalin returned to the bedroom and opened the door, Tan Wu stood in the room cheerfully. After moving towards Li Yalin, he bowed slightly, tenderly smiled and said.

“I’m going to eat first!” After saying that, Li Yalin closed the door and was about to leave, but before Li Yalin could take two steps, Wu Wu quickly opened the door and shut Li Yalin pulled into the room.

“I said Tanwu Young Lady, which one are you playing here?” Li Yalin said angrily and funny. At this time, Tanwu was wearing a housewife’s clothes, a virtuous pair The appearance of his wife and mother.

“From today, I will live here, please take care of me in the future.” Wuwu’s smile was very bright, but it made Li Yalin shiver uncontrollably.

“What a joke! Don’t you have your own dormitory? Why do you want to be with me?” Li Yalin was quite puzzled.

“hee hee, the privilege of the Student President! From now on, I will be the third girl living with you Yalin.” At this point, Wu Wu seemed to be quite proud and made Li Yalin a The face of unfathomable mystery.

“What the hell happened? Muwu, you just speak frankly with me.” Muwu will not live in his bedroom for no reason. Although Muwu prefers pranks, he is on major event. She has never been unambiguous, there must be some reason for this.

“What’s the matter? Where is the matter?” Wu Wu still wanted to fool around, but was immediately interrupted by Li Yalin.

“Okay, don’t you know that your panic looks really fake?”

“Okay, okay, I’ll just tell you, you are now I was targeted by a crime The Organization. In order to prevent the other party from being unfavorable to you, from today onwards, I will begin to protect you all the way.” Wu Wu’s expression became serious, and it seems that this should not be cracking a joke.

“Interestingly, since they are willing to come, come on, I don’t care, but I’m not sensitive for your personal protection.” Li Yalin’s mouth showed a sneer of disdain, but then But he did not refuse to say again.

“This can’t be changed. I must enforce the protection plan. Besides, I also want to live a cohabitation life with Yalin. Isn’t that good.” At this point, Wu Wu’s A hint of blush also appeared on his face.

“Forget it, just do whatever you want.” Li Yalin shook the head, and you can tell by looking at the firm expression of Wu Wu. There is definitely no room for rebuttal on this matter, just what the organization is. Staring at yourself? Li Yalin himself was a little puzzled.

In this way, the days when Tanwu and Li Yalin lived together began, only 2nd day the entire IS academy knew about it. This time the entire school was a sensation, and the Student President used his authority to move in. In Li Yalin’s dormitory, this group of girls is envious and jealous, especially Qi and them, staring at Li Yalin one by one, he must give an explanation.

In desperation, Li Yalin could only say about the crime The Organization that had targeted him. After hearing this, everyone expressed their intention to protect Li Yalin. After hearing this, Li Yalin doesn’t know what kind of expression he should show anymore. Is he so weak and must accept the protection of the girl?

Although I refused the active protection of the girls, the days of cohabiting with Tanwu have just begun. Now Li Yalin has nothing to say, and always likes to tempt myself not to say it. He even often made very ambiguous actions in front of everyone, which often caused unnecessary misunderstandings. For this reason, a group of girls headed by Lingyin came to collective blackening from time to time. Being chased and killed has basically become Li Yalin’s daily routine. Dessert before the meal.

Amidst the noise, the annual school festival started. Early in the morning, I got up early and left because of Student Council affairs, but Li Yalin was excellent. Zai Yuzai got up to wash, and after carefully tidying up her hair, she took out her white deacon suit. Looking at this pure white deacon suit, Li Yalin seemed to be back when she was in Zuellni. Although Felli, Nina, and Dalshena have not seen each other for a few months, Li Yalin feels that time has passed and I don’t know how many years have passed.

Put on the clothes, tie the tie, put on the white leather shoes, and finally took off the glasses and put them on the table. The beautiful boy deacon once again appeared. Looking at himself in the mirror, Li Yalin couldn’t help but appear. A wry smile should cause a big sensation, at least gossip must be flying all over the sky again.

Sure enough, just after leaving the dormitory, there was a burst of screams. On the way from the dormitory to the class, behind Li Yalin had followed a long dragon, but Li Yalin Shocked by the elegant and noble temperament, no girl has dared to come forward to talk to each other, but the small whispers in the secret are unavoidable.

“Hey! Hey! Have you heard that? This beautiful boy is Schoolmate Yalin. After taking off his glasses, he looks so beautiful. The clothes are also very handsome. They look like they are out of a painting. The characters are average, I really envy those guys who died in Class 1!”

“No, but I heard that Class 1 is going to host a maid deacon coffee shop. When the time comes, I must Schoolmate Yalin to serve me. Once, no matter how much it costs, I’m more willing!”

“I’ve heard about it. There are games in the coffee shop. After winning, I can choose to take a photo with a maid or a deacon. If I I can get a photo with Schoolmate Yalin’s, then I won’t live in vain in this life!”

After listening to these words, drops of cold sweat broke out on Li Yalin’s forehead. Is that really such an exaggeration? Is it just a photo? Although I was complaining in my heart, Li Yalin’s was not slow on his feet. When he arrived at the class, the maid deacon coffee shop had officially opened.

Even without Li Yalin, there are still a lot of customers in the store, mainly Xia Lu in a black deacon suit is attracting female customers, such as Chu, Cecilia and Laura in maid dress They were also quite bright, but just after Li Yalin walked into the class, the breathing of everyone present almost stopped.

“Yalin, why are you here? The shop is already busy!” Xia Lu, who had already seen Li Yalin’s appearance at this time, stepped forward and said with a little complaint. At this time, Xia Lu still has a lot of ostentatious elements, but I was the first to recognize Yalin. Thinking of this, Xia Lu still feels complacent.

“Are you…Schoolmate Yalin?” Cecilia opened her mouth in disbelief, her expression on her face really cute.

“It’s just taking off my glasses and changing clothes, so I don’t recognize me?” Li Yalin is slightly smiled, her elegant smile and noble temperament make Cecilia feel this The real aristocratic Young Lady was taken aback.

“Yalin, you…” At this moment, Hou Qi wanted to say something, even with Laura on the side he was a little bit hesitant, but at this moment, there was a burst of screaming It has resounded through the entire class. It was perfect. The girls in mind appeared. Seeing the girls infatuated one by one, Li Yalin was only helplessly shrugged, but this action attracted another burst. The sound of screaming.

Not only are the girls in the class screaming, but now there is also a long queue outside the class. This is simply incredible. According to Yingyue, the number of people at the end of the line has exceeded three. Hundreds, and this number is still increasing, which shows the degree of exaggeration.

“What the hell is going on?” At this moment, Chifuyu came here with a team of third year students. The main job of these third year students is to maintain Order, in the event of a special situation, emergency treatment can be made, and Chifuyu is the instructor responsible for managing these third year students.

“Sorry, Chifuyu, the scene is indeed a bit uncontrollable.” Seeing Chifuyu’s arrival, Li Yalin also stepped forward and explained, but after seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, Chifuyu was so uncontrollable. It was also slightly taken aback for a moment.

“It’s really troublesome! The students in the third year are responsible for keeping order for me. If you find any violation of discipline, they will all be driven out!” Chifuyu waved his hand, and Chifuyu pressed his temple with a headache. The usual Li Yalin is already attractive enough. Now that he looks so bad after taking off his glasses, isn’t it obvious to make those infatuated crazy!

Under the maintenance of the third year, everyone finally calmed down, but even so, every girl who looked at Li Yalin’s eyes was full of fire, even those responsible for maintaining The order of the third year student is no exception.

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