Seraph’s Wings and Zeus God Cloth were taken back. Li Yalin’s brilliance disappeared and stood on the podium again. What greeted him was the fiery eyes of all the girls present, which made Li Yalin’s forehead also Can’t help leaving a drop of cold sweat.

“Okay, let’s move on to the topic. Now I am going to form an exclusive IS team to fight against these insects. Here I am very fortunate to have the talented scientist Professor Shininosuke, she will Will build a dedicated IS for us. Here I also announce that if you join my IS team, as long as the strength is up to the standard, you can use the supporting dedicated machine.

If your strength is strong enough, don’t Said it is the third generation IS, even the fourth generation has enough for everyone to use! Our goal is only one, and that is to completely eliminate these Alien insects!” This remark said by Li Yalin is very inspiring. The genius scientist who invented ISMecha, Chifuyu Orimura, who has the title of Brunhild, the fourth generation IS, wiped out these Alien insects, and all the girls present cheered.

“It is not possible to deal with these Alien insects in a day or two. Everyone must be prepared to sacrifice at any time. You can see what this World looks like now, so I I will not force everyone to join. If you are mentally prepared, you can find Chifuyu Orimura teacher, Maya Yamada Mahaya teacher or even President Tatenashi Sarashiki to report. They will be responsible for recording your information and making the final reorganization. “After the cheers dropped a bit, Li Yalin continued.

“Finally, I want to say that everyone here is the hope of this World. Although my strength is very strong, the strength of a person does not mean anything. If you want to save this World, then It’s up to everyone to work together! Thank you everyone!” After finishing the final summary, Li Yalin walked off the podium, and his response was constant applause and cheers.

Next, Chifuyu will give a series of speeches, but these have little to do with Li Yalin’s. At this time, Li Yalin has been pulled aside by the ring tone. It seems that there is a ring tone. What do you want to say to Li Yalin.

“What’s the ringtone? Is something wrong?” Li Yalin asked somewhat puzzledly.

“Yalin…can you take me back to find my parents? As long as I see my parents are safe, then I can feel at ease.” Lingyin’s eye circles are already red, and the world is on All of her communications were interrupted, and she was really worried about not being able to contact her parents. Otherwise, she would not ask Li Yalin at this time.

“Okay! I’ll take you there!” Li Yalin nodded, no matter what it looks at, he has no reason to refuse the ringtone request.

“Really? Thank you Yalin!” The ringtone’s voice was full of surprises. Although he knew that Li Yalin It shouldn’t be determined to himself, Li Yalin was also very busy at the moment, producing IS, There is also a series of training for the formation of the team. Although Chifuyu sisters and others are helping, Li Yalin is everyone’s backbone at this time. If not for a long time, it will definitely make all the girls have an inexplicable fear. This is Sister Chifuyu couldn’t replace it. When Li Yalin went to take over, the ringtone already had a deep understanding.

“Silly girl, do you still have to say thank you?” Li Yalin stroked Lingyin’s hair, with a smile on his face.

“It’s just that we have to wait for a while. First, transform your IS to avoid accidents on the road.” Originally, Li Yalin said that the girls’ IS would be transformed, so now Ling Ling The sound will become the first one. Anyway, it is just a modification, which doesn’t take much time.

After sending the Ankylosaurus to Super Military Factory for some transformation, Li Yalin immediately adjusted it to the best. Like Chifuyu’s Angel’s Wings, this new IS has In addition to the full functions of the fourth-generation machine, the various systems that Li Yalin is most proud of are also equipped on it.

Moreover, the appearance of the new IS also undergoes a Heaven and Earth turning upside down change, the body is changed to a full armor, not to mention, even the two air-compressed guns on the attached weapons have also been changed. It has become a pair of huge mechanical wings, but this is not wings, but dragon wings. This pair of dragon wings is a super killing weapon. In addition to fighting the enemy at close range, it can also launch a super dragon roar. But it was more than a little bit stronger than the previous dragon roar.

“Do you like it? I named this IS’Heavenly Dragon’. When it is transformed into a fifth-generation machine, it is estimated that it will become a Divine Dragon!” Li Yalin took a picture This proud work of my own, but this time has undergone a great cultivator change, now apart from the color, no one will associate this IS with Ankylosaurus.

“Very good, as if you are connected to me, Yalin, thank you so much.” Lingyin was surprised to try the various abilities of Heavenly Dragon, and the excited expression on his face exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“Don’t say thank you to me after you have said it.” After saying that, Li Yalin smiled and played the ringtone’s forehead.

“Chifuyu sister, I want to take ringtones to China, and I will leave it to you for the time being!” After talking with Chifuyu in the IS channel, Li Yalin talked to ringtones Riding on the VF-25 that had been refilled with ammunition together, they flew quickly in the direction moved towards China.

“Hey! You guy, don’t be unsatisfied! Hey! Hey? This bastard!” Chifuyu yelled twice in irritation, and then reluctantly pressed his temples, looking at what he wanted in front of his eyes The girls who signed up for the IS team, the crowded crowd, don’t know when they will be able to deal with it.

Speaking of China, it’s actually quite lucky. I don’t know why. The first wave of insects did not focus on Asia, so although they suffered a lot of losses , But compared to those almost genocide countries, China is really lucky, at least many cities have been preserved intact.

After all, China’s IS troops are still limited. The core of IS is that many, which leads to the pitiful lack of dedicated machines. No matter how many training machines there are, it is impossible to be as unscrupulous as a dedicated machine, even more how when encountering a powerful insect, the dedicated machine will collapse. Some areas or cities that IS troops cannot reach quickly have been devastated, but the Chinese army still resists stubbornly. In the case of Low-Rank insects, conventional weapons It can still play a role, so China has become one of the few countries that can accept foreign survivors.

Lingyin’s home lives in Hong Kong, but due to the invasion of insect, it has been controlled here. Although the passage of residents and normal life are not forbidden, but looking at the IS that flies by from time to time in the sky, There are also anti-aircraft guns on the ground, and the remnant rock walls everywhere, all showing people that a fierce battle has just passed.

Li Ya looked for an unmanned square. Li Yalin drove the fighter plane and slowly landed on the ground, closed the ECS, and opened the cockpit. Li Yalin and the ringtone all jumped out, and then With a wave, the fighter was taken back into the Evolved Space, and then the ringtone would lead the way.

“The number of insects should not be very large, and there is no High-Level insect. It looks pretty good. Auntie should have no problem.” After careful observation, Li Yalin smiled and comforted the ring tone. After listening to Li Yalin’s words, the expression on Lingyin’s face also eased a lot.

Ringyin’s home is not particularly wealthy, but it is also much stronger than the ordinary person. Because the traffic system is in a state of paralysis, Li Yalin and Lingyin can only walk forward, walking in full On the main street of Remnant Rock and Broken Wall, you can see teams of patrolling soldiers passing by from time to time. Although seeing Li Yalin and Lingyin’s IS Academy uniforms makes these soldiers very surprised, there is no one at this time. I have time to pay attention to them.

Fortunately, it’s not far from Lingyin’s home. After walking for less than 20 minutes, the two of them came to Lingyin’s home. After seeing their home intact, Lingyin’s face finally There was a slight smile, but just after the two opened the door, they found that Lingyin’s parents were there, and Lingyin’s mother was leaning over in Lingyin’s father’s arms, not knowing that she was whispering. Talking about something.

“father mother?” Lingyin couldn’t believe the scene before her. Her parents were together. What is going on?

At this time, Li Yalin was also full of question marks. Didn’t it mean that Lingyin’s parents divorced? And Lingyin hasn’t seen her father for a long time, why are her parents now…

“Ringing!” Seeing Li Yalin and Ringing at the door, the mother of Ringying immediately Abandoning Lingyin’s father’s embrace, she violently embraced Lingyin in his arms.

“Very good, ringtone, you are really very good!” Ringtone’s mother said repeatedly, as if Jean Bao, who had been lost, suddenly returned to her.

“Uncle.” Seeing the warm scene of mother and daughter reunion, Li Yalin did not step forward to bother him, but moved towards the slightly embarrassing ringtone on his face and said hello to his father.

“It turned out to be Yalin, why did you come to Hong Kong? What a coincidence!” Lingyin’s father touched the back of his head and laughed sorry, but the smile attracted Lingyin. The two beautiful women roll their eyes.

“Mother, father, what is going on with you?” Lingyin asked very puzzled.

“Haha, this is a long story. I came to Hong Kong this time, just wanting to see you… and your mother again, but when I came here, Suddenly, groups of monsters appeared. They were devastated and destroyed everywhere. We simply did not dare to go out. Not long after, the army and IS troops appeared and Repel these monsters. After that, the city was calm again, but no one knew about it. Insect will not come back, and your mother is alone, so I just…” Lingyin’s father didn’t say the last words, but everyone understands the meaning, but the face of Lingyin’s mother appeared. A hint of blush. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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