“If this is the case, then I really want to thank these insects for the invasion.” A smile appeared on Lingyin’s face. Indeed, looking at the performance of her parents just now, she was very affectionate. Looks like it.

“insect? You said these monsters are insects? But they do resemble them.” The mother of the ringing tone has completely recovered at this time. After hearing the ringing tone, the expression on her face is also looking thoughtful.

“By the way, Yalin, how did you bring the ring tone back? I heard the child’s mother said that you didn’t go to school in IS Academy? You brat, but it’s so cool. You are the only one in IS Academy. Boy? Does it feel like being in heaven?” At this time, Ling Yin’s father seemed to have thought of something, and moved towards Li Yalin with a blink, the smile on his face was also very strange.

“fuck off! You shameless old man! You asked children this kind of question! Long time no see Yalin, please tell my aunt, how did you come back?” Lingyin’s mother turned over He rolled his eyes, and then asked Li Yalin curiously.

“This is a long story. Since these insects invaded, Ringtone has been very worried about your comfort. No, IS Academy has just stabilized, so Ringtone and I I ran over and made a special trip to take you to IS Academy, where it is much safer than here.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“IS Academy?” Lingyin’s father flashed his eyes as soon as he heard it, but one of the killer knives of Lingyin’s mother hit the back of his neck and immediately shot Lingyin’s father down. On the ground.

“I said that uncle and auntie, you are not very affectionate? Then why did I hear the ring tone that you were divorced?” Seeing this scene, Li Yalin felt quite funny, originally in memory Among the fragments, this scene can also be seen often, but now that I see it again, there is a touch of emotion in my heart.

“This is a long story. In fact, the cause of the matter is quite simple. It’s just a small quarrel. Yalin, you know, even if the status of women is now elevated, that doesn’t mean Our masters have to accommodate these little girls? You know your aunt’s character well, a woman who is very reluctant to admit defeat, so the two of us competed. In the end, this matter got worse and worse, and finally we got divorced. Only after the divorce, we regretted it very much. To be honest, if it weren’t for the insect invasion you mentioned, maybe we would not be able to get together forever.” Lingyin’s father said with a sorry face.

“You dare to say it! You macho! Can’t you give in to me, a little girl? We’ve been a couple for so many years, who doesn’t know whom?” Lingyin’s mother said Shi also shouted with a flushed face.

“Okay! Father mother, don’t quarrel anymore. Now that this matter has been discussed, it will be fine! Now the three of us in the family can be together again!” Ling The expression on Yin’s face is very happy. She didn’t understand her parents’ divorce at first, but now that she understands the truth, it’s so angry and funny, but now it’s not safe to talk about it, so she should go back to IS. The garden is the most important.

“That’s what I said!” The mother nodded of the ring tone, but at this moment, there were bursts of sirens over the city. Could it be that insect invaded again?

At this time, Li Yalin hurriedly picked up the Spiritual Power and surveyed it in the air. It was really an insect invaded. There were more than forty Low-Rank insects, but there were only three IS units on the opposite side. And they are all military mass production machines. If you want to use these ISs to deal with such a large number of insects, it is simply cracking a joke.

It’s just that even though they knew they were invincible, the Warriors of the IS force rushed forward without hesitation. After all, behind them are the civilians. As soldiers, they would not choose to shrink in this brief moment. .

“Ring tone, you are here with your uncle and auntie, I will get these insects first!” After saying that, Li Yalin jumped out of the window. When he was in mid-air, Li Yalin’s IS was completely unfolded, black and red The alternate body exudes the meaning of killing. This is where Li Yalin’s Asura has appeared.

“Yalin, it’s not a good tactic to leave your companions to fight alone!” While flying to the direction of insect, there was a ringing sound in the IS communication channel. It turned out that the ringing sound was heard. He even followed up.

“Didn’t you say that you were to accompany your uncle and aunt? How did you keep up?” Li Yalin frowns said.

“Mother is accompanied by father, don’t worry! How can two people fight faster than one person, right? Besides, my Heavenly Dragon is the first time I have experienced actual combat. What can I do with such precious experience? Can you miss it?” Lingyin’s smile is very hearty, her family is safe, and her parents are reconciled as before. All this makes Lingyin extremely excited, and she wants to kill a few insects to vent her excitement. This battle she Naturally it will not be missed.

“Okay, let’s do it quickly. The girls on the opposite side are almost unable to hold on.” Seeing that Lingyin didn’t mean to go back, Li Yalin didn’t force it, dozens Only Low-Rank insects, even if you add a bit of combat experience to the ringtone.

While speaking, the two suddenly accelerated. The distance between them was not very far. After an acceleration, Li Yalin and Ling Yin instantly came to the three military IS pilots.

“Who are you from? Which unit?” Seeing the weird IS like Li Yalin and Lingyin, a beauty who looks like Captain on the other side immediately asked loudly, just like this big thorn. I don’t know if it is an enemy or a friend.

“Huang Lingyin! China represents the alternate student, and is currently studying in IS Academy.” Li Yalin did not speak, but the ring tone announced his name, only after hearing the name of the ring tone , The three IS drivers were all taken aback.

On behalf of the candidate, this represents the Owner of the dedicated machine, and it is also the kind with great potential. It can stand out from the hundreds of millions of women in China and become a representative candidate, so naturally owning is better than oneself. Besides, Huang Lingyin’s name will be heard by IS drivers in China. After all, she represents China to go to IS Academy for further studies.

“Which is this?” The beautiful Captain headed by him cautiously looked towards Li Yalin.

“My name is Li Yalin. If you are an IS driver, you should have heard some of my names.” At this time, Li Yalin was smiling and replied.

“The only male IS driver?” The three people on the opposite side were all taken aback, but just when they were taken aback, a few energy bombs were moved towards they were launched, seeing this. Li Yalin immediately fired several laser beams, canceling all the energy bombs of the insects on the opposite side.

“You are really Li Yalin? That’s amazing! You have to sign for me!” Although the sudden attack on the opposite insect made the beauty Captain sweat all over her body, one of the IS was driving The clerk was infatuated and flew in front of Li Yalin’s, and said to Li Yalin very admiringly.

“I said it’s not the time to engage in personality cult. It’s the right way to get rid of these insects quickly.” After speaking, Li Yalin’s weapons have been aimed at the insects on the opposite side, all at once. The energy bomb fired and killed nearly ten Low-Rank insects on the opposite side.

“It’s amazing! Is this the strength of a male driver?”

“It is indeed very difficult to deal with, but I heard that this Li Yalin’s dedicated machine is not called Byakushiki. Is it the white IS? Why has it become black and red again? Could it be said that male drivers are so popular? There are so many special machines for him to choose?”

Listen to these three drivers He whispered softly, but there was a smile on the corners of the ring tone’s mouth. At this time, the dragon wings behind the ring tone were completely unfolded, and then the dragon wings began to deform, and finally formed two cannon-shaped barrels. If you usually want to use the dragon roar, The ring tone simply does not require so much effort, but in order to have a shocking effect, the ring tone actually uses the super dragon roar.

With the accumulation of energy, the white light flashing on the mouth of the two barrels became stronger and stronger. Just after the light reached the critical point, two huge shells moved towards the opposite insect were launched. The speed of the shell is so fast that you can’t see it clearly with naked eye. Before a few pilots can react, the explosion of heaven-shaking and earth-shattering on the opposite side has been heard. Look at the insect on the opposite side. There were only two who stayed in the air.

“I thought there would be one hit strike.” Ringtone said with some dissatisfaction.

“This is already good. After all, it is the first time to use it. The speed of energy accumulation is a bit slow, so you have to practice hard in the future.” Before Li Yalin’s words fell, the two insects suddenly exploded. When I started, the sudden explosion made Ring Tone for a moment, but seeing Li Yalin’s mysterious look, I don’t know where Ring Tone was Li Yalin’s ghost.

“The matter is solved, let’s go.” After getting all the insects, Li Yalin and Lingyin didn’t plan to stay to chat with these girls, so they turned around and planned to leave, but this At that time, it was stopped by the beauty Captain.

“Please wait a moment!” After stopping Li Yalin and Lingyin, the beautiful Captain flew in front of Li Yalin and asked with a very sincere expression: “I don’t know if you two will have something next What are your plans? If there is nothing else, can the two of you stay and fight against these monsters together with us?”

“Sorry, we still have things. This time we return to China is only a special case. We will return to IS Academy after finishing the business, but don’t worry, these insects are just remnants of troops, and they won’t cause any big waves. Hong Kong will probably be calm for a while.” Li Yalin refused, now IS academy is already busy enough. Besides, after Li Yalin’s investigation, there is no trace of insect nearby, so there is no need to worry about it anymore.

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