As for the series of problems caused by the emergence of the aircraft carrier formation, Li Yalin simply ignored it, and instead gave it to Chifuyu to solve it. As for Li Yalin himself, he traveled around the world and focused on High-Level insects. Fortunately, among the High-Level insects encountered, except for two Supreme High-Level insects and a God Rank Low-Level insect with power, the rest are basically Saint Rank garbage, although it costs It took some time, but Li Yalin’s Quest was easy.

During this period, the Saint Angel team expanded further, and Wu began to recruit suitable IS manipulators among the survivors from all over the world, basically between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. The girls, and they are all of the kind with considerable potential, are all uniformly trained by the teaching force, so that they can come in handy as soon as possible.

Since the regimes of various countries in the world are basically disintegrated, the IS forces of various countries have almost become a display. Taking advantage of the recruitment of the Saint Angel team this time, the members of the IS forces of the various countries are also They are all joined. For example, the Black Rabbit Force is the best example. Germany is already considered anarchy. All the survivors are under the unified management of China. The Black Rabbit Force was originally planned to be incorporated into the China IS Force. However, under the advance notice of Laura, all the Black Rabbit troops joined the Saint Angel team, so even China has nothing to say. After all, there are aircraft carrier formations and such a large number of ISs that play an invisible deterrent effect. .

Nowadays, the Saint Angel team has thousands of players, and the number of players who can officially play has exceeded 500. This is a very terrifying number, but every time these 500 ISs are deployed , Then basically there is nothing to stop the advancement of these IS fighters. If it is not for the energy shield, even Li Yalin’s aircraft carrier formation may not be able to beat the Saint Angel team. After all, the Saint Angel team’s IS is From the joint design of Li Yalin and Shu.

Apart from this, the mass production of IS drones is also in continuous progress. From the beginning of mass production to now, Li Yalin has produced about two hundred fourth-generation aircraft and three thousand A third-generation machine, every third-generation machine has a battle strength that is not inferior to the silver gospel, and even stronger, let alone the fourth-generation machine.

So far, Li Yalin’s counterattack has officially begun. The insects that were originally entrenched all over the world have suffered crazy siege. Faced with these monsters who invaded their homes, the young girls driving IS seemed to eat. Stimulants are normal, almost killing the insects at the sight of them. Even some of the remaining Saint Rank insects were killed by everyone’s efforts, not to mention those Low-Rank insects.

Seven months have passed, and a year has passed since Li Yalin came to this World. During this time, all the insects that invaded this World were killed and clean. However, the city destroyed by insect cannot be rebuilt. All parts of the world are in ruins, and only China has become the ultimate pure land.

I also want to explain a little bit here. After Japan became the occupancy of the insects, Li Yalin activated the switch of the space annihilation bomb, and the island of Japan has thus become completely history…


“Finally finished the Quest!” Li Yalin stretched his waist and felt a lot more inexplicably comfortable. In any case, this World was saved, and it was time to return.

“Yes, I have finished Quest, but what are you going to do next? Are you leaving alone?” Chifuyu stared at Li Yalin closely. Everyone said that he would leave one day. It’s very clear, but when this day comes, everyone feels very uncomfortable in their hearts.

“Of course not, Xiaoshu, I will sign a contract with Xiaoya, and then leave with Xiaoya.” At this time, Shu embraced Li Yalin with a happy face, and was able to meet Li Yalin went to other worlds together, which made Shu quite excited, but Chifuyu and Qi hadn’t expressed their views yet. They also used a small strategy for this Shu, depending on whether Chifuyu and Qi were not hooked.

“What? When did the elder sister say you want to leave with Yalin?” Qi Loudly shouted in disbelief. I have never heard of it. Why did the elder sister make this choice?

“Of course, I made such an agreement a long time ago. Isn’t that great? You can forever be with Xiaoya, and you can go to various interesting worlds. Back then, Xiaoya and elder Sister, when I said, I was very happy, elder sister.” Shu actually made an expression of your irresponsible and inexperienced, which made Qi’s forehead uncontrollably appear a few tic-tac-toe characters.

“What about the Saint Angel team? Yalin, you left, but I don’t think the Chinese government can tolerate the existence of the Saint Angel team. You are the backbone of the team. If you leave, then The consequences may be unthinkable.” Chifuyu spoke at this time, and these words also made Li Yalin lost in thought.

“Sister Chifuyu, what you said is right, but I don’t have a better way. I can’t let everyone sign a contract with me. They are still young and have their own lives. Tie everyone by my side.” Li Yalin was nodded first, and then shook the head. The Saint Angel team was built by Li Yalin alone. In the course of such a long battle, Li Yalin was also born with his teammates. This is not to say that you can be broken if you have a very deep relationship, but Li Yalin also has to consider everyone, not just selfishly and directly consider his own feelings.

“How do you know that these guys don’t want to sign a contract with you, don’t want to fight with you?” Chifuyu stared at Li Yalin and asked every word.

“This…” Li Yalin was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

“I will go with Yalin! You are my bride! Anyway, we will always be together.” But at this time Laura made a bold statement, although his face was flushed, But she still yelled out loudly.

“You are not the only one, I also want to go with Yalin, but I also want to take Jelucy, I have already thought about it, and I told Jelucy, Both of us will sign a contract with Yalin!” At this time, Cecilia also blushed and said.

Je Lucy is Cecilia’s exclusive maid and childhood friends who grew up with Li Yalin. Li Yalin has met a few times before. Although he is not particularly familiar with it, J Lucy also Joined the Saint Angel team and became everyone’s teammates. The relationship between everyone was good, but she didn’t expect that she also agreed to contract with Li Yalin.

“I will also make a contract with Yalin. No matter where Yalin is, I will be with him.” At this time, Xia Lu also spoke, and I would like to mention Xia Lu’s father here. Due to the invasion of insect, De Noah completely closed down. Although Xia Lu had visited her father several times, it did not arouse the other party’s attention to family affection. Instead, she wanted to use Xia Lu’s relationship with Li Yalin’s to renew Let De Noah make a comeback.

Although Li Yalin has no opinion on this matter, Xia Lu is extremely dissatisfied because she was deceived by her father. Even though Xia Lu’s father did not succeed in the end, this It was enough to make Xia Lu annoyed. This matter didn’t stop. Xia Lu’s father was completely blacklisted. Since then, Xia Lu has completely tied a heart to Li Yalin’s body and will never pay attention to it anymore. Other things.

“I will also make a contract. Since the elder sister is with Yalin, then I have no reason not to go.” Tsundere, definitely tsundere. After saying this, I shook it. The head ignored Li Yalin.

“Don’t forget me! I want to make a contract!” The ring tone on the side quit, although some reluctant parents, but at this time the parents are together again, it is considered to be lost So Lingyin’s biggest wish now is to be with Li Yalin. She did hesitate at first, but now she has made up her mind.

“I will go with Yalin, and Xiaozhan, Xiaobenyin and Xiaoxu are all.” On the side, Wu Wu blinked at Li Yalin and made it. A teasing look.

“It would be nice if the Gotanda cafeteria has a big brother to inherit. I want to go with Elder Brother Yalin.” Ran also said.

“I have always been with the younger brother.” Chifuyu expressed his attitude in one sentence.

“If you can, count me.” Zhenye’s face was red, but her expression was firm.

“Everyone…” Li Yalin was very moved. Although he wanted to be with everyone, he had been very hesitant, but now everyone has taken the initiative to express their opinions. Li Yalin is naturally very happy. .

“But besides us, there are many people who want to make a contract with Yalin. I think Yalin, you should hold an internal meeting of the Saint Angel team. Just to make it clear, we are leaving anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you let everyone know.” But at this time, Wu Wu said again.

“Is this good?” At this time, the number of Saint Angel’s team has reached 3,000, and even China’s IS troops have joined in. This makes Li Yalin still very puzzled, but before The beauty Captain met in Hong Kong explained to Li Yalin.

“To be honest, this is actually the country’s decision to stabilize you. After all, our strength is too strong. If the country wants to resist, it can’t resist. The country wants us to join the team. To a certain extent, we can obtain some right to speak. If there are some actions that are unfavorable to the country, we can also notify the country in advance or stop such actions.” After spending a long time with Li Yalin, Captain, the beauty, even ignored the country’s secrets. Arranged to tell Li Yalin all such secrets.

It’s just that after listening to her words, Li Yalin smiled disdainfully, not good for the country? After finishing this ticket, he will flash people. This World has been destroyed like this. Everything that should be raided by Li Yalin has been raided. Li Yalin has no interest in this broken world. He still What can be detrimental to the country’s actions? (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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