“There is no problem at all. According to my estimation, at least half of the entire Saint Angel team will choose to follow you, especially the students in IS Academy. It is estimated that at least 90% of them will follow you. If you have a contract, you have to be mentally prepared.” Wu Wu said with a smile.

“Since this is the case, well, gather all the members of the Saint Angel team, I want to hold a group meeting!” After listening to the words of Wu Wu, Li Yalin was also excited, if it is true according to Wu Wu If you say half of the people, that would be at least more than 1,000 people. There are more than 1,000 Subordinate Gods. After the contract, they have the function of training upgrades. Then they will return to Earth and invade the insect race. At that time, it will be a very powerful battle strength.

An hour later, all the members of Saint Angel’s team were assembled. Li Yalin was a little wondering, why is the assembly so slow today? But now is not the time to think about this. Facing the young girls in front of him, Li Yalin was lightly coughed first, and after thinking about it for a while, he was the subject of the meeting.

“Seven months, after these seven months, we finally wiped out all the insects that came to invade. Now I can announce, girls, everyone can cheer loudly! this World Back In the arms of human beings!” At this point, Li Yalin raised his arm and all the young girls present also cheered.

“Everyone knows me, and I also know everyone present. We are all like relatives. There are some things I want to tell you today about…” Next, Li Yalin said everything that was said.

“Therefore, soon I will go to another world, where there are still people who need me to save. What I want to say now is whether anyone is willing to sign a contract with me, forever will follow me By your side, fight with me?” After saying these words, Li Yalin’s looked at the young girls on the opposite side, but the young girls didn’t speak either, they all stared straight at Li Yalin.

What’s the matter? The atmosphere is embarrassing? No one speaks, is it because I didn’t speak well enough? Or is it that no one wants to follow oneself? Li Yalin felt a little sweat on his forehead.

“We are willing!” What Li Yalin did not expect was that when he thought that this speech failed, all the girls present shouted out in unison, which made Li Yalin completely Was shocked.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yalin moved towards Chifuyu wondering and looked in the direction of them, but everyone was laughing and laughing, as if the conspiracy was successful.

“Yu Wu! It’s your ghost again, right?” Li Yalin flustered and exasperated roared. Seeing how Li Yalin didn’t understand it, it’s no wonder that the team only got together in an hour. They must have told everyone Li Yalin’s secret in advance, and let everyone choose for themselves. They just kept Li Yalin in the dark. Today it happened to be a joke.

“Hehe, who told you not to take us with you, just take Sister Shu, this is just a small punishment.” Wu Wu moved towards Li Yalin and made a face, which made Li Yalin both Being angry is funny.

The next thing will be easy. The addition of all members of the Saint Angel team has made Li Yalin’s strength soar. Although these girls are not very strong now, Li Yalin believes that only after a while After the upgrade and a series of Class Change, the strength of the girls will definitely get an amazing improvement.

One more point here is that after seven months, the fifth-generation IS finally had a decisive breakthrough, and the first fifth-generation machine was finally produced. This is the guiding force. The perfect combination of Magic and ISMecha. Although the Magic Circuit on the fifth-generation machine Orbment can only be equipped with one type of Quartz, Li Yalin believes that through his own efforts and the beam, the ultimate perfect combination of seven Quartz can be achieved in the future. .

It’s time to return. After bringing the headquarters of the Saint Angel team (newly built), IS Academy and all the girls into Evolved Space, Li Yalin chose to leave the “Infinite_Stratos” world Dungeon, although this World is still riddled with holes, the last kind of fire is still preserved. With fire, human civilization will continue, but this is not what Li Yalin needs to consider.

Returning to Earth again, do the math, Li Yalin spent nearly a year in the “IS” world, so four months have passed since the time on Earth, and I don’t know that this is in the fourth. What will happen to Earth in a few months?

Walking on the streets of the capital, Li Yalin’s is full of questions. Why are there so many foreigners in the capital? Even after the insects attacked, most countries have suffered devastating blows, but for the disaster of “IS” world within the realm, which almost destroyed the race, it is not a big deal. As for the disaster, they all ran to the capital. Refuge? There is also the old black Uncle who is bargaining with an old lady in Caishikou. Are you sure your half-Chinese and half-foreign language can be understood by the other party?

With the doubts in his mind, Li Yalin opened his internal communicator. Li Yalin wanted to ask what happened on Earth during the time he was away. Some don’t know it anymore.

“Yalin, are you back? Where are you? I will pick you up now!” Seeing Li Yalin on the virtual screen, Saya looked excited. During the days when Li Yalin was away, Everyone is very worried. After all, this is a single-player Quest, and there are that many insects. I don’t know if Li Yalin can handle it, but now that Li Yalin is back, everyone’s hanging heart can finally be let go. .

“No, I will go back to the island base in a moment, but what happened during the time I was away? Why is the capital changed so much?” Li Yalin waved his hand first, and then He immediately asked his question, and he wanted to know the reason very much now.

“This is what you said, but it’s actually very simple, that is, the Earth Federation that you said before you left has really come true.” Saya smiled slightly afterwards.

“Earth Federation? Really, it’s only four months, why is it so fast?” Li Yalin asked in surprise.

“I can’t tell you the details for a while, you should come back first, and then I will tell you in one by one, there are also questions about Universe Fedation.” Speaking of Universe Fedation , Saya’s frowned slightly.

“Okay, I’ll be there soon!” With that, Li Yalin directly teleported to the island base and learned that Li Yalin’s returned safely, everyone came forward and asked with concern.

“Well, everything is fine with me. What I want to know most now is how the Earth Federation was established and who was the first leader of the Earth Federation?” Although everyone Li Yalin was very moved by his concern, but Li Yalin really wants to know the answer now.

“Wait a moment for this, what I am more concerned about now is how many sisters you brought back to us, Yalin.” But at this moment, Saeko suddenly said with a joke. But this is indeed a problem that everyone is more concerned about. For a while, everyone’s attention is all focused on Li Yalin’s body.

“This…” Li Yalin was taken aback for a moment, and then he hesitated to stretch out three fingers. How could Li Yalin say the actual number?

“Three? Impossible, right? Is it thirty? Your appetite is too big, right?” Yuriko looked at Li Yalin in surprise. If it is thirty, then the number is still It’s not small.

After Yuriko finished speaking, Li Yalin did not speak, but shook the head a little embarrassingly, which made the eyes of the beautiful women become sharp.

“Is it three hundred? No way?” Rei said incredulously.

“It’s three thousand…” After Li Yalin said these words weakly, he was unanimously condemned by the beautiful women.

“Three thousand? It’s a loss of what you said! Are you an ancient emperor? You still want a harem Three thousand good Rei?” Chu Zixin flustered and exasperated said. She was originally flustered and exasperated. I have already admitted my fate, but how come there are 3,000 more people?

“Elder Brother Yalin, are you cracking a joke? How could there be 3,000 people?” Ye Ling was a little disbelief, 3,000 people, this is not 3,000 ants. How can it be said that the contract is a contract, at least the contract this thing must be the willingness of both parties, otherwise this kind of contract will be transformed into a very terrifying slave contract.

“Yeah, Yalin, are you sure you are not cracking a joke?” At this time, everyone also reacted. It is indeed unbelievable to say that there are three thousand people contracted.

“This is really not cracking a joke, in fact, this is what happened…” Then, Li Yalin recounted his own experience, from entering IS Academy to hunting insects later As well as the performance of IS and the feelings of Chifuyu and the others, Li Yalin didn’t hide it, and said all of them.

“It turned out to be like this, an IS team, this is a very strong battle strength, if this ISMecha is as strong as you said.” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Yuriko was also nodded, Li Yalin’s Aside from emotional issues, the Saint Angel team is indeed a very good help.

Although smart Robot and Heroes of Might and Magic’s Unit are also very good, they are not as flexible as human thoughts. Especially after the contract with Li Yalin, the growth of these girls is limitless. It’s not just limited to the present. As long as there is enough time for everyone, then in the not-too-distant future, the 3,000-man Supreme troop and the 3,000-man God Rank troop are not an illusion. At that time, whether it is Neither Primitive Gamma Insect nor Universe Fedation can pose a threat to Li Yalin.

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