“But even so, Yalin, you are a bit too much. These are three thousand girls. If it weren’t for the infinite Evolved Space, I really don’t know if you can hold so many harems!” But At this time, Teresa on the side said with a slight irony, but why is there a hint of sourness in the words?

“In any case, these three thousand Warriors are a great help for us. I agree with Yalin’s approach.” Saber considers the problem entirely from the perspective of Li Yalin’s. She has always been with Li Yalin’s safety is the top priority. With the Saint Angel team, Li Yalin will naturally be safer.

“Okay, I confessed what I should say. Should you tell me what happened to Earth after I left?” Li Yalin spread his hands, and then another face Questioned to everyone.

“Well…it’s actually very simple…” After Li Yalin’s question was asked, the girls’ eyes were all focused on Yuriko’s, Yuriko’s face stiffened slightly, and then What happened after Li Yalin left was spoken out.

It turned out that after Li Yalin entered the side dungeon quest alone, in order to prepare for a year later, everyone was also intensively developing power, but at this time, China proposed Li Yalin once said Although the United States has agreed to mutual cooperation between countries, it must maintain the autonomy of the United States. That is to say, cooperation can be done, and it can become an Earth Federation externally. However, China is still China, and the United States is also the United States. We can share in technology, but nothing else.

This kind of brain-disabled cooperation method will naturally no one will approve. Now other countries basically have no right to speak. Therefore, a form of confrontation between China and the United States has been formed. The scene was once deadlocked, although China has the Independent Mecha Army, but China cannot be the first to use military force to attack, because this will become aggression, and other countries will not be able to recognize it.

At this moment, Yuriko couldn’t help it anymore. If the stalemate continues, maybe it will be deadlocked until the arrival of the Primitive Gamma Insect fleet. This kind of stalemate is meaningless to Yuriko. , Has affected the plan that Li Yalin discussed with the women before leaving. For this reason, Yuriko was the first to use military force to suppress.

Countless fleets have been dispatched, and fighters covering the sky and the sun have also been dispatched. This time has made the United States completely stupid, and China is equally stupid, although the upper echelons of China have long known that Li Yalin owns Very powerful, but no one would have imagined that Li Yalin possessed such a powerful strength. After these fleets appeared, no one could raise the heart of resistance, which was really shocking.

It was said that it was military force suppression, but it was actually the battleship that turned Earth around. After that, the two major powers of Huami were all shut down. Taking this opportunity, Yuriko also proposed a series of bills formed by the Earth Federation. After the representatives of various countries discussed together, the final federal bill and the obligations of each country were determined.

In order to further strengthen the international friendship between the federations, Yuriko actually used an extreme method. Every country except for the reservation Except for 50% of my own population, the rest of the population has been scattered all over the world. As the population using Chinese is now the largest in the world, accounting for almost 50%, Chinese has become the universal language of the world. Everyone You have to learn Chinese. Although this has caused dissatisfaction among many people, it is useless in the face of a powerful military force. This is why Li Yalin saw that there are so many foreigners in the capital before.

The current leadership regime of each country will not change, and Yuriko does not intend to seize power, but just like the United Nations. Once a problem that affects the world occurs, the Federation will convene. In the emergency meeting, leaders of various countries conduct emergency consultations, but this is not the weak The Organization similar to the previous United Nations, because in the federal meeting, Li Yalin will also send representatives and stand in a fair and just manner. Face the problem squarely, and will not favor any country. If there is a problem, Li Yalin will not mind using military force to solve the problem.

This is not over yet. At this time, about the news that the Primitive Gamma Insect is about to invade the solar system a year later, all the leaders of various countries have understood it, but it is just some insects similar to the advance army. Earth was almost destroyed. If it weren’t for Li Yalin, Earth would have never known how many times it had been destroyed. Then the Master of these insects arrived, what would it be like? No one dared to imagine.

So Li Yalin and the others became Earth’s last straw. Li Yalin could not be found, but Wang Ya and Li Zhicheng were working for the National Security Bureau. For this reason, Li Yalin’s parents were They have become the two most respected people, and their positions are constantly rising. At this time, Li Zhicheng has become the director of the National Security Eighteenth Agency, and Wang Ya has become the deputy director. I heard that the two took over. I will continue to be promoted down, all because of Li Yalin.

Not only Li Yalin’s parents, but everyone who has a relationship with Li Yalin is basically the same. For example, Wang Family. At this time, Wang Family is under the key care of the state. In terms of business It is also a door to convenience. Wang Family’s industry is booming, making Old Lord Wang almost happy from ear to ear, because he has seen the hope of Wang Family’s rise.

As for Ye Ling’s parents and Chu Zixin’s family, they have all received special care. Even Ye Family was preserved after Ye Ling’s sentence, so that the family will not continue to rout Go down.

“It turned out to be like this, no wonder, amazing!” After Yuriko finished speaking, Li Yalin nodded, and then gave Yuriko a thumbs up. It was indeed decisive enough. If Li Yalin was there, it was also Impossible is better than Yuriko, and even due to Li Yalin’s hesitation, he may not be able to do this step now.

“No matter how powerful it is, you are not as good as you. In the Quest world you went to, didn’t you eventually gather all the species together and eventually become a country? This is stronger than me. Yeah.” Yuriko said with a smile.

“Yuriko Aunt, don’t laugh at me. Didn’t I tell you everything about the situation. There are so many survivors in that world. There are so many survivors in this world. By the way, let’s talk about Universe Fedation, not before. Have you ever said that, if you can, get in touch with Universe Fedation, how is the situation now?” Li Yalin waved his hand, and then asked everyone enthusiastically.

“This…the connection is a connection, but the result of the connection is not very good.” Everyone’s expressions are a bit ugly. What is going on?

In the end, Yuriko answered. After a series of investigations, everyone also learned the source of Mecha in the United States. This data comes from a small planet that is relatively close to the solar system but belongs to the Universe Fedation periphery zone. Above, because Universe Fedation also learned about the upcoming invasion of Primitive Gamma Insect, this little planet became the outpost of this interstellar war. Once the insect race invades the Universe Fedation, it will arrive immediately after passing through the solar system. This planet.

The guys on this planet used Earth as cannon fodder. In addition to handing over the most trash Mecha data to the U.S., they also gave it to the U.S. a special device. According to them In other words, this is a communication device, with which you can communicate with them.

But after careful research by Yuriko and the others, it is found that the communication function does exist, but the more important thing is that this device can emit a strange wave band. Only the outpost planet of the Universe Fedation can be used. This kind of band signal will be sent out. After the insect race receives this signal, it will of course misunderstand that Earth is an outpost planet, as it should be by rights will launch an attack on Earth.

After learning this news, the girls even have the heart to destroy the planet, but for a simple initial contact, this planet is very weak and can be regarded as an ideal contact target. , So through the communication function on the device, everyone got in touch with this planet.

At first, everyone did not explain their own strength, but simply showed that Earth wants to unite with the Universe Fedation to fight against the invasion of the insect race, but it is indeed the countryside planet of the peripheral zone, even the planet. The leaders of, all have a superficial vision, and they don’t ask why everyone knows about Universe Fedation and Primitive Gamma Insect. After a rather ugly mockery, they shut down the communication. This time, the girls are so angry that they are listening. That many bad words, Saber couldn’t help but take the fleet to destroy the planet. Fortunately, the more sane Nymph stopped Saber, otherwise the planet would have long ceased to exist.

In this way, the first contact failed, but everyone was not discouraged. Instead, the second contact continued, but the second contact was also unsuccessful because the planet turned out to be a There is an out-and-out male power planet, where women have no right to speak. Everyone just arrived at this planet and they were bombed away for the reason that women shouldn’t be in power. They even wanted to grab everyone’s battleship, if it weren’t for Yuriko, he would act decisively. , If they fire a cationic cannon, they will really encounter some small troubles.

With time and time again, there can be no time and time again. In order to get in touch with each other, Yuriko even took everyone to visit each other’s planet, but even then, normal communication and exchanges cannot be carried out. I have seen through these countryside planets, and relying on others is worse than relying on themselves. The clay figurines have three points of anger, even more how are the daughters of these proud and arrogant Heaven’s Chosen. Will go to Universe Fedation to seek some cooperation.

Even everyone has made a decision. After everyone’s strength has reached a certain level, in addition to eliminating these Primitive Gamma Insects, it is also quite interesting to conquer this Universe Fedation, at least these countryside Planet must show them good looks! (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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