For these indignant girls, Li Yalin’s face can only show a wry smile, well, conquering the Universe Fedation is indeed a great idea, but if you want to realize it now, I am afraid it will be very difficult, said In the end, everyone is still taking a step by step, and step by step is a great way to grow. Therefore, the first thing everyone should do is to improve their own strength.

Li Yalin returned with victory this time, but he didn’t have a lot of time, because Li Yalin plans to go to Heavenly Wind Continent again. After all, the hidden treasure and danger of Divine Forbidden Land make Li Yalin is very interested. The most important issue is the Divine Spark problem. Father Mother is just a slightly more powerful ordinary person. If they can’t prepare some Divine Spark and give them to refining, then the ordinary person’s lifespan is very short, even if it is. The same goes for slightly stronger ones.

Bring all the girls into the Evolved Space. Everyone met each other. Looking at the number of more than 3,000 people in front of them, Yuriko was also sighed, and Felli was even more expressionless young. Girl kicks, which makes Li Yalin very helpless.

But since everyone is Li Yalin’s Subordinate God, it was a good time when everyone met. Li Yalin also went to see his parents when they met.

For the return of Li Yalin’s, Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya were naturally very happy, but they heard that their son was leaving soon, Wang Ya was the first to quit, and finally got there. The opportunity to reunite with his son, I can see my son as soon as I want to see my son, but why suddenly my son gets busy, often not seeing each other once in a few months, which makes Wang Ya unable to help but weep .

After a good consolation, Li Yalin and Li Zhicheng were able to comfort Wang Ya. After leaving their parents, Li Yalin made a comprehensive arrangement for the improvement of the girls’ strength, « Yoma in the stone gate space in Claymore and Filth Monster in Chrome Shelled Regios are both very good leveling mobs, so Li Yalin and Hisashi have opened the world of «Claymore» for a long time, allowing girls to travel anywhere and anytime The two worlds, the specific leveling process, are arranged by Nina and Dalshena. After all, the two of them are already Senpai, and how to upgrade is also familiar to them.

While the Saint Angel team is working hard to kill Filth Monster and Yoma to upgrade, Li Yalin also brought the girls back to Heavenly Wind Continent. This time with Li Yalin, except Rose, In addition to Lynn, Sally, Angy, Orfina and Schley, Ice and Snow Goddess Adria and Heavenly Fire Phoenix Little Feng’er will also follow the whole process. At the same time, Saeko, Saber, Teresa and Ikaros will also be the representatives of the beautiful women, following Li Yalin chose to return together.

There is a reason why Li Yalin did not bring all the girls back together. After all, Earth still needs to keep people for development, and the remaining girls are all arranged to upgrade, Primitive Gamma Insect’s strength is still relatively strong, at least for the next eight months, everyone must have the strength to protect themselves.

“It’s strange, Elder Brother Yalin. It’s not a long time since I left Heavenly Wind Continent, but I feel like I’ve been away for a long time, and I’m a little uncomfortable.” Walking on the streets of Milley Capital City’s Looking at the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Sally seemed to feel like a world away.

“This is normal. In fact, every time I go to a new world, I feel this way. It’s like a lifetime, but it’s okay. Soon. You will adapt.” Li Yalin slightly smiled and shared his own experience.

“By the way, let’s go to Milley Academy. Although Yalin you paused time, now the time is almost up. Headmaster Wendy must not be able to wait.” Rose chuckled lightly. Said afterwards.

“Don’t worry about this, let’s go back and see Nina. I have been staying at the royal residence for such a long time and I don’t know what happened to her and Maris.” Li Yalin waved his hand to himself. and the others could return to Earth after the Ice and Snow Kingdom incident, and did not inform Nina that she should be at home with Maris waiting for the return of herself and the others.

Sure enough, when I returned to Milley Capital City’s home, Nina was cleaning the path in the front hall. Although she was humming an unknown tune, Nina didn’t look so happy.

“Nina, we are back!” Opening the door, Li Yalin smiled and led everyone into the yard. Seeing Li Yalin, the broom in Nina’s hand had fallen to the ground unconsciously.

“Big Brother Yalin, you are finally back!” After confirming that she did not have hallucinations, Nina slammed onto Li Yalin’s body, tears in her eyes streaming out uncontrollably, watching The girl who was weeping in her arms, Li Yalin also stroked the young beautiful woman’s hair, comforting Nina softly.

“By the way, Nina, how about Maris? Why didn’t I see him.” There was no Maris’ silhouette in the house, and Li Yalin asked somewhat puzzledly. Now it’s getting late, and dinner is coming soon. Time is up, where did Maris go?

“In fact, my big brother joined a Mercenary Group and is doing Quest with people from the Mercenary Group. It has not been home for more than half a month. I am at home by myself these days.” Nina Some small grievances. I have lived in this house for so long. Apart from cleaning the room, all I have to do every day is to exercise my martial skills. How could a young girl like this kind of life? ?

“Sorry, Nina, I was late.” Li Yalin felt quite sorry.

“It’s nothing, Big Brother Yalin. In fact, sometimes, waiting is a kind of happiness. Even if Big Brother Yalin doesn’t come back, I will wait forever until you come back.” Nina said It is shook the head, for Li Yalin, she can bear anything, even more how is this little loneliness.

After Nina said these words, Li Yalin did not speak, but directly hugged Nina into her arms. All that was left in her heart was moved, what a wonderful girl, so Waiting for herself without complaint, Li Yalin really didn’t know how to respond to Nina’s expectations.

“By the way, Big Brother Yalin, you guys haven’t had dinner yet? I’ll cook it for you now, by the way, what about Rei and Saya? Didn’t they come back together? And this elder sister and this Who is a younger sister?” It was very warm in Li Yalin’s arms, Nina almost didn’t want to come out, but thinking that Li Yalin might not have eaten, Nina got out of Li Yalin’s arms, but then she saw Adria and Little Feng ‘er, these are two new faces for Nina.

“This is Adria, this is Little Feng’er, and we are all a family. By the way, Nina, I think it’s time to tell you some things, at least you have the right to know these. “After that, Li Yalin took Nina’s hand and recounted his identity, and also said everything about the contract.

“Big Brother Yalin, are you a god? This is Her Highness the Ice and Snow Goddess and His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Nina seemed to be spinning around, this It’s incredible. The one standing in front of her turned out to be a real god. This god is still someone she likes. Standing beside her are Ice and Snow Kingdom’s gods and Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Guardian Divine Beast. Nina wants to Pinch yourself to see if you are dreaming.

“Don’t be so surprised, in fact, gods are no different from mortals. You see, I am just like an ordinary person.” Li Yalin smiled and pinched Nina’s small nose, and said with a smile on his face.

“But…” Nina didn’t understand how gods and mortals could be the same, but she was interrupted by Li Yalin before she could finish her words.

“It’s nothing, now I’m here to ask you, do you want to be my Subordinate God?” Li Yalin’s said with a serious expression.

“I do, but…” Nina is still a little hesitant, can she really become the Subordinate God of Big Brother Yalin?

“I’ve said it! Nothing!” Li Yalin waved his hand first, then suddenly laughed, hugged Nina in his arms and turned around: “From now on, we will be true You want to forever together, your promise is really fulfilled.”

The promise that Li Yalin said was actually what Nina had sworn before. Forever follows Li Yalin’s side. This time the contract is completed. After that, Nina naturally couldn’t leave Li Yalin.

“Well, now there are two Ninas who have contracted with me. This is not very good. Otherwise, I will call you Nina in the future, so it will be obvious. This name is very cute and suitable for our Nana.” After the contract was over, Li Yalin thought of Nina, who was currently upgrading in the «Claymore» world. Two Ninas, not distinguishing between them, is very troublesome. Things.

“Well, I listen to Big Brother Yalin from you.” Nina, oh no, Nana is blushing and nodded, it doesn’t matter what her name is, Nana is happy now that Li Yalin is right My attitude, I thought that Li Yalin’s side is surrounded by beauty and would not care about my little yellow-haired girl, but today Li Yalin gave Nana a surprise.

“By the way, since the contract is signed, then the next step is Class Change, Nana, you are a Knight, and you have Little White as a mount. The more suitable classes for you are Holy Knight and Knight, you Which one are you going to choose?” At this time Li Yalin continued to ask, remember Little White? It was the Unicorn that Li Yalin gave to Nana.

“Well, then I will choose Holy Knight. Actually, I am not very good at attacking. I am quite proficient in sword and shield Combat Skill.”

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