Therefore, a series of gods headed by Pokky and Adria are not very pleasing to God of Light. Although they did not cause any discordant battles, there are still small areas of mutual exclusion, but God of Light always Occupy a small advantage, which makes Pokky and the others very upset.

“It’s because of this… it doesn’t look pleasing to the eye? Are you sure you are not having trouble with the little child?” After hearing that it was just for this reason, Li Yalin’s face was already full of disbelief.

“How many more reasons are there? In short, this is the reason, so we were not on the same battlefield with this upstart during the Great War of Gods and Demons, and even the news of this guy’s fall I heard about it later.” Pokky’s face was a little red. The reason is indeed a bit naive. After all, God of Light is a bit domineering, but this guy is indeed a qualified leader. At the beginning, Pokky and the others were also It doesn’t account for too much reason.

“Well, I’m convinced, it’s indeed a good reason!” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up, but he uttered mercilessly.

“What is the look in your eyes?” Adria flew to Li Yalin with a roll of eyes, and said angrily.

“Holy Light Academy and Holy Knight Academy’s people are here!” Just as everyone was chatting, Light Empire’s two major academies finally appeared, and Li Yalin entire group also left the villa to take a look at these guys What the hell is happening in the end.

“First of all, everyone is welcome to participate in this expedition. Here I want to emphasize that this expedition is very dangerous and there is a possibility of death at any time, so I It is recommended that students stay in Shenyue Town. Of course, this is only a suggestion. If everyone wants to follow our team, I am also impossible to stop everyone.” The first one was the Headmaster of Holy Light Academy. Facing a total of hundreds of students and teachers on the opposite side, this old ghost seemed calm.

“Regarding the opening of the hidden treasure of Divine Forbidden Land this time, I also want to first explain that this hidden treasure belongs to the God of Light, so after opening the hidden treasure, the hidden treasure inside is completely destined If you can get it, everything depends on God of Light’s will.” The Headmaster of Holy Light Academy said this very euphemistically, but everyone understands the meaning. In other words, you went there, but you may not get hidden treasure. , Maybe just go to get a bottle of soy sauce.

The words of the Holy Light Academy Headmaster caused a commotion among the students present, but the Headmasters and teachers of the major academies have been prepared for this, and the other party will say these words Not surprisingly, it can be said that this was originally the style of Bright Church.

The official time to enter Divine Forbidden Land is tomorrow. The Light Empire side gave everyone one night to consider whether to participate in this hidden treasure expedition. As one of Heavenly Wind Continent’s Three Great Forbidden Land, Divine Forbidden Land is of course full of mysterious, everyone is eager to go in once, but there is no special map or guide, rushing into it is just for nothing.

But now there is an opportunity, that is the legendary map in the hands of Guangming Church. With this thing, the chance of surviving in Divine Forbidden Land will be greatly increased, although No one knows the authenticity of this map, but this temptation is unstoppable.

“What? You want to go in too? No!” After returning to the villa, Lemmy and Lucia suddenly found Li Yalin. They had to follow Li Yalin into Divine Forbidden Land. For this, Li Yalin certainly wouldn’t agree.

“Teacher please, we really want to go in and have a look together.” Lemmy activated his coquettish skills, holding Li Yalin’s hand and said in an awe, while the cat ear lady Lucia on the side It was the same flattering look.

“No way, no way. I don’t need to tell you how dangerous it is. I am also for your own good. What if there is an accident in Divine Forbidden Land? Do you have any? Have thought about this question?” Li Yalin had a non-negotiable expression. It was not that he was cruel, but that he was worried.

“Of course we have thought about this question. Teacher Yalin will definitely protect us, right?” Lucia suddenly launched the little star offensive, looking at Li Yalin with admiration.

“Uh…no! Still not!” Li Yalin almost agreed, but for everyone’s safety, Li Yalin was still cruel and did not agree, which made Lemmy and Lucia very disappointed. .

“Yalin, please agree to them.” But at this moment, Adria’s voice suddenly sounded, which made Li Yalin wonder, why Adria would agree? This shouldn’t be!

“It’s very simple. The two Academy students, Bingfeng and Fengwu, will all go together. When the time comes, if there is any accident, will you still die? Since that many people can be saved by you, it’s not too bad for your own students. Besides, isn’t there Elder Sister Pokky? At a critical moment, Elder Sister Pokky will form an independent space. We protect them.” Adria explained with a smile.

“That’s right. Forget it, go together and go together, but you must follow the instructions inside, or I will teleport you out right away!” Li Yalin groaned for a while, if he said If it’s defense, then Saber’s scabbard, Avalon, has recently received further breakthroughs and can deploy a certain range of defense, and there is also Ikaros’ absolute defense circle, plus its own Holy Protection Wall and Magic Sealing, even if it is Eleventh Rank’s Lord God full strength attack couldn’t be defeated, so there was nothing to worry about, so Li Yalin agreed.

“Very good! Long live the teacher! Long live Goddess!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, both Lemmy and Lucia jumped up happily. It seems that being able to enter this Divine Forbidden Land really makes them very happy. Happy.

But Li Yalin’s trouble is not over. Just after agreeing to Lemmy and Lucia, the boys headed by Kei came to find Li Yalin again. Their meaning is also very simple, that is To enter Divine Forbidden Land together, Li Yalin said before he came that, except for teachers, students must be within the range of Shenyi Town, and they are not allowed to step into Divine Forbidden Land, so there is no Li Yalin’s agreed, Kei and the others did not dare to go in.

“You guys, can you save me a snack? Forget it, go! Go!” Li Yalin pressed his temple, then waved his hand again, a sheep It’s also to catch two sheep, so it doesn’t matter if there are more or less.

“Eh…” Li Yalin’s such enlightenment made Kei and the others speechless for a while. The rhetoric prepared before was useless, and the painstaking preparation before daring to love was wasted. Everyone didn’t expect Li Yalin is so easy to talk.

The next thing everyone needs to do is to take a good night’s rest and maintain the best mental state. Divine Forbidden Land will definitely face quite a lot of dangers. Ordinary walking on the road will lead to Dancing on the tip is no different.

In the early morning of 2nd day, the major academies were all ready. Although the Headmaster of the Holy Light Academy had given warnings and reserved a day for everyone to consider, none of the students chose to stay. After all, the major academies have been carefully selected before they came here. The ones who can come here are basically the elites. There are no students below Fourth Rank. The worst estimate is Kei. Of course, Kei is also the youngest among the students present.

Divine Forbidden Land is located in the Heavenly Wind Continent south central region. As the main battlefield of the Great War of Gods and Demons, it has always been full of mysteries and suspense. The range of Divine Forbidden Land is very large, almost comparable to some kingdoms. Various small duchy can’t be compared with it at all, but how is the range of Divine Forbidden Land determined? That is the mist shrouded in Divine Forbidden Land.

This is also one of the weird places of Divine Forbidden Land. No matter what time or season, the fog that enveloped Divine Forbidden Land has never cleared. According to legend, if you enter this fog, No one can come out again, and no one dares to try again over time, because those who dare to try never come back.

Therefore, Desert Empire, Andra Kingdom bordering Divine Forbidden Land, as well as a number of small duchy, are easily cordoned off near Divine Forbidden Land, so anyone approaching is rigorous.

As for Li Yalin, they are now in Shenyue Town, which is the only entrance to Divine Forbidden Land shown on the map in the hands of Holy Light Academy. This map Li Yalin has also seen in a hurry. At a glance, Holy Light Academy seemed to be a treasure of this map, so it was taken back after just a glance, but at this glance, Li Yalin had already memorized all the content on the map.

It was originally shown on the map that in addition to the town of God’s Fall, there is an Undead of Low-Rank soldiers stationed in the surrounding area of ​​Divine Forbidden Land in the Great War of Gods and Demons. Of course, these Undeads will not be God of Undead’s subordinates, but because they are eroded by the darkness and Death Aura, they become unconscious, only knowing that Undead wanders around according to instinct. Once an intruder appears, these Low- Undeads of Rank soldiers will start Counter-Attack, and people who enter Divine Forbidden Land are basically killed in this way.

Although these are Low-Rank soldiers for God Race, for humans on Heavenly Wind Continent, this is the powerhouse of Fifth Rank, Sixth Rank, and even some Seventh in it. Rank’s Undead, what makes those adventurers whose average strength hasn’t reached Fourth Rank so much?

As for those high-level powerhouses, tragic is also inevitable. Even if a Saint Rank enters, if you have good luck, you may be able to come back alive. If you have bad luck, Saint Rank will also be damaged.

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