According to the map, after entering Divine Forbidden Land from Shenyue Town, it will take at least two hours to reach the destination, and the two-hour journey will be the two most difficult For hours, even if there is no label on the map, it can’t be taken lightly. If it can be passed so easily, Divine Forbidden Land will not become the legendary Three Great Forbidden Land.

Under the leadership of Holy Light Academy and Holy Knight Academy’s, the whole army started grandiose towards Divine Forbidden Land. Along the way, each Academy is divided into several teams, like Milley Academy, Icebound Academy, Phoenix Dance Academy and Magic Fire Academy are gathered together. If something happens, everyone can help each other.

This is true for large-scale academies, not to mention those small academies. Except for those attached to the large-scale academy individually, the remaining small academies are basically a team. Of course, there are accidents, such as Beast King Academy of Beastmen Race.

After entering this misty area, everyone’s vision began to weaken. If you can see the distance in front of you on April 3rd, it’s good, even Li Yalin and the others No exception.

“This place is really weird. It’s obviously sunny outside, which is incredible.” Lucia walked on the road and looked back and forth a few times, and said incredibly.

“Of course, the fog in front of us is not ordinary fog, but the barrier that was displayed by Creation God himself after the Great War of Gods and Demons. It is to cover up the free energy emitted from the fallen here gods and Demon, and the second is to trap some Demon Beast and Undead that are mutated due to energy stimulation.” Adria explained that it was a paragraph. This topic also attracted the attention of the entire group present.

“The barrier displayed by Creation God? Is there really a Creation God?” Lemmy was curiously asked.

In Heavenly Wind Continent’s literature, the name Creation God is basically a one-off, and it only appears in the oldest kind of literature. This has caused residents on the continent to have a negative attitude towards Creation God. Don’t understand. It’s no wonder that, after all, Creation God Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail disappeared early after the creation of the world. It didn’t appear suddenly until the Great War of Gods and Demons was almost over. The appearance of Creation God’s led to the Great War of The rapid end of Gods and Demons. Originally, the reason for the end of Great War of Gods and Demons was due to different opinions. No one knows the specific situation. Creation God is like a meteor on that day. It is fleeting, making it impossible to understand him in detail. .

“Of course, God the Creator is the greatest god who created this World. Even the earlier God of Light cannot be compared with it, let alone other later born. God knows.” Adria nodded, although she has never seen Creation God, she still has a lot of respect for Creation God.

“It turns out that there is a Creation God. When I read it in the book, I thought it was made up by someone else. It really didn’t expect.” Lemmy exclaimed.

“That’s because the God of Creation is very mysterious, like a cloud of mist. The Spiritual Power is simply unimaginable. It represents both the new life and the Annihilation Power. Waved, the gods would give in, and they have not been able to return to Heavenly Wind Continent.” Although Adria has never seen Creation God, Pokky who fought until the end is the one who has the most say, but Pokky has not seen it either. After the real face of Creation God’s, the whole body of Creation God’s seems to be covered by a layer of mist, which makes people want to see through but is very vague.

With the explanations of Goddess, Adria and Pokky, Lemmy and Lucia and the others who know the true identities of these two are naturally convinced, but Kei, who is unaware of them. Murobo and the others were entangled. They heard that it was really like that, but they didn’t think that Adria and Pokky were telling the truth. After all, no one had actually seen Creation God.

At this time, Li Yalin did not join everyone in the small chat, but was exploring the surrounding situation with Ikaros. Although Teresa and Saber are equally powerful, when it comes to perception , But it’s only at an average level, not even as good as Li Yalin.

“The breath nearby is very mixed, God Race Demon Race has all. This mixed energy breath basically makes my perception useless, Ikaros, how is your situation?” Carefully After some investigations, Li Yalin’s brows wrinkled, the energy aura was too strong, and Li Yalin could no longer make the most correct perception.

“Sorry Master, my radar has basically failed. Except for the case within a range of 20 meters, it cannot be detected after more than 20 meters.” Ikaros was slightly frustrated. Said.

“It’s okay, it’s nothing we can do, but now we really have to go one step at a time.” shook the head, and then patted Ikaros’ head again. Li Yalin didn’t. I care a lot. With so many Experts on my own, what else is terrifying? There will never be a Twelfth Rank Creation God in this Divine Forbidden Land.

Look at the all around environment, it’s really bad, there are dead branches and rotten leaves everywhere, one after another withered trees still stand in front of everyone, just a light push, These completely decayed dead trees will be broken into pieces, but if you don’t touch them, it is estimated that these dead trees will continue to stand there, no matter how many thousands or tens of thousands of years pass by.

In addition to these dead branches and rotten leaves, the most visible bones along the way are all kinds of skeletons. Now everyone is only in the periphery of Divine Forbidden Land, Dwarf, humans, and Demon. Everyone even saw a pair of Angel’s bones. I really don’t know what it will be like after entering the forbidden area.

“It’s really tragic, it seems that it must have been a melee at the time.” Looking at the remains of the various races on the ground, Li Yalin couldn’t help sighing, as can be seen from the traces on the ground. The battle must have been quite tragic. The ground in front of the Angel’s bones was even torn apart. Seeing that, it must have been caused by a killer blow.

The closer you get to the center of Divine Forbidden Land, the harder the road will be. There are potholes everywhere. Everyone walks with deep feet and shallow feet. Maybe one foot will be empty.

But this is also a normal phenomenon. How can the ground of Divine Forbidden Land remain intact after such a large-scale battle? Especially the fighting is Experts, Saint Rank is not as good as dogs, Supreme is walking all over the street, God Rank Lord God Rank casually waved and the sky collapsed. To be honest, Divine Forbidden Land can still be preserved so far, it is enough for Li Yalin Surprised.

“Indeed, looking at this trace, at least it is also the full strength attack of Saint Rank Expert. Saint Rank Expert can only play a role in the outermost part of the battle area. It is indeed an ancient Gods and Demons. The battlefield.” Teresa also said in admiration. Although Teresa’s strength has reached the God Rank now, this is the result of her desperate leveling. In the past, her strength could only act as a cannon fodder during the Great War of Gods and Demons. , Which makes Teresa not sigh.

“Yeah, I really want to see the spectacular scene at that time.” Saeko said with a look of yearning.

“War, if I can, I really forever don’t want to see war anymore.” Saber’s face is slightly sad, it seems that she is really tired of war. .

“Yes, there will be one day. After we eliminate the Primitive Gamma Insect, everyone will usher in true peace. When the time comes, we can choose an ideal World, and the construction belongs to us. My ideal hometown, of course, and now Evolved Space can be regarded as our own hometown.” Li Yalin patted Saber on the shoulder. The expression on his face was so firm that everyone present couldn’t help it. Will believe Li Yalin’s words.

„Be on guard!” At this moment, a sharp voice suddenly sounded, and it seemed that the troops in front had discovered something, which caused a commotion. After hearing this voice, everyone immediately began to form The Organization. Warrior was in front of Mage, and everyone was patrolling around with a vigilant face to prevent sudden enemy attacks.

“What’s going on?” Although Li Yalin could perceive what was definitely going on ahead, Li Yalin couldn’t understand the specific situation. Therefore, after the crowd was over, Li Yalin took Saber and Ikaros to the front. Go ahead, leaving Teresa, Saeko and Adria behind to protect everyone’s safety.

Just when Li Yalin rushed to the front troops, the battle had begun. In addition to Holy Light Academy and Holy Knight Academy, there were Desert Empire and Galan Empire’s Academy. After all, it is the big academy of the old empire, and naturally it has to play an exemplary role, but if something goes wrong, under normal circumstances these academies must be the first to be attacked.

No, the enemy that appears in front of you is a squad Demon Undead. The strength of this Demon Undead is already very powerful. It probably has the strength of about Sixth Rank, and this squad has a total of twelve. Such a guy, it is very difficult to clean up these guys without casualties.

At this time, several Academy Headmasters have taken action, but if you deal with this kind of Demon Undead, it must be Holy Light and Holy Knight Academy’s two Academy dominates, then these two guys must be the main attack Hand, six vs. twelve. Although the number is not dominant, the strength is definitely more powerful than the six Headmasters. Therefore, the three Saint Rank Experts hidden among the Academy teachers did not take a shot. These six Headmasters alone are enough. Get it all done.

Sure enough, the battle ended fairly quickly. It took about ten minutes before the six major Headmasters defeated the squad’s Demon Undead. Of course, this is also an inevitable result. If none of these guys can get rid of them, then these six Headmasters should really go home for retirement. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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