Li Yalin’s voice did not finish, but the remaining three Saint Ranks also displayed their own stunts, all of them were moved towards this space and launched in all directions, looking very chaotic and unstructured.

“Are these guys planning to use their energy to stimulate the space to find the weakest point of this space? But with their weak energy, it is hundreds of thousands of points to find the weakest point. Years, and even if a weak point is found? The strength of the four Saint Ranks is simply a idiot to break through this space.” At this time, Li Yalin, the stronger ones, have seen each other’s intentions, but for these four Adria said slightly mockingly what this guy did.

“But for them, this is indeed the only thing they can do now. Okay, let’s work. Now that these guys are ready, then we don’t need to Hidden and tucked.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, the four Saint Ranks did so, obviously they are ready to cut off one’s means of retreat, so Li Yalin will naturally not hesitate anymore.

It is very simple to find the weakest support point in this space. You only need to scan with your own energy, but this requires a huge amount of energy and time. After all, you have to scan this Every corner of the space can find the most accurate position. Fortunately, there are so many powerhouses on Li Yalin, and there is no problem with simple scanning.

Suddenly, everyone headed by Li Yalin burst out a monstrous beam of energy. The imposing manner of this beam of energy is astonishing. It is almost like a god descending from the earth. Everyone is now full of power, and simply didn’t think about it. What strength is exposed.

Looking at the scene in front of me, everyone present was shocked, Divine Might, this is the legendary Divine Might, even Saint Rank powerhouse is only worthy of shivering under the majesty of God .

Just after the energy beam burst to a critical point, the beam of light was divided into eight, Li Yalin and the others were covered with a beam of light, and the colors have nothing common with each other.

Like Li Yalin, the beam of light on his body is a dazzling white light mixed with golden lightning, Saber is a faint golden light, Ikaros is pure white radiance, and Adria is ice blue Little Feng’er is fiery-red. In short, the colors of the beams of light covering everyone represent their respective attributes. The eight beams of light soared into the sky and reached the critical point of the white sky, and then suddenly spread out and exudes A little bit of light fragments shrouded all this space in it.

This move was just handed to you by Pokky. Although it was a relatively popular move, the effect was very obvious. The target location was found in less than 3 minutes.

Since the goal has been determined, then naturally there is no need to continue to explode, but just after Li Yalin and the others converged the imposing manner, all the people present all knelt to the ground, everyone They all looked at Li Yalin entire group with a pious face, which really surprised Li Yalin.

Li Yalin originally thought that at most everyone would alienate themselves, or ask questions about this, but he never thought that everyone present would give him such scorching gazes. When have you seen this look? It should be in IS Academy, when a large group of girls knew that they were Chifuyu’s younger brother and after they defeated Jinya, right? With that kind of fanatical gaze, Li Yalin almost thought those girls were looking at God, but didn’t expect to see this gaze again now.

“Never mind if I say others, what are you doing?” Seeing Arania and Lemmy, they all fell on their knees, which made Li Yalin uncontrollable frowned, not all of them knew their identity Is it? Why kneel down?

“Sorry Schoolmate Yalin, my legs are so soft that I can’t stand up!” Arania said with a frustrated expression, very tragic.

Li Yalin reacted after hearing this. It turned out that the Divine Might sent by himself and the others was so powerful that everyone had to kneel down. No wonder even from Headmaster Wendy and Headmaster Dwight. There were no fanatical gazes in their eyes, but they still knelt down, it turned out that they weren’t willing to do so.

It should be the deterrent effect attached to Divine Might. Everyone’s legs are a little soft and simply can’t stand up, but this will take a lot of time. According to Pokky’s inference, none of them is a day or two. , These people just couldn’t relax.

“There is no time to delay here, Ikaros, we are the two most powerful Archangel’s Kiss!” Li Yalin frowned, since it is the fear effect formed by deterrence, then Archangel’s, which claims to be able to relieve all negative states Kiss can definitely be done, so after Li Yalin winked at Ikaros, the two of them used their skills at the same time.

The huge golden Magic Array opens, and a pair of huge energy wings stretch out from behind Li Yalin and Ikaros’, just like Angel from heaven descends to the earth to save the world, countless energy wings float down. Next, the picture looked warm and beautiful. In this gentle light, the fear in everyone’s hearts quickly faded, and the vitality of the body was all restored.

To be honest, now the two Headmasters of Holy Light Academy and Holy Knight Academy’s are very complicated. Li Yalin and Ikaros clearly killed Angel in the Martial Great Competition and even destroyed two People’s series of plans, after seeing the wings behind Li Yalin and Ikaros and the purest light energy, the two began to feel at a loss.

“Come less, I don’t want to talk more nonsense, now you just watch it quietly!” Two Headmasters and the Saint Rank Holy Knight stammering came to Li Yalin’s, all three Hesitated a bit, but didn’t know what to say, but before the two could speak, Li Yalin waved his hand and said impatiently.

“This is it, what are you going to do? Use Power of Space to bomb this place, or are you going to use God Rank energy to perform a full strength attack on this place? This is a multiple choice question, but I personally I prefer to use Power of Space bombardment.” Pointing to the weakest point of the outer space, Pokky asked Li Yalin with a playful smile.

“It seems that we two really have a good heart.” Li Yalin is also slightly smiled. He had already thought about this. Using the powerful guiding force Magic-the storm is coming, this is also considered to be The strongest Space Magic is. With this blow, it can definitely break through the outer space, although the final result is unknown.

“Who is in love with you!” Pokky’s face was red, and after Li Yalin glanced white, he gathered with Saeko and everyone in the room. They must stay away from Li Yalin’s casting area. , You know that the power of this Space Magic displayed by Li Yalin is quite huge, and if it spreads a little bit, it will be nothing good.

After all the people gathered, Ikaros opened the absolute defense circle to the largest extent. In the absolute defense circle, Pokky, Adria and Little Feng’er also displayed their own proud defense barriers. , Even Saeko and Teresa are equipped on Orbment, and they have displayed the ultimate Defense Magic of the earth system-Gaia’s Shield, and Space Element Ultimate Defense Magic-the root barrier, but at this time Saber is not there. among them.

“Are you ready, Toria?” Standing in front of the target he was about to attack, Li Yalin turned his head and asked the golden haired girl standing beside him.

“I will become the guardian shield of the Master, and use my life to guard the safety of the Master!” At this time Saber looked serious, and even the name Li Yalin’s changed from the usual Yalin to Yalin Master.

“Relax Toria, we will succeed, so don’t use this heroic tone.” Compared to Saber’s seriousness, Li Yalin seems very relaxed, although there is no But Li Yalin’s instinct told himself that he would succeed this time.

After all the preparations were completed, the Magic on Li Yalin Orbment was also brewing. With a blue light flashing in Li Yalin’s hands, a black storm suddenly appeared, like a black hole in time and space. It swallowed everything in front of you. The power of this move is too great. After the move, Li Yalin and Saber retreated. After Time and Space Storm hit Li Yalin’s target, it was as expected by Li Yalin and the others. In that way, the entire outer space began to collapse.

Seeing this, Saber immediately used his EXNoble Phantasm ——Avalon immediately to protect himself and Li Yalin. Although Avalon could only defend against Saber himself, at this time Saber’s The strength has been rapidly improved, and now Saber can do multiplayer defense.

In the eyes of everyone, this world is only in black and white colors, just like glass shards. From the crack of at first to the present, it is covered with the entire crack, and it is at this crack that it reaches After a critical point, the entire world was shattered, and everything turned into a shining golden light.

“It seems that we are lucky, we really succeeded.” After the golden rays of light dissipated, what Li Yalin saw was no longer a black and white world, a long road , It’s just that this path is not invisible at a glance. At the end of this path, there are two thrones, one black and one white, and two illusory shadows are sitting on the throne, but the distance is a little far away, making people see It is not very clear, but Li Yalin is certain that these two illusory shadows are definitely female.

“Yes, it really succeeded, but don’t go through the second time of this kind of thing. I feel a little scared after thinking about it.” The Adria entire group, which dissipated its own barrier, also came to Li Yalin’s. For this result, Adria also feels a bit lucky.

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