“Of course, there will be a second time I don’t know if I can succeed. By the way, the first two are God of Light and Dark God? They can be distinguished from the outside.” Li Yalin nodded, and then pointed to the two illusory shadows on the throne, one of them is wearing a white robe, and the other is a pitch black robe, the light and darkness are very clear.

“It’s them, but these two guys seem to have lost their God’s Body and become a psychic energy state. Their strength has dropped a lot. It seems that I can finally defeat these two guys. Very good!” After careful identification, there was a hint of excitement in Pokky’s words.

“That is to say, this is similar to the state of Adria before? Well, the spiritual power of Tenth Rank High-Level, so we have no resistance.” Slightly probed. Again, Li Yalin said very easily.

“Their remaining Spiritual Power is higher than before, so they can transform into an illusory shadow. Let’s go and see what these two guys want to do.”

Faced with their gods for a long time, Church’s entire group was naturally very excited, but at this time these guys were worried. Although they took advantage of the loopholes, they violated God of Light’s after all. Will.

God of Light’s original purpose was to hand over the key to the hidden treasure to the champion who won the Martial Great Competition and bring the champion here. Although there is no set number of people, so many people are gathered. It is Church’s proposition, so the closer you get to God of Light, the more cold sweat on the foreheads of these church high-level guys.

“What’s the matter? Why are there so many people?” Just after everyone reached the throne, the white illusory shadow opened his mouth to speak with a gentle voice. Although her voice is gentle, the majesty in the words can’t be concealed.

The two illusory shadows on the throne are rather vague. I simply can’t see the appearance of these two so-called God of Light and the dark gods. It’s just that you can see from the delicate and delicate figure. It was concluded that these were only two Goddess. Facing the question of the bright Goddess, the church leaders immediately knelt to the ground, and even everyone with the Church knelt down.

“Your Highness pay respects to Lord God, we are the messengers sent by Guangming Church to meet His Highness Lord God. Actually, there are so many of us for a reason. Your Highness Lord God, although you want to meet Martial Great Competition The champion of the United Kingdom, so I think you must have some orders to do it? If this is the case, I have the courage to bring all the youngsters on the continent here without authorization. If Lord God takes a fancy to these youngsters, there is What Quest can do!” Regarding the question of Guangming Goddess, the Headmaster of Holy Light Academy was busy replied, seeing this guy’s eyes rolling around, he quickly sorted his thoughts and calmly replied to Guangming Goddess.

“Oh? Really? What a proposition! Did you know that your proposition almost broke our major event?” Guangming Goddess suddenly asked sharply. The Light Academy Headmaster’s arrogance is very angry.

“Subordinates damn it, Lord God, please forgive your sins!” Holy Light Headmaster quickly made the appearance of the most pious believer, crawling in front of Guangming Goddess and dared not move. In this scene, Li Yalin entire group watched with keen interest pleasure. After the breath was completely reduced, only the light Goddess and the dark Goddess, the two Tenth Rank High-Level Spiritual Powers, could not perceive Li Yalin and the others.

“Do you know that there are restrictions on entering this World through the Teleportation Gate. I originally thought that even if you would be cautious, you wouldn’t be able to carry more than thirty people, right? But I absolutely Unexpectedly, you brought nearly three hundred people, ten times more than I thought. You really have the courage!” At this point, Guangming Goddess is already a little angry speechless.

“Okay, elder sister, don’t be angry. Our state is not stable at first. If we get angry, we may not be able to maintain our human form.” At this time, the black shadow on the side was quietly comforting. Dao, although the voice was small, it reached Li Yalin and the others’ ears word by word. Although the voice was slightly cold, the deep concern could not be concealed.

“Do you know that once the number of people entering the Teleportation Gate exceeds 30, then the defense measures of the Teleportation Gate will be activated on their own, and everyone who enters the Teleportation Gate will be Teleported to the outer space, Without our consent, being besieged in the outer space is not impossible! But our current state does not allow us to open the outer space anymore. It is really fortune-telling you to be able to come here, but I am very curious, you guys. How did you leave the outer space?” Guangming Goddess was coldly snorted, but when she was speaking at the end, she looked at the people on the opposite side very suspiciously.

Originally, after perceiving that everyone entering the Teleportation Gate was teleported to the outer space, Guangming Goddess once gave up his heart, but also a little desperate. After all, in her opinion, wanting to escape from the outer space is Absolutely impossible, how could she have thought that Li Yalin would use an extreme method to destroy the outer space.

“This…” For a while, Holy Light Headmaster didn’t know how to answer, so his eyes immediately shifted to Li Yalin’s body, not only Holy Light Academy Headmaster, but basically everyone present They all turned their eyes to the Li Yalin entire group, after all, in their eyes, Li Yalin is no different from the gods.

“Did you break the outer space? How come you are like an ordinary person? No! There is no ordinary person who can come in here. Are you who?” I checked the Li Yalin entire group, Guangming Goddess unexpectedly showed a trace of horror.

Unable to detect the strength of the other party. There are eight people in total, all of them are like ordinary persons. There is no trace of energy on the body, but this is absolutely impossible. The only possibility is that the strength of the other party has exceeded I, so I can’t detect any information at all.

“It’s really long time no see, Betty, Katie.” At this time, Pokky stepped out, but the smile on his face made the two Goddess back two steps. .

“You are Pokky, impossible, why did you appear here?” Bright Goddess Betty asked incredulously.

“There is nothing impossible, I still want to ask you guys. I heard that you two have fallen. Why are they both resurrected?” Pokky was laughed and did not answer the other party’s question. Instead, he raised his own question.

“Let’s talk about this later, are the next few friends yours? If you can, please introduce us to them.” Dark Goddess Katie waved her hand, as if What’s unspeakable, the dark Goddess seems to be very familiar with Pokky, and it’s simply not like the fearful Pokky of the bright Goddess.

“Of course, there are your acquaintances here too.” Before Pokky’s words fell, Li Yalin entire group all stood up, seeing Li Yalin and the others is nothing but seeing After Ice and Snow Goddess Adria and Heavenly Fire Phoenix Little Feng’er, the two Goddess almost screamed.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t Adria and Little Feng’er both fall? Why do they appear here?” Guangming Goddess’s astonishment exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech, Adria and Little Feng’er Both of them were gods who fell earlier in the war. She and her younger sister, Katie, also participated in the two beautiful women Meteorite Ceremony, but now the two girls are standing in front of them alive, together with themselves and In the case of younger sister, Guangming Goddess felt that even if all the fallen gods were resurrected during the Great War of Gods and Demons, there is nothing to be surprised about.

“This is also difficult to describe in one word. By the way, Katie, do you have any plans this time? Why do you spend so much effort to find a young powerhouse? Are you ready to possess it? Or is it true? As the Old Guy said, what Quest are you going to let him complete?” Adria didn’t seem to have much conflict with Betty and Katie, so after waving his hand, Adria also asked his doubts.

“We can’t do things that are wicked and nutritious like possessing. Let’s talk about this for a while. Let’s deal with these people first. So many people enter our private space without authorization. It’s really a headache. These unknown gods are your companions? If they are unrelated people, I’m going to let these guys out.” Betty didn’t say much, after all, shook the head How many ears were listening, she didn’t want her secret to be known by so many people.

“Guangming Goddess, right? What are you going to do with these guys? Are you going to Teleport them out of this space?” Li Yalin, who had been silent at this time, asked suddenly.

“Yes, what’s the problem?” For the unknown Li Yalin, Guangming Goddess answered very carefully.

“Divine Forbidden Land can be considered dangerous. When we came this time, they would have been wiped out without our protection. I want everyone to stay here. Let’s find a private person. Let’s have a chat alone at the place where everyone has communicated, and then send these guys out of Divine Forbidden Land. Although I don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, they are the hope of Heavenly Wind Continent in the future. That’s it. It’s not worth dying in Divine Forbidden Land.” When Li Yalin said these words, he didn’t show any mercy. Although Li Yalin said the truth, everyone here was blushing. .

But the facts are in front of you. In front of gods or super powerhouses, they are like trivial ant. The storm that Li Yalin used just now is coming to everyone. It’s clear that even Forbidden Spell can’t compete with It is comparable. If they are not protected, everyone here will be torn to pieces by space storm. How can they arrive here safely? (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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