Although there are human-eating traps all over the front, under the urging of Captain-class Yoma, these ordinary Yomas still have to play the role of cannon fodder, rushing toward the Hell Castle without hesitation, and then being bombed into the air.

After all, the traps in front of the castle are limited. Finally, the surviving Yoma rushed under the gate of the castle, but at this moment, the Fire Essence spirits standing above the castle began to show off. Different from the game, these Fire Essence spirits are not only excellent in melee combat, but also proficient in Fire Element Magic, even Fireball and Hell Raging Flames hiding the sky and covering the earth towards Yomas, this time Yomas can be all Unlucky, out of the minefield and into the fire sea, these strengths are only the Fourth to Fifth Rank Yomas can withstand the High-Level Fire Element Magic, and they were all burned to ashes in an instant.

The gate of the Hell Castle has not been opened yet. The first wave of cannon fodder Yomas was wiped out under the attacks of catapults, ballistas, various traps, and Fire Element Magic. This time this Instead, let the enemy Yoma Lords startled, 30,000 cannon fodder Yoma, in exchange for rushing to the opponent’s city? This situation is somewhat unacceptable to the Yoma Lords.

But the opponent is now if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. The Yoma army has assembled. No Yoma Lord will take the initiative to recognize bad luck and remove the battlefield. At this time, they are the only ones What can be done is to attack and attack again until Li Yalin’s Hell Castle is breached.

So this can be considered cutting off one’s means of retreat. Whether the Yoma Lords have different opinions or conflicts, all Yoma troops moved towards Li Yalin’s The Hell Castle stormed, and in front was the remaining 70,000 cannon fodder Yoma, the soldier-level and Captain-level Yomas behind, and finally thirteen Yoma Lords were in charge of the command.

“I really can’t help but let’s start the 2nd Step plan.” Seeing all the Yoma army on the opposite side started to move, Li Yalin who was standing above the castle also showed a trace. Smile, now Li Yalin is not afraid that the opponent will not attack, but that the opponent’s attack is not violent enough.

On the opposite side of Yomas, when only less than 20 meters away from the Hell Castle, Li Yalin and all the girls present at the same time shot at the same time, and they played the Fire Element battle Magic together. The Magic of Magic will make the enemies hit by Magic lose their minds, and they will only attack desperately regardless of their friends and enemies.

Under the shots of God Rank and even Lord God Rank powerhouse by Li Yalin, the panic quickly lost the mind of the blockbuster Yomas. These attacks on Yomas at the forefront immediately turned back and started attacking his companions. , And these bewildered Yomas’s strengths can be said to have played 120%. This time, the cannon fodder Yomas’s team quickly became messy, which made the Yoma Lords behind them very difficult. Can’t figure out his head.

Just as the local Yoma troop was in chaos, Li Yalin and the others continued to use Magic in pursuit of victory. Countless Yoma died tragically under his companions, and even the soldier-level Yoma in the rear suffered. Some spread.

For the sudden rebellion of their subordinates, the Yoma Lords did not understand, but at the same time they made one of the stupidest decisions, that is, to kill the rebellious Yoma on the spot. The rebellious Yoma did not finish killing, but However, his team killed fewer and fewer. In the last 70,000 ordinary Yoma troops, they had only less than 20 left.

The tragic fighting of tens of thousands of Yomas is very shocking, and the films shot are also restricted. They are just below the hell castle and did not cost Li Yalin’s a single soldier, so that the enemy was crushed. This kind of fighting can no longer be described as bullying.

Yoma’s flesh and blood are everywhere. On the fierce battlefield, the purple black blood has soaked the earth. The Flame emitted by the Fire Essence spirit has not yet been extinguished, and strands of black smoke are emitted. There was a scorching smell, Li Yalin had stopped casting Magic at this time, and the frantic Yoma in him was completely killed, but the enemies waiting in front of the High-Level Yomas were like tidewater. .

At this time, Li Yalin was also riding Xiao Hei, wearing God Cloth, and out of the Hell Castle surrounded by a group of Great Demon ghosts. He wanted to kill the thirteen Yoma Lords. Li Yalin’s is needed. Otherwise, the loss of Units will be quite heavy. When the power reaches a certain level, then the quantity can not be compensated. Otherwise, there is always a proverb on Heavenly Wind Continent, that is Saint Rank and below are all ants, and this is the problem.

At this time, the Units in the Hell Castle are all out, and the Yoma troops and the Hell troops hidden around the battlefield are also swarming, enclosing all the remaining enemy troops, although the opponent’s remaining troops are not there. For a few, Li Yalin’s troops are even inferior to the opponent. The term encirclement may seem inappropriate, but it is true.

Even if the number of Yoma Legion is still a lot, the morale of Low-Rank Yomas has basically been knocked down, and even some soldier-level and Captain-level Yoma are very depressed, in contrast to Li Yalin. On the other hand, the troops under him are all high-tempered, and when it comes to High-Level combat, they are not inferior to the opponent.

“You are also Lord? But where did you come from? Why do you want to harass our territory?” Seeing the appearance of Li Yalin Pull Feng, the Yoma Lords of the other party also understood, Li Yalin This is definitely the leader, so these guys are all walking out of their Yoma troops and coming to Li Yalin’s.

“It’s really nice to say, it was you who came to invade my territory, but now you come out and bite back?” Li Yalin said amusedly. He simply didn’t harass these guys’ territories. The Yoma Lords who had been harassed by Li Yalin in the territory were all eliminated by Li Yalin.

“This…Anyway, your sudden appearance broke the balance between us, so you must die! Now that you stand in front of us is the biggest mistake of your life !” The Yoma Lords were speechless for a while, and then one of the Yoma Lords hesitated for a while before shouting to Li Yalin very far-fetched, but at the end of the talk, all of these Yoma Lords had already exuded. Slaughter Qi has been in waves.

“Hehe, this sentence should actually be what I said to you, dare to stand in front of me, and regret it when you get to hell! Oh, sorry, forgot that this is the gate of hell Now, should I say welcome?” Li Yalin said with a smile, and at the same time, Li Yalin’s Divine Sword was also out of the sheath.

“It’s useless to talk nonsense, take it to death!” One of the Supreme Low-Level Yoma really couldn’t help it. I saw it was the first to make a move. It seems that this guy is very good He is good at close combat and is very fast. He caught Li Yalin’s in front of him almost instantly.

Faced with the opponent’s attack, Li Yalin didn’t take any action, but the black under Li Yalin spewed out a powerful Dragon’s Breath, this kind of corrosion with Dark Attribute Dragon’s Breath is very attack power, even if Xiao Hei is just a Saint Rank Demon Beast, it can also inflict huge damage on the enemy.

Obviously, this Supreme Low-Level Yoma Lord has never seen Dragon Race and doesn’t understand the power of Dragon’s Breath. Since Yoki is similar to Dark Aura, this guy just attacked Xiao Hei. Treated as a normal Yoki attack. For normal Yoki attacks, it has reached the High-Level Yoma Lord’s strength and naturally did not put it in the eye. Therefore, Xiao Hei’s attack can be said to hit the target, so he sprayed this guy directly. It’s right now.

Due to the great corrosive power of Dragon’s Breath, Xiao Hei sprayed the Yoma Lord that came suddenly into serious injuries under the care of the opponent. Although he was hit, he noticed that it was not good. The Yoma Lord immediately used Yoki to recover his body and resisted Xiao Hei’s continuous attacks, but the Yoma Lord’s body was still mostly corroded by Dragon’s Breath.

“What is this?” The Yoma Lords present didn’t know what kind of species Xiao Hei was, so in surprise, the remaining Yoma Lords quickly attacked Li Yalin. , Such a dangerous creature must not be left behind! Even the High-Level Yoma Lord can be seriously injured. The Low-Level Yoma Lord is naturally nothing more difficult. Even the three Supreme High-Level Yoma Lords took the initiative. After all, this thing threatens him. It is too big.

“It came just right, just waiting for you!” A wicked smile appeared on Li Yalin’s face under the mask. The Divine Sword in his hand was horizontal, and a black Flame suddenly burned on the sword. As if to burn, swallow, and corrode everything in this world, it exudes a very terrifying dark atmosphere.

At this time, Li Yalin held the sword in both hands, and the magic flame on the Divine Sword sword burned more and more intensely. Just after the magic flame burned to a critical point, Li Yalin waved his hands suddenly, mixed with dark corrosion. There is also Flame burst energy cut and moved towards the opposite Yoma Lords and slashed past. This is a new skill developed by Li Yalin-magic flame burst cut.

Speaking of the Dark Aura on Li Yalin, in fact, this is completely attached to God Cloth of God Cloth. Although this blow can be performed even without the Pluto suit, Li Yalin can also perform it. When it comes to power, But it was still slightly worse than when he put on the Pluto suit, and there was a big gap between the two in the time when the moves were gathered.

Facing Li Yalin’s magic flame burst, these Yoma Lords naturally have to dodge desperately, but Li Yalin’s attack range is extremely large and the speed is also very fast. I am afraid it is too late to dodge, so some smart Yoma Lords have given up dodge and started to gather Yoki to prepare for defense.

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