Even if it is to condense Yoki’s defense, Li Yalin is the powerhouse of God Rank Low-Level after all. Except for three Supreme High-Level and one Supreme Low-Level Yoma Lord, the remaining Saint Rank Yoma Lord either died tragically. Seriously injured, as for the guy who was sprayed by Xiao Hei, he was directly killed by Li Yalin.

Because this attack was accompanied by dark corrosion and Flame burning attributes, it also came with Flame explosion attributes. Therefore, while hitting Yoma Lord, huge explosions continued to occur. This caused the Yoma troops behind the Yoma Lords to suffer. The Low-Rank Yoma in the front row was bombarded with flesh and blood, and the Yomas behind was also affected.

Li Yalin’s blow shocked all Yoma in the scene. As cannon fodder, Low-Rank Yomas needless to say, those Captain-level soldiers with a certain intelligence, Yomas, have their eyes widened. The chin was almost falling to the ground.

Leave aside the casualties of Low-Rank Yoma, but you must know that the one opposite Li Yalin is Yoma Lord, Yoma Lord standing at the top of the Demon World food chain! In front of him, the unknown Yoma, who was wrapped in black glow armor, actually killed the Low-Level Yoma Lord in seconds. Not to mention, even the High-Level Yoma Lord suffered a lot of damage. How powerful is this? Strength?

At this moment, the three Supreme Low-Level Yoma Lords were equally shocked, although they quickly reacted. And they spread Yoki all over their body, but under Li Yalin’s blow, they also suffered serious injuries. One of the more severely injured Yoma Lords even had an arm cut off, although Yoki was very useful. It will regenerate soon, but the shock in my heart is self-evident.

Under Li Yalin’s blow, only four of the thirteen Yoma Lords could still fight. At the same time, Li Yalin was indifferent, and immediately after a successful blow Adding a second attack, the Divine Sword raised high in the hand, moved towards the Yoma Lords on the opposite side, slashed violently, but this blow was not an ordinary slash, just when Li Yalin’s sword fell, Numerous magic flames burst out suddenly, covering all the Yoma Lords in front of Li Yalin.

In the face of Li Yalin’s inability to dodge, the defense will also be a powerful attack that will also be injured. The remaining Yoma Lords, apart from breaking out their own Yoki, use their strongest attack to meet with Li Yalin. Apart from force with force, there is no other way. Although it was a bit hastily, the Yoma Lords also burst out their most powerful Yoki as much as possible. After all, if they are still worried and suspicious of their allies. If you hide your strength, then the next one to hang up is likely to be yourself who has not tried your best.

Although the idea is good, the gap in strength cannot be made up by a good idea. Li Yalin is already ready when he sees the other party preparing to meet force with force. After the attack, Li Yalin immediately added a magic flame burst. This time made all the Yoma Lords who had resisted the difficult tragic, and countless magic flames enveloped the Yoma Lords in it, which was originally as hard as iron. The skin melted under the corrosion of dark energy, Flame’s bursting ability also exploded its body to cracks, especially when the opponent had no resistance ability, Li Yalin also added the last Fatal Strike, this time in addition to Except for the two High-Level Yoma Lords who still had their last breath, the remaining Yoma Lords all died sadly under the attack like howling wind and torrential rain.

As for the two Yoma Lords who still have their last breath, they are the live mouths that Li Yalin left behind. Some situations need to be understood from these two guys, so the attack Li just now Yalin also paid special attention. When attacking these two guys, he kept his hands. Otherwise, how could he be alive under such a powerful attack.

The battle has reached this step, and it’s basically coming to an end. I grabbed the bodies of the two Yoma Lords and threw them to the big Demon behind him, even though the two Yoma Lords are tall. It was almost ten meters or so, but Li Yalin still grabbed them with no difficulty, but even if he put on God Cloth, Li Yalin’s height was not more than two meters, so when he was holding Yoma Lord , It really seems to be a violation of peace.

“Surrender and avoid death!” After packing up all the Yoma Lords, Li Yalin moved towards the participating Yoma troops only said such a sentence, and just after Li Yalin finished saying this sentence, Li Yalin’s side The Yoma troops also shouted “surrender and avoid death!” Under such a situation where the dragons have no heads, Captain-class Yoma takes the lead, and all the remaining subordinates of the Yoma Lords are attributed to Li Yalin’s wave. under.

“These two guys are good, and they should know a lot of things. See if you can get something out of their mouths.” After returning to the Hell Castle, Li Yalin first The two Yoma Lords were cured by hydrotherapy, otherwise, these two guys might have died because of their injuries.

As for the cleanup work on the battlefield, Li Yalin gave it all to his own Yomas. The corpses outside the castle will be responsible for solving them. At this time, no Yoma will consider the issue of rebellion. After all, Li Yalin can kill even Yoma Lord if he wants to. The instinct of relying on the powerhouse makes Yomas simply unable to raise any resistance.

“What is your…what on earth?” After receiving the hydrotherapy, a slightly injured Yoma opened his eyes first, but this guy’s body was very weak. Even speaking is very laborious, but just after it saw the Saberentire group behind Li Yalin, its pupils suddenly contracted and its mouth opened wide.

“You… are humans?” The Yoma Lord cried out incredible, and the Yoma Lord beside him also woke up. Seeing the situation in front of him, this fellow did the same. It seemed very surprised.

“That’s right, we are indeed humans.” At this time Li Yalin also took off his mask and helmet. After seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, the other two Yoma Lords were even more surprised. , The guy who didn’t expect with no difficulty was able to defeat himself, turned out to be the human being in the legend, but aren’t all human beings in the legend delicious food? Why do these foods become so powerful? Is it so powerful that he is not an enemy of the opponent?

“Now I have some questions to ask you, you’d better answer honestly…” Then, Li Yalin and the others asked everything they need to know about themselves and the others. Under the influence of Mind Magic, the two Yoma did not mention the slightest intention of concealment, but stated all the things Li Yalin wanted to know without omission and in detail.

After getting what he wanted to know, Li Yalin naturally did not leave these two Yoma Lords, and gave them to Little Feng’er to solve the problem. The powerful energy made him in Little Feng’er, who was on the verge of upgrading, entered Supreme High-Level directly. This can be regarded as the last contribution made by these two Yoma Lords.

“Now it seems that this Yoma world is really not small, and it is really not an easy task to conquer this world.” Analyzing the situation from the mouths of these two Yoma Lords, Li Yalin showed a wry smile. This Yoma world is much bigger than he thought. What he and the others are now in is only a corner of the Demon World North Area, even if he conquered these thirteen After the territory of Yoma Lord, he has only conquered one third force in the North Area, and there are so many areas waiting for him to conquer.

“Yes, but Yalin, you accidentally killed the King of Yoma who is commanding the North Area. This is a happy event. No wonder these Yoma Lords must assemble an army to attack us. It turned out to be In this way, because of their stupid heads, they will think that you are the so-called King of Yoma, or they would really not dare to walk in front of you with such a big stab and let you kill them.” At this time Adria said with a smile and sigh.

It turns out that the God Rank Low-Level power Yoma that Li Yalin killed before was the king of Yoma who was entrenched in the Demon World North Area, but Li Yalin was able to kill the opponent very fast. No one knows how the King of Yoma was killed. At that time, in order to consolidate the demon heart, a Yoma Lord next to the King of Yoma sent out the news that the King of Yoma was killed under the sneak attack of the hell troops. But this lie that was so full of weak spots was believed by other Yoma Lords to be true, so they didn’t pay much attention to Li Yalin’s personal strength, which led to the destruction of the entire army.

“Actually, I didn’t think about that many, just to avenge Little Feng’er.” Li Yalin said somewhat sorry, where did he know what the king of Yoma?

“I like Elder Brother Yalin the most.” After hearing what Li Yalin said, Little Feng’er on the side was very happy to hug Li Yalin, said with a smile very cheerfully, this It makes Adria and Pokky on the side quite tasty.

“I forgot my elder sister…” Adria’s expression was full of resentment.

“I also like the elder sisters the most, as much as the big brother!” Seeing this, Little Feng’er hurriedly came to Adria’s side and explained again and again while hugging Adria, but This made everyone present laugh.

“Anyway, now the clues have emerged. If what these two guys said is true, then the inaccessible area in the Kingdom of Yoma in Eastern Region should be ours. The target is the target, any strong attack can not break the barrier, exuding bursts of white halo, it shows that this should be a Magic Barrier, and the things in the Magic Barrier are probably two Goddess’ God’s Body and The hidden treasure of Guangming Goddess.” (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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