Although clues have appeared, what Li Yalin and the others have to do is not to go to the Eastern Region to find the hidden treasure, but to unify the North Area first. After all, Li Yalin and the others now only occupy the North Area. It’s just a corner. The territory of these thirteen Yoma Lords has yet to be received. In the North Area, there are probably more than forty Yoma Lords of large and small forces. This is not a small number. If you want to clear the North Area, then It really takes some time.

After selecting a few smart Yoma from the Captain Yoma, Li Yalin gave them the Quest that received the thirteen Yoma Lords. After all, it’s not a difficult thing, when the tree Falls, the monkeys scatter, attached to powerhouse is one of the rules of Demon World. If there is no attachment, Low-Rank Yomas simply has no chance of surviving.

The reception of the territory is very smooth. The next thing Li Yalin needs to do is to unify the Demon World in the north. This is not very difficult. As long as your Yoma troop and the hell troop pressure the territory, Basically, these Yoma Lords have little room for resistance. If they are Low-Level Yoma Lords, they don’t even need Li Yalin to take action. With the cooperation of the Fire Essence spirit and the big Demon, Yoma who kills Saint Rank can only It was just a matter of time. Although some troops would be lost after the war, it saved Li Yalin a lot of time.

In this way, Li Yalin’s team is growing day by day. Two months later, the entire northern Demon World is unified by Li Yalin. At this time, Li Yalin is in the hell castle, and Everyone discussed about the next attack on Eastern Demon World.

“I suggest that we should look for hidden treasure first. It has been nearly half a year since we arrived at this World. It’s not that simple to want a little by little unified Oriental Demon World. This It will take a long time to say nothing. Once the King of Yoma of Eastern Demon World finds a way to turn on the barrier during this period, don’t we give up all our efforts?” Pokky first said his thoughts.

“This is also right, but if this is the case, then we need to determine the location of the King of Yoma of the Eastern Demon World, and the specific location of the hidden treasure, which is as big as the Eastern Demon World , It’s really a lot of trouble to find it.” Saeko said to the side.

“This is not a big problem. Using the radar on Ikaros Uranus Mode, I think I can find the king of Yoma soon. Although Uranus Mode is also connected with technology, we It was not used to attack the other party, it was only for investigation.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Then it’s so decided! Without further ado, let’s set off now!” In the end, everyone unanimously approved the proposal, and after Ikaros summon exited Uranus Mode, all members boarded the plane immediately, the entire group moved towards 东方 Demon World Benz away.

“This is the Eastern Demon World? Why is it so different from the northern Demon World?” Just after Li Yalin entire group entered the area of ​​Eastern Demon World, everyone was shocked. The difference between the bloody and cruel struggles in the North Demon World is that the Eastern Demon World is really comparable to the heavens. Leaving aside other things, Li Yalin can actually see the green grass, mountains, trees, and green grass on the ground. The river and the sky also changed from the haze color to the green blue. This sudden change made Li Yalin feel very at a loss.

It’s no wonder that after living in the North Demon World for nearly half a year, Li Yalin is almost used to this kind of hell life. What he sees every day is just ruthless killings, if not for these girls Having been by his side all the time, it is not impossible that Li Yalin will get lost in the killing.

“What the hell is going on?” Everyone feels very incredible. They are in the same world, but the difference between the two is too great, right?

“Is it the reason for the barrier just now?” In Uranus Mode, Teresa spoke out the key. Just now he flew to the area where the two Demon Worlds meet, Li Yalin and The others felt a trace of barrier energy, but for Li Yalin and the others, this kind of barrier hardly played any role, so everyone didn’t care about it, but if you think about it now, it’s probably true. Has a lot to do with this barrier.

“It’s very possible! Let’s go back and have a look!” Li Yalin nodded, in order to find out the truth of the matter, Uranus Mode turned its nose, moved towards the area where the two Demon Worlds meet, and flew back go back.

“It’s really the reason for this barrier!” After carefully observing this barrier, which is almost non-existent to everyone, Pokky first said: “This is a very incredible barrier, although for Supreme For powerhouses above the rank, this barrier is like a dummy, but for creatures of the rank and below Supreme, it is like an impenetrable barrier, even if you try your best, you can’t pass it! It’s really a very magical barrier. , What is the principle?” While talking, Pokky also carefully studied the structure and principle of this barrier.

“This barrier must be displayed by the Creation God of this World. I can’t analyze it with the strength of Lord God. Don’t say, even if I know the principle of this barrier, it doesn’t mean me. This barrier can last for such a long time.” After investigating for a long time, Pokky finally came to this conclusion, but at this time Li Yalin was already asleep on the grass beside it. After all, the blue sky and jade green’s The grass is indeed very relaxed and joyful, and it relieves a lot of people’s mood at once. Taking this opportunity to have a good rest is also a very good choice. Pokky has been there and researched each minding their own business. Li Yalin They are idle too.

“What did I say you are doing? I studied so hard, and you guys are sleeping there!” After waking everyone up, Pokky yelled at everyone with a panting with rage expression.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, this is not too comfortable, besides, your research time is too long, we are also very boring.” Li Yalin did. An innocent expression on his face.

“snort!” was very dissatisfied with Li Yalin’s explanation of Pokky. His Royal Highness Elf Goddess turned his head in a huff and breathed with everyone like a little child. Up.

“I’m sorry, Elder Sister Pokky, we were wrong…” At this time, Little Feng’er was required to appear. After Li Yalin winked, Little Feng’er immediately came forward knowingly. After getting up, under Little Feng’er’s anger, Pokky soon couldn’t maintain a serious expression, pffft let out a laugh.

“You guys, you know let Little Feng’er come and make me happy!” Although Pokky said so, he simply gave Li Yalin a blank look, as if to Li Yalin to let Little Feng’ er is very dissatisfied with this matter.

“Well, it’s not the time to talk about this. Everyone knows that this so-called Oriental Demon World is very different from the North Demon World. So now what we have to do is to understand this Oriental Demon World’s customs and customs, let’s see what kind of world this is like, so that we can decide how to treat this World.” When talking about this, Li Yalin’s face also became serious, < /p>

When I was in the North Demon World, because there was simply a chaotic Asura world, Li Yalin didn’t have any psychological burden for using the cruel bloody plan, but this Eastern Demon World was obviously a peaceful world. Because Li Yalin did not encounter any blood-reeking qi on this road, nor did he feel any cruel Yoki at all. If this is a peaceful world, then does Li Yalin really come to conquer this world?

“This is not in a hurry. There is one thing I wonder now. Since there is maintenance of this barrier, then according to common sense, our hell forces cannot pass through the barrier, so how do we use it? Hell troops are coming to conquer this World? Doesn’t it make sense?” But at this time Saber was very puzzled and said, no wonder Saber has been looking down and thinking about something in general. He was thinking about conquering the Eastern Demon World. what.

“This is also ha, a bit unreasonable.” Li Yalin is also nodded, but when he casually glanced at Quest Window, he was very surprised to find that Side Quest ③ actually showed With the words “Completed”, could it be said that this Yoma World Conquest Order only refers to the North Demon World? If this is the case, what are your previous considerations?

“What is this?” After hearing Li Yalin’s news, everyone looked at each other helplessly. Originally, everyone thought they wanted to conquer the entire world, didn’t Expect turned out to be smart by himself.

“But this is fine, so now, except for the Yoma Lord of Side Quest ②, which has not been killed enough, the rest of the Quest is almost complete, as long as you find the bright Goddess and Betty’s hidden After treasure, our Quest can be said to be the completion of Perfection.” At this time, Li Yalin was relaxed and said to everyone with a smile.

Everyone is right to think about it again, as long as you finish Quest, you can leave this World. If you think about it this way, your mood is really relieved all at once.

“Then let’s gather enthusiasm now! Let’s look for the king of Yoma in the Eastern Demon World, but having said that, the senior leaders of these Demon World should be connected to each other. I don’t know if the King of Yoma in the Eastern Demon World is a good thing.”

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