As for the Western Demon World, the High-Level Lord in the Eastern Monster Realm can walk freely, while the Western Demon World’s Yomas can’t reach the Eastern Monster Realm anyway. This appears invisibly A delicate check and balance.

“It turned out to be the case, that is to say, the monsters of the Southern Monster Realm are starting to gather an army of monsters and prepare to attack the Eastern Monster Realm?” Li Yalin touched his chin and said in a deep thought.

“This is indeed the case. In fact, if it was before, we would not be afraid of them if we fight for strength, because there are only two powerhouses in the Southern Monster Realm Monster King level, and the strength is simply not as good as our Eastern Monster Realm. But not long ago, the opponent suddenly appeared two Monster King-level monsters. The balance was immediately broken this time. Faced with four Monster King-level opponents, the three of us could not resist. The next result must be that the Southern Monster Realm army is overwhelming. When the time comes Eastern Monster Realm loss of life, this is the last thing we want to see!” At this point, the expression of Phoenix’s beautiful woman is already very sad.

“But now that you have appeared, I see hope. You have the power that even I can hardly resist. I believe that you are fully capable of helping us fight the Southern Monster Realm and bring the Eastern Monster Realm forever. Peace!” When talking about this, the Phoenix girl looked at Li Yalin entire group and her eyes were full of Xiyi.

“Four-Great Demon Kings? To tell you the truth, we are not residents of the Oriental Monster Realm. It is just a coincidence that we came to this World. I wonder if you can give me a reason. One reason for me to help Oriental Monster Realm, don’t tell me anything like that, because I came from Demon World in the north.” At this time, Li Yalin asked the Phoenix girl with a calm expression. I thought Li Yalin would agree.

“Reason? If you can help Oriental Monster Realm survive this disaster, then I will serve you as the Lord, resign from the position of Monster King, and serve you for life, but this is to On the premise that you kill the Four-Great Demon Kings of the Northern Monster Realm!” After a long silence, the Phoenix girl earth shattering said such a condition, which shocked Li Yalin on the opposite side, let alone Phoenix. A group of big and small Lords behind the girl.

“Phoenix-sir, how can you make such a decision? The Oriental Monster Realm can’t live without you!” The monster Lords behind the Phoenix girl stepped forward to persuade you. Seeing this scene, Li Yalin They all feel like a villain.

“Okay! If what you say is true, then we can help you save the Oriental Monster Realm, so what’s the matter?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Adria on the side suddenly said, this sentence will The eyes of everyone present and the monsters turned away. Li Yalin’s eyes were surprised, the eyes of the beautiful women were in agreement, the eyes of the monster Lords were hesitation and anger, and the eyes of the beautiful woman in Phoenix were a little bit of relief.

“it’s a deal! I swear to keep my promise!” It’s useless to persuade anyone, the Phoenix girl is firmly nodded, I really don’t know what she is thinking at this time.

Since I have decided to help Oriental Monster Realm, it’s time to better understand the current situation, but I don’t know if I don’t know. The Great Demon King turned out to be the legendary 梼杌 and Qiongqi, and the two newly-appearing Monster Kings turned out to be chaos and gluttony. This is the Four Great Vicious Beasts in China’s legend. Didn’t expect unexpectedly appeared in In such a place, even Chilong, Phoenix, and Fei Lian have appeared. It is not surprising that Four Great Vicious Beasts will appear again. I just don’t know if there will be other monsters.

The strengths of the Four Great Vicious Beasts and the Three Great Demon Kings evenly matched are the strengths of God Rank High-Level, but this makes Li Yalin a little puzzled. According to the legend of China, this The strength of Four Great Vicious Beasts is absolutely impossible, or is it all a coincidence? I thought about Li Yalin and didn’t understand the entire process of development. In the end, I don’t want to think about it. I would like to study how to kill the Four Great Vicious Beasts.

According to Eastern Monster Realm’s intelligence, at this time the Southern Monster Realm has gathered at least 50,000 monsters. The number of Lord level monsters is over one hundred, all led by Four Great Vicious Beasts. Don’t be too small. Looking at this army of fifty thousand monsters, these units are different from the previous cannon fodder Yoma, they are all High-Level monsters with strength above Sixth Rank.

However, at this time, Eastern Monster Realm can only mobilize nearly a hundred Lord-level monsters, with a rank of 20 or so monsters above Sixth Rank. After all, Eastern Monster Realm has been in peace for too long and can be on the battlefield. There are fewer and fewer monsters, and just these 20 or so troops are still coming out. It is unknown how much battle strength can be exerted when the time comes.

“It seems that we really took a big trouble this time.” After listening to the comparison of the strengths of the two sides, Li Yalin moved towards the women behind him slightly smiled, hearing Li Yalin’s such a Said that Phoenix’s young beautiful women suddenly became nervous. The Li Yalin entire group is now the life-saving straw for Oriental Monster Realm. If they really don’t care about Oriental Monster Realm, then Oriental Monster Realm is bound to have only one way to fall.

“Don’t show that expression. Since I said I’m going to help you, then we won’t regret it.” Looking at the tangled expression of the Phoenix girl, Pokky also stepped forward and was comfortable, despite the strength of the other party. It seems very powerful, but for Li Yalin and the others, it is really nothing, and the Four Great Vicious Beasts is just a stepping stone for everyone to improve their strength.

“Thank you so much.” The Phoenix girl was very excited and didn’t know what to say. After all, the evil forces of the Southern Monster Realm were like a huge rock hanging in her heart, and she couldn’t breathe pressure. Angrily, now that the savior finally appeared, her mood naturally eased, and the smile on her face increased.

“Don’t thank us, this can be considered an equivalent exchange. Just don’t forget your promise.” At this time, Adria said indifferently.

“Don’t worry, since it’s the promise I made, then I will definitely abide by it. After killing the Four-Great Demon Kings in the South, there will be no more worries for Eastern Monster Realm. It doesn’t matter if I have me or not.” The Phoenix girl smiled, but just after the Phoenix girl said this, the faces of the Lords behind her were different and they all looked very different. unnatural.

Regarding the issue of this area, the Phoenix girl did not ask any more questions. She could see that even if she asked, Li Yalin would not say anything. This would be better Don’t ask, otherwise once the harmony between the two parties is hurt, where would the Phoenix girl look for such a powerful helper?

After the initial agreement was reached, the Li Yalin entire group, Phoenix girls and a group of Lords came to the territory of Phoenix’s beautiful women, which is indeed the Lord of the Monster King level. Phoenix’s beautiful women’s territory turned out to be A large city, I heard from the Phoenix girl that there are only three such large cities in the Oriental Monster Realm, and the Phoenix city she leads is the largest of these three cities. It can be said that it is within the four monsters. Realm, Phoenix City can also be regarded as the largest city.

After returning to Phoenix City, a group of monster Lords also dispersed and returned to their territory to prepare soldiers and horses to fight the Southern Monster Realm, while Li Yalin and the others were arranged. Phoenix is ​​a beautiful woman’s mansion. The Phoenix girl will contact the other two Monster Kings to discuss together how to counter the southern Monster Realm’s attack.

Phoenix is ​​a huge city, and the mansion of Phoenix’s less beautiful women is even more so. The huge fiery-red building looks very magnificent from a distance, with various carvings on the building. The appearance of Phoenix, this makes Little Feng’er happy, but she likes it very much.

“I said Saber, Teresa and Ikaros. This battle is an opportunity for us. The strength of the four of us has stayed at God Rank Low-Level for a long time, and it has already reached I was in Peak status, but there was still one wedge that failed to allow us to upgrade. Although the last time I killed the God Rank guy increased my experience a lot, I still failed to complete the breakthrough. This time I faced these four. God Rank High-Level powerful monster, if we seize the opportunity, maybe the four of us can upgrade together.” After the Phoenix girl left, Li Yalin, who was sitting in the room drinking a drink, smiled. Said the three Saber women.

“Yes, the four God Rank High-Level opponents are indeed the best upgrade materials for the four of us, but we don’t know much about these four opponents. To be able to have the strength of God Rank, it will definitely not be a general generation. If you want to defeat your opponent, you need to prepare accordingly.” Li Yalin’s words were just finished, and Saber on the side said nodded.

“In fact, apart from the four ominous beasts, the remaining Lord-level monsters are also good upgrade materials. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Saeko and Little Feng’er can also attack the realm of God Rank. “At this moment, Adria on the side suddenly said.

“That’s good, although the quality It shouldn’t be a lot, but that many Lord-level Yoma, I believe it is enough for Saeko and Little Feng’er to upgrade.”

“Anyway, safety is the first priority. Even if it’s just an opponent of God Rank or Supreme, it is inevitable that the opponent will have any special abilities. What if you encounter the ability to restrain yourself?” Pokky, who has not spoken, said suddenly. And her words immediately sounded the alarm for everyone. Yeah, who knows if the opponent in this battle will have any special abilities. If you join nemesis, wouldn’t it be dangerous?

“Pokky is right, we must be careful in this battle, and don’t make any mistakes!”

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