The Phoenix girl came back very quickly, and behind her, there was a middle-aged man in a blue robe and an old man in a white robe. Judging from the breath of these two people, this one was wearing a blue robe. The middle-aged man is the dragon of Water Attribute, and the identity of the other white-robed old man is naturally self-evident. He is Fei Lian.

“Uncle, Uncle Fei Lian, these are the helpers I have found.” As soon as she entered the door, the Phoenix girl happily introduced each other to everyone present, but Fei Lian He just smiled at Hehe, showing a kind face, while Chilong was slightly frowned, and neither of them spoke.

“It seems that some people here are not very welcome to us, should we leave?” Li Yalin smiled and looked at the girls, and everyone got up at the same time with a heart, and prepared to go to the door Go outside.

“Wait, this is not what Chilong Uncle and Uncle Feilian mean!” Seeing this, the Phoenix girl immediately stood up anxiously, moved towards Li Yalin and the others while shouting explanations, He looked at Chi Long and Fei Lian with puzzled expressions.

“Uncle, Uncle Fei Lian, speak!” The Phoenix girl said anxiously.

“Please wait for the young powerhouse. Just now, in your words, there seems to be a word that our Monster Race has never used-people! Could you please explain the reason for this? “To the Phoenix girl’s surprise, although Fei Lian stopped Li Yalin, the question asked was to make the Phoenix girl unfathomable mystery.

“Uncle Feilian, what do you mean by this?” The Phoenix girl still hasn’t reacted.

“Jiang is really hot, you can hear the problem from my words, indeed, what I just said was the word human, and we are not monsters, but from Humans in another world, I think you should have heard of humans?” Turning his head, Li Yalin smiled and said to Fei Lian, facing the three Great Demon Kings of Oriental Monster Realm, there is no need to hide like this. Tucked away, Phoenix girl aside, Chilong and Feilien are both Old Fox. Even if they know that they are humans and the others are humans, then they will be surprised if they die. Simply won’t do anything else. move.

Sure enough, right after Li Yalin finished saying this, although Chilong and Fei Lian did show a hint of surprise at that moment, the expression was almost fleeting, as if It has never appeared in general. Only the Phoenix girl is different. It seems that she has heard of human things for the first time. After finding out the human memory from her inheritance, the Phoenix girl looked up and down Li Yalin and the others with curiosity. It’s just that everyone is wearing cloak, and you can’t see anything just by looking at it.

“Sure enough, from the first glance I saw you, I felt something was wrong. You are very different from my Monster Race, but these two have some origins with my Monster Race, right?” Fei Lian was nodded, and then pointed to Teresa and Little Feng’er. Teresa uses Yoki energy, and the body naturally exudes the breath of Yoma. Although Little Feng’er is Divine Beast, she is also considered to be Monster Race in another world, at least the two are inextricably linked.

“That’s right. To be more precise, my younger sister has a greater relationship with this Phoenix Young Lady.” At this point, Li Yalin also pushed Little Feng’er to everyone. prior to.

“Oh? Does it have anything to do with me?” The Phoenix girl was very surprised. At the same time, she began to observe the Little Feng’er in front of her carefully. I don’t know if I don’t feel it carefully, the little girl in front of me is unexpectedly He has the same soul brand as himself, which is only owned by Phoenix Clan, that is to say, the little girl in front of her is also a Phoenix lineage.

“This…is this true? It’s incredible! I thought there was only one Phoenix in this world! I didn’t expect that I could still find my own family!” After discovering the true identity of Little Feng’er, the expression on the Phoenix girl’s face is quite agitated, but this is also normal. Although the monsters in this World are all monsters, but after all, monsters have to be divided into types, and then sub-races are separated from the big category. Those little monsters are good to say, but they are as powerful as Phoenix, Chilong, and Fei Lian. There is only one monster in the entire world, and it is more difficult to find another one than finding a needle in a haystack.

“Little Feng’er is a Heavenly Fire Phoenix. Since you belong to Phoenix Clan, it is okay to get close. This is what we thought after we learned that Phoenix Clan still exists in this world. “Li Yalin said with a smile. Everyone had introduced each other’s names before. When Little Feng’er was introduced, the other party didn’t feel much, but now everyone has reacted. It turned out to be the real Phoenix Clan.

“Is Little Feng’er younger sister the legendary Heavenly Fire Phoenix? It’s really amazing!” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, the Phoenix girl immediately looked at Little Feng’er with admiration. Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​also very rare in Phoenix Clan. Among the memory inheritance of Phoenix’s few beautiful women, Heavenly Fire Phoenix will only appear once in tens of billions of years, not in a world, but in the entire Phoenix Clan. , From this we can think of how much Jean of Heavenly Fire Phoenix feels sorry.

“Phoenix, what about you? What kind of Phoenix are you?” Listening to the Phoenix girl, Li Yalin is a little curious about the other party’s attributes. In fact, Phoenix Clan is not just a simple Fire Phoenix. Others, such as Bing Phoenix, Hell Fire Phoenix, Sacred Flame Heavenly Phoenix, have various types, attributes and talents also have nothing common with each other.

Although the Phoenix young beautiful woman in front of her body contains a very amazing Fire Element, but in this Fire Element, there is also a rare light power, but It is different from Sacred Flame Heavenly Phoenix, which is based on Light Element, so Li Yalin is so curious to know what kind of Phoenix Phoenix girl is.

“Me? I’m just an ordinary Fire Phoenix, but the color of the wings is a little golden light, and the rest is nothing special.” The Phoenix girl pouted and looked right. I am very dissatisfied with the attributes of Fire Phoenix, but Li Yalin can see that the other party will definitely not be a simple Fire Phoenix, but it doesn’t look like a lie to him. Maybe the Phoenix girl doesn’t know the reason. Well, so in the end Li Yalin did not continue to ask.

“Golden’s wings? No way? Are you elder sister the legendary Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix?” At this time, Little Feng’er hesitated for a while, but suddenly exclaimed, Jin Wing Heavenly Phoenix? This name seems to have never been heard before.

“Actually, I don’t know much about it. It’s just that there is a trace of information about the Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix in the memory of my inheritance. This Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix is ​​the same as my Heavenly Fire Phoenix. It belongs to the rare Phoenix type. Unlike the weapons that I can transform into, the Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix also has its own special ability, which is a fit!” The words Little Feng’er said were earth shattering. Fit? What kind of special ability is this?

“There must be a prerequisite for the so-called combination skill, that is, the two sides must be connected to each other, otherwise the skill will fail. After the skill is successfully used, The Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix will be incarnation as a Phoenix armor. The grade of the armor is limited by the strength of the Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix itself. This is similar to my ability, but the two of us are good at attacking and the other good at defending. They complement each other. !” Little Feng’er’s next words made everyone stunned. They have the same ability as Little Feng’er, which is really against the sky.

We must know that the weapons made by Little Feng’er incarnation are quite powerful. Even now, Little Feng’er only has the strength of Supreme High-Level, and can only become the Epic weapon of High-Level by incarnation. This Little Feng’er’s own spirituality also has special talents. With Little Feng’er incarnation weapons, there is no problem in defeating opponents of the same level who hold Divine Artifact.

“Am I so good?” The Phoenix girl said in disbelief.

“Of course, it’s just that the necessary condition for elder sister to transform is to be connected with your heart. This condition is very harsh, but once your elder sister becomes an armor, then defensive power It is absolutely super powerful. After the elder sister has the strength of Lord God Rank, it will be able to incarnation become the legendary Super-Divine Artifact. At that time, even the powerhouse of Creation God Rank could not break the defense of the elder sister!”Little Feng’ er is nodded again and again, and it seems to be very envious of Phoenix’s ability to be a beautiful woman.

“You are really lucky, even this kind of prize can be won.” At this time, Adria looked at Li Yalin with a joking expression, but this sudden sentence But it made Li Yalin a little confused.

“I won the lottery? What do you mean?” Li Yalin asked, wondering.

“You little idiot! Don’t forget, this Phoenix demon King Keshi is in your bag. Heavenly Fire Phoenix and Golden Wing Heavenly Phoenix are rare in tens of billions of years. You have met all the top grades you have encountered. After their strength is up, then no one will be your opponent!” Adria tapped Li Yalin’s forehead and said.

“That’s true.” Li Yalin, who is at first, didn’t react. In fact, he is also a little excited now. After Little Feng’er and this Phoenix girl reach the Lord God Rank, let Li Yalin Duel Creation God is completely possible. If these two little Phoenixes can reach the Creation God Rank or even a more powerful level in the future, then Li Yalin is really developed.

“But what you said is like the Phoenix Monster King is already in my pocket. I am a little puzzled. It seems that since I came back, you and Pokky have always Do you want to cram a girl by my side? The Elves, Goddess of Light and Goddess of Darkness, now Phoenix, what do you think?” At this time, Li Yalin asked aloud in confusion.

“It’s not because of you! Don’t understand it!” Adria panting with rage turned his head and ignored Li Yalin. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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