“Pay respects to Heavenly Fire Phoenix!” After seeing Little Feng’er, HeadMaster Christo was about to bow down, but was stopped in time by Li Yalin. Although this issue has already been mentioned, Seeing the Divine Beast he believed in, HeadMaster Christo always couldn’t help expressing his reverence.

“Well, HeadMaster Christo, I have said it many times, we are not outsiders, we simply don’t need this one.” Li Yalin waved his hand, and then stroked Little again. Feng’er’s hair, people simply don’t care about these etiquette issues, especially after being tainted by Li Yalin’s, Little Feng’er is even more so. Now Little Feng’er is like a child who has not grown up. She always likes to be bored on Li Yalin’s side. As for other things, she would not consider that many.

“I know this too, but every time I see His Royal Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix, I always can’t control myself.” Christo also understands Li Yalin’s idea, but the habit cannot be changed in a day or two. Yes, it can only take time to slowly run in.

But Christo’s words made Christina on the side full of questions. What is going on? Is this little girl in front of me the legendary Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Guardian Divine Beast Heavenly Fire Phoenix? Otherwise, my aunt would not make such a move, but if this little girl is Heavenly Fire Phoenix, who is the youngster who is stroking Heavenly Fire Phoenix in front of me? Thinking of Li Yalin’s terrifying power, isn’t he just a god who sees the world?

Just as Christina was struggling and confused, HeadMaster Christo had told Li Yalin about what happened recently in Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s. It turned out that the recent border between Phoenix Dance Kingdom and Land of Beastmen often caused some Friction, the relationship between Beastmen Race and Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s was pretty good, but now, for some reason, Beastmen Race has become irritable, and the originally calm boundary between the two sides will often become very serious due to some small frictions. The situation, if it is not controlled by the king of both sides, the situation will develop more serious.

As for why the Beastmen Race has become like this, Christo has only recently received some news. It turns out that a rumor has spread in the Beastmen Race that Phoenix Dance Kingdom wants to leave the Heavenly Fire Phoenix. Embrace and turn to other gods, which makes ordinary Beastmen Race unacceptable. Although the upper level knows that this is just a rumor, gossip is a fearful thing. The power of gossip is quite huge, even the king of Beastmen Race. They strongly banned it, but ordinary Beast Race civilians still didn’t care.

However, Heavenly Fire Phoenix has not come to Phoenix Dance Kingdom for tens of thousands of years. This is indeed a fact. As a result, under the dissemination of interested people, the civilians of Beast Race began to resist Phoenix Dance Kingdom. Therefore, friction often occurs at the border between the two sides, and the main creators of friction are the Mercenaries of the Beast Race.

As for Christina’s matter, it is actually related to this matter. Although the two sides have frictions, there is no impact on the establishment of high-level diplomatic relations between the two sides. Therefore, the Mercenary Group of Beastmen Race does not She was banned from entering the Phoenix Dance Capital, and Christina quarreled with a Mercenary Group of Beast Race because of some trivial matter. The original reason for her ability was not great, but because the other party was too arrogant, her little mouth changed. It became a gang fight. Fortunately, the soldiers who guarded the capital arrived in time, which did not cause more serious consequences, but Christina was directly punished to guard the gate of the Academy.

“so that’s how it is, if you press according to what you said, someone definitely wants to provoke the conflict between the Phoenix Dance King and the Land of Beastmen, if things get serious In the future, it will not be an impossible thing to cause war. The current series of developments are laying the roots of future greater conflicts!” After listening to Christo’s narration, Li Yalin began to analyze frowns.

“It is true, and this is exactly what I don’t want to see. This kind of thing happened frequently before the Academy Martial Great Competition, and now it makes me feel that various events have It’s getting worse!” HeadMaster Christo nodded said in agreement.

“Especially this silly girl. It was obvious that the other party dug a hole to make her jump in, but she still jumped without the slightest hesitation. This is what caused me the most headache!” Having said this, HeadMaster Christo also looked at Christina with a sigh.

“What’s wrong with me? If it weren’t for those guys who bullied the little girl, how could I do it?” Originally, Christina was still in confusion, but seeing everyone’s eyes turned to herself , Christina quickly defended.

Speaking of Christina, she is a girl with a bigger personality, but a very kind heart. She is the guy who is the least likely to bully. If she is given another chance to choose, she will still Beat the opponent again without the slightest hesitation.

“That’s right, I’m not here, if I’m there, I’ll help you beat them together!” Li Yalin, who has already understood what happened in the mouth of HeadMaster Christo, now agrees. Dao, relying on his own strength to bully the weak, this is what Li Yalin hates to see. If the other party does too much, then Li Yalin will not just be able to beat the other party! Therefore, Li Yalin really appreciates this Christina.

“Look at Auntie, even Schoolmate Yalin supports me!” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, Christina immediately moved towards Christo with a smug expression, and she didn’t even call Headmaster , I am excited to call Aunt Christo directly.

“Call me Headmaster!” Christo pressed his temple helplessly. Although he knew that Christina was not wrong, from the perspective of national interests, Christo would not agree with this kind of thing. of.

“Okay, HeadMaster Christo, let’s expose this matter for the time being. Whether it’s correct or not, it’s all over. Now if the Big Family Head should consider how to deal with the provocation from Beastmen Race , But to be honest, this matter is very strange, there are obviously black hands behind the scenes, but whether this secret mastermind comes from a Beast Race or a Human Race country, or other races, all of this needs to be further improved. Investigate.” At this time, Li Yalin waved his hand. This is just a small matter. The first thing to do now is to investigate clearly what Beastmen Race’s attitude towards Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s is.

“In fact, Beastmen Race is very simple. Just prove to them that our Phoenix Dance Kingdom still believes in His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix, and the glory of His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​still shining on Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s land. It’s okay, and not only the Beastmen Race, but now even the civilians and little nobles in the country have been agitated and started to be dissatisfied with the Royal Family of the Phoenix Dance, so we are so eager to welcome the return of His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix !” Li Yalin’s words are very correct, but Christo’s expression is slightly sad. It is important to investigate the secret mastermind, but now the most important thing is to stabilize the people’s hearts.

“Then you mean, let Little Feng’er come forward to show that Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​still there, so that the enemy’s conspiracy will not be broken, and Beastmen Race will not continue to be hostile to Phoenix Dance Kingdom , Even some small domestic forces that are beginning to stir have to stop their conspiracy?” Li Yalin said thoughtfully.

“Indeed, that’s what we thought at the beginning.” HeadMaster Christo nodded, this is the best solution.

“In this case, I won’t say much, just follow your ideas, let us know when you are ready, I will let Little Feng’er appear, and not only Little Feng ‘er, I will send my little Huang’er out to help. I believe that when the time comes, the appearance of the two Fire Phoenix will surely shock a lot of people, right?” Li Yalin was right to think about it, since Christo has said so , Then it is enough to help yourself, but it is cheaper for those who are younger.

“Two Fire Phoenix?” Christina on the side was attracted by Li Yalin’s topic. It was surprising enough to see the legendary Guardian Divine Beast Heavenly Fire Phoenix in the country. Now Why did a Fire Phoenix appear again?

“Yes, this girl is also a Fire Phoenix, except that it is different from Little Feng’er’s Heavenly Fire Phoenix. Xiao Huang’er is a golden wing Heavenly Phoenix and has two Phoenix guards. I believe even Beast Race has nothing to say, right?” Li Yalin smiled and called Xiao Huang’er to his side. Two girls stood next to Li Yalin’s. I believe no one can have this kind of capital yet. ?

Anyway, HeadMaster Christo and Christina can be regarded as big startled, but after being surprised, surprises are inevitable. With the help of Li Yalin’s, the difficulty of Phoenix Dance Kingdom is over.

After discussing in detail with HeadMaster Christo about the appearance of the two Fire Phoenix, Li Yalin is ready to leave. After all, I will go to see Tira in a while. This is also Li Yalin’s visit to Phoenix Dance this time. One of Kingdom’s main purposes, so even if HeadMaster Christo kept staying again and again, Li Yalin did not stay in the Phoenix Dance Academy. You must know that so far, there is really no man who can stay in the Phoenix Dance Academy overnight. It can be done by Headmaster. Invited, Li Yalin is the first person since the school was founded, right?

After HeadMaster Christo’s repeated attempts to stay to no avail, she no longer insisted, but she still assigned Christina to Li Yalin and asked her to take Li Yalin entire group to find Tira and stay in Li Yalin. While staying in the Capital of Phoenix Dance, I served as Li Yalin and the others (to be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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