“Schoolmate Yalin, I have something to ask you. I heard that you are only eighteen years old? You have such a strong ability at a young age. I am curious, how do you practice? What?” On the way to the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce’s, Christina has always been very curious looking at Li Yalin. Christina is not like HeadMaster Christo. She has that many respect for Little Feng’er. After all, it’s a youngster, you know, Christina is just twenty-three years old.

“It’s just luck. Besides, Christina, you are also very strong. You have become the powerhouse of Fifth Rank at a young age. I believe you must have suffered too much, right?” Li Yalin felt sorry. Touching his nose, the method of my practice is just a trick. I can’t explain things like upgrading exercises for a while, so Li Yalin can only use the topic-changing method.

“In fact, I was forced to exercise by my aunt. My parents have passed away since I was a child. I only have my aunt as a relative. Therefore, she is my aunt and my mother. , Until now, we are both dependent on each other. Because of me, my aunt is not even married now…” I don’t know why, facing this young boy who has never seen his true appearance, Christina will The words in my heart poured out, which made Christina herself very surprised, even when it came to the end, even Christina herself was a little choked.

“Don’t be sad, this…” Li Yalin is the least good at dealing with girls at this time, so he is not knowing what to do in a hurry, and at this time, Saeko comes forward When I got to Christina’s side, he was comforted in a low voice. With the help of Saeko’s, Li Yalin breathed a sigh of relief.

“How? I stabbed the hornet’s nest, right?” At this time Teresa looked at Li Yalin jokingly, which made Li Yalin couldn’t help rolling the eyes. It didn’t matter if he didn’t help, he was still next to him. The cold words were closed, but from Teresa’s words, Li Yalin actually heard a hint of jealousy.

“I said Sister Di, you won’t be jealous anymore, are you?” Unprecedented, Li Yalin leaned over Teresa’s ear and said something slightly teasing. Let Teresa startled. After all, Li Yalin had never said this to himself before. Could it be possible that this big piece of wood has been opened up?

“I’m just jealous, what do you think? Or are you going to compensate me?” Facing Li Yalin, Teresa not only did not blush, but moved towards Li Yalin a step closer, Sakura The lips almost touched Li Yalin’s lips. Li Yalin could even feel the scent that Teresa breathed on his face when he was breathing. This time it was Li Yalin’s turn to be molested.

“Oh? Sister Nadi, how are you going to make me compensate you?” At this moment, Li Yalin was heartbroken, and did not shrink back. Instead, he straightened his body with a slight smile on his face. , Teresa’s heart Li Yalin knew very well that he really couldn’t hold back anymore, and it was time to respond to everyone’s wishes. So now, let’s start with Teresa.

“I don’t know.” Facing Li Yalin’s strength, Teresa unexpectedly chose to back down. If Teresa was still teasing Li Yalin’s idea just now, then she is really tempted now , Very rare, Teresa’s face turned out to have a hint of redness, and his figure stepped back several steps at the same time.

“Since this is the case, then use me to compensate you, okay?” At this time, Li Yalin took advantage of the victory, and quickly stepped forward and hugged Teresa’s slender waist, embracing Teresa into his own. In the arms.

“Then…should you also look at the time and place?” When the two were warm and warm, Saber suddenly appeared on Teresa and Li Yalin’s side, although his faces There was not the slightest expression, but the strong jealousy could not be stopped by anything. Because of Saber’s appearance, Teresa’s spirit quickly woke up, and quickly jumped out of Li Yalin’s arms.

“I said Toria, you are really jealous.” Before Teresa and Li Yalin could say anything, Saeko, who had already persuaded Christina, came to Saber’s face. With a mysterious smile.

“It smells like vinegar, it’s something that simply doesn’t have. I’m just reminding Yalin that it’s very incorrect to do this kind of thing in a public situation!” Saber’s face was flushed. , Even she stuttered a bit, but she still repeatedly denied that Saber like this is really cute.

“Oh? Is this really the case?” At this time, Teresa also sorted out his emotions, first moved towards Li Yalin and flew a wink, then smiled and asked Saber, you must know Saber The shy appearance is really very rare. Seeing her, the cute appearance makes people want to tease her.

“Okay, well, there are really many people watching us now. This is all low-key. Didn’t you find yourself a bit too compelling?” See Saber. With an embarrassing expression, Li Yalin hurriedly changed the subject, and if he continued to say this, he might have to blacken the embarrassed Saber.

After hearing Li Yalin’s words, everyone found that there are indeed many people watching themselves and the others on main street, so everyone did not continue this topic, but accelerated their pace, moved Go towards the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce in Tira.

With Christina’s lead, Li Yalin entire group soon came to the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce. After entering the Chamber of Commerce headquarters and explaining their intentions, the guy in the last time hurried out to inform Tira Go, as long as Tira left Divine Forbidden Land, she had already said that she would have been waiting for Li Yalin in the Phoenix Dance King. As long as she came to the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce and mentioned her name, Tira would be able to come immediately. In front of Li Yalin’s.

Sure enough, Tira hadn’t even arrived at all, so Tira rushed to Li Yalin’s, and after seeing Li Yalin, Tira unexpectedly hugged Li Yalin directly. This It makes Li Yalin quite embarrassed. If only two of them are alone, that’s all. Now Saber and the others are watching behind them. There are still a lot of guys in the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce, and Tira is not afraid of his own. Is prestige affected?

“Finally here, you finally came to see me.” Throwing into Li Yalin’s arms, Tira murmured in her mouth, which made Christina’s eyes straight up, Tira’s identity She didn’t know, but she didn’t expect that Tira would have such a close relationship with Li Yalin. Although Li Yalin’s side is surrounded by beauty, it’s also very popular gossip among the major academies above the continent. , But Christina never expected that the Tira Princess, who once regarded men as nothing, would be like a little girl of first awakening of love, hugging Li Yalin directly.

“Okay, Tira, didn’t I come to see you as agreed, don’t be too excited.” Seeing how Tira looked like this, Li Yalin didn’t know Tira’s thoughts yet, so Li Yalin didn’t Instead of pushing Tira away, he stroked Tira’s hair lightly, and the words were full of tenderness.

“I have decided that, in addition to my own collection, I will return the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce to my mother. This is a reward for her graciousness of raising, and then I will leave with you. , No matter where you go, I will be with you!” After throwing himself in Li Yalin’s arms for a while, Tira dragged Li Yalin entire group to her room, and the first sentence she spoke was Let Li Yalin startled.

“What? Are you going to give up the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce? This is your hard work, is it worth it?” Li Yalin asked in surprise.

“It’s worth it, it’s worth it. In fact, there is one sentence I haven’t told you. Since the first time I saw you, I have had an inexplicable affection for you, and as we The number of meetings is constantly increasing, and this kind of goodwill is slowly deteriorating, eventually turning into likes and turns into love. Although you may feel very outrageous after listening to it, this is really what I am saying!” Tira He shook his head again and again, and said every word of his feelings.

“You silly girl.” Li Yalin loves and embraces Tira in his arms. Li Yalin, who has already controlled his destiny, has clearly discovered the line of fate between himself and Tira. They are already connected together, which means that they cannot be separated from Tira. Since this is the case, Li Yalin will naturally not resist this fate that makes him happy.

“Elder Sister Tira, you are really brave, I guess this is the first time Yalin heard such sensational words? I really envy you.” At this time, Saeko stepped forward and held Tira’s Arm, said with great admiration, being able to confess to Li Yalin in front of so many people, Tira is also considered the first among all the women.

“In fact, I wanted to say these words a long time ago, but I didn’t have a chance for one, and the words of Her Highness the Ice and Snow Goddess last time also made me want to understand. I must follow Yalin’s !” Tira’s face was already blushing. The confession just now made her courage all over. If you think about it now, if it wasn’t for Adria’s words, maybe Tira simply didn’t have the courage to say these things to Li Yalin.

“Adria? So what did Adria tell you? Since you have decided to be with me, don’t you need to hide it from me?” Because Adria? Is it the one before entering Divine Forbidden Land? What did Adria say at that time?

“Her Highness the Goddess didn’t mean, Yalin, you are in great trouble, so you need a lot of help and assistance, and you will leave Heavenly Wind Continent in the near future? Since it is In this case, I hope that I can also be your helper. No matter what the difficulties are, I hope I can face it with you!” Tira replied very firmly, but after hearing this, Li Yalin It showed an expression that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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